best and worst finishers


Dark Match Winner
im curious to see who thinks who has the best and worst finisher, in my opinion the worst would be between suicide and mvp. hell even debiasi's half ass finisher is better but thats my opinion. the best would be well i dont know but how bout it what do yall think?
John Cena's FU/Attitude Adjustment

Its just a different verison of a firemans carry and looks very weak and unbeliveable

I also dont like Edge's spear it also looks weak he should use his Edgecution instead
My least favourite finisher at the moment is MVP's Playmaker. I remember seeing i the for the first time when Elix Skipper was using it in WCW and I could never figure out what the bloody point of it was. The bump is taken very low, there is a very weak neckbreaker mechanic to the move and the only detriment I see to the wrestler taking the move is that he gets a little bit dizzy...I would feel embarrassed taking that move and selling it like I was unconscious.

The best finisher, IMO, is Kurt Angle's ankle lock. There are multiple reasons why I think this is true:

1) The move is over. Whether he is a heel or a face, whenever Kurt applies the hold, the crowd reacts either with genuine enthusiasm in the hope that his opponent taps out or with genuine dismay in the hopes that the opponent can escape.

2) It is a valid shoot hold. Having trained in a little jiu-jitsu and submission wrestling, I know that if you lock up someone's ankle in this fashion, the pain can be excruciating.

3) He can apply it on anyone. Big, small, thin, fat, Angle has locked this hold onto every wrestler he has faced in the ring.

4) It is a versatile hold. When Kurt first started using it, I was unimpressed as it just seemed to me that he was copying Ken Shamrock. But soon Kurt started using the hold as a reversal, applying it at the end of combinations. The creativity with which Kurt can apply the hold is nearly unparalleled with any other finisher in wrestling. I think Only Diamond Dallas Page came up with as many ways to apply his Diamond Cutter finish.

The reason that I rate the Ankle Lock against other such finishes like the Stone Cold Stunner, the RKO, the Diamond Cutter, etc. is because it is more difficult to defend then just merely shoving your opponent forward, especially if Kurt grapevines the opponent's leg in place with his own. This usually signals a sure win for the Olympic Hero and he has won multiple world titles all over the world in this fashion. So, I submit, the ankle lock is the most effective and over finish in wrestling.

every female wrestler’s initial finishing maneuver and a staple of their repertoire. Honestly, there isn’t much more to say other than this move simply sucks.

Spinning Toe Hold
Made famous by Terry Funk. He just keeps on spinning his legs around his opponents one leg over and over to try and win by submission. Lame.

Heart Punch

Any one of them except legendary wrestler Ox Baker's, Who made this move famous and did one hell of a job with it, getting blamed for the deaths of two colleagues during his career. Thanks to one ma(Crush). Rest his soul, but Crush delivered easily the worst heart punch in the history of wrestling to Jake “The Snake” Roberts that Good Ol’ J.R. sold like it was a priceless antique.


Burning Hammer
The Burning Hammer might not be a move you are familiar with because it's mainly used in Japan. The most famous wrestler with the Burning Hammer is probably Kenta Kobashi. It's a version of the Death valley driver, Except reversed, And they victim is dropped on their head.

These days everybody does a DDT or a variation of a DDT as a regular move. It's unfortunate because once upon a time Jake Roberts' DDT was one of the most feared moves in wrestling and now everyone else has watered it down. Raven also has a great DDT. Everybody else? Shit.

Tombstone PileDriver

Quite literly the most brutal finisher ever, Being dropped on your head like that would 9/10 break your neck.
I'm not sure I can narrow the worst finishers down to one. There are a lot of finishers that I deem pathetic considering the way it used to be.

CM Punk - The Go To Sleep is too inconsistent. One time it looks fantastic, like when he bloodied Mysterio's nose last week and the next time it looks ill conceived.

Edge - The Spear is just not believeable based on the size and muscle mass of Edge. Are we supposed to believe that Edge can deliver the same amount of power and force as a guy like Rhino or Batista ??

The Big Show - The Knockout Punch has just been overused. It was at least understandable when he was fighting Floyd Mayweather at Mania 24, but give it up already. You're 7' tall, 500 pounds... fucking destroy somebody with something other than a punch.

Umaga - The Samoan Spike is original be WWE standards, but based on supposed rules and theories, shouldn't it be illegal ?? It is a heavily taped thumb jabbed into an opponent's neck and technically should be considerd a foreign object.

And last but not least on the list of worst finishers.........

Rey Mysterio - The 619 is the single worst finishing maneuver in wrestling history... PERIOD !!! Each and every time I see a guy job to the move makes me want to smash my tv. How many times do we have to see a guy make a half assed attempt to flop on the ropes after being hit with an equally half assed move by the masked midget ?? I know kids love it, but I'm not a kid.

As for the best finishers, one is no longer on a major wrestling promotion and the other is barely on a wrestling promotion (unless you count a Diva's version).

Petey Williams - The Canadian Destroyer is the coolest move I've seen in several years. It's only drawback would be that he can't logically hit it on guys who are much bigger than himself.

AJ Styles - The Syles Clash is original and severly underutilized. It's a shame that Michelle McCool has started using it on Smackdown although it's refreshing to see it used since Styles hardly ever uses it anymore.
Best move : The Indian Death Lock.
I saw Triple H perform this on Booker T. at WM XIX and thought it was great. It was actually a two part move where if the opponent was on his back or stomach, it still hurt, unlike the Figure Four. I’m not too sure of the mechanics, but when you have to reach for the ropes as your only way out of the hold, that makes it seem pretty effective to me.

619 -No doubt Rey has done this move forever but for some reason someone in WWE decided to add a guy in the ropes to it and call it a finisher.All it used to ever be was a fake dive attack when someone he was wrestling would be on the outside and many other Mexican wrestlers did it(Juvi for one)

Big Show's Knock out punch - Like someone else said the guy is 7 feet tall and 450+pounds.While im glad they didn't just give him one finisher his choke slam that any guy over 6 feet 8 seems to have a variation of i think they could have given him another move.


Raven Effect - I have always said of all finishing moves i liked this one the best.Sure it may be just another DDT to most but the way Raven does it using his body's momentum just looks great and more effective really to me as apposed to just grabbing a guy by the neck and driving him head first into the ground which already looks painful.

Diamond Cutter/Bubba Cutter/ RKO - While it can be set up as simple as nearly any move and look plain in some cases DDP and Orton lately have shown this move can literally come out of nowhere and if you land face first anywhere it's probably gonna stun you log enough for a win.

Brain Buster - Eddie did an awesome one and Chavo's is decent but this move as basic as it may be would be effective and that's all that matter's really.I don't judge moves by looks.if i did the 619 would be a top 5 cus it looks great but how effective would it be really.
a lot of how good a finisher is has to do with who is executing the move and who is selling it. the rock made the stunner look like it'd break your fecking neck for god's sake, not to mention that that was a sweet move that came out of nowhere pretty much every time. i always thought the best finishers were ones that could really come out of nowhere and really excite me. so with that being explained here's my list:

1. RKO it comes out of nowhere and when properly sold looks golden, when not sold well,er...yeah not so good.
2. sweet chin music when it hits right and you get that "oh i know wrestling is fake, but holy shit that looked good" feeling you know the finish has done its job
my number three will catch heat but fuck it, i cant not mention it
3. crippler crossface as performed by chris benoit, he could counter any move into this and it looked legit. prove me wrong.
1. overdrive/playmaker it just doesn't make sense, it looks weak and has no pop potential. bad move bad form just bad
2. big boot. why i have the chin music on top and this down here i cant explain, the big boot finish just never seemed like a finish to me.
3. power bomb. a cool move that has been done to death. not that it can't look good and isn't a legit finish, but it has been done so much i suppose i need to not see it for a bit or at least each fed could only let one guy use it as a finisher.
an honorable mention goes to brock lesnar's shooting star press. man that was an awesome botch.
The Great Khali's Head Chop: Like the Big Show hes similar in the sense that the chokeslam is like the punjabi plunge(these finishers work for them) but the knockout punch and the chop seem like such a waste on the big men.

Brian Kendricks The Kendrick: the move where he flips over the person for a bulldog at the turnbuckle, this is better suited as a diva move. He's a cruiserweight he could come up with something much more impactful and entertaining.

Mysterio's splash of the top after the 619: Less of a splash and more of Mysterio just falling on someone. He is so athletic he could put more into a followup to the 619 then falling on them. The guy is so little it's not really believable to me when him falling on someone gets the win.


Devils Triangle: This submission Undertaker does is awesome. It gave him a new move and a submission that is feared and wins fast. So many people get internal bleeding from it that it's truly a match ender.

Batista Bomb: I know there have been a lot of bad powerbomb finishers but Batista is someone who's not 7 feet tall and his powerbomb looks so impactful that it could break almost anyone in half. Combine that with his ability to hit it on almost everyone and it's a great move to see.
Worst is the Playmaker. Just a terrible move for a finisher all around, especially for a guy you want to elevate to the main event. I could see it being a set up for the ballin elbow drop or something, but not as a finisher. It's tough for reversals, takes too long to set up, and is usually delivered sloppy by MVP.

I'm a mark for submission finishers so the Angle Lock, STF, Crossface, Sharpshooter and others are some of my favorites. Austin's stunner was the best non submission. Quick finishers that can come out of nowhere and can have alot of different reversals are always the best. Shit like the overdrive and powerbombs just take too long to set up and it kills the momentum.
I too love submissions, the Undertaker's gogoplata from last year being my favorite. It's a legit move, it was sold as devastating, and drew the crowd to their feet every time he locked it on.

But in my opinion the two best are the Stone Cold Stunner and the RKO. I love the sudden impact they both have, they both are legit (wrestling) knockout moves, and have an easy counter-rate to increase the build-up during the match. They only have to be hit once, are rarely kicked out of, and get legit reactions from the crowd.

I agree with the Playmaker being the worst. As others know I'm not huge on MVP, and a good part of it is this horrible finisher. It doesn't look devastating and takes far too long to set up. It looks like a Diva-type move. I could definitely respect him a little more if he had a better finisher.
I see the Playmaker getting a lot of hate in here, and deservedly so. It is hard to time properly, and it just looks fake. One move I like is Zack Ryder's new finisher. Wiki calls it an inverted overdrive. He sets it up similarly, but when he flips the guy, his face lands on Ryder's knee.

Ryder's new finisher (or, Striker's old one) is pretty decent...but for short term.

The one finisher I've always liked is the Widow's Peak (Victoria's finisher). I remember when she made her debut and first used the move. God, it looks sooo painful.
I only consider finishers as good when they are believeble and look realistic.
There has to be that "OHH that´s gotta hurt" feeling and when the whole crowd goes " OHH ".

So my favourite finishers would be:

RKO : It looks painful and can be performed out of nowhere.

Sweet Chin Music : A great move that is not only over but also one of the most realistic ones.


Worst finishers in my opinion:

Overdrive : It just looks weak and it can´t be sold properly because it´s just awkward, I mean who would do that to finish someone in a fight ?

Warrior splash : Wow a crazy guy with facepaint jumps on someones back ... great finisher ... NEIN !!!

Rock Bottom : Yes it was the Rock´s finisher, so what ? It still looked stupid and nowhere believeble. I mean come on , he barely lifts someone up and slams him on the ground, and that is considered a finisher ?
There are lots of great finishers.And losts of shit ones.
The best finishers:

Joe's Musclebuster:They fall from such a height with such impact.He can do it to anyone.They way the back is so exposed when he hits is to add effect.Can be followed by the coquina clutch.

The styles clash:You don't get much better than AJs clash.The impact is incredible,your face will cave in.The automatic pin afterwards aswell.Perfect.

The canadian destroyer:The best looking finisher on television,sorry that used to be on tv.Stupid TNA.

But the king of finishers,Super Dragon.


The psycho drivers are magnificent.But the barry white driver is my personal favourite.Absolutely sick.

And the worst finishers:

The playmaker:Too botchable.He just can't hit it sweetly.

The clothesline from hell:Sorry Bradshaw,but falling over doesn't make it any better.And adding "from hell" doesn't either.

1. Evenflow/Roberts DDT - Both men have an excellent handle on the move and deliver it perfectly.

2. Shining Wizard and variations - Seriously, a good looking shining wizard makes my heart stop. A great one in the corner where the guy actually climbs the ropes before throwing the knee makes me wanna jump up for whomever does it. Execution is the key.

3. Vertebreaker - This is one of those moves that every time I see it, no matter who is doing it or taking it, it STILL comes out looking great. Once those arms are hooked and the spin is completed, it's like poetry in motion.

Honorable mentions

Black Hole Slam - I've always been a fan of Bossman and seeing Abyss execute the move with a Hell of a spin always makes me smile.

Tiger Driver - Pick a friggin' year. You want ooh and ahh factor, pick a year where he dropped them directly on their neck. He has variations to please both kinds of fans. The one's who want to see a perfectly executed driver and a the fans who wanna see something that looks (and most likely is) extremely painful.


1. Swanton Bomb - Seriously, a forward roll, a friggin' forward roll. This makes new born baby Jesus cry.

2. The Playmaker has gotten more than enough votes, so I'll go with another, flying stomps of any kind. The only person who I saw do the flying stomp and it came off well was Brother Runt/LSD. The only reason it worked for him was because he was so small he didn't need to pull his knees on impact. Everyone else who uses this move to any part of the body gives the signature knee bend to make the move safe. If I can see what makes the move safe, I can't suspend belief and feel like he just crushed someone. Lo-Ki/Senshi, despite my complete love of watching him wrestle, made me hate this move. The corner variation did not help. The Warriors Way indeed. /rolls eyes

Full Nelson Butt Bomb - I feel like Kyle from South Park in the Conspiracy Theory episode when he and Stan are standing there talking to W. Poor Kyle just starts repeating one word over and over... Really? Really? Really? After having seen Brother Ray/Bubba Ray get a few victories with this move I felt sad. And I felt just like Kyle. Really? Really? Really?

Honorable mentions (If you wanna call them that)

Unprettier - From the start up lag to the fact that escape is a mere push of your arms away OR a pull of your arms away, this move always makes me think, he just doesn't get it.

Falcon Punch/Big Chop/Big Boot/Any silly looking big strike - If someone was delivering these moves and it looked great, I'd be completely for them. These are not Super Kicks or flying side kicks, or spinning wheel kicks... these are moves that upon connection they always make you groan a little on the inside. For me the Big Boot and the Falcon Punch are tied, followed by the Big Chop and then the rest of the big strikes. I couldn't stand the Hogan Big Boot, I can't stand the Undertaker Big Boot, I hated the Sid Vicious Big Boot, ect. Just having a guy run into your extended leg is lazy and uncreative in this day and age, yet we still see people doing it. For shame.
The worst finishers in wrestling today obviously come down to just two.

1. Clothesline Fro Hell by JBL- What the f*ck does adding "From Hell" do to a clothesline? Absoluty NOTHING! That move is a piece of crap and everyone knows it.

2. The Playmaker by MVP- Again what kind of idiot will bend over and let a guy wrap his leg around you head and then flip you around? Looks cool but completely unrealistic

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