Because It Has To Be Said... A.W. to TNA?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
If you don't follow along with wrestling news, WWE Superstar A.W. was just released from his contract today. Obviously he'll have some sort of 90-day "No Compete" thing attached, so we likely won't be seeing him anywhere for a few months. But once that time period expired, the obvious question is: will A.W. go to TNA Impact Wrestling?

I'm thinking TNA could literally use him, with the same exact character, and not have a need for any re-packaging. Bring him in, along with the live mic thing, and let him do whatever the hell he wants with a tag team or stable. If the timing lined up he could have been an interesting addition to Aces & Eights. I wasn't a huge fan of A.W. or his short run as the All World Promotions' leader, but I do think he was extremely limited, in both material and potential, within the WWE.

His release and the controversy surrounding it might be the only thing to EVER make him relevant. TNA could easily bring him in when he becomes available, and let him air his issues publicly - like they haven't done it before? Add that to his character. Now that he's in TNA, "he doesn't have to be politically correct or hide behind a failed senator's race". I have virtually no interest in seeing him as a wrestler, but I think he's an intriguing manager. Annoying as all hell, but with a twist of resentment towards sensorship I think he could work.

Should A.W. go to TNA when his no-compete contract expires?

Should TNA re-package him as a wrestler, or use his current character? Or should they do something completely different with him?
There are very few times I'll jump on the released superstar to TNA train but something about this caught me. I'm not even a fan of Abraham Washington but I see potential, potential for him to become the CM Punk of managers on Impact. Have him go to TNA but do NOT repackage him, use his release as an angle, all the stuff he's been saying on twitter is what he needs to say there. Let him talk about how he grew up believing in the WWE and trying to be like the adittude era guys but when he did it himself he was blacklisted. Then he goes on about how much happier he is in TNA and how he can be himself and speak his mind. If he really played up the outspoken character I think he could do some really entertaining stuff and that's coming from someone who doesn't like him.
Why in the blue hell does (most) everyone seem to think that released WWE guys need to make that jump?
AW won't cut it. He doesn't look like a TNA guy. He'll just come across as another bitter dude who couldn't cut it in the big leagues. There's been *very* few who have "crossed the line" that have actually made an "impact".
AW won't be one of them.
When King Mo debuts in TNA, have A.W debut in TNA at the same time and manage him. It would be like the Lesnar-Heyman relationship, King Mo has the skills and A.W has the mouth, it would be a winning combination. A.W would surely be able to get Mo over quick just like Heyman did Lesnar and A.W did PTP.

If not Mo then maybe they can pair A.W with Pope since he isn't doing anything right now though Pope doesn't really need anyone to talk for him but I think the A.W-Mo idea is better.
Why in the blue hell does (most) everyone seem to think that released WWE guys need to make that jump?
AW won't cut it. He doesn't look like a TNA guy. He'll just come across as another bitter dude who couldn't cut it in the big leagues. There's been *very* few who have "crossed the line" that have actually made an "impact".
AW won't be one of them.

What does a "TNA guy" look like?

AW would be perfect as a manager for anyone in TNA who sucks on the mic.
I don't think it's right to assume that EVERYBODY that gets F.E. from WWE will pop up in TNA...but who knows?

I agree with the comments made by A.W. They are dead on assessments of todays product. Everybody is scared to speak up and be their own man. Especially in todays WWE climate. Vince is trying to clean up the WWE so Linda can attempt another senate run sucessfully. We all know that won't happen. Her detractors will attack her for past involvement with the WWE.

Today, it's too many kids in WWE right now. Too many people just content with a spot on the roster and too afraid to make waves and lose their position. Jim Ross said it best, there are too many people making very good money and doing nothing to improve their standing. People do need to speak up! Would HHH be the 13 time champion if he didn't speak up and, in his words: "Step over people."

There is no more shark tank mentality. WWE needs to just go back to a PG 13 program. I agree with AW 100%. Take Chances! Be A stand-out. You wonder why there is no break out star? Nobody is taking chances and this PG era shit is making every body seem soft.

Konnan said it best. When you walk into a WWE lockerroom nowadays, there is no more grown men and everybody is into videogames. Nothing against that at all, but its like every body is just living their childhood dream of being a WWE superstar and afraid to lose their job!

I don't agree with his recent comments, but Kevin Nash didn't get what he got out of wrestling by keeping his mouth shut! Speak up! Don't be a a shark!!!

As far as AW going to TNA, I don't see where he would fit in unless you put him behind the commentators booth. I heard he really sucks in the ring, but the guy can really talk. He'll make a good commentator.
When King Mo debuts in TNA, have A.W debut in TNA at the same time and manage him. It would be like the Lesnar-Heyman relationship, King Mo has the skills and A.W has the mouth, it would be a winning combination. A.W would surely be able to get Mo over quick just like Heyman did Lesnar and A.W did PTP.

If not Mo then maybe they can pair A.W with Pope since he isn't doing anything right now though Pope doesn't really need anyone to talk for him but I think the A.W-Mo idea is better.

I like this idea. I don't really like the idea of King Mo coming to TNA, but if he comes in with a good mouth piece such as AW, he can be a lot better.

Another idea I like is to add him to the commentary team. TNA's commentary is worse than the commentary in Madden. For those of you that don't play Madden, it means its really bad.
Just when the tag division was starting to look good. AW made Prime Time Players imo. Love heel managers. I didnt even find the joke offesive. I mean Daniel Tosh recently told his audience to rape the female who heckled him. Last I checked he still has his show and I absolutely shuddered when I heard about his joke. AWs made me laugh.
I am not sure how good of a wrestler he can be but he can go straight to ROH because the 90-Day clause isn't in affect with ROH. What AW had to say is very very true. The politics in WWE is fastly approaching what WCW politics was. If WWE doesn't control the poltics they will have major talent fall in Bisch's hands just like before. That doesn't mean TNA will compete like WCW did but will enhance their product. If TNA is still in the acquisition mode within the next two years they might be able to merge with ROH and that would also put DGate in jeopardy as well. Any fan that thinks this industry is great with only one company is only fooling themselves. I think too many fans think WWE of today is run similiar to what it use to be. WWE is way too arrogant these days and if TNA can gain some traction within the next year they would be able to travel on the road more. Once they do that with at least 2.5 mill viewers then WWE will change some of their policies but only when TNA and or ROH brings in double the amount of viewers that they have now!
Why in the blue hell does (most) everyone seem to think that released WWE guys need to make that jump?
AW won't cut it. He doesn't look like a TNA guy. He'll just come across as another bitter dude who couldn't cut it in the big leagues. There's been *very* few who have "crossed the line" that have actually made an "impact".
AW won't be one of them.

Troll much?

Tna has a certain look? What look is that? They've got:
Kurt Angle
Bully Ray
Jeff Hardy
Jeff Jarrett
Samoa Joe
AJ Styles

They've got short guys, tall guys, fat guys, skinny guys, bald guys, furry guys. So remind me again what "look" a TNA guy has to have?

AW to TNA makes sense. TNA won't censor a guy on the mic like that. He can have some freedoms and to be honest I was growing quite fond of him at ringside. Not so much for the PTP as they were boring the hell out of me but AW sort of grew on me.
AW to TNA= Good news for any up and comer who needs a decent mouthpiece at ringside.
Why would AW go to TNA? Seriously isn't TNA boasting about how WWE isn't about the wrestling. So unless AW is going to wrestle there should be no point. TNA hypocrites will hire this guy because as much smoke as they blow up the asses of the fans, they are all about the mic skills also. If they didn't care about mic skills. Robbie T would be world champ and feuding with Hernandez.

TNA's quote "wrestling matters" is a cute catch phrase but nothing more.

Aw isn't a TNA guy he is a dipshit with a mic.
Why would AW go to TNA? Seriously isn't TNA boasting about how WWE isn't about the wrestling. So unless AW is going to wrestle there should be no point. TNA hypocrites will hire this guy because as much smoke as they blow up the asses of the fans, they are all about the mic skills also. If they didn't care about mic skills. Robbie T would be world champ and feuding with Hernandez.

TNA's quote "wrestling matters" is a cute catch phrase but nothing more.

Aw isn't a TNA guy he is a dipshit with a mic.

trying to make sense of your rant...
A solid mouth piece can do WONDERS for a wrestler.
AW appears to have something going for him in terms of mic work.
So putting a good mouthpiece on a wrestler can enhance that wrestler thus making the WRESTLING more fun to watch.

You mad bro?
WWE often times makes me so sick the way they do business and the way they handle things. This is a prime example. Just when someone is getting a little traction behind them, they pull this stuff. No wonder people aren't as into it anymore. And really, WWE can do all the Tout's and Youtube and Twitter they want but really, compared to like 15-20 years ago, hell even 10 years ago, they probably have less viewers. Nobody wants to see PG stuff. Sorry. The world isn't PG. It's just not. Nobody says heck. People say hell. Nobody says darn, they say damn. And nobody says "imma kick your butt" they say "imma get in that ass!" Yet & still WWE is on this one man crusade to be THAT company. Now granted, I wasn't a big fan of A.W. but hey, give the man a chance. SMH. WWE strikes again...
There is some major potential here, but it all depends on how the next 90 days play out.

Right now, a handful of fans (us, the IWC) know/care about the firing. My current thought is how much of a shame it is that there aren't more people who care about AW in the first place, because his release is somewhat unique to others within the WWE. He wasn't released for drugs. He wasn't released for not drawing. He was released for speaking his mind.

If this story picks up some steam and garners more controversy (the elements are there in the Kobe reference/ESPN coverage, social media, etc) over the next 3 months, AW could become a commodity. In a way, he could become the 'voice of the voiceless', and I'm not just saying this to throw a needless CM Punk comparison. AW voiced grievances that many current WWE fans have, and if that fact accumulates some steam, that's when AW becomes a commodity. And that's when TNA publicizes the hiring of AW.

And then what do you do with him? First off, keep him off TV, at least at first. Don't hire him to be King Mo's manager, or as an announcer. Publicize his hiring as some sort of creative consultant, even if he's not actually involved in the writers room. If, and only if this story snowballs into some relevance in the next few months, then TNA just hired the man who was fired by the 'other guys' for public dissatisfaction of the mainstream product, the very man who now has 'input' on rival product.

There's many 'if''s listed above. In a perfect world, all the if's would fall in to place. But if they do, in fact, fall in to place, TNA could make some money here.
If Brian Jossie (A.W.) is a smart man, he'll wait out the storm, and WWE will bring him back. A.W. had been in developmental from 2009, and WWE was obviously committed to getting him over on TV as someone who stood out. He unfortunately made a stupid, stupid mistake, and did something that would have gotten him fired on any other PG show on television. Rape/sexual assault is never funny. It's a very serious matter, and he simply went too far. WWE is saving face currently, and it is their right to do so. It's the same thing that happened with Daniel Bryan when he choked Justin Roberts in the manner he did. He was the wrong guy to do the wrong thing.

Will he go to TNA? I doubt it. I bet he was told to go home for 90+ days, Twitter it up, and they'll see him in November or December. Toying with the idea though, TNA could use more manager people like A.W. I know Pope D'Angelo Dinero can talk, but I think A.W. and The Pope would be a great duo. I also noticed everyone mentioning King Mo's eventual arrival. I completely agree bringing him in as a Don King or even Paul Heyman type manager could work as well.
Since when did AW become entertaining?

He made a joke about an alleged ass-rape from years ago. That's not cutting edge or voice of the voiceless. It was shocking, shockingly stupid and not worth adding to a growing promotion that has recently gone:

1) Live
2) On TV during the family hour of 8pm EST

Not to mention there are no AW fans out there. Why risk the possible bad press for a guy that is not even close to being a draw?

I know this is the general reaction to the slightest bit of controversy but AW isn't worth it. Charlie Sheen is worth it, Mike Tyson is worth it, AW is a former ECWWE talk show host.
He has a personality, he can speak, without any boundary or barrier on what he says we could be hearing more comical Kobe Bryant jokes, cause I thought that was hilarious, it was totally out of the blue but the analogy was funny to me, one of the reasons I like AW.

If TNA have a spot to use him in, sure, bring him in and attach to someone as a manager. Reason for AW's failing wrestling career is his proneness to injury, hes picked up several which have hampered his career and they are the reason for his outer ring roles such as the chat show host and manager, so wrestling full-time may be somewhat of a stretch.

However, again, find someone suitable for him then consider bringing him in. Don't waste money just cause people have an interest in him. I'd even consider putting him at the commentary table, whether it be as a third man or replacing Taz, AW has the perfect personality for a comical color commentator. This may be an irrelevant discussion as hes already professed his interest to begin a stand-up career, but hypothetically if they find a spot for him, why not?
I just don't see value in him for TNA...he's an ok talker, but nobody is going out of their way to hear him. He doesn't really have name value...I don't see where he would fit in with the product. Maybe if he rebrands himself in the indies for a bit...but I just don't see anything all that special in him.
There are very few times I'll jump on the released superstar to TNA train but something about this caught me. I'm not even a fan of Abraham Washington but I see potential, potential for him to become the CM Punk of managers on Impact. Have him go to TNA but do NOT repackage him, use his release as an angle, all the stuff he's been saying on twitter is what he needs to say there. Let him talk about how he grew up believing in the WWE and trying to be like the adittude era guys but when he did it himself he was blacklisted. Then he goes on about how much happier he is in TNA and how he can be himself and speak his mind. If he really played up the outspoken character I think he could do some really entertaining stuff and that's coming from someone who doesn't like him.

This. I have to agree with everything you just said, have him come on Impact saying how when he was younger he looked up to guys like The Rock and Stone Cold, and when he tried to he got punished for it. I don't know have him say stuff like how the WWE has changed and that you have to be all PG.

I'm not really a fan of AW either but in my opinion he and TNA:IW have a big opportunity on their hands. Abraham Washington's release could become a blessing in disguise.
I'm not even a fan of Abraham Washington but I see potential, potential for him to become the CM Punk of managers on Impact.
Woah...let's not blow our load all in one place. There's pondering about a possible scenario, and then there's just full-on ******. You never go full-on ****** Sawyer. :disappointed:

Have him go to TNA but do NOT repackage him, use his release as an angle, all the stuff he's been saying on twitter is what he needs to say there. Let him talk about how he grew up believing in the WWE and trying to be like the adittude era guys but when he did it himself he was blacklisted. Then he goes on about how much happier he is in TNA and how he can be himself and speak his mind. If he really played up the outspoken character I think he could do some really entertaining stuff and that's coming from someone who doesn't like him.
This is exactly what I was thinking. Bottle up that stuff he was saying on Twitter - stuff that a LOT of TNA fans agree with - and work it into his character.

Why in the blue hell does (most) everyone seem to think that released WWE guys need to make that jump?
Why in the blue hell does everyone with an issue think they can use "blue hell" in their opening statement? And I'm going to answer your question with another question. Let's say there's only two huge construction firms in all of North America. There used to be more, spread across all sorts of regions, but after awhile a visionary took his company into a more commercialized route, and they soon became the superpower of wrestl - erm - construction firms. Others rose and fell over the ages, but this one company did whatever it took to stay on top. By a large margin. Then one day - we'll call that day August 10th, 2012 - one of the big bad construction firms employees did something wrong, and he lost his job. A job he had worked his way up to finally get. A job that paid a lot of money, and afforded him a lot of exposure. The kind of job you wouldn't ever want to go back from... So the guy lost his job, and he had three options: 1) he could do some independent contracting, making minimum wage and turning into a shell of his former self, 2) he could move himself and his family to another country and try to make it in a completely different market, or 3) he could go work for the #2 construction firm in North America, made less money, have less exposure, but still do what he loves in front of decent sized crowds, only with the potential to help them grow. The plus is that with this #2 construction firm, he has the ability to do more of what HE wants. He can be off the cuff, and live up to his fullest potential. That's why people need to "make that jump". Because they're employed adults with very specific skill-sets, and they need to keep making a living doing what they know.

If that didn't work for you, let me know, and I'll talk to me friend who's in the children's book industry, and have him work something up for you.

He doesn't look like a TNA guy.
Right. I had forgotten that The Pope, Ken Anderson, Jeff Hardy, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle all look the same.

There's been *very* few who have "crossed the line" that have actually made an "impact".
AW won't be one of them.
Your quotations are "stupid". So are your *asterisks*. Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Christian, Booker T, and Bully Ray beg to differ. Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and Ken Anderson certainly haven't "*hurt*" anything either.

When King Mo debuts in TNA, have A.W debut in TNA at the same time and manage him. It would be like the Lesnar-Heyman relationship, King Mo has the skills and A.W has the mouth, it would be a winning combination. A.W would surely be able to get Mo over quick just like Heyman did Lesnar and A.W did PTP.
You might be jumping the gun a little bit, but I still like the idea. I have zero flippin' clue who King Mo is, or what he's doing/not doing in TNA, but black dudes managing black dudes sounds awesome.

I am not sure how good of a wrestler he can be but he can go straight to ROH because the 90-Day clause isn't in affect with ROH.
I feel like you just made that up. I can neither confirm or deny this, but I feel like I should be able to... I don't know why you think ROH would take him anyways; what would they pay him in, the failed hopes and dreams of those who populate Chicago Ridge and the Hammerstein?

If they didn't care about mic skills. Robbie T would be world champ and feuding with Hernandez.
What? So if TNA didn't care about mic skills...that would mean they'd book every decision based on pure wrestling ability? And you think...if that were the case...Robbie T and Hernandez would be the two guys in the World title picture? Out of EVERYONE on the TNA think ROBBIE MOTHER FUCKING T, and Hernandez are the two best suited to carry the company, in terms of pure athleticism and in-ring professional wrestling ability? Let me ask you something Pizzani - in your dream world, is Mark Madden the Knockouts Champion? Does Brock Lesnar write all the promos?

You mad bro?

I Hope so..... Pope, Devon, Kenny King and AW as the Congregation.... OH MY BROTHER, TESTIFY!
Yeah... Black People!

Since when did AW become entertaining?

He made a joke about an alleged ass-rape from years ago. That's not cutting edge or voice of the voiceless. It was shocking, shockingly stupid and not worth adding to a growing promotion that has recently gone:

1) Live
2) On TV during the family hour of 8pm EST

Not to mention there are no AW fans out there. Why risk the possible bad press for a guy that is not even close to being a draw?

I know this is the general reaction to the slightest bit of controversy but AW isn't worth it. Charlie Sheen is worth it, Mike Tyson is worth it, AW is a former ECWWE talk show host.
Yeah, this is likely the best rebuttal I can think of. I do believe A.W. could be good for a tag team, or even a single's star in TNA. But you're right...he might not be worth it. What's TNA really got to gain from A.W. that they could get from somebody else already on the roster? Like it or not, being a bit more familly friendly might actually help TNA in the ratings. Notice they've been swearing less and saying things like "Crap" in every promo instead of "hell" or "shit". They don't have Dixie Carter "accidentally" saying "turn this fu--ing thing off!" at the end of an episode all that often. They're not NEARLY as politically correct as the WWE, but A.W. might simply not be worth TNA's time. Also, I really doubt that they would have fired him for making a Kobe Bryant joke. I really, really doubt it.

Who knows. Maybe this is like the Daniel Bryan thing. Maybe it's as simply as "you don't choke a guy out with his necktie, and you don't make rape jokes on television". Maybe he'll be back, and the WWE can milk some of that angle out of him. I honestly hope that's the case, because the tag division was finally starting to intrigue me again. But if that's NOT the case, I'd like to see him in TNA. He might not be necessarily "worth it" from a liability standpoint, but I don't think it's going to be a problem.
When King Mo debuts in TNA, have A.W debut in TNA at the same time and manage him. It would be like the Lesnar-Heyman relationship, King Mo has the skills and A.W has the mouth, it would be a winning combination. A.W would surely be able to get Mo over quick just like Heyman did Lesnar and A.W did PTP.

If not Mo then maybe they can pair A.W with Pope since he isn't doing anything right now though Pope doesn't really need anyone to talk for him but I think the A.W-Mo idea is better.

I like this. At first I wasn't a fan of King Mo being in TNA, but having AW with him would change my mind. I was really liking what AW was doing, and am sorry he got released. I think he added to the match, and i was always a fan of managers returning. This idea could work really well.
I dunno what it is, but wrestling fans always think that people that leave WWE will automatically make the jump over to TNA. While it is entirely possible that AW could think of Impact Wrestling as an option, that doesn't mean TNA wants him. Sure, AW got released under bad circumstances and spoke his mind. That's great and I applaud him for that. Although I believe he waited until he was already under the bus to comment about it. That doesn't mean you won't still get run over by said bus. To be honest, I never cared about AW one way or the other. He was simply another generic manager type who was among the list of mediocre performers. It's not as if he were a big deal in WWE to begin with, so why would TNA want him? TNA is the place for wrestling nowadays and I never seen AW in the ring, so how do we know he could wrestle? I could see him maybe going to TNA and becoming a manager type but it's very unlikely that would even happen. TNA is probably overbudget as it is. They would only hire AW if it majorly benefitted TNA and that simply is not what would happen. I wouldn't see it as a big deal and most casual fans would probably agree.
Wtf is that supposed to mean?

I'm just over the whole, throw a bunch of people from the same "race" into a stable...thing. I was just joking around, please don't take it to mean I'm racist or anything. The all-black or all-Russian stable thing worked in the past, and truly there are a lot of wrestling fans that buy into them still today. It's really easy to perpetuate heat for a "foreign" entity. Especially when there's generations of truth behind that heat. Truth that's been all but buried by a progressive culture over the past 20-30 years. Unfortunately, you can't really ever blame the stereotypical wrestling fan for being a contributing part of progressive culture...

It's 2012; almost 2013. Darren Young, Titus O'Neil and A.W. are from New Jersey, Florida and Texas (?), respectively. We're not talking ye' old Africans, banding together to unite against the white man and his reign of colored supremacy. We've got a black man in the office, at least for another few months. Maybe it's time we moved away from the cheap heat, and put people together based on what would make a GOOD stable, not necessary based on the prejudices people still harbor down deep. Or have we not noticed yet that almost ALL stables of "color" end up being the heels sooner or later. That's not coincidence. Marketing analysts do their job very, very well.

I guess what I'm essentially saying, in regards to the matter at hand, is that A.W. doesn't need to be thrown into a stable with 2 or 3 black dudes. He has the potential (read: is loud and annoying enough) to get somebody, regardless of race or ethnicity, over as a heel. Why single out all the black people in Impact, and throw them together? It's utterly contrived, and would likely flop in a matter of weeks. D-Von? He's a face and nobody in 2012 really cares about him. Not on his own anyways. Pope? He' he a face? I don't know, but his charisma would probably out-class A.W. anyways. You don't want to have too many flamboyant characters running together; it's real hard to build that way.

Now Kenny King - there's a guy I could see A.W. managing in a solo career. That's an interesting idea! If you WERE going to go with an all-black tag team managed by A.W., why not throw Kenny KING together with KING Mo, managed by A.W.?
I don't know much at all about AW so I will say what I do know. I think the idea of AW was great because how many male personas actually appear on wwe tv who do not wrestle, and only appear as a behind the mic character.

The only character I can say off hand is Jimmy hart. I think Tna could do great work with AW if they used in him right. Idk if he wrestles but he dosen't need to be a great manager.

My main question is will AW's all world promotion story angle going to survive without him, because I don't want to see ptp players become jobbers just because their manager was stupid.
I am not sure how good of a wrestler he can be but he can go straight to ROH because the 90-Day clause isn't in affect with ROH.

That's not true he can only appear on non televised shows so he wouldn't be able to do ROH.

As for AW... I don't know because I've not seen enough of him. I have only seen him make that joke lol oh and a few skits he did on WWECW. But the idea of him doing play by play during matches is a cool gimmick, like Jimmy Hart in a way. And I think he could replace Taz and then we could have a full heel Abraham Washington(is that name actually trademarked by WWE? :lmao:) going back and forth with Tenay, sounds good to me!

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