Your Top 3 favorite Summerslams


Championship Contender
So as the 25th Anniversary of Summerslam is approaching which are your Top 3 Favorite Summerslams ?

My favorite Summerslams are :

3 . Summerslam 1998: The Highlight from this Summerslam for me was The Ladder match between The Rock and Triple-H for the Intercontinental Championship. One of the best Ladder matches (not a spotfest) in which Triple-H won.

The main event was Steve Austin vs Undertaker which was a good match itself.

2. Summerslam 2002 : Shawn Michaels vs Triple- H fought in an "Unsanctioned Street Fight". This was Shawn Michaels' first WWE match since WrestleMania XIV which he won. Pretty awesome match.

The Highlight for this Summerslam was the main-event Brock Lesnar vs The Rock for the Undisputed WWE Championship. Great match. Brock Lesnar won and became the Youngest WWE Champion in history.

1. Summerslam 2003 : Best Summerslam in my opinion. Kane and RVD fought in a No Holds Barred match which was decent.

Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar had an awesome match which Kurt Angle won via Submission.

The main event from the Raw brand was the Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship, where Triple H defended the title against Chris Jericho, Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Randy Orton, and Shawn Michaels. Best Elimination Chamber match in my opinion though the first one at Survivor Series 2002 was pretty good too. Goldberg speared Chris Jericho through the pod. Triple-H retained the World Title.
1989 - I was there, so I am biased. But a great time!

1992 - Great card!

1995 - I didn't feel like going through all of the Summerslams, so I am going strictly on memory--and this is for the ladder match alone. Way better than the one at WMX.
1. 2000- TLC I E&C Vs. The Hardy's Vs. The Dudleyz, Undertaker Vs. Kane in a brawl, Benoit Vs. Jericho 2 out of 3 falls, And a triple threat match for the WWF title The Rock Vs. HHH Vs. Angle.

Solid card from top to bottom. One of my all time favorite ppv's.

2. 1998- Entertaining ladder match HHH Vs. The Rock, The New Age Outlaws Vs. Mankind, & Undertaker Vs. Steve Austin.

Another great ppv but to me falls a little short compared to the 2000 SS.

3. 1997- IMO one of the most underrated Summerslams. Mankind Vs. HHH in a steel cage, Owen Hart Vs. Steve Austin, & The Undertaker defending his title against Bret Hart with Shawn Michaels as the guest referee.
1. SS '92- Classic Bret vs Bulldog IC title match. Macho vs Warrior for the WWF title. Legion Of Doom won the WWF tag belts.

2. SS '98- Ladder match between Rock and HHH is a classic. Good Main Event with Stone Cold and 'Taker. I also love the Lion Den's match with Owen and Shamrock, underrated match.

3. SS '96- Shawn vs Vader was a great match. Mankind vs Undertaker, Boiler room match where Paul Bearer turned his back on the Deadman. I also really liked the Sid vs Bulldog match. I also loved when Lawler was badmouthing Jake, poured Jim Bean down his throat.
My three are nostalgia based. To me I never had more fun watching wrestling in the age of Hasbro WWF figures and going to see shows with my dad, and these three events come to mind whenever I reflect on those days.

1989 - Loved the card from top to bottom. I remember after WM 5 there was nothing I wanted to see more than Warrior winning back the IC title from Rick Rude.

1990- Hart Foundation vs Demolition 2/3 falls, Texas Tornado stepping in for Beefcake and upsetting Mr Perfect for the IC title. It was just a fun card.

1991- Mr Perfect vs Bret Hart. Enough said.
1991-My all-time Favorite Summerslam with Hogan/Warrior vs Triangle Of Terror,Bret Hart/Mr Perfect,LOD/Nasty Boys,Virgil/Dibiase,Savage/Liz Wedding.

1997-Taker/Bret with HBK as the Referee,Owen/Austin,Mankind/HHH,Bulldog/Shamrock,Goldust/Pillman.

2007-Cena/Orton,both HHH & Rey Mysterio make their Returns,Punk/Morrison,Austin makes a surprise appearence,Umaga/Carlito/Kennedy.

Honorable mentions-1992,1994,1996,1998,2000,2002,2011
I have to start by saying it has made me laugh every time the WWE had had a "25th anniversary" event. can't anyone do math? Back to the topic at hand.

For me, the WWF took a big step down after Wrestlemania VI. So for any of these topics I will always go with a 1980's event over any other.

I personally loved the feud between Hulk Hogan and Zeus. Back when i was a little Jimmy, I wanted to see Summerslam 89 so bad because the WWF did a great job making me believe that Hulk Hogan could not hurt Zeus, so he certainly was not going to beat him. Like I said, I didn't know any better at the time.

I really enjoyed Summerslam '88 as well. The mega powers/mega bucks feud will always be a great memory for me. My earliest WWF memory was Ted Dibiase and Andre attacking Randy Savage. Since this was my first real taste, it didn't occur to me that Hulk Hogan would be his tag Partner since Wrestlemania IV was before my time.
I remember guiys campaigning to be Savage's partner. That's great stuff.

For 3rd place, I'm going to go with summerslam '92. The intrigue of who Mr. Perfect was going to manage was great. Again, I was young and should have seen it coming that he was swerving both guys, but it was great at the time. And of course there was the classic IC title match. I don't need to go into that. We all know it was great.
I also like 1988 alot,very 1st Summerslam. Mega Powers vs Mega Bucks with Jesse The Body Ventura as the Referee in the Main Event. Ultimate Warrior sqaushing Honkey Tonk to win the IC Title and the 1st meeting between The Harts & Demolition for the Tag Titles.

Also 1990 I forgot to mention with the Doube Main Event,Hogan/Earthquake and Warrior/Rude in a Cage for the WWF Title. Plus The Hart Foundation becoming Tag Team Champions again in the Classic 2/3 Falls Match and Texas Tornado upsetting Mr Perfect for the IC Title.
1 - 2002 - HBK's first match in 4 years vs Triple H with an ending that was shocking. Brock becoming what he was destined to be at the time in a classic with The Rock. RVD vs Benoit, Edge vs Eddie, Flair vs Y2J were also good matches too.

2 - 1998 - Underratted Ladder Match between Triple H and The Rock and a good main event with Taker vs Austin were stand-out matches on a pretty good card at the time.

3 - 2006 - The I Quit match between Flair and Foley was one of my favourite matches of all time, DX vs The McMahons and their resources was also great and the main event was shocking with Cena losing the way he did in his hometown and JR's emphatic "Son Of A B****" after Edge retained the title.

Other good shouts to 1992, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2011 which were all close to the third place.
2006 is pretty underrated which had Edge/Cena (JR even says Jesus Christ when Edge hit Cena in the back of the head with the brassknucks). DX vs The Mcmahons,the Blood Bath I Quit Match between Foley & Flair,Rey/Chavo,Big Show/Sabu in Extreme Rules,and Hogan/Orton. Only DUD was Batista/Booker T,I didn't hate it but I liked their Survivor Series Match a little more.
Summerslam is my favorite PPV of the year. This is a hard topic for me.....only 3? :)

1)1992: This is a given. Favorite PPV ever. Bret/Bulldog is the greatest match in the history of pro wrestling. Warrior/Savage was built perfectly, I am one of the few who prefer this match to WMVII. Michaels/Martel was unique. I really liked LOD/Money Inc. Taker/Kamala was enjoyable. I even liked the tag title match.

2)1997: The summer of 97 may have been my favorite time ever watching wrestling. Loved the USA/Canada stuff.

3)1988: Mega Powers/Mega Bucks was one of the best angles ever. Although it couldnt touch their 1990 bout I really enjoyed Harts/Demolition. Warrior squash was awesome when I first saw it.

I absolutley hate leaving off 1998 and 1990. Great ppvs. 88-92 was the best stretch of any ppvs, Ill put it up against any 5 consecutive WMs.
1. 2002 - Outstanding show. Great opener between Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio. Solid mid card feuds like Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit vs. Rob Van Dam. Booker T & Goldust vs. Lance Storm & Christian was a good tag title match. Fresh main event with new superstar Brock Lesnar upsetting the Rock for the undisputed title. Oh yeah, and the return of the Showstopper. HBK hadn’t missed a beat as he put on one of the all time great matches against Triple H. That was a perfect match and one of my all time favorites.

2. 1997 - I felt this was kind of a turning point for the WWF. Things were getting interesting after WM13 but didn’t really fall into place until SummerSlam. Mankind vs. Triple H was a fantastic opener. Owen Hart and Steve Austin were having a classic until the botched piledriver. I would have loved to see that match play out with the planned climax and finish. Bret Hart vs. Undertaker was one of the better SummerSlam main events.

3. 1991 - It was a night for the good guys. The baby faces came out on top in every important match and the crowd loved it. Everyone knew it was just a matter of time until LOD got the tag titles and it finally happened at SummerSlam. After a nice false finish Virgil overcame the odds to upset Ted Dibiase for the million dollar belt. The jailhouse match might seem like a silly concept but it was a fun match and I believe a little ahead of its time. Bret Hart launched his singles career by winning his first IC title against Mr. Perfect in a classic. I didn’t care much for the main event but the top two faces teaming up was still a unique thing to see at the time.

1. Summerslam 2003 : Best Summerslam in my opinion. Kane and RVD fought in a No Holds Barred match which was decent.

Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar had an awesome match which Kurt Angle won via Submission.

The main event from the Raw brand was the Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship, where Triple H defended the title against Chris Jericho, Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Randy Orton, and Shawn Michaels. Best Elimination Chamber match in my opinion though the first one at Survivor Series 2002 was pretty good too. Goldberg speared Chris Jericho through the pod. Triple-H retained the World Title.

Interesting to see such different opinions. I thought 2003 was one of the worst. To each his own.
Oh man... this is tough as Summerslam had been a great event for a while now... If forced to choose which I am here, I will go with in no particular order, Summerslam 92 because of Bret and Davey and just the awesome atmosphere Wembley provided, Summerslam 88 because of the Mega Powers vs the Mega Bucks and finally.... Damn... This is where it gets hard, those two were easy choices because they had to be there, but having to leave one out now is difficult. Going to have to go with 89 and a special runner's up to 90. 89 just because I think that is one of the first whole pay per views I remember seeing though 90 had a great cage match and an even better tag match with the Harts, plus Kerry Von Erich was on there and I was a huge fan of his short WWF run.
My Top 3 Summer Slams are as follows:

1. 1992- It was an overall great event. The biggest crowd ever for a summer slam, I believe, in the original Wembly Stadium. Warrior vs. Macho Man for the WWF title, wondering which corner Mr. Perfect would be in and who sold out. It was an awesome match, with a great angle. Who can forget the look on Kamala`s face when the Undertaker sat up after 3 splashes. The main event of Bret and Davey boy was amazing. Seeing The Bulldog get the title in his own backyard was historic. One of the greatest matches ever. Overall a great Summer Slam.IMO

2. 2002- This Summer Slam was one of the best cards ever put together. An Epic encounter between the Rock and Brock for the WWEC. a sort of passing of the torch match. It had the H.B.K.`s return to the ring to face his former best friend Triple H. in an unsanctioned match which stole the show.IMO. Top to bottom great event.

3. 2000- This Summer Slam had a great card and lived up to it`s build. The first T.L.C. match between the Dudleys, Hardys, and Edge and Christian was classic. The Triple Threat WWFC. match between The Rock, Angle and the Game was very memorable as well. overall, a great PPV.
Summerslam 89, it was the first event I had seen live on ppv. Loved the whole Hogan Zeus feud, and I honestly didn't think Hogan could overcome Zeus when I was a kid.
Summerslam 92, the main event of Bulldog and Bret is enough to make this Summerslam one of my favorites.
Summerslam 2002, the return of HBK in a great street fight with HHH, and Brock taking the belt from the Rock. I took all three of these from memory, but I think I got my top 3 pretty right on.
Summerslam 2002: HHH vs Shawn Michaels was a classic, Angle vs Mysterio was a great match and Brock vs Rock was entertaining seeing the torch passed from the old to the new. Apart from that, I would say 1991 for the fantastic Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect match for the IC title, the street fight between The Road Warriors vs The Nasty Boys and the constant video clips of The Mountie in prison was hilarious!

Oops, just realised this was a top 3! In that case then I'll add 1992 to the list as I was there and I popped like a mofo when Bulldong won the IC Title - awesome!
1997 - Started off with a great opener in Mankind vs. HHH, loved the ending to the match with Mankind doing the elbow off the top of the cage to HHH followed up by the return of Dude Love after the match was over. And it ended with a great main event with another awesome ending with the accidental chair shot to Taker, setting up for HBK's heel turn. The show was all about the Hart Foundation vs. the WWF in singles matches and I loved every bit of it including the filler matches and Ahmed Johnson as heel in the Boricuas-DOA match, he was fun to watch as heel even if it lasted like only a week.

1998 - The main event was epic due to WWE's promotion of it for weeks on RAW & the storyline between Kane & Undertaker leading into the PPV and in my opinion, the match didn't disappoint even though I've seen others say it did. The Rock & HHH had a great Ladder match and it was funny to see the crowd root for The Rock over HHH, even I was rooting for the Rock. The rest of the card apart from the Oddities-Kaientai match was decent.

I'm stuck between 2002 & 2003 for a third pick. 2002 had a solid lineup and the PPV certainly lived up to the hype. On the other hand, 2003 had some good moments for me like Coach's heel turn, Kane's hilarious botch, the WWE/World Title matches and St. Anger as the PPV's theme.
Outstanding show. Great opener between Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio. Solid mid card feuds like Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit vs. Rob Van Dam. Booker T & Goldust vs. Lance Storm & Christian was a good tag title match. Fresh main event with new superstar Brock Lesnar upsetting the Rock for the undisputed title. Oh yeah, and the return of the Showstopper. HBK hadn’t missed a beat as he put on one of the all time great matches against Triple H. That was a perfect match and one of my all time favorites.

I dont know how I forgot this one. Maybe because Im not a big fan of this time frame. Top to bottom this card delivered in the ring. I think Ill rewatch this one next time I throw in a wrestling dvd. Id rank it top 5-6 summerslams ever.
I think both 2002 & 2003 were EPIC!! Tied for my all-time favorite!

Also The Boiler Room Brawl and Bret & Bulldog in England are instant calssics!!

Summerslam 2009: GREAT IC title match to start things off, Solid WWE title match with a suprise ending, DX returns tom destroy legacy(second greatest entrance EVER IMO!), & an AMAZING TLC match w/Undertaker returning at the end!

Also I thought this past SS was pretty good.

Summerslam 2011: Great match from Barrett/Bryan, creative ending to Henry/Sheamus, FANTASTIC match from Christian/Orton, and Punk winning the Undisputed WWE title with a swerve at the end!
3. 1989 - Hogan/Beefcake vs Savage/Zeus was built up great! but also had a good undercard with the Rude vs Warrior and Piper's unexpected interference. also Brain busters vs the Hart Foundation.

2. 2001 - this ppv opened with lance storm vs edge for the IC title. Had Tajiri vs Xpac to unify the Cruiser and Lightweight titles. Rhyno vs Jericho while both were VERY HOT in this storyline. A hardcore title match between Jeff Hardy and RVD. Taker & Kane vs DDP & Kanyon for the tag titles in a steel cage. Austin vs Angle for the WWE title in what is in my opinion the match of the night and fued of that summer. and then the return of the Rock vs Booker T for the WCW title. excellent ppv.

1. 2002 - This to me may be one of the best wrestling cards of all time and an excellent show from top to bottom.

Show opens with Kurt Freakin' Angle vs Rey Mysterio. Follows with Ric Flair vs Chris Jericho. Followed by Eddie Guerrero vs Edge. Followed by the Un-Americans vs Goldust/Booker for the Tag Titles which at the time was basically USA vs the foreigners and was a hot fued heading into this ppv.

Then we had an IC title match between RVD and Benoit which was a contrast of styles that somehow managed to work. We had another foreigner vs USA in Test vs Taker which was a decent contest.

We followed that with the triumphant return after 4 years of HBK vs HHH. There was a sleeper match of Fink vs Lillian and Trish. Then the main event of Brock vs Rock. Man what a PPV
Summerslam 2001, Summerslam 202 and Summerslam 2005. Fresh decent matches, big matches stacked throughout the whole card.

Summerslam 2001: I enjoyed Edge/Storm, RVD/Jeff (Ladder), X-Pac/Tajiri, Jericho/Rhyno and Angle/Austin. The Rock vs Booker T was a special match in its own sense.

Summerslam 2002: I enjoyed Angle/Mysterio, Edge/Eddie, Flair/Jericho, RVD/Benoit, HHH/HBK and Rock /Lesnar which is pretty much all of the card. HHH/HBK was a dream match.

Summerslam 2005: I enjoyed the big dream match between HBK/Hogan, Rey/Eddie ladder match, Orton/Taker, Cena/Jericho. Edge/Matt had a big hype going on for their real life rivalry. I didn't like Angle going against Eugene and JBL/Batista was just ok. But still 5 main events on a single PPV make up for a big card.

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