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Should Batista stay on smackdown or go back to raw?

  • go to raw

  • stay on smackdown

  • i dont care

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mabuza said:
Sorry dude,but you are in a minority.Batista gets the biggest pops on SD!(and is one of the biggest drawcards in WWE history)I agree that he's no Bret Hart,and that it would be a cold day in hell when Dave pops a GermanSuplex on someone,but I think he's possibly the best the WWE has right now.And at least give him credit for trying to varying his moves lately.He's been pulling of some pretty impressive slams and throws,unlike Cena who seems to revile in his 5moves of doom garbage!

Well, if I'm amongst a load of marks who cheer for a guy who gets over by having loud explosions in his entrance and by being able to pull off a few power moves here and there, then I don't mind at all that I'm in the minority. He doesn't have a clue how to pace a match, and he's quite often sloppy in the ring. And for him possibly being the best in the WWE right now...well that's just a joke.
mabuza said:
Sorry dude,but you are in a minority.Batista gets the biggest pops on SD!(and is one of the biggest drawcards in WWE history)I agree that he's no Bret Hart,and that it would be a cold day in hell when Dave pops a GermanSuplex on someone,but I think he's possibly the best the WWE has right now.And at least give him credit for trying to varying his moves lately.He's been pulling of some pretty impressive slams and throws,unlike Cena who seems to revile in his 5moves of doom garbage!

I agree that Batista gets pops. He busts out the power moves and people go yeah! But, this does not mean he can have great matches week in and week out. I hate it when a guy is champ just because he gets the pops...but thats probably what smackdown is gonna do with Batista.
I wouldn't say he's the best anything though........
He has been around for aminute now, and you still can't tell matches he had in the beginning with matches now least I can't.
He's done no growing as far as skills, or character. Smackdown is a good show, but if Batista is looking "good" lately, then it is only because we got MVP, and Vito out there. Of course when someone we "know" comes down the aisle, we cheer. I think if you put Dude back on RAW his flaws would become more obvious.

That match with Finlay last week? BAD. BAD. BAD. His match with Booker will be worse. If finlay can't even help the guy get his "pacing" right, then I don't know who can. Booker could, except, I think he really doesn't like Batista and won't go out of his way. If he does it will only be to get people to see Booker cares about the "story" and "pacing" of a match.
wht would be a good option is to send batista over to raw whn hbk gets surgry so thn hhh can carry batistat again and SD! get jeff hardy and either shelton or nitro(jef preferably) so SD! could have an actual cruiserweight division. which would allow benoit to get pushed into mainevent status where he belongs.
I've often wondered why they haven't done a "serious" Batista VS Benoit angle. WWE forgets sometimes us fans don't always need Face vs Heel. sometimes we wanna see who's the better man without having a crazy story around it. Back in the evolution days Batista was a squash for Benoit leading iinto WM20, now it would be different. With guys like Kennedy, Finlay, Regal, Lashley, Noble, Chavo, and now MVp, Benoit really don't need to be in the US title picture. He should be upper tier with Booker, and Batista.
I think if Batista was to go to Raw he would regret it as their is plenty of main event stars ie. Cena, Triple H, H.B.K. and all of them are bigger stars than he is. On Smackdown he is presented as the biggest star, even more so than Undertaker. He should be happy that he's in the position he is in. He could do well to remember that when he starded on the main roster he was Reverend D'Von's lackey, and he should then ask himself if he's really unsatisfied with his position.
Batista may not be the best,but he's probabaly the most passionate about what he does,and you can see it in the energy he puts out whenever he's out there.Then we ahve guys like Hogan,HHH,Flair etc,who are in it for themselves,but are considered "greats".
Is thread is right. They should ship Batista back to Raw, and possibly send over Cena, Carlito, and Jeff Hardy to Smackdown! as a replacement. Raw has way too many top stars who dont get utilised enough, hence sending them to Smackdown not only boosts the show, but boosts thier Careers too. Expecially as it appears Lashley seems to be on his way to ECW.
I feel like Cena and Batista should be traded. IMO Batista never looked right on the Smackdown brand. If he never recevied that injury, who do you think would have pinned him to win the WHC? Icouldn't see anybody except for Benoit do it. To me he never had much competion on Smackdown.
mabuza said:
Batista may not be the best,but he's probabaly the most passionate about what he does,and you can see it in the energy he puts out whenever he's out there.Then we ahve guys like Hogan,HHH,Flair etc,who are in it for themselves,but are considered "greats".

It really isn't our place to say who is passionate and who only does it for themselves. Of course there's always rumors and people belitteling other wrestlers, but I don't think it's fair to judge them like that.

Flames Out
mabuza said:
Batista may not be the best,but he's probabaly the most passionate about what he does,and you can see it in the energy he puts out whenever he's out there.Then we ahve guys like Hogan,HHH,Flair etc,who are in it for themselves,but are considered "greats".

are you kidding me? flair and hhh are great wrestlers because they can make their opponent look good. hogan, maybe, but flair and hhh being in it for themselves. hhh put over ur so called person who really cares 3 times! and flair has put over so many ppl since coming back to wwe. hes put over shelton benjamin on a few occasions and hes barley on tv! so think before you just start saying ppl like hhh and flair are in it for themselves. and dont even try that whole "oh hhh gets what he wants because hes married to daddy's little girl" because that crap is old and not credible.
Batista lost his momentum when Henry got injured,and then he had to rush the endung at the GAB because Kennedy had a legit injury.And people started to boo him b'cause maybe they thought he had lost it.As for him being "sloppy",you are probably referring to SSlam and his matches with Booker.I think Booker was delibaretly being uncooperative because him and Dave have issues.
Put Umaga on Smackdown and Batista on Raw. Then, turn Batista into a MONSTER heel. He would work better with Cena than Umaga. Or, he could even do an angle with DX.
How is he sloppy? Well....let's see...Batista's aresenal is...Punch...punch...toss..clothesline....spinebuster...batsita bomb. Pretty simple right? Wrong. It takes dude FOREVER to find the pace, and then put it all together. Thats my main beef with him. The pacing of his matches suck, and he rarely sells his opponents moves. He really can't get it down without a ring genral in there with him. His matches with HHH were good because of HHH, and he hasn't had a good fued since. He goes out there, and does his power move BS, but it is boring, and yes, he is sloppy too.
I think it's exactly opposite of what someone said. BATISTA is in it for himself. Guys like HHH, and Flair are intersting in making their matches look, an be as good as possible. Batista just wants to squash people and shake the ropes like the Warrior.
He can get a crowd jacked up, but not because of his wrestling ability.
mabuza said:
Batista lost his momentum when Henry got injured,and then he had to rush the endung at the GAB because Kennedy had a legit injury.And people started to boo him b'cause maybe they thought he had lost it.As for him being "sloppy",you are probably referring to SSlam and his matches with Booker.I think Booker was delibaretly being uncooperative because him and Dave have issues.
Those matches were a bit...stiff. But I think Booker was proving a point. Batista don't got the skills like he says he does.
It's really NOT JUST those matches either.....

I don't mind Batista at all....but if he is going to be paraded around by the WWE as one of the best...then I feel thats a joke.
I think He had HHH in his ear so long, that he thinks he's a veteran or something.....
But Batista hasn't done much of anything in the WWE...YET....and the things he has done, have been done before, and done better.
shayx said:
he's quite often sloppy in the ring.
I don't think that bastista is sloppy in the ring, but if he is than that's a good thing. It makes the match seem more realistic when your moves are sloppy. How many times in the ufc do take downs and moves look beautiful or perfect? They usually look sloppy,ugly and unperfect because theres a struggle to take there opponent down or do a move on them. If your mental capacity requires you to accept a move only if its perfect or meets "your" standards of how a move should be done every time then mabye you need to take some of those pills that increase your intelligents. If batista does a suplex but its a little to the left or a little to the right even, or how about he wobbles before he finnishes a a suplex, who cares. The goal is to toss his opponent over his back then to the mat to inflick damage. If he accomplishes this goal then whats the problem?
It's better to sell a move based on sloppiness because it makes it look real.
I think to really see how Batista stands on in-ring ability & popularity or to help him get his mojo back they should've had him doing some matches with Benoit when he came back, instead they have Batista & Finlay punching each other all match while Benoit's getting caught up in yet another stupid Chavo/Vicki angle. i'd like to see what Batista & Benoit could put on in the ring.
Punchings cool, i'm a big fan of boxing.

O ya i forgot i have to explain how that relates to the thread. just look at something the guy said above. I don't feel like explaining.
trunksjmd said:
I don't think that bastista is sloppy in the ring, but if he is than that's a good thing. It makes the match seem more realistic when your moves are sloppy. How many times in the ufc do take downs and moves look beautiful or perfect? They usually look sloppy,ugly and unperfect because theres a struggle to take there opponent down or do a move on them. If your mental capacity requires you to accept a move only if its perfect or meets "your" standards of how a move should be done every time then mabye you need to take some of those pills that increase your intelligents. If batista does a suplex but its a little to the left or a little to the right even, or how about he wobbles before he finnishes a a suplex, who cares. The goal is to toss his opponent over his back then to the mat to inflick damage. If he accomplishes this goal then whats the problem?
It's better to sell a move based on sloppiness because it makes it look real.

I DO see what you are saying here.....but Batista DOES not make it look real...and thats the fatal flaw in that logic man. Not understanding/respecting PACING and setting up/executing the moves right can be annoying to someone who respects the ART of what wrestlers do. Batistas matches are down right ugly...and not in a good kind of way. Hey...I love a good smashmouth bout...but I'm sick of smashmouth champions. Do you really wanna see both CENA and Batista in PPV main events for months to come?

Oh and about the Warrior's cool...and so was the Warrior....but he couldn't wrestle either. ;)
I think Batista has a considerable amount of wrestling ability.The problem is that the crowd is that responsive when he puts someone in a headlock.He actually did alot of holds during his SSlam rematch on SD!,but the crowd only gave him props when he did his regular power moves.Its just like hwo Cena has degenerated into a 5move wrestler because it suits his Street/Marine persona,but anyone who knew the "Prototype" Cena knows how good he really is.
As for Dave jumping to RAW,it could be an option.I think this is what happens when you are a face for too long: the fans turn on you! I do agree that maybe its time for Dave to be a heel Batista vs. Cena at WM23 wouldnt be that bad.
trunksjmd said:
The whole point of my post is that sloppiness does not matter.

Dude sloppinees does matter in a big way.Have you ever seen match that had so many botched moves that it made you want to start watching MMA for good?
trunksjmd said:
That's awesome! Bastista rocks!

Please add more to your posts, Supers have given warnings for people posting that. Since you have some good posts I won't for now.
ryanjohnson_14 said:
Batista has been saying that he is tired of smackdown and wants to go back to raw.Do you think he should go back to raw or stay on smackdown?

I think that vince shud put the world title back on him and then trade him for cena. That way batista is happy and smackdown can still have a big if not bigger superstar.

Finally someone with a good opinion....not only do I think cena is better on SD but Batista can be happy. Have him win at Survivor Series in his upcoming title shot, then trade him for cena. Only problem is Cena I think likes Raw more, and you can't just suddenly trade champions you would have to think of something pretty damn clever to get the fans attention.

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