Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes


Lord And Master
Staff member
I've been watching it religiously since it debuted. I love it. Except Nick Fury. Anybody else watch it? And of course... The killer theme song and intro.

I had no idea those show even existed, though that might be because I haven't had cabe for the past year, and generally don't really watch any TV before 9:00pm
I've been watching this on youtube as well. It's not bad... it's not great, but it's not bad either. They did a good job with Iron Man's character as well as Cap. A few things bother me though...

1) The Hulk is perfectly fluent in his speech. The Hulk couldn't out-talk Scott Steiner, let alone come up with witty comebacks.

2) Thor the Thunderer... what? What's a Thunderer? Oh, are you just afraid that if you say Thunder God Christian rights groups might come after you? Don't be *****es, it's Norse Mythology, it's not like any kids are going to start worshiping Odin.

3) They *****ed out enough on the whole Thunderer/Thunder God thing, but the real bitch moves comes in Captain America's storyline. Instead of fighting the Nazis during World War 2, we apparently fought... Hydra, a secret terrorist organization. I understand them not wanting to use the swastika image, hell I even understand them not wanting to use the word Nazi, but couldn't they at least say the Axis Powers or Germany? Kids learn about World War 2 when they're in grade school, I see no need to try to hide the past.

That said, the action sequences in the show are pretty awesome, and I get a kick out of watching the Avengers in action. It's much better than either X-Men Evolution or Wolverine and the X-Men, which are the only other two Marvel cartoons I've seen in recent years.

Oh, and you're right, the whole Ultimate Nick Fury thing is stupid. The original Nick Fury is way more bad ass than Ultimate could ever be.
I've been watching this on youtube as well. It's not bad... it's not great, but it's not bad either. They did a good job with Iron Man's character as well as Cap. A few things bother me though...

1) The Hulk is perfectly fluent in his speech. The Hulk couldn't out-talk Scott Steiner, let alone come up with witty comebacks.
There are some versions of The Hulk where over time, he becomes smarter. He couldn't stay an idiot forever. I like it. Every other TV media with him has him being a total melodrama.

2) Thor the Thunderer... what? What's a Thunderer? Oh, are you just afraid that if you say Thunder God Christian rights groups might come after you? Don't be *****es, it's Norse Mythology, it's not like any kids are going to start worshiping Odin.
:shrug: It's Disney. You had to expect them to bitch out at some point. Hopefully it doesn't happen in the movie.

3) They *****ed out enough on the whole Thunderer/Thunder God thing, but the real bitch moves comes in Captain America's storyline. Instead of fighting the Nazis during World War 2, we apparently fought... Hydra, a secret terrorist organization. I understand them not wanting to use the swastika image, hell I even understand them not wanting to use the word Nazi, but couldn't they at least say the Axis Powers or Germany? Kids learn about World War 2 when they're in grade school, I see no need to try to hide the past.
Not really. He still got frozen while fighting Red Skull. At least the kept the continuity even if they didn't mention the Nazi's.

That said, the action sequences in the show are pretty awesome, and I get a kick out of watching the Avengers in action. It's much better than either X-Men Evolution or Wolverine and the X-Men, which are the only other two Marvel cartoons I've seen in recent years.
The fight with Gravitron looks like something out of Dragonball Z.

Oh, and you're right, the whole Ultimate Nick Fury thing is stupid. The original Nick Fury is way more bad ass than Ultimate could ever be.
Thank you, Samuel Jackson.
Hey, I'm all for basing a character on Samuel L. Jackson, but why did it have to be Nick Fury? Nick Fury is one of my all time favorite characters, and part of it is because he's a bad ass old dude who can still kick more ass than most of the world's superheroes.
I've been enjoying this myself and the changes in characters bother me only slightly less then they do JGlass. Still a good show though.
This show isn't that bad. It's pretty cool. It's nowhere near as good as the Marvel cartoons of old, however. You know, X-Men and Spiderman. Those were awesome.

Has anyone seen Young Justice on Cartoon Network? That show makes Teen Titans look like shit and I really liked Teen Titans.

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