Batista's Return


Mid-Card Championship Winner
A ticket website apparently spoiled Batista's return. I frankly don't know why WWE would tell the ticket website about something so big, but maybe this was their plan all along and they want people to be hyped all month waiting for the day Batista shows up.

Sow how would you think Batista is going to return?? As a face or as a heel?? Who do you think he'll feud with? Orton, Lesnar, Punk??

Comment below & let me know.
I believe it would be best fit if Batista was involved in this authority storyline considering his relationship with HHH and Orton. I think it would be a perfect scenario where the main event of a PPV is Cena vs Orton for belt. before the match Daniel Bryan is found unconscious or what ever. And in the match, when Cena is about to win the match: Batista shows up and spinebuster/powerbombs him. Giving the win to orton. Then you have Batista join Authority and try to get Cena back for ending his career.

And as impossible as it sound, Batista got even more jacked then he already was.
One of two ways and it's both involving Randy Orton.

One is the Animal coming back to assist Orton with a win to keep the championship around Orton's waist to continue Orton in the authority, the other is Trips giving another thumbs down where Batista virtually destroy's Orton in the ring.

The problem with both my scenarios is both these incidents result in Batista being a heel, which I feel he's better as a Face….Orton is just a great heel even when cheered.
I believe it would be best fit if Batista was involved in this authority storyline considering his relationship with HHH and Orton. I think it would be a perfect scenario where the main event of a PPV is Cena vs Orton for belt. before the match Daniel Bryan is found unconscious or what ever. And in the match, when Cena is about to win the match: Batista shows up and spinebuster/powerbombs him. Giving the win to orton. Then you have Batista join Authority and try to get Cena back for ending his career.

And as impossible as it sound, Batista got even more jacked then he already was.

What's crazy about him is that he's almost 45 years old. Geez.

Back on topic, I was never a fan of his, but it's always cool to see (most) past WWE wrestlers come back, no matter how long or short a stay it is. Because the way I look at things like this is, while others are complaining in general, I just sit back and welcome it. They won't be around forever, so enjoy it while you can.

I'd love to see him against some of the younger guys, who have potential. Hype them up. You have great wrestlers like Dolph Ziggler who I have no idea what the company is doing with. Like many wrestlers with a ton of potential, they get buried. I'd like to see Dave against Ziggler, just so he can finally get some sort of break. He doesn't deserve the crap he's getting and has all the tools to be a main eventer. Put him against the past and see how he does. I bet the crowd and the fans would love it.
originally posted by sTyLnK

What's crazy about him is that he's almost 45 years old. Geez.

Back on topic, I was never a fan of his, but it's always cool to see (most) past WWE wrestlers come back, no matter how long or short a stay it is. Because the way I look at things like this is, while others are complaining in general, I just sit back and welcome it. They won't be around forever, so enjoy it while you can.

"They won't be around forever, so enjoy it while you can"

Those are really wise words. Seriously, we the IWC need to watch wrestling with that quote of yours in our minds. The IWC (me included) complain to much, but never appreciate the fact that we are lucky we still have wrestling. I LOVE IT!
i hope he is a heel. i cant stand him as a face. wish he would stay gone myself. how is wwe ever gonna build big stares when these part timere keep coming n just to b gone in few mounts. if Bastista is gonna put young guys over thats one thing but i dont see him coming back to louse a lot. the guy is just terribale n ring on mic there is nothing i like about him. omg wwe really, really.omg. on side note Dolf Zigglers first match on Raw was aginst Baistia. so ive seen that. please wwe job him to everyone.
i hope he is a heel. i cant stand him as a face. wish he would stay gone myself. how is wwe ever gonna build big stares when these part timere keep coming n just to b gone in few mounts. if Bastista is gonna put young guys over thats one thing but i dont see him coming back to louse a lot. the guy is just terribale n ring on mic there is nothing i like about him. omg wwe really, really.omg. on side note Dolf Zigglers first match on Raw was aginst Baistia. so ive seen that. please wwe job him to everyone.

He's coming back to put Roman Reigns over. This will be the ultimate "passing of the torch" for Reigns. Reigns is seen as the beast, animal, if you will, who better to put him over than the animal himself? That would be a massive Mania moment, Reigns pinning Batista.
Personally I would hope he ends up versing Lesnar at Wrestlemania, simply because Lesnar's big two other legitimate possibilities are Orton and Taker and I don't want to see Lesnar fight either. Batista, as also an MMA, as a face could try to stop Lesnar's reign of terror or whatever. Am happy for Batista to be back though, need some more star power.
He's coming back to put Roman Reigns over. This will be the ultimate "passing of the torch" for Reigns. Reigns is seen as the beast, animal, if you will, who better to put him over than the animal himself? That would be a massive Mania moment, Reigns pinning Batista.

Batista is coming back because he's got Guardians of the Galaxy coming out, no other reason. He was always complaining about how he hates PG era WWE, but now he's going to be in a billion-dollar Disney movie and he's rethinking his priorities.

And he's not going to look like a punk and job to a rookie (WWE's words, not mine, they named him rookie of the year) right before his big movie.

He's coming over to go over. No doubt about that. And I frankly have no problem with that. Roman would get a huge rub just by taking Batista to the limit.

But I doubt it's going to be Roman who gets the spot against Big Dave. I would bet my left nut that we're getting Batista vs. Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania.
Not a fan of Batista, and who's to say he's going to be involved in a wrestling variety? Maybe he shows up to a few shows here and there, as an authority figure or something? Or he's someone that has HHH's back?

Another idea is that Batista might replace potential HBK comeback rumors if the Animal decides to wrestle at all. Instead of HBK/HHH vs Bryan/Punk it'll be Batista in HBK's place. I'm sure many will want to see those matches. #sarcasm
Either facing Brock Lesnar or Randy Orton. Personally, the Lesnar option would be awesome because you then have 4 massive main event for WrestleMania XXX:

John Cena vs The Undertaker
Brock Lesnar vs Batista
CM Punk vs Triple H
Shawn Michaels vs Daniel Bryan (if HBK comes out of retirement)

I think they will book Lesnar vs Batista because obviously he's a guy who Batista never faced on WWE TV. I don't want to see him return to face someone he has already faced a dozen times, I want to see him facing someone new. Not Orton, Not HHH and sure as hell not John Cena again. It has to be Lesnar or Reigns. Nothing else will do.
Not a fan of Batista, and who's to say he's going to be involved in a wrestling variety? Maybe he shows up to a few shows here and there, as an authority figure or something? Or he's someone that has HHH's back?

Another idea is that Batista might replace potential HBK comeback rumors if the Animal decides to wrestle at all. Instead of HBK/HHH vs Bryan/Punk it'll be Batista in HBK's place. I'm sure many will want to see those matches. #sarcasm

Pretty much what I was thinking. I've never been a fan of Batista and there's not necessarily any guarantee that he'll be wrestling when he pops back up. Batista's not exactly a young guy himself and his role a Drax in the Guardians of the Galaxy film could lead to big things for him. Maybe he doesn't want to risk getting injured.

On the other hand, taking on a wrestling role if HBK isn't up for it against the likes of Punk or Bryan is a possibility. You know, the guy who has the "look" of a "star" vs. the indie guys that've made it to WWE.
He's got a movie coming out as a hero, so he's (or rather Disney/Marvel) not really gonna want to be heel, even if that's his best position. So that puts him into a match with either Lesnar, Triple H (more likely) or Bray Wyatt.

It'd be an interesting feud and match for the Wyatts, Bray's performance at TLC stood out and marked him for big things come Mania time and trying to lure "The Animal" into the family could be the way forward.

Punk is face to stay but the only way I can see a match with them working is if Batista "steals" AJ... we know we've seen it before where Batista had a rep with the ladies, with the recent "outing" of their relationship this could make some sense.

The only other outside bet, depending on what they do between now and Mania is Brodus Clay - if he is going on a tear as a heel then, horrid as it may be the match with Batista who was the same thing once would have some interest, but would not "main event". Just don't let him have another crack at the Streak... let's see Taker face someone new this year, or not bother...
I would only want batista to return as face. I personally believe he was better as one plus with his new movie out playing a good guy might be best. I would make him face lesnar, big e, bray, Seth Rollins, and I bet he could have an amazing match with ziggler
Maybe I'm totally off base here, but from everything I've read about Dave Batista, he's going to come back to WWE and act as if he's visiting royalty.....and expect to be treated as such. I'll never understand why he worked for years to make an impact in his chosen profession (pro wrestling) and apparently came to detest it, although it's certainly possible for anyone to come to hate their job, right?

Still, he must be doing better in his acting career than I ever believed he would, given that he seems to be making a living at it. (Or is the reason he's returning to WWE because he can't make a living at acting?) Maybe I need to find more of his movies, but I remember one in which he was standing in a bar, wearing a trench coat and apparently trying to portray himself as a private eye. He looked ridiculous.....and his acting was worse. He came off as one of Al Capone's heavies, trying to pick up a floozy in a bar. Oy.

But, to my surprise, a lot of people on this forum seem to be very anxious to see Batista return to the ring. I'm not in agreement, but it will interesting to see what he can do. I presume he's naming demands for how he wants things done, from what kind of character he portrays, to what catered delights they feed him for lunch.

-If Batista is as aloof from the rest of the troupe as Brock Lesnar, we'll see how long he's welcome in the locker room with people who used to be his friends

-If WWE's health policies apply to Batista, it will be fascinating to see his physique. Surely, he can't be the musclebound freak he was before if he's not allowed to juice.

Now that Brock Lesnar has opened the door to "special" contracts, it's going to be very interesting to see what Batista's looks like.
Do you guys think that this might divert the WWE to go for Batista vs Lesnar instead of Lesnar vs Taker for WMXXX? I personally would like to see Taker Vs Lesnar at WM and Lesnar vs Batista can wait for some other event like Extreme Rules or something else.
For one thing,I have never liked Batista and never will. Make no mistake about this,Batista is not returning to the business he loves it or loves the fans. He is returning because,he is money hungry and to promote his movie that will be a flop. Very true,Batista is in amazing shape for someone his age very jacked to say the least.. But he does act like his shit doesnt stink,and wants to be treated as royalty.

The business has gotten along very well since he pouted and left. As far as when he returns what will he do,i just see him as a heavy for the Authority a bodyguard for them as you will. Now a Batista vs Lesnar match at WM i would love to see that.. Two jacked guys going at it and I look for Lesnar to go over in this one!! Sorry for the rant im just not a batista fan at all
If they booked it logically, he would assist Orton in retaining the title at the Rumble and attack Cena. Cena was his last opponent at Extreme Rules in 2010, so it would make the most sense for Batista to come back as a heel and still hold that grudge against Cena, saying he's waited 4 long years to get his hands on him again.

But this is WWE, and we're not supposed to remember. Just like we're not supposed to remember that Miz made a heel turn just 2 weeks ago. Oh he's a babyface again? Ok, no problem. Batista will come back, they'll tease an Evolution reunion, and then he'll turn on Orton.

His opponent at Mania will be Orton, Lesnar, or a heel Sheamus.
I really hope Shawn stays retired. Not because I think he sucks or would put on a bad match, but because he'd face Bryan if he did come back. And then without Bryan in the title match, the title becomes an after thought if Orton defends against anyone else. Bryan's popularity hasn't missed a beat, so the pay off needs to be him winning the belt at Mania. And let him hold it longer than one day this time.
If he's coming back at the start of the year then it's for the Mania payday rather than just to promote his movie. Guardians of the Galaxy doesn't open until August so if he was just there to promote it then coming back around Summerslam which is held in LA makes more sense.

I could see them doing Batista vs Lesnar but I honestly think that's a match best left in a still photo, I agree with Nash that big guy vs big guy matches rarely gel well as a big guy is usually better working with someone that brings something different to compliment their size and power. I also think with the fact Batista hasn't wrestled for nearly 4 years and Brock working that stiff hybrid style, it would be bowling shoe ugly and could end up getting crapped on.

The best bet would be for him to be part of the Authority angle, personally I'd like to see him as a heel, right now WWE have 3 very over faces but only one really top, active heel. So Batista being back with Orton and Triple H would be ideal and I could even see a big six man tag with them vs Cena, Bryan and Punk at Elimination Chamber as a lead in to their respective Mania matches.

However the option for him to go against his old running buddies, be a face and wrestle Triple H or Orton at Mania is just as viable I guess, although neither match would particularly appeal to me.
i would have to go with batista vs lesner as the big money match here. maybe not at mania, but summerslam. that's right around when his movie opens. so i'm thinking lesner vs orton with batista getting involved sometime in the spring or early summer. also, from the picture, i would say he's a good 30 to 50 pounds lighter then when he was last in the ring.
Mania makes more sense for him, as he will be a part of the biggest event of the spring in terms of pop culture and THEN come August one of the summer's biggest movies. From a PR perspective it's win-win for Brand Batista and Marvel as he will be back in the public conciousness as he was the biggest "gamble" on that film casting wise. That he can also get a big pay day is a bonus... From the E's perspective they get a Rock replacement at half the money, knowing come the summer he is gonna be huge in that movie and most reviews will refer to his WWE heritage.

I'm amazed WWE haven't also tried to get Kurgann/Robert Maillet back in some capacity, as he is one of Hollywood's most recognisable actors now - sure he doesn't lead them, but he's been in some massive movies and everyone remembers him as Kurgann.
Hopefully, he'll stay far away from Lesnar. I remember Batista doing an interview on that little MMA talk show after Impact a while ago, and he mentioned a match with Lesnar as one of his desired opponents for a return run. I have little to interest in seeing that match at Wrestlemania. I would rather see Lesnar VS Undertaker, because it's the bigger match up, and you have to believe Taker doesn't have too many years left in the ring.

As far as Batista returning goes, meh. I'm not against a Batista return, but I didn't jump out of my chair, when I read this report the the other day. Say what you will about him, but when it comes to star power, Batista is not on The Rock's level, and you can say the same thing about Lesnar. Sure, he'll get the big welcome back pop, when he returns to Raw, but I'm not 100% sold on Batista maintaining that momentum, if they're going to limit him to sporadic appearances.

Hopefully, he returns as the narcissistic dick with a massive ego, because there's more promise for a heel Batista. WWE can build a David Vs Goliath match up with Bryan, or Triple H could use Batista as a surrogate for a match with Punk at Wrestlemania.
He's coming back to put Roman Reigns over. This will be the ultimate "passing of the torch" for Reigns. Reigns is seen as the beast, animal, if you will, who better to put him over than the animal himself? That would be a massive Mania moment, Reigns pinning Batista.

Reigns? A beast? Well, he is beastly in the ring. In this tense though, beastly refers to how bad he is, not how you intend it to mean as strong or dominant.

Reigns pinning Batista is barely a blip on the radar of a house show, let alone a massive Mania Moment.

To answer the question: How will they book Batista? Answer: The same way they book every returning star except Taker: BADLY. Batista is only coming back to pull a Rock like movie promotion for the big movie he's in that is supposed to be out next year "Guardians of the Galaxy." That's it. He's in if for the promotional work and the payday a few appearances will net him. He 's not back because he loves wrestling, he's not back because he respects wrestling fans. He wants the money and to spread word about his movie and that's it.

If he is around for a Mania moment, then the most logical place to go would be Batista vs Lesnar. Batista was basically pushed as the replacement to Lesnar when Brock left to try football and UFC, and when he left, he tried to follow Brock into MMA with far less success. There's of course one other name that would complete the MMA trifecta. Bobby Lashley.

This I would pay to see: an MMA shoot style triple threat cage match between Lesnar/ Lashley/ Batista. This or some kind of match featuring 2 of those three are the only way I would pay money to see any of them compete in the ring again. Not even any or all of the three vs Taker or some kind of tag involving the 4 would get me to pay out for a poor quality Mania lineup.

Batista is out of touch with the wrestling fans as he's ignored wrestling altogether since leaving in what 2006? 2008? So he's at least 5 years removed from any relevance, let alone prominence in the sport. He failed as an MMA performer and fell into playing back up roles in movies, mostly low or mid range quality, and the only reason his name is being elevated again is that he landed a role in "Guardians of the Galaxy." He's below mediocre in the ring, is dull as a turd on the mic and couldn't tell a good story with his in ring work if you put a gun to his head.

Oh, wait. That does sound like Reigns.

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