Anyone else let down by Batista's return?

I was there live and trust me we didn't give a shit pop because of Triple H. I'd say he did a good job hyping Batista so he could come out and when he said that stuff we were getting loud but then when Orton's music hit he really killed the moment. Batista should have just come out right when Trips finished talking and we would have popped something serious. Another factor is definitely what he was wearing the old lady sitting next to me actually said "Somebody needs to beat him stupid for coming out dressed like that". Finally the crowd was just a terrible crowd in general. I marked out because I never got to witness a return of that magnitude live and I was a fan of Batista and liked his machine gun pyro thing. What I noticed is that the crowd was filled with little kids, moms who brung the kids, old ladies, and chicks who couldn't have been watching wrestling more than a year or two all this coupled with the fact that Dayton doesn't get lively about anything and that's why you had such a shit crowd for RAW.

Couple funny things I want to eat: There was a kid sitting a row down from me with a "The Animal Returns" sign and this could couldn't have been more than 8 years old LOL he shouldn't even realistically have known who Batista is and if he did then it was as a heel. Also it got so quiet at times it was ridiculous at the start of the Orton v Kingston match I yelled out "Randy Orton sucks!" And my friend said he heard it did any of you?
I was disappointed because Batista looks so much smaller than I remember him. To me it was like seeing "Superstar" Billy Graham and "Kung Fu" Billy Graham. He is one of those people who got over by having a stellar look and when you return smaller it takes away the luster. Then again a poor crowd makes a difference. Look at Jake Roberts return a few weeks earlier. A hot crowd could have made Jake Roberts look golden.
I'm glad Batista is back, although it wasn't like when he returned and destroyed Mark Henry, It was still cool to see ADR chumped out like the chump he is, screw the pop on Raw, lets see what happens at the Rumble. I'm confident crowd will be hyped, waiting for the seconds to tick down for the next wrestler, and when Saliva comes on & Batista comes out and starts cleaning house, the crowd will explode . AND I'M SURE THATS WHAT VINCE HOPING FOR :shifty:
I think that the crowd was really quiet for the 2nd appearance of Batista, I am not let down though its been 1 show, and one bad looking spinebuster, now if it continues then yeah I would say let down but I am not basing anything off of one appearance thats like saying Daniel Bryan will never be champion because he's like 5'10 or HBK will never become a main eventer because he is in a tag team, things take time to develop...
To me, the return seemed good enough, but the promo he delivered was anti-climatic... I don't remember it word-by-word, but it was something like "I'm gonna face you for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania, by winning the Royal Rumble. So deal with it."
It just didn't seem badass enough. And badassness is the first thing I want to see from Batista, especially a returning one. It was an abrupt ending to the promo. Also, he spoke as if he is certain to win the Rumble, but when there are 29 other competitors, you cannot be so sure. So I think the problem was with the execution.
Well, I was excited for Batista's return. Then, when he was in the ring, I remembered that I've never actually liked him that much. It's just because of how ridiculously good WWE's editing team are at putting hype videos together. They made me think that I missed Batista, when I haven't missed Batista all that much, and the lacklustre return made me see that.

The same thing happened with Triple H vs. Orton at Wrestlemania 25. Epic hype video which was never going to live up to the match, but still got me excited.

Curse you, WWE editing team!
I realized much of the same. I was super pumped when the return was rumored, and I was all marked up. Then I watched the WWE video package, and then I got all settled to watch Raw live that night, because I usually DVR and after I read the internet Tuesday morning, I just fast forward to the spots that matter. But on Monday I sat live to watch Raw, watch Triple Zs and Boreton try to promo, and then Batista's music hit, and I was like, huh? I don't even like this guy.

But, I still think he got a pretty great pop for that crowd. And I think he's back in the WWE not as a part-timer, but between a full-timer and a part-timer.
Are you kidding me? You base one return based on the 5 minutes someone was allowed on tv?? I consider this thread too stupid to even bother replying, but I will anyway.

First of all, the setup of him returning was handled really really badly. His return was spoiled 1 month ago, also his introduction and entrance was just so bad. Blame HHH for that. Also, when he came back, he couldn't say much more, because everything else was said by HHH and Orton. And it would be even worse if he said that he is back for the fans and started pandering to the crowd in general. Just him kissing the mat is enough to sell me, because he showed that he is back for wrestling. His promo was intense and I was sold, also his finisher on Del Rio was also a good segment.

I won't say I was impressed, jaw-dropping style, but don't blame Batista for that. After all, bottom line is that you can't judge a return based on 5 minutes... Lesnar's return was bad in regards to his in-ring actions. He picked up Cena and held him there for like 10 seconds... What is that?? Was Cena dead or something and couldn't retaliate?
Well, I was excited for Batista's return. Then, when he was in the ring, I remembered that I've never actually liked him that much. It's just because of how ridiculously good WWE's editing team are at putting hype videos together. They made me think that I missed Batista, when I haven't missed Batista all that much, and the lacklustre return made me see that.

The same thing happened with Triple H vs. Orton at Wrestlemania 25. Epic hype video which was never going to live up to the match, but still got me excited.

Curse you, WWE editing team!

Yeah, same with me! I usually miss the first 30 minutes of Raw because I'm still at the gym but I left early to make sure I didn't miss anything. I was so pumped but I don't even really like the guy! i never missed him either. I'm wondering what I was thinking but I just didn't wanna miss anything.

I noticed that when Rock and Lesnar returned they went right after Cena even though he didn't even do anything to them. I kinda expected Batista to go after Cena first since the last time he was there Cena left him in a wheelchair crying and quitting the company on Raw, but we'll see what happens.

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