Batista to TNA? If he does, what character would you like to see from him?

Well, I'll try not to be a douche and actually answer the thread question. That is, what gimmick should Batista take in TNA.

Anything heel. I don't care if it's just a rehashing of his most recent Heel run against Cena. In fact, it'd be great. Have Batista come to TNA because he wants to be the spotlight of TNA. It opens up the hilarious chance that the TNA creative team will get ******ed and have a face say "You're only trying to be the spotlight here because you couldn't make the top spot in the WWE!" Which would imply that the only people who show up to TNA are the ones who can't make it in the WWE. Oh how I would laugh.

Anyway, yeah. Batista needs to be a heel if he shows up in TNA. It will only happen if TNA somehow pays the other talent 5 dollars an appearance to afford the multi-millions Batista will necessitate in his contract, but still. Same Batista in the WWE needs to show up in TNA. Instant .5 rating point.
Also if anyone remembers Batista said some pretty unflattering things about AJ Styles and TNA. Another reason he probably wouldn't even consider TNA.

However given the hypothetical situation as soon as he would walk down the ramp the audience who probably already hates people like Batista and Cena would eat him alive with "You can't wrestle" chants every second he was on screen. It would be completely chaos. Have you seen Jeff Hardy's match when he was in Ring of Honor? This would be ten times worst!

Assuming Batista would even have the patience to deal with the massive "go away" heat he'd receive they probably would throw him into a feud with a then face AJ Styles. Possibly with a whole "who is really a wrestler" type angle. Then of course a feud with Rob Terry with the whole Freak vs The Animal.

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