Because It Has To Be Said... A.W. to TNA?

For some strange reason I think he'll be back in the WWE by the end of the year, or after the Wrestlemania season. He probably will be repackaged though. Like one of the poster said, I can see him managing King Mo. He and the Pope can play well off of each other, & Kenny King does need that little extra something, but imma go out on a limb and say I would love to see AW & Awesome Kong together if TNA chose tobring her back. I think that would be a comical dynamic. If not in a manager's role, I would put him in commentary, I think he would be a good fit in that spot as a third person, because let's face it they are not getting rid of Taz no time soon.
Really, so Kane AND HHH both did a program about 10 years ago, which was after the whole "Attitude Era" where Kane had sex with a dead corpse, ONLY to find out it was HHH in mask. BUT, both men went on to have very very successful runs on top, and one, HHH even married the boss' daughter and now runs the joint! BUT here's a guy who made a statement, a reference to an incident and he's fired? So when did WWE become so damn high & mighty? WWE forgot how to have fun ever since they brought their asses back to the USA Network, even though it was the USA Network that gave them their start AND embraced the Attitude Era. You know what it is, it's the hypocritical way in which WWE operates, handles its talents and so on. If there are numerous reports out there that wrestlers are displeased, guess what, it's probably true. And so what he said what he said, was it not fact that Kobe raped a woman in Colorado? Is it not fact that WWE has put out some of the most stupid and distasteful programs in the past 10-15 years? Yes and yes. Vince McMahon has grown soft. You can tell in the way his product is shown on TV. 15 years ago, a guy like John Cena would've been boo'd out the arena and sent packing to WCW, now, he's the poster boy for the "NEW" WWE. A WWE free from bullying and apparently the right to speak your mind. I wonder who actually pulled the plug, even though I doubt it was HHH. And you wonder why Paul Heyman mocks WWE so well. Because everything he says about them is TRUE. And the one thing they know is that for the time being, they need men like Heyman, Brock Lesner and CM Punk because without them, they'd be WCW Saturday Night. Let's be honest here, the WWE product sucks. Like The Joker said in The Dark Knight, throw a little anarchy in there & upset the establishment. But WWE's too scared to do that, so they fire decent talent. TNA will someday beat WWE if this keeps up. So sad...
i like the idea of AW coming to TNA. While im not a fan of everyone and their grandma jumping ship to TNA,this could work. AW really could be AW behind the mic just let loose and be himself. He was extremely limited on what he could say in the WWE that was obvious,but in TNA i think we really could see him shine.

Now as far as who he can manage,any up and comer who needs a mouthpiece or anyone who really isnt that good behind the mic. King Mo who i really dont like but could be a good choice. The tag division is basically dead in TNA maybe with him around they could revive it.
If he goes to TNA, I doubt they have the ability at this point to re-package him into something better. I'm not a big fan of his but his tweet hit the nail on the head. The WWE created that persona, and because he said some un-pc things, he gets the boot? This is some of the biggest hypocrisy to come from the WWE in a long time. It's all about Linda and her senate run. She's gonna have to realize that Vince is a ring leader to a circus and the people outside of the show will never accept her or take her serious for that. It's too bad for the talent because Vince and Linda are killing their business in the process.
"Bitter dude who couldn't cut it in the 'big' leagues", meaning We Were Entertaining? He can come across better as his original character, without all the restrictions on free speech. TNA is wrestling; WWE is a Popeye cartoon.
Really, so Kane AND HHH both did a program about 10 years ago, which was after the whole "Attitude Era" where Kane had sex with a dead corpse, ONLY to find out it was HHH in mask. BUT, both men went on to have very very successful runs on top, and one, HHH even married the boss' daughter and now runs the joint! BUT here's a guy who made a statement, a reference to an incident and he's fired?
Well, for one Triple H and Kane were both big investments (ESPECIALLY 10 years ago) that meant something to Vince McMahon and the WWE. Even if the product wasn't all about controversy, they wouldn't have been fired. They would have been told to watch what they say more carefully, and receive a big ole' slap on the wrist. Those who have more to lose, have more to protect. A.W. means so very little to the grand scheme of professional wrestling, that it was literally better for the company to release him, than keep him on. There's a line in the business where the company's image means more or less than an individual. GUys like John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Miz, the Rock, CM Punk, etc etc are above that line. Why do you think Orton wasn't fired immediately for violating another wellness policy? It's how businesses work in the real world; the only thing you're not realizing is that you're not a kid anymore - WWE is a business, not your Saturday morning cartoon fix.

So when did WWE become so damn high & mighty?
It's an election year, and a McMahon is running for a political office. So I'd say...right now.

WWE forgot how to have fun ever since they brought their asses back to the USA Network, even though it was the USA Network that gave them their start AND embraced the Attitude Era.
The Attitude Era is dead. It's gone. No matter how many times DX gets back together, Steve Austin stunners a nobody, or they mention it in a video's gone. CM Punk is the closest thing you're going to get to it, and that ain't changing for quite awhile. If you're not down with that, you have alternatives. You can watch TNA; I highly recommend it. But for the love of God, stop beating this horse to death. You really think you're the first person to come into a thread and talk about how much the WWE sucks?

Vince McMahon has grown soft.
Vince McMahon has built an empire. A publicly traded, globally viewed empire with sponsorship out the ying-yang. In the last ten years the TV industry has plummeted in ratings. Not just the WWE, for you silly people out there that like to bring up WWE's bad ratings in every argument. A lot of shows couldn't figure out how to reach markets and stay afloat; they died. Generation spanning soap operas were cancelled. Long time reality shows were canned. Vince McMahon turned the product to family-friendly entertainment, and started marketing all over the world. They went public, they started sending guys out to the media, they started making crappy movies. They started reaching a demographic that wasn't included in the ratings, because they HAD to to survive. I've been to dozens of WWE shows in several cities around the country; WWE isn't going anywhere for a long, long time.

15 years ago, a guy like John Cena would've been boo'd out the arena and sent packing to WCW, now, he's the poster boy for the "NEW" WWE.
Jesus, how long has he been the poster boy? And you're still going on about it like it's a new thing? 2005 called, they want their ignorance back.

And the one thing they know is that for the time being, they need men like Heyman, Brock Lesner and CM Punk because without them, they'd be WCW Saturday Night. Let's be honest here, the WWE product sucks.
The WWE product has been drawing around the same ratings all year long, no matter who was involved - be it Triple H, Brock Lesnar, the Rock, CM Punk, etc. Sometimes there'd be a small blip up or down depending, but it's not likely anybody is really blowing things up for the WWE right now. Punk has been in some of the highest, and the lowest rated segments on Raw. WWE is, and this is both a blessing and a curse, consistent regardless of who they bring in. You'd just like to think the controversy helps; it really doesn't.

And now, back to the TNA discussion.
Actually the 90-day Non-Compete clause is in contracts exclusively with TNA and WWE talent where they can't be seen on tv for the other promotion. ROH is not listed in their contracts of where they can't be seen for 90 Days. I don't know where fans get this idea all talent throughout the industry revere WWE as the be all end all. If certain talent has always dreamt of going to WWE and being part of the biggest shows and not utilizing their skills for the big contract then go to WWE. Most talent in the industry of today don't want to go to WWE as long as their financial situation is stable. Most talent want their skills utilized in front of less than 5,000 capacity then being used as a joke of the show in front of 15,000 capacity
I've come across as a little harsh on the man in other threads, so I want to start off by saying; in an ideal world, sure, AW could go to TNA, and it could actually be good. I don't know who you pair him with; he has to be the mouth piece for someone, but I can't think of anyone that really needs a mouthpiece like him. Pope's character kind of works with his, and so does Kennedy's, but why do that, when they already give good enough promos? Still, sure, AW to TNA would be fine in an ideal world.

Now then; onto reality. The reality is, TNA is probably going to let Bully Ray, Devon, and Velvet Sky walk, all because they lowballed them on negotiations. The argument has been that TNA's hurting financially, which it is, if you follow their business. TNA's trying to cut costs at all measures.... So signing this fuck, when you could have used that money to sign any of those three actually important characters to TNA seems like just the hugest load of shit. It's a massive "fuck you", especially when Bully has been the best wrestler he's even been, Devon is still a good hand and could at least be a good agent for the new workers, and Velvet was probably the most over woman in TNA. I'll be especially pissed if Bully walks, and TNA says, "oh, we don't have the money...", and then they sign this hack, who should probably still be in FCW, and doesn't have anything of note to say about his career, other than a really dumb rape joke.

Team 3D comes first;
If they walk, and he comes in
I may just riot.
If Brian Jossie (A.W.) is a smart man, he'll wait out the storm, and WWE will bring him back. A.W. had been in developmental from 2009, and WWE was obviously committed to getting him over on TV as someone who stood out.He unfortunately made a stupid, stupid mistake, and did something that would have gotten him fired on any other PG show on television. Rape/sexual assault is never funny. It's a very serious matter, and he simply went too far. WWE is saving face currently, and it is their right to do so. It's the same thing that happened with Daniel Bryan when he choked Justin Roberts in the manner he did. He was the wrong guy to do the wrong thing.

There is a few things wrong with this comment.
First you called Brian Jossie a smart man. A Smart man owns up to his mistakes and takes his lumps. Just the way Daniel Bryan did, he didn't blast the WWE and try and cause a scene. He owned up to his mistake and got brought back. Mr. Jossie decide to throw a twitter fit quoting attitude era events and what not. He even had the nerve to compare himself to The Rock and Stone Cold.
Second, yes he made a stupid comment that he should have publicly apologized for right after the fact say maybe tout. Instead he got fired and now he is doing nothing more that crying about it. He should be out talking to other companies about work. So his stupid comments keep coming. A smart man would understand that the show is PG, this isn't something that happened over night PG has been around for a little while now.

You mad bro?
This comment make no sense what so ever, Am I mad that some moron made a stupid joke and now has lost his I still have my job, I am still getting paid. I can promise it is more than what AW was and Is making. But if I was let go, I would just go get another job not complain everyday on twitter like a poor mans Terrell Owens.

Mr. Jossie has forgotten that he was once a man, now he has resorted to acting like a 12 year old and bitching and moaning about the WWE and their reasons for firing him. If he thinks he was so wrong why not get a lawyer and try and win a "Wrongful termination suit".

Does this man really think he is making himself look better in the eyes of those at TNA?

If you were TNA would you hire the over grown child to work at your company knowing that if he is let go he is going to try and tear you down?

If AW had a human sized brain he would step back take his time and try and get back in the WWE. Bryan did it, Hitman did it.

TNA picks up WWE's talents that have been pasted over. They already made a few mistakes, Like Matt Hardy, Scott Hall.

Look at the talents that went to TNA Chavo, Hardy, Anderson, Angle, Nash, 3D, these are legit talents AW is more of a John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Luke Gallows ( if he is Aces &8's he won't last long). Plenty of garbage has been let go of WWE and Tna passes on them because they are crap AW is no different.
I don't know where fans get this idea all talent throughout the industry revere WWE as the be all end all. If certain talent has always dreamt of going to WWE and being part of the biggest shows and not utilizing their skills for the big contract then go to WWE. Most talent in the industry of today don't want to go to WWE as long as their financial situation is stable. Most talent want their skills utilized in front of less than 5,000 capacity then being used as a joke of the show in front of 15,000 capacity
If you want to be famous, you go to the WWE. TNA/IW isn't putting anyone in movies, and no one's getting rich in ROH. On that note, how on earth can you speak for what "most talent" wants? I have a hard time swallowing the idea that 'most talent' in the entertainment business would want to demonstrate their crafts in front of a small audience. Kids don't grow up dreaming of being Roderick Strong, they grow up dreaming of being John Cena.

Professional wrestling isn't an art form. It's a pretty base form of entertainment which focuses on bringing in as much money as possible. If a guy is out there thinking he's creating art in front of 800 people, he wants to stop taking stiff chair shots to the head.
There is a few things wrong with this comment.
First you called Brian Jossie a smart man. A Smart man owns up to his mistakes and takes his lumps. Just the way Daniel Bryan did, he didn't blast the WWE and try and cause a scene. He owned up to his mistake and got brought back. Mr. Jossie decide to throw a twitter fit quoting attitude era events and what not. He even had the nerve to compare himself to The Rock and Stone Cold.
Second, yes he made a stupid comment that he should have publicly apologized for right after the fact say maybe tout. Instead he got fired and now he is doing nothing more that crying about it. He should be out talking to other companies about work. So his stupid comments keep coming. A smart man would understand that the show is PG, this isn't something that happened over night PG has been around for a little while now.

This comment make no sense what so ever, Am I mad that some moron made a stupid joke and now has lost his I still have my job, I am still getting paid. I can promise it is more than what AW was and Is making. But if I was let go, I would just go get another job not complain everyday on twitter like a poor mans Terrell Owens.

Mr. Jossie has forgotten that he was once a man, now he has resorted to acting like a 12 year old and bitching and moaning about the WWE and their reasons for firing him. If he thinks he was so wrong why not get a lawyer and try and win a "Wrongful termination suit".

Does this man really think he is making himself look better in the eyes of those at TNA?

If you were TNA would you hire the over grown child to work at your company knowing that if he is let go he is going to try and tear you down?

If AW had a human sized brain he would step back take his time and try and get back in the WWE. Bryan did it, Hitman did it.

TNA picks up WWE's talents that have been pasted over. They already made a few mistakes, Like Matt Hardy, Scott Hall.

Look at the talents that went to TNA Chavo, Hardy, Anderson, Angle, Nash, 3D, these are legit talents AW is more of a John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Luke Gallows ( if he is Aces &8's he won't last long). Plenty of garbage has been let go of WWE and Tna passes on them because they are crap AW is no different.

There is so much wrong with this attitude that it makes me mad.

The reason WWE has the hold it has over PEOPLE who work for them is because of them "biding their time", "taking their lumps" or rather the scraps when they behave badly. WWE has behaved appallingly to several wrestlers and staff members, but as they are "contractors" normal disciplinary procedures or rights of appeal don't exist. IF AW had been an employee or had union representation available, this situation would not have occured. He would have had to go through a proper process, and arguably had to have been given a "final warning". They could still have taken him off TV or suspended him. But the hypocrisy would have been on record, AW would have had "his say" in private and it would have been for WWE to then spin any heavy punishment in light of the glaring contradictions.

To attack him for not saying "oh, well, maybe if I am a good boy I'll get my job back" and not pointing out the flaws is buying into Vince's attitude, it's why there's no union for wrestlers, anyone who dissents doesn't get hired. Do you think Mark Copani or Finlay didn't want to do what AW is? Of course they did, but they bought into the bullshit or more likely in Copani's case said "I'm better than that". AW had found the genesis of a wrestling character that was working, something WWE is supposedly encouraging and then has been fired for it, just like Bryan and the tie...

AW should go to TNA on principle, because he is hot right now, sure he will be smarter but TNA would likely embrace him as an edgy character (leader of Aces and Eights?) and people will watch TNA to see what he does. Vince forgets what might have happened if WCW had just "fired" Pillman after the Booker Man match... or if he had this attitude when he pulled the gun and fbombed live... Attitude era would never have happened, his company would be dead...

Of course from WWE's perspective this works too, cos then they have leverage to get TNA to drop the lawsuit...

Ultimately this for me is the final nail in any argument that WWE talent should be SAG registered, AW was not a wrestler on WWE TV, but an actor, playing a role in a live TV show who has been fired for "a comment" his employer would rather he hadn't made". SAG (and the govt.) should be going after this big time...

Ultimately if Vince doesn't like you or something about you, your days are numbered... I always remember Brian Kendrick, he had heat cos he *gasps* smoked cigarretes!!! and VKM didn't think he should... When a man that petty has so much power and a wife with "so much at stake" god help WWE staff.
See where fans are wrong is when the confuse WWE's version of wrestling with the whole industry. WWE calls it entertainment because VKM from a marketing standpoint thinks the word wrestling is low class and dirty. Not every talent want to go to WWE because if that was the case Sting would of gone a longtime ago. The politics in that company are awful. Like I said if certain talent had always dreamt of going to WWE they will just go. Numerous guys from TNA and ROH in the last few years have been offered contracts from WWE and most of them turned it down. Some talent grew up on wrestling and feel WWE at times is making a mockery of the biz and certain talent that loves the WRESTLING Industry!
I've always sort of liked A.W., defiantly like him for standing up for himself against the bully of a machine known as the WWE.

I would not mind him being King Mo's manager as stated. I would not mind him on commentary.

Why in the blue hell does (most) everyone seem to think that released WWE guys need to make that jump?
AW won't cut it. He doesn't look like a TNA guy. He'll just come across as another bitter dude who couldn't cut it in the big leagues. There's been *very* few who have "crossed the line" that have actually made an "impact".
AW won't be one of them.

He'll come across as another bitter dude that couldn't make it in the big leagues? lol.. more like he'll come across as another dude the big leagues double standarded themselfs on...
Yes AW would be great in TNA he would be great for a heel that needed a mouthpiece and he could be himself and I think he would be constantly taking shots at WWE's bullshit. The King Mo thing is actually a great idea
Sawyer... No no no no no no no no no, he can't go and say those things he did, for a few reasons, firstly, when TNA talk about WWE they look second rate, WCW learned that the hard way, and he's a manager, what's he gonna do.. manage some TNA guys?... If you really think it would be worth pissing VKM off having a recently released manager run his baby down on live TV then when he puts Cena on SD and moves it to live on a Thursday what happens.. TNA is doing ok.. hardcore justice was a good PPV, A&8 could be a great storyline, the AJ/baby story is weird as it puts there one of there most marketable men as a drunk who sleeps with crack addicts but hey.. AW should go to ROH, he wouldn't offer much to TNA and can't keep his mouth in check, and when u talk out of line u get slapped, and TNA are in a postion ATM were even myself as a loyal WWE guy sees it as good tv, doing some stupid shit atm would be very dangerous, because 7 weeks of live SD with Cena winning the title and taking it to smackdown and the rock showing up on his show is all it takes for TNA guys to be working the Indys again

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