Best Backstage Interview/Segment ever!!


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Okay, quite simple...anyone you remember as the funniest or simply the best...You can either posta video or just tell us which you have enjoyed the most!!

Mine would have to be this... It was Austin before Royal Rumble 2002..aimed at Triple H...

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Absolutly Amazing..the full 5 minutes of it...just 1st class from Austin!!

What would have to be your favourite??
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This has to be one of the most funniest backstage interviews ever!!!
Rock at his finest, I think he was on drugs or sumtin becuz he was crazy in this interview, ahhh! gotta miss the Rock.

Noone will the same AGAIN.- Chris Jericho's words.
There are so many great ones but i'll give you ones off the top,
Chris Beniot, Brian Pillman, and Double A when Benoit joins the Horseman. The Austin/Pillman backstage fight. Monty Brown at Hard Justice 2006, I guess during this interview there was a fire in the Impact Zone and he was making all of it up. And i love any interview that the Rock did, the peoples strudel one w/Lilian is hillarious and the one where he and Coach talk about the animal incident is priceless. Anything with Elijah Burke/Black Pope is great as well.
Definitely the Austin one that OP posted. That one is classic, and I often show it to people who are skeptical to the WWE product to show the quality humor it produces sometimes.

Rock and Austin always had great promos. I love the ones with Kurt Angle too, especially the one where he tries to get the crowd to stop yelling "WHAT?!" after everything he says.

Also the DX one where they overdub McMahon and some other dudes was pretty great.
"whisker biscuit bald headed bitch" HAHAHAA and they chant the heel's name LOL- he definitely was on something at BackLash 03


What more can I say..I'm a proud Rock fan. Say what you want but he had great chemistry with Coach, Lillian, etc

I'm looking for his HIAC promo where he makes fun of all his opponents..probably his greatest interview ever
lol and use to love Austin shouting "what!". I love how the crowd still chants it today.
I nominate each and every single promo the Ultimate Warrior ever did during his WWF run. When people use the words "batshit crazy" his interviews immediately pop into my head. As a kid, I couldn't appreciate them for the comedic gold they looking back and re-hearing some of the outright ridiculous things he said makes me laugh out loud.
well im not that old to hav seen da rock's promos or any other golden ppl in da mic

but the best ive seen is in TNA. Mr. Anderson's - a.k.a. Kennedy - interview b4 his match against jeff! it was just gold! his promo was just completely awesome and calling himself an a-hole then how da crowd went "we are a**holes!" its just a must see!
One of my all time favorites was definitely in '03 a few weeks before Wrestlemania 19 when the rock did his concert in Sacramento. That had to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen (especially when he started ripping into the Kings, fuck was that funny), this is the rock at his absolute best IMO, just making fun on Stone Cold and Sacramento, then getting the Hurricane arrested for "shoving chicken mcnuggets up his ass", classic.

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