Batista's Return

I'm delighted Batista has decided to return to the WWE. I can't help but predict being disapointed though. Lets face it lately the WWE creative wise has not really delivered and story lines have quickly became stale. They have a chance to do something great with Batista i just hope its not wasted.

As to whether or not he will be a heel or a face im not sure which one id rather see. He is a great heel and we have enough faces that are over at the moment and not great heels. (im a bit sick of Randy Orton already!) i just hope creative do the right thing and not leave us yet again disapointed.
Batista return will be interesting but then you put him directly in the main-event of now where does not make sense to me. I would disagree with people who have claimed Batista in same league of The Rock. IMO, The Rock is zillions and zillions times ahead of Batista.

If Triple H is happy stay as a boss and do not wrestle at WrestleMania then I feel instead of Triple H vs CM Punk, WWE will make a Batista vs CM Punk. Honestly I prefer Punk vs Triple H anyday.

As far Batista goes, I would want him to see him face someone like Roman Reigns. That will really put Roman Reigns over.
I'm excited about Batista's return. Nostalgia perhaps but I was a fan of Batista when he was in the WWE. He is a 6 time World Champion so he is certainly an important name in wrestling history.

I'm not sure if Batista will be heel or face. If he is promoting his movie then he should probably be a face. However, there is also potential with him being a heel especially considering an Evolution reunion.

The only problem is that I'm not sure what there is for him to do. People are suggesting a feud with Orton for the WWE Title. I'm really not a fan of this. There are better options and he hasn't wrestled in a while.

In all honestly I can't think of a feud I want to see. Lesnar, Punk, Cena simply don't appeal to me. The Shield or The Wyatt Family is honestly the best option that I can think off. If he is a face I would be interested in seeing Batista vs a member of The Shield or indeed Bray Wyatt. I think that could be a decent program that will help him to get someone over and it keeps if relevant enough.

I wouldn't mind something like Batista vs Bryan could be a good option. Bryan doesn't have an obvious match for Mania and is clearly over. Batista is a 6 time World Champion that used to be associated with HHH and Orton. It makes perfect sense. It could be a decent match and I think it would be a good use of both superstars.
I think the ideal thing to do with Batista, if they can pull it off, is for Batista to feud with and ultimately put over Roman Reigns. Batista has main event credibility as a multi time champion and IF they want Reigns to go the singles route and be a main eventer, Batista is the perfect guy set that in motion with.

Batista would either have to be face and feud with The Shield OR Reigns would have to go face against a heel Batista.

We all know Batista isn't a great wrestler but he's big, like Reigns, and despite what we may think of him, he does have main event credibility.

Since Batista is likely only coming back for a few months though, I doubt WWE uses him to put someone over (but they SHOULD). They will want to maximize his exposure as much as possible.
he is definitely coming back as a face, him coming back and destroying orton is most likely, WWE needs more face power right now, he wont be facing Reigns either....

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