Becca Appreciation Thread

Being new here I don't know her that much. I hope to change that though because from what I have read she seems like a very nice person and someone I would like to get to know.
Proceed to ask them if their brain is fake.

Flames Out

I usually act all shocked and disappointed, then ask if the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause are fake too, that or every time I here them talking about a TV show, I always ask if they know that it's fake:lmao:
Woop HBK :D

And ya i wear Shawn T-shirts all the time out in public, I love them. No-one has yet laughed at me but I'd get extremely annoyed if they did. And no one likes Becca when she's that annoyed. Lol
I've had the chance to be able to talk to Becca, and she's relly cool. She's funny, smart, and has very well thought out wrestling posts. She obviously knows the business really well. Another plus is that she's a HBK fan. Becca is one of my favourite WZ posters.
Aw thank you all :)

Lmao Jake seriously? Haha I wear mine all the time. Recently got one made saying HBK-aholic too :D
I've had like one wrestling shirt, i never wore it, I just had it.

I've always wanted a Christian Cage shirt though...

I also think that Orton shirt is pretty sweet, and so is the one HHH shirt... I like em, but i wouldn't wear them.
Ive got the Cage shirt

its one of the two wrestling shirt Ill wear that and my Triple H grey skulls one just because no one knows thayre wrestling shirts

and Ive got a Rey Mysterio sweatshirt that the hood zips up into his mask thats pretty badass too
I saw a guy in a Cena T-shirt in Leeds city centre today. I laughed because
1. Cena is crap
2. The T-shirt was a fake

It was funny actually. But ya I will wear my WWE shirts anywhere, I love them.

Seeings as this is a Becca appreciation thread, can I appreciate my own sig? Well I am. I love it :D:lmao:
If I had a Mr Kennedy shirt *Adds to next Euroshop booking* I'd wear it often. After the feud with Shawn anyway.
^^^ is that his new shirt?

That is pretty sweet.

I saw a Mysterio shirt in Wal Mart the other day, i was gonna buy it...

I can't find a Cage one.
Hot Topic? ROFLMAO, I wouldnt be caught dead in that store.

I snuck in and out extra quick I hate that plaece


nice shirt though

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