Batista to TNA? If he does, what character would you like to see from him?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Will Batista have a run in TNA?
It may or may not happen, but undoubtedly it will happen.

If Batista still want's to wrestle, i don't imagine him back to WWE anytime soon. TNA's lighter schedule would work with him so he can wrestle and work on a movie career.

So my question is:

If Batista does debut in TNA what kind of character she he debut as?

IMO i would like to see him debut as a bad ass biker similar to Undertaker's character American Bad Ass. He has the size and the look, and the tattoo's. Have him decked out in leather gear, and ride a bike out onto the ramp entrance, and i think a gimmic like that would be solid for him. Make him a face to start possible, and start a program with another big man like Matt Morgan, or Abyss.
I would like to see Batista being the bodyguard of someone. This would be a great angle because he has the size and just looks overall a mean guy. Even though I don't watch TNA I would watch it to see how this would pan out. And see if it worked. He would just look overall a much more solid character than what he has done in WWE.
TNA can't afford Dave Bautista. He was on a multi-million dollar deal with the WWE, and all the dirt sheet reports reported that he lived like a rock star with a huge mansion and owned a number of sports cars. TNA is in the process of cutting costs right now, so why the fuck would they go out and blow money they don't actually have on Dave Bautista?

One of TNA's "top" stars right now is Mr. Anderson who reportedly makes $3500 an appearance on a PPA contract. If you presume he works four dates a month, that's still just $168,000 at the end of a calendar year. That's nothing compared to the multi-millions Bautista made.

In addition, it's being said that TNA is currently asking a number of their top stars to renegotiate their contracts so they make significantly less.

Can we please end this thread?
It would be very interesting to see if in fact he will go to TNA, and how he does there, as for what kind of gimmick he would have, whose to say TNA wouldn't screw it up and give him something lame or stupid, and as for how he would fit in with the other TNA superstars, only time would tell:shrug:
TNA can't afford Dave Bautista. He was on a multi-million dollar deal with the WWE, and all the dirt sheet reports reported that he lived like a rock star with a huge mansion and owned a number of sports cars. TNA is in the process of cutting costs right now, so why the fuck would they go out and blow money they don't actually have on Dave Bautista?

One of TNA's "top" stars right now is Mr. Anderson who reportedly makes $3500 an appearance on a PPA contract. If you presume he works four dates a month, that's still just $168,000 at the end of a calendar year. That's nothing compared to the multi-millions Bautista made.

In addition, it's being said that TNA is currently asking a number of their top stars to renegotiate their contracts so they make significantly less.

Can we please end this thread?

Also Batista wants to try movies and wants to take a break from wrestling, why would he go to TNA when they probably couldn't pay him a quarter of his WWE income or the income from a shitty movie much less a good movie.
Batista isn't going anywhere near TNA. I would imagine either he's retiring from the wrestling business altogether, to pursue other avenues in his life, or just to chill out and relax and enjoy retirement. He's got his money made. He's nursing many injuries. I figure he's just getting out of the business while he still can in one piece.

If he does decide to return to wrestling, he'll return to the WWE. The lure of the big money would be too great. His buddies like Triple H are still there and he has a great relationship with them. Why would Batista leave the WWE, where he's regularly main eventing, to go and fizzle out in obscurity in TNA. A lighter schedule, sure, but a considerably lighter wallet as well.

And how could TNA afford him? He makes huge money which TNA cannot match. As far as I know, there's no heat between the WWE brass and big Dave, so it's not like he's leaving in a huff and wanting to screw the WWE in the process.

I just cannot imagine any logical rationale to suggest that Dave Batista is leaving WWE to go to TNA. It just doesn't make any sense.
Definitely don't think he is going to TNA. I suppose you could never say never but...yeah never. Like has been mentioned, they couldn't pay Big Dollar Dave what he wants. Not to mention the main reason he is leaving is because he doesn't want to wrestle and wants to be an actor. That pretty much sums it up.

If he were to be brought in I would like to see them play on him being a douche who wants to be an actor. Pretty much his real personality. He would whine and bitch and moan about how he deserved better than what TNA is giving him. He would play on his past wrestling accomplishments and act like because of them he deserves more than the guys in the back. He would always been on his iphone with his manager and not let anyone interview him until he's done. He would always be referencing these other deals that companies were offering him and how he is the hottest thing in the world right now. This also gives them an easy way to write him off television because they could just say they have had enough of Dave and that they sold his contract to someone else. Pretty much a firing. There is some cool possibilities to work with but they won't get the chance because the odds of him signing with them is slim to none.
If Batista wants to wrestle he will do it for WWE because they can pay him more and would still desire his services. To me it is really that simple. On top of that there is not really a good way for TNA to book him. If they make him look strong then it takes away from the new talent they are trying to establish their own identity with. If they are going to book him weak why would he even sign? Batista is not a guy that is going to come in and try and elevate other talent. I do think IDR's Anderson numbers are off though. I thought he signed for 100 dates over the year like some others that signed at the time which would be 350,000 (more than double the other number). Batista in TNA would likely mirror Booker T and that was anything but a success.
Batista isn't going anywhere near TNA. I would imagine either he's retiring from the wrestling business altogether, to pursue other avenues in his life, or just to chill out and relax and enjoy retirement. He's got his money made. He's nursing many injuries. I figure he's just getting out of the business while he still can in one piece.

If he does decide to return to wrestling, he'll return to the WWE. The lure of the big money would be too great. His buddies like Triple H are still there and he has a great relationship with them. Why would Batista leave the WWE, where he's regularly main eventing, to go and fizzle out in obscurity in TNA. A lighter schedule, sure, but a considerably lighter wallet as well.

And how could TNA afford him? He makes huge money which TNA cannot match. As far as I know, there's no heat between the WWE brass and big Dave, so it's not like he's leaving in a huff and wanting to screw the WWE in the process.

I just cannot imagine any logical rationale to suggest that Dave Batista is leaving WWE to go to TNA. It just doesn't make any sense.

you know the same thing could have been said about Kurt Angle when he left the WWE but look he hasnt fizzled out he has been a consistant main eventer for years. I dont see why he should change his character, especially to a biker. the anti-TNA people would say thats just another stolen gimmick like AJ stealing Flairs and Abyss turning into Hogan
Yeah I really think there is no way Batista would ever sign with TNA even if TNA wanted him or could afford him. Lets say hypothetically he decides to take a huge pay cut and sign with TNA. I think the best character for him would be the character he played in WWE as a cocky heel that feels everyone is beneath him.

He acts like a superstar and Rock star so for him to come to TNA people would boo him to no end. Maybe he would be over in the Impact Zone and so forth, but I think Batista would end up like Bobby Lashley ultimately. I really don't think he would do much for TNA and we will probably see him back again in WWE sooner then later.
Definitely don't think he is going to TNA. I suppose you could never say never but...yeah never. Like has been mentioned, they couldn't pay Big Dollar Dave what he wants. Not to mention the main reason he is leaving is because he doesn't want to wrestle and wants to be an actor. That pretty much sums it up.

If he were to be brought in I would like to see them play on him being a douche who wants to be an actor. Pretty much his real personality. He would whine and bitch and moan about how he deserved better than what TNA is giving him. He would play on his past wrestling accomplishments and act like because of them he deserves more than the guys in the back. He would always been on his iphone with his manager and not let anyone interview him until he's done. He would always be referencing these other deals that companies were offering him and how he is the hottest thing in the world right now. This also gives them an easy way to write him off television because they could just say they have had enough of Dave and that they sold his contract to someone else. Pretty much a firing. There is some cool possibilities to work with but they won't get the chance because the odds of him signing with them is slim to none.

He's not leaving because he doesn't want to wrestle... he's leaving because WWE screwed him over on a role in a movie their making, by giving it to HHH, so their may be actual heat between him and HHH, and WWE. Regardless if TNA can't pay him as much, he still will want some extra money, and keeping himself in the public eye for publicity in TNA can't hurt him exposure wise.
Actually he doesn't want to wrestle, he's been talking about retiring for a few years now as he's found it hard to maintain his passion for wrestling, the only thing that made him come back was the heel turn. Yeah he was pissed over the movie role but, let's face it, surely he knows that film will bomb anyway.

As for TNA helping exposure? Can't really see that, as the ratings are low enough that it wouldn't help him. He'd be better off carrying on doing bit parts in tv shows until he's spent all his money and has to go back to WWE and to go to TNA, when you still have the chance to earn huge money in WWE, would be jackass dumb if you do wrestling just as a job (which Batista clearly does).

Also I'm sure this topic has already been covered in the WWE vs TNA thread so surely they should be merged into one?
I honestly I can't see Batista in TNA like some many have already pointed out. I also can't see him taking a paycut to come there either.

Batista seems like a WWE for life guy. So if he returns to wrestling it will be for the WWE.

Then again I never thought I would see Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair in TNA so anything is possible.
I think IDR's hit it right on the $. Batista is just one of those guys that you know would never go to TNA, like Stone Cold, The Rock, and Shawn Michaels.
Batista makes WAY more money in WWE than he would in TNA. He's also seems appreciative of WWE giving him the chance to be a big star so with that, I doubt he would turn his back to the WWE to go to TNA. He's a WWE guy, through and through. Even though I'm not the biggest Batista fan, him going to TNA is pretty much like a whale in a teardrop or something. Hell, he's bigger than TNA...:shrug:
Why bother even saying anything, if it's nothing good. Just don't reply please. It's a legitamate question. Besides you have to spend money to make money.

They don't have money to spend, in order to make it, bro – read what I wrote. There's a reason I said what I said. He made MILLIONS in the WWE. Why on earth do you think he'd suddenly take a pay cut just to work a few less dates? If he wanted to, he could just sign a new deal with the WWE for same and work an Undertaker/HBK style contract out.

Secondly, if the company is CUTTING costs, why the fuck would you sign someone who is going to cost more than you already don't have?

Logic, man. Use it. The idea of Bautista to TNA makes absolutely no sense financially whatsoever.
It may or may not happen, but undoubtedly it will happen.

Talk about hedging your bets.:lmao:

I can't see Batista going to TNA but admit anything is possible when you're dealing with an ego as large as his. It's been written that he insists his character always be in the midst of the chase for a world championship. But since match results are predetermined, what difference does it make if you hold a title or not? If TNA has promised him he'll be the champion and have the ability to call the shots for his character, he might be tempted to go there.

Someone earlier said Batista was furious at WWE for giving Triple H a movie role he wanted for himself. After WWE has paid Batista a fortune and pushed him to the sky, if that one thing is enough to make him quit, he might very well wind up working for the opposition. Lots of people think the grass is always greener somewhere else.

My guess? He retires from wrestling, makes movies for awhile until he needs money again (and finds that the movie-going public isn't as impressed with him as he is with himself).......and returns to WWE.
Batista had already stated a few yrs back that he wasn't going to be wrestling for much longer and wanted to move into movies, so what happened recently probably just sped up the process, and who's to say it's not just a work to give him some publicity going into his acting career.

Don't want to see him, he hasn't been interesting in years :)
He can only play one role
To coin a phrase from the great Jessie Ventura
"The guys got a million dollar body and a ten cent brain." talking about the Ultimate Warrior

TNA would no doubt make him an offer since they aren't just gonna let any opportunity go. Ofcourse they already have far too many employees that don't have a chance at making any money but that won't stop them hiring more.

Anyway the magic 8 ball sees him taking the roles like Austin/Rock over moving to any other wrestling organisation then will eventually fade into obscurity and come crawling back when he's destitue or working at a butcher ala Randy "The Ram" in The Wrestler
This is a fantasy question. I respect that and will answer.

Well, first...we'd have to wait his no-compete clause to expire. Second, don't bring in JUST Batista....yes, it is big in its own right...but other talent can be helped here. Mickie James is a talented female wrestler. Bring her in as his new girlfriend and she would also be great for the woman's divison.....Also, pair those two up with Shelton Benjamin who could do his thing in the X-Divison while also giving Batista an ally. Anyway...that's just the set up...

On the same night of whatever PPV have Shelton Benjamin debut interfering in the match for the X-Division title causing it to end in DQ then have Batista debut come in during the main event and cost RVD the title while the ref is knocked down...RVD drops the belt to Anderson. The next Impact Mickie James debuts and interferes in the Women's title match. Later in the night, Batista, Benjamin, and Mickie James walk out during the middle of a match [until this point no one even realizes they are in on this together]....anyway they interfere in the matchinvolving lower mid card talent and they just beat them down and get the microphone. They put over the fact that this is a take over, they are here in TNA now and it is theirs basically. Mickie says she's going to be the best TNA womans champ they've ever had, Benjamin puts over the fact he's taking the X title, and then Batista says he's coming for the TNA title....but before he could even refer to the TNA champ...RVD comes out. RVD tells him not to worry about Anderson and the title because RVD is using his rematch clause at the next PPV. Batista interupts him and tells him 'i dont think you you think we even want to be here in TNA? We call the shots here. It's our way. We're here for two reasons....big money and this woman...' Dixie Carter appears and walks down to the ring where she explains she had to sign the big talent because it was what was best for TNA. To which the fans boo her and pretty much turns her heel when she says RVD wasn't cutting it as TNA Champion. She says that Batista will challenge Anderson at the next PPV...but since the rematch clause it will be a triple threat with RVD involved. RVD vs. Batista vs. Anderson

I already did a few great things.

-Spiced up the female division

-Layed the foundation to a Shelton Benjamin X-Division title feud

-Set up the next World title match [Anderson/Batista/RVD]

-Turned Dixie Carter into a full blown heel and on air presence
I have to agree with IDR here, I mean dude come on, TNA is trying to CUT costs, not inflate them, Batista would cost way, way, way to much for TNA.

Yes it would be very interesting to see him there, Batista in TNA would be huge, but realistically, never will happen. If he decides to come back to Wrestling, trust me, it'll be with WWE. Why? Because that's were he can make Millions, not TNA.
TNA would bring in Batista look at how he jobs to Cena every damn t ime!
He is good close friends with Hogan and I don t see why not!
I also see Haas and benjamin heading to TNA and Cool Carlito since they fired him in WWE ! TNA needs these guys to elevate them and they respect them a whole lot
I already sent tweeters t o Dixie Carter about bringing in GOLDBERG!
I hope she does!!!
Having RVD as champion won t raise ratings or draw new fans you need a better talented wrestler like a clone of Cena or something!
i agree with IDR adding batista to the tna roster is not a good thing to do. and i hear alot of people want carlito to go to tna personally i never like him. but back on batista if tna are making cuts to the roster why would they sign someone that they cant pay. batista made to much money in wwe for tna to sign him.
It very well could happen and I'll explain why. EGO! It all comes down to that. Dave has a VERY big ego. The fact he got fucked out of the movie role alone may not be enough to send him running to Bischoff, but coupled with the ability to stick it back to Vince... Well let's just say never say never.

Just because TNA can't pay him the millions he was making right now, doesn't mean they couldn't pay it within a few months of him joining. I am not saying he would be "the one" every stooge in the IWC says TNA needs to get in order to get in the game, but I am also not saying he isn't. What i DEFINITELY AM saying though, is that if DAVE believes he can be "the one" then that's all it would take to make the jump.
TNA would bring in Batista look at how he jobs to Cena every damn t ime!

The question isn't if Batista would go to TNA. The real question is if TNA could afford him.

And just because a guy jobs to the biggest star in today's WWE doesn't mean he doesn't like working there.

I also see Haas and benjamin heading to TNA and Cool Carlito since they fired him in WWE ! TNA needs these guys to elevate them and they respect them a whole lot

Respect them? Okay I hate to break it to you, but TNA has been cutting down talent A LOT. Want to know why? Money isn't too good for TNA at the moment, and they have too many people as it is. So you want all these ex-WWE guys to sign on who are used to big paychecks just so the company could look credible? :disappointed: TNA would be bankrupt within a month.

I already sent tweeters t o Dixie Carter about bringing in GOLDBERG!

Good for you, but it won't happen anytime soon.

I hope she does!!!

I dont; TNA needs to work on the talent they already have and boost them up. Already mentioned how tedious it is to hire on more and more talent while they're making roster cuts.

Having RVD as champion won t raise ratings or draw new fans you need a better talented wrestler like a clone of Cena or something!

1. RVD did in fact help ratings by becoming champion, though it was still very very minimal.

2. A clone Cena? Are you 12? Tell me how ripping off WWE would be good for business.

The fact of the matter, as been told by the guys who have been around here for some time, is that TNA will not be able to afford Batista. I cannot stress that enough. It doesn't matter if he is loyal to the company that made him a champion (WWE) or not; the real dilemna is if TNA could dish out a multi-million dollar contract for The Animal. They cannot.

I am agreement with IDR for a MOD to end this thread. It's been done already and was just as pointless before as it is now. Batista is never going to set foot in a TNA ring because they cannot pay him the amount he is used to. Even if TNA manages to get out of their monetary situation and have money they aren't going to waste it for Batista's paycheck. They will want to improve their product with the guys they are already trying to make stars.
No, David Bautista shoud not go to TNA, he got paid Millions in the WWE, in TNA he'll get shit all. Also, TNA do not need Bautista, what is the point of having him their, what benifits does it bring?
I would not like to see Bautista in TNA, and lucky for me, I wont
I never really saw what the big deal was with Bautista anyways. Starting out as The Decon with Devon Dudley to a uncharismatic stooge of Flair in Evolution? Then just being another roid freak with no moves or mike skills. Been there done that way too many times. TNA already has that kind of guy right now in Rob Terry, and in a way Matt Morgan. TNA needs to go back to it's roots; and that is focus on high quality matches which put them on the map in the first place.

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