BC's graphics/sigs part two


While Orton may not be a popular character lately, I decided to make a graphic of him as I found an interesting render.

I did a lot of stuff in this one. I'll first explain the text. I did a snake skin texture overlay on "the viper" and used a marquee tool to create the rectangle that I used to put Orton's name. I added a shadow and bevel and emboss on it. I used a gradient overlay on the background to make it a similar color to snake-Orton. After all of that, I used a "comic" border to finish

I feel this is one of my best pieces to date.
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First what I did here was placed an image onto a bank background and went to filters and made a wave. I then put Eddie in. I gave it a light source by using a 300Px soft brush and by using the light tool. Next I tested various gradient maps to find a good one. I lastly sharpened it with the sharpen tool and added the text, and added the 3px border.

I think Dave and I are fairly ready for the dual sig challenge.

It's a little risky creating this sig when Lesnar's title is in jeopardy in mere weeks. But, oh well, win, lose or draw I made a signature of him.

First I started with a black background. I made a new layer and randomly brushed using a red color. I applied Lesnar, duplicated him, and desaturated the top layer and set it to "overlay". Like Doc says, it makes the original image look extremely better. I made a new layer and applied the image, and made things light and dark according to a said light point. I also sharpened Lesnar using the sharpen tool. After that I added various gradient maps and used the text called "trashco". To finish I added a 1 px black border.

Here's my newest piece of work.

Here's how I did it, in case you were wondering:
Started with a black background and brushed on another layer. I added each respective guy, except Lesnar. I then made a gradient map on top of them and set the color overlay to white.

I added Lesnar, duplicated and desaturated him, and set an overlay on the two and merged them into one layer.

I added a 1px black border to finish.

Feedback? Thoughts?

The last sig is the best i saw thru this thread from you.. i love the lights and the idea of B/W of the other renders amaazing idea .. just needed some touches to make it incredible more than it really is ..

KIU .. ;)

Let me give my hidden thread some bumpage with my newest signature that I forcibly made.

This was an easy sig to make. I started off with an image from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, to use as my "stock" image. I duplicated it and played with the overlay options, and then merged them togather.

Next I added a black and white gradient overlay and again adjusted the overlay settings. I duplicated the whole image, and added some brightness in apt places ( namely where the sun is shining).

I used a blood splatter brush on top of that. I added a simple text and used bevel and emboss on it. I finished up with a red and black border.

This is the first time I opened PS in MONTHS. I'm surprised I still know everything. It actually turned out fairly decent.
I love how simple that Leather Face gfx looks. Alot of what you explain I have no idea about, I dont think Photofiltre has emboss and all that and I never seen a blood splatter brush. Anyway good work, I really like it.

First I found a sun image from google to use for the background. I added various gradient maps to it. I added in the background Punk pic and used a gradient map on it set to luminosity. I used a soft white brush to create the border.

Simple as that. I'm just starting to get back into the swing of things as I've took a sabbatical from using PS.

Wham! After the excitement of the Rock returning, inspiration was found easily.

I started off randomly brushing onto a new layer with grundge brushes on a black background layer. I added a pic of the Rock doing the Rock Bottom and blended it using an overlay option, erasing all of the unnecessary stuff. I then added scanlines (thanks again, Theo). I added the main pic of Rocky, fixed the overall lighting of the sig, added a simple, fitting text, and added a 1 px black border to finish.

Really proud of the outcome. Thoughts?
Really digging The Rock sig BC. Definitely my favorite sig on the page. The background is blended nicely and the Rock Bottom image fills up any potential dead space and that is most certainly a good thing. The main render works well with the image and of course I love the overall background. Love the dot technique going on with the splurts of black mixed in. Really, really good sig. Overall I'd have to give a 9/10. Only gripe I have is the font is a bit bland, but it doesn't take away from the overall effectiveness of the sig.

Also I really like the Punk sig above. Only issue I have is the empty space on the right behind the main render of Punk. Maybe you could have thrown in another GTS image facing the opposite direction or even flipped the one of the left and put it over there. Orton's arm sticking out sort of distracts me from the main image.Then moving the text towards the center or ridding the sig of text in general. Other than that the main image is blends well and the background really meshes nicely. Definitely in the 8's on the grading scale.

You had to know this was coming, sooner or later. Perhaps a little early, but I had to.

I added both images first, did the duplicate/darken/blend thing on both, added a grunge background, used a black and white overlay, and then added another overlay. I inserted the WM 28 logo into the background. Lastly, I added the simple white text.

Really simple signature. I like it. Any thoughts are welcomed.

Edit: Fixed.
So, here's my Cole sig:


Yea, incredibly basic. Just solidifies that sometimes basic and simple is the way to go.

I brushed a black canvas, and blurred it for the background. Added Cole, sharpened him up a bit, and then added a border. Simple.

Photoshop has a timeline feature in which you can make gifs, though admittedly not as good as other adobe products that specialize in sequence movements.

Just a simple south park-esque gif I tried out, nothing too special.
So, here's my Cole sig:


Just to give some feedback on your last creations...
This Cole Sig is to simple, effective you are right, but you could change the text make it more "Royal" you understand what I'm saying?
And "Sir Michael Cole" would be awesome x)

Just a simple south park-esque gif I tried out, nothing too special.
This is AWESOME!! I love it, obvious you are not any gif maker, but this is fucking hilarious :worship:

I want to see more, when you have some time, go work on some sigs :D
Just to give some feedback on your last creations...
This Cole Sig is to simple, effective you are right, but you could change the text make it more "Royal" you understand what I'm saying?
And "Sir Michael Cole" would be awesome x)
You're right - good criticism. I should've gone the whole "sir, Cole" route with this signature. To be honest I rushed it a bit. If I saved the signature in the correct format, I'd go back and change that.

This is AWESOME!! I love it, obvious you are not any gif maker, but this is fucking hilarious :worship:

I want to see more, when you have some time, go work on some sigs :D

Thank you. I know it's not the best but I just tinkered with it for a few minutes. It seemed like an easy concept to help me get introduced to PS's timeline feature.

I believe I'm going to post all of the avatars that I submitted in the 2011 avatar thread later.
I wanted a post dedicated to my avatar work in the 2011 avatar upload thread, but I quickly found out posting all of them was too daunting. So, here's a handful of some of my favorite entries:


I made a lot of avatars. I found out that I actually enjoy making them more than I do making regular signatures. I feel these avatars showcase my best work in the official avatar thread.
Actually I love you Cm Punk avatar, because I've made a wallpaper with the Pespi logo too x)

Why the fuck does CM Punk have a Pepsi logo tattooed? :S

I couldn't get this one to work quite as well as I wanted. I'm still not totally sure if I like the turn out.

How I made it:
Started with a black background, inserted a broken window render for the background, added Punk, played around with gradient maps, played around with the lighting, and added a border.

Not sure to what degree I like this.
I just jumped on the Ryder bandwagon. He's a charismatic young guy trying to get his foot in the door in the wrestling world.


How I did it:
1.) Painted the background black (always my first step).
2.) Applied renders of Ryder and his logo.
3.) Created a new layer, and used a grey metal brush.
4.) Implemented a black and white gradient map and set the blending to overlay.
5.) Used a lens flair feature.
6.) Added a 2px black border.

'Twas a request from FunKay and I liked it quite a lot.

I found an interesting background on Google, made it the background, put a gradient map on it, added the subtext, applied the image to a new layer and played with the lighting, added a lens flair, and put a border on it to finish.

I'll put this here in case I want to use it sometime.

Steps on how I made it:
1.) made transparent background.
2.) Typed text.
3.) Inserted images and blended them with text.
4.) Lowered their opacity.
5.) Added border.

I followed a tutorial here, so credit goes to the maker of the tutorial.

I did a lot of complex steps, too much to name them all. Lets just say I used the smudge tool, brush tool, sharpen tool, a filter, gradient maps, brightness and contrast, applied images, used the light/dark tools, used an Arial font, and put a 2px border on it to finish.

FunKay requested it and I especially like it, so I thought I'd post it here.

How I made it:
1.) Started with a black background
2.) Found renders
3.) Added renders to background
4.) Added various gradient maps
5.) Created a light source around Punk; I made the main center Punk the focus by having light radiate from him
6.) Added a fill on the background lowered the opacity
7.) Found a fancy fitting text, with a 1px black stroke
8.) "Comic" border to finish

Memento was a truly great, creative film. You need to watch it. Now.

How I made it:
1.) Found main Memento image to use as the stock.
2.) Fixed the lighting
3.) Added a "comic" red border.

That's it, really. Easy sig, but I'm happy with it.

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