Batista's Return

I was hoping he'd be a surprise entrant in the Rumble and come out to a MEGA pop!!
Or maybe even the night after,
The roof will blow off the house!!
Batista is out of touch with the wrestling fans as he's ignored wrestling altogether since leaving in what 2006? 2008? So he's at least 5 years removed from any relevance, let alone prominence in the sport.

What? I'm sorry but that makes it seem like YOU'RE the one out of touch. He started his main event run in 2005 and stayed there fro 5 years. To say he left in 2006 (when he returned to be face of SD) or 2008 (when he moved to Raw), is silly. He left in 2010, a little over 3 years ago.

I have little to interest in seeing that match at Wrestlemania. I would rather see Lesnar VS Undertaker, because it's the bigger match up

There are plenty of Lesnar/Taker match-ups that you can catch on DVD or on the internet. There are 0 Batista/Lesnar matches out there.
normally every comeback wrestler targets cena. My choice is batista vs cena because batista last appearance was against cena in a i quit match. Next night raw he came and quit wwe.

But my choice for wm30 is
1.BigE (c) vs mark henry for ic
2.Dean ambrose(c) vs roman reigns for us
3.Rey vs sin cara
4.Cody vs goldust
5.Real americans(c) with zeb colter vs jerishow or showmiz or any show+ and a celebrity tag team champ or non title
6.Taker vs bryan with wyatt family
7.Randy(c) vs chris jericho (may be he claim for first undisputed champion) or sheamus (rr or ec winner)
8.Aj lee(c) vs tamina for womens championship
9.Cm punk vs leanar with paul heyman
10. batista vs cena
Mania makes more sense for him, as he will be a part of the biggest event of the spring in terms of pop culture and THEN come August one of the summer's biggest movies. From a PR perspective it's win-win for Brand Batista and Marvel as he will be back in the public conciousness as he was the biggest "gamble" on that film casting wise. That he can also get a big pay day is a bonus... From the E's perspective they get a Rock replacement at half the money, knowing come the summer he is gonna be huge in that movie and most reviews will refer to his WWE heritage.

I'm amazed WWE haven't also tried to get Kurgann/Robert Maillet back in some capacity, as he is one of Hollywood's most recognisable actors now - sure he doesn't lead them, but he's been in some massive movies and everyone remembers him as Kurgann.

Exactly! I could see that. I wouldn't be surprised if they give him the title from Orton just so he can do what The Rock didn't do and show up with title on the red carpets and interviews.

That Marvel movie is going to be huge. I didn't know about Kurragan (sp?)
On the main page, there's an article by Justin LaBar speculating on potential feuds for Batista when he returns, providing it's in a wrestling role. LaBar is of the opinion Batista needs to be a heel as WWE has a number of strong babyfaces on the roster. He goes into a little detail on a couple of potential opponents in Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler. Both would make good opponents for Batista with Sheamus being a big, powerhouse brawler and Ziggler being an athletic scrapper who sells better than anybody in the business. Either could result in a memorable match with Batista.

I also agree with LaBar when he states that Cena, Punk & Bryan don't really need an opponent like Batista. We've seen Cena vs. Batista already and I've no interest in it again. Plus, he's far too established. Punk is also pretty heavily established by now and Bryan has been the hottest star on the WWE roster for the better part of 6 months. That's not to say that I wouldn't be interested in Punk or Bryan vs. Batista; if there are two guys who could carry Batista through a strong match at WrestleMania XXX, it's them.

Dave Meltzer speculates that Batista will enter the 2014 Royal Rumble, win it and go onto face Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania XXX. For me personally, that's a feud I have even less interest in seeing than Cena vs. Batista. It conjures up feelings of Cena vs. Rock II all over again in which you know the outcome of the match months before it happens. And even if Batista won the title from Orton at WM, so what? Like The Rock, Batista will be on Raw a couple of times, I highly doubt he'll be working house shows and he'll only hold it for a month or two before dropping it as he disappears back to Hollywood. The Rock, at least, had the charisma to keep people interested even if they knew what was coming, but Batista was charismatically challenged throughout his time in WWE.

There's always Brock Lesnar to consider, but it's hard for me to get all that excited about a novelty match featuring a couple of special attraction part timers.
The only reason Batista would ever come back is, they pay huge amount of money like The Rock. His movie career is taking off, dude is going to be in Guardians of the Galaxy, why would he stop doing movies now, when he's just starting to get hot in Hollywood. This make no sense what so ever, I'm going to take this with a grain of salt. I just don't believe it
Here's thing man, Batista is no different than The Rock, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker or any other part timer walking into the company. He is there for nothing less than the top spot and to make the most money he possibly can. It's not a case of helping a Ziggler or a Titus O'neil over, it's too make $$$. He'd be wasting his time if he came back to feud with any mid car incapable of reaching their potential.

Hence why he is going to be involved in a money making match in Batista-Orton at WrestleMania. I am not a big Orton fan but that is match that would undeniably draw big money and given the fact that it's for the WWE title and Batista has not been in that picture since 2010, it's all the more bigger.
There's always Brock Lesnar to consider, but it's hard for me to get all that excited about a novelty match featuring a couple of special attraction part timers.

Would you appreciate Taker/Lesnar like everyone is clamoring for, because frankly, I'm sure Batista would work much more than Taker will.

I for one didn't muster any sort of interested for those bogus Taker/Triple H End of an Era matches. I thought they were really boring. But everyone seems to love them. Everyone keeps digging these special attraction part timers so I'm positive Batista/Lesnar will be profitable even though I for one wouldn't be as interested.

I for one would like to see CM Punk vs. Batista. If Triple H isn't prepared to do the job himself, he can bring in Batista as a representative of the Authority to do the job for him.

But I don't think Batista will come back as a heel, or come back for a loss. He's coming back to establish himself as a big badass right before his big movie. He's going to get over, and he's to beat Brock to do it.
I'd absolutely involve him in the title match at the Rumble. If he's going heel, reunite Evolution. It makes all the sense in the world ti have him attack Cena after the way he left in 2010.

If he's a babyface, you tease an Evolution reunion and have him cost Orton the match and brawl with Triple H also. Or he could attack them after the match if they're keeping the belt on Orton.

I like the 2nd option better. I don't really care to see Batista vs Cena again.

Batista has been Vince's guy in the past. It would be logical to have Batista w/ Vince vs Orton w/ HHH for the WWE Championship and control of the company at WM30.
This time i am amazed. Look, there are so many huge guys in the camp. There are so many huge guys returning. People are surprised about who will win Royal Rumble?, who will work a main event at wrestlemania?, how the men like Goldberg, Batista, and Hulk Hogan will be utilized?, will Stone Cold be back, what he will be doing? What if The Rock also joined?. For me, This years Road to Wm can be most awesome if wwe managed things in right direction. Well i remember, before Batista left wwe, he was defeated by john cena. So in my thinking, before John cena leaves he should give Batista a win. And Batista will not return to loose a match against a midcarder.
I think we're giving WAY too much credit to Batista as we seem to assume that he can possibly fill a role with more range than a juiced up roid-head with Keanu Reeves' vocabulary.

He's entertaining because he's shaped like a mentally disabled kindergartener's best impression of a trapezoid, and because his war face looks like he caught a whiff of Vader's tights.

I mean for fucks sake, Batista has NEVER done anything to stand out. Ted Arcidi, Dino Bravo and Don Muraco deserved to have been world champions if we can say in good conscience that Batista deserved his status as a world champion mainstay. I don't know what special favors he did for HHH to have the spotlight even while he was constantly getting put on the injured list, but anyone else would have been canned immediately.

What should the WWE do with him? The same stupid shit they do with any returning performer whose comeback is over-shadowed by the fact that they long over-stayed their welcome before they left the first time (JBL, The Miz); he'll take up airtime challenging for the world title or he'll find a way to screw up a fan favorite's ability to take that title, heel turns are inevitable for performers who can't stomach the fact that sometimes people boo as an act of desperation because they're boring them into a coma.

I mean fucking honestly, I don't see any good reason in bringing an injury prone plank of wood like Batista back. To quote R. Lee Ermey, he wrestles like old people fuck.
im with the guy above me. bastia is so bland just alful in ring and out. i never ceered him so much as i did wen he left wwe. if he is n wwe title match at wm then i wont b buying wm for the first time n five years. damn
So there's a suggestion Batista is coming back to win the Royal Rumble, go on to WrestleMania XXX, where he will go over Randy Orton and win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. That's the problem, right there. The plan.

I can understand WWE wanting to bring Batista. Before he left, he was arguably the number two guy in the company. Former World Heavyweight Champion, WWE Champion, Royal Rumble winner, etc. He's a big name, and one of the biggest of the past 10 years. It makes sense.

What doesn't make sense is bringing him back to get into the main event of WrestleMania XXX. Him winning the title, to me, is a spit in the face of every single superstar on the current roster not named John Cena or Randy Orton. Why can Dave Batista come in after a near four year absence and just go straight back to the top? Yeah I understand Shawn Michaels did it, but he stayed for eight years after that. I'm guessing we'll be lucky to have Batista for eight months.

This is just the same as when The Rock came back and won the WWE Championship. Honestly, who gives a fuck? No one now. Dolph Ziggler's win over Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship is arguably more popular than Dwayne's win. I'd agree with that. Batista will be good for the time, but when he leaves, no one will really care. Just like now, The Rock is gone and no one give a flying fuck.

Perhaps comparing Batista and The Rock is a little wrong, but if Dave wins the title at WrestleMania, it proves WWE believes more in their part time guys that they sign weeks before they are needed, moreso than the current, full time guys on their roster. If they believe that, so do the fans, naturally, because it is what we are given, and that's an issue. Batista winning the title would be wrong in my opinion. Have him in the Royal Rumble, have him appear at WrestleMania XXX and the build up, perhaps push him to SummerSlam. Get some good, major feuds going. But please, stay away from the title, unless of course he's here to stay, in which case, my argument is invalid.
While I'm not a huge fan of Batista, his big matches have been favorites of mine. His programs with Undertaker, Cena and the H's are definitely standouts of the last decade. So, this leaves me feeling conflicted. Batista will be in a big program, no doubt, so I'm excited for that. However, I dread him taking the spot and payday of a harder full timer, and can't justify it in my mind.

Furthermore, I feel whatever they're paying Batista won't be worth it. When you put him in the same category as other part timers - Undertaker, Rock, Lesnar - Batista is not the attraction or household name that they are. His cameo work is unnoticed by wrestling fans and his "big break" in Guardians of the Galaxy won't be in theaters until the summer. Special appearances by the part timers are used to draw in non-wrestling fans (Undertaker aside) because wrestling fans are already going to pay for Wrestlemania.

I'll watch Dave with an open mind, but I have my doubts.
I personally would love to have Triple H bring back Batista as an extra "muscle" for The Authority and essentially reunite Evolution as all heels leading up to Wrestlemania where they feud with Punk, Bryan and Cena. Mania would have Punk vs Triple H, Orton vs Bryan, Batista vs Cena. It would allow the current Authority storyline to build to three major matches involving all the top stars, allow some mixed matchups and fun tags along the way, and we get to see the Batista/Cena feud rekindled as it died off with Batista leaving before it was already over. Throw in Vince returning, Stone Cold possibly guest reffing the Punk/Triple H match and you have months of exciting TV to build to Mania.
I think we're giving WAY too much credit to Batista as we seem to assume that he can possibly fill a role with more range than a juiced up roid-head with Keanu Reeves' vocabulary.

He's entertaining because he's shaped like a mentally disabled kindergartener's best impression of a trapezoid, and because his war face looks like he caught a whiff of Vader's tights.

I mean for fucks sake, Batista has NEVER done anything to stand out. Ted Arcidi, Dino Bravo and Don Muraco deserved to have been world champions if we can say in good conscience that Batista deserved his status as a world champion mainstay. I don't know what special favors he did for HHH to have the spotlight even while he was constantly getting put on the injured list, but anyone else would have been canned immediately.

What should the WWE do with him? The same stupid shit they do with any returning performer whose comeback is over-shadowed by the fact that they long over-stayed their welcome before they left the first time (JBL, The Miz); he'll take up airtime challenging for the world title or he'll find a way to screw up a fan favorite's ability to take that title, heel turns are inevitable for performers who can't stomach the fact that sometimes people boo as an act of desperation because they're boring them into a coma.

I mean fucking honestly, I don't see any good reason in bringing an injury prone plank of wood like Batista back. To quote R. Lee Ermey, he wrestles like old people fuck.

Whether you're a fan of his work or not, the guy got over universally when given the strap at mania 21 and ran with it. Sure Batista is a hhh guy, but unlike all the other "hhh guys", batista took off to the mainevent and while guys like (sheamus, Del Rio, and Ryback) who have the support of vince/hhh, flopped big time.
A Batista return sounds good on paper, and I'm sure his presence will provide a little spark, but it's almost impossible to not run into a series of walls, when you consider potential opponents for a big time match. He's already faced The Undertaker, Cena, and Triple H numerous times, and he faced all three men at Wrestlemania, so there's no luster for any of those match ups. And if you're really reaching for another name, Batista also feuded with Rey Mysterio. On top of that, one of the most memorable moments in Batsita's career was his heel turn on Rey at Bragging Rights.

Lesnar VS Batista? I don't see the appeal in it. One of the main reasons why live crowds were so snarky (i.e. Summerslam '12) towards Triple H and Lesnar during their feud, is both men had nothing to lose. Batista is a multiple time world champion and a legit HOF candidate, he's got nothing to prove. And when he returns, it'll be no secret he's only in it for a big paycheck, and the chance to promote his new movie. Brock Lesnar is portrayed as a soulless mercenary/bully, who only cares about money, so the crowd won't have anyone to rally behind.

Also, let's not kid ourselves, Batista is not The Rock. Hell, in terms of star power, he's not on Lesnar's level either. We're talking about a guy, who's had a handful of roles in generic and forgettable straight-to-video action flicks, and his two recent mainstream roles (Riddick, The Man With The Iron Fists) aren't something to brag about, so Batista's return isn't going to set the world on fire in WWE.

Batista facing CM Punk is something to look forward to, though. Triple H could use Batista as a surrogate to punish Punk in a match at Wrestlemania XXX. At Mania, Punk sticks it to Triple H by defeating Batista, and overcoming the odds for a win.

Honestly, with the way things are going now, it's the best option for both men. I can't see Punk working his way into the WWE World Heavyweight Championship picture for a Mania match, because Bryan, Cena, and Orton are the more realistic options. Plus, Punk needs a noteworthy opponent for Wrestlemania after facing Jericho at 28 for the WWE Championship, and Taker for the streak this year. And Batista is better off as the narcissistic dick heel. Batista was at his best with this persona in 2009-2010. On the the other hand, WWE reintroducing the generic muscular brute persona for Batista is a waste of a return.
Who should Batista face at Mania?

Batista vs Roman Reigns. This match could help establish Reigns as the next dominant force in the main event. I just don't see it happening though as The Shield has yet to split. If Shield doesn't face Wyatts at mania, then Reigns can beat both Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, for the US Title most likely.

Batista vs CM Punk. It would be a good match seeing as how far Punk has gotten since Batista left. However, I believe Punk needs to face HHH as the Anti-Authority figure against the evil boss.

Batista vs Big E Langston. This would be the best match for Batista seeing as how Big E holds the secondary title, the Intercontinental Championship. Big E has been apart of the closing of Smackdown and now Raw with John Cena and CM Punk. Being in the ring with those guys is a privilege and a sign of things to come. What better way to but Big E over than a win against Batista.

No Batista should not face Brock Lesner, because Wrestlemania XXX should be about making stars for the future.
How about this:

He comes out, hypes up all his accomplishments, his up coming movie, the. rock's music hits, he comes out, doesn't say a word, rock bottom "you suck as an actor and a wrestler" then leaves.

But in all seriousness, the possibilities are endless. Lesnar, Ryback, Goldberg, Langston, Cena, etc.
Here's thing man, Batista is no different than The Rock, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker or any other part timer walking into the company. He is there for nothing less than the top spot and to make the most money he possibly can. It's not a case of helping a Ziggler or a Titus O'neil over, it's too make $$$. He'd be wasting his time if he came back to feud with any mid car incapable of reaching their potential.

Hence why he is going to be involved in a money making match in Batista-Orton at WrestleMania. I am not a big Orton fan but that is match that would undeniably draw big money and given the fact that it's for the WWE title and Batista has not been in that picture since 2010, it's all the more bigger.

That's true. It's probably the only WWE World Heavweight Championship match up that could close out Wrestlemania.
What? I'm sorry but that makes it seem like YOU'RE the one out of touch. He started his main event run in 2005 and stayed there fro 5 years. To say he left in 2006 (when he returned to be face of SD) or 2008 (when he moved to Raw), is silly. He left in 2010, a little over 3 years ago.

Which is why I had a question mark next to the year, because frankly I couldn't remember when he left and couldn't be bothered to look it up. Which is just another sign of how little Batista means to the business or how little impact he had overall. The fact that I couldn't remember the year he left isn't a sign that I'm out of touch, it's a sign of how little interest there is in a return by myself or most casual fans. He was a non factor in my viewing of wrestling at the time. You say he was a main eventer for a 5 year period? I doubt it was that long, and frankly if it was then he was the Del Rio of the time, someone thrown out there because they wanted to force him down our throats more than that he actually deserved to be there.

I do admit to being a bit out of touch though, but that is more a result of how frustrated I've become with the product and how boring I've found most of the story lines since the start of the summer. I posted in another thread, I haven't been able to sit through a full episode of Raw or Smackdown since July because of how stupid some of the stuff has been.
I am not sure Batista will be brought in as a heel. I am not sure there is space on the roster for two beasts in Batista and Brock Lesnar to be bad asses. Unless Mr Lesnar turns face which would be a bad move.

The possibilities are endless though. He could be brought in to join The Authority, he could be brought in to fued with the Authority or he could be brought in to fued with Brock Lesnar.

If he does come back as a heel - Bryan/Punk/Show/vs Batista/Triple H/Orton would be fine with me for Mania 30. Orton can drop the strap and Cena can defend against someone like Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, Hulk Hogan :)
Would you appreciate Taker/Lesnar like everyone is clamoring for, because frankly, I'm sure Batista would work much more than Taker will.

There's a HUGE difference between Taker and Batista & Lesnar. Lesnar & Batista are, for all intents & purposes, a couple of high paid mercenaries who don't have any real love for wrestling. Taker worked his ass off, injured or otherwise, for well for nearly 25 years. I think he'd still be out there much more frequently, even at 48 years of age, if the wear & tear hadn't caught up to him. I'm not hating on Lesnar or Batista for leaving, don't get me wrong there. If they weren't happy or wanted to do other things, more power to them. But Taker's a wrestler, always has been & always will be at heart, even if his body's all beat to hell and that counts as a lot with many fans. Taker's an old school guy with an old school mind who came up through wrestling the old school way; busting his ass to pay his dues whereas a lot of more modern guys, such as Brock Lesnar or guys out on the indie circuit in general, or even guys who got into wrestling during the Attitude Era, like Batista, operate with the mind set that is owed or should be handed to them. Taker's a dying breed, people know it and it's part of what makes a lot of fans respect him.

Also, as for Batista, as others have pointed out, Batista isn't The Rock. He doesn't have that level of star power, he never did. The Rock had a level of charisma and genuine star power that brought something unique back to the table. While the novelty, for me at least, of The Rock returning all triumphantly has worn off, he's still a bigger star than Batista ever has been. That doesn't mean that there's still not money to be made off the guy, but we all know how fans have changed over the years. As has also been mentioned, there are some walls to overcome if WWE wants to really make Batista's return as much of a success as possible. A big part of that could be where Batista ultimately lands against at WrestleMania. For instance, Batista just won't be able to walk in, flex a little, shake the ropes and stomp around while expecting people to be amazed by his physique without being bombarded by "Daniel Bryan" or "CM Punk" chants if he winds up winning the Royal Rumble. A lot of fans simply aren't going to drool over Batista as this mega star going up against Randy Orton, if that's what the plan is, just because WWE might want them to. Batista's a big name, but he's not Cena or Rock big, nowhere close really. Oh, I'm sure he'll get a massive pop when he returns on Raw, the place'll be electric and buzzing with excitement over the novelty of seeing one of the bigger starts of the last decade back in the ring. But once that wears off, and it will after a week or so, then fans will have more of an idea about what his role will be and who it'll be against. And if they don't relish the idea of Batista vs. Orton, IF that's what the idea is, for the strap at WM, they'll let WWE know about it and the result could be lackluster interest in the first WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at a WrestleMania.
Whether you're a fan of his work or not, the guy got over universally when given the strap at mania 21 and ran with it. Sure Batista is a hhh guy, but unlike all the other "hhh guys", batista took off to the mainevent and while guys like (sheamus, Del Rio, and Ryback) who have the support of vince/hhh, flopped big time.

Hum mum mum, calm blue oceans. Okay, we obviously have different definitions for the term "universally liked".

I think that we could agree that Batista's rise to fame was more gradual than Sheamus', Del Rio's and Ryback's. A more gradual journey to becoming a world championship contender, resulting from conclusive wins, is easier for me to stomach than someone practically debuting as a main eventer.

In Batista's case he benefitted more from HHH's help as HHH was at the time a more active member of the roster, and thus jobbing three times in a row to Batista meant a hell of a lot more back then than it would today.

Unlike all other HHH guys? Randy Orton, hello?
I'm excited for Batista's return, oddly enough. I'm sure they will revisit his feuds with Cena, Orton, or Taker. The Cena feud was 4 years ago, although I hope they do not immediately return to that feud. He's probably going to come back as a face to challenge Randy Orton. I'd expect Orton to win the feud. Batista was better as a heel. Maybe he can be an enforcer for The Authority? As for Wrestlemania I would want to see him face Lesnar. Two monsters going at it on the biggest show of the year. That match would be everything they wished Ryback VS Henry could have been a year ago. Whether he comes back as a face or a heel though, I'm anticipating what happens. 4 years without Batista on the roster is a long time and it has been long enough than virtually any feud could work at this point. He'll be a welcome addition to the world title scene, but I would not be surprised if some of the complainers around here get tired of him shortly after his first world title shot.

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