Attitude era bandwagon fans

Not completely but partly, yes. It would be stupid to say it didn't have anything to do it. Because of that you can't tell what is what.

NFL is a sport, completely different from entertainment. WWE just mimics a sport.

Ratings go down for many reasons. But you know something? When you get out of the loop and get to the point where you don't know anyone on the roster, it's hard to give a crap about anything they do. To get back into it you have to have an open mind, and out of touch cynics are anything BUT open minded.

Then do it, and quit expecting instant gratification, and be patient. I swear to god (women will back me up here) men are so f**king stupid when it comes to being patient and waiting for the big payoff, they want what they want right now and anything but getting exactly what you want right now is proof that things are horribly handled.

CM Punk is going to be WWE champion, and he's going to be one of the biggest drawing ever, but they need to build it up. He's not out of the limelight, he's purposely getting shoved to the sidelines so that he can get outraged and his fans will get outraged with him and then once he finally does get the title everyone will mark the f**k out.

Just face it, you're out of touch with what's going on, you don't watch anymore, so you have no invested interest in seeing any midcard talent make it, no interest in seeing anyone new come up. Yet that's exactly what you had to do in the attitude era, all the old guys were gone just like today, and they're all working together to make names for each other. This is 1997 all over again. And you're missing out because you want to see all the old guys back.

That's the exact mistake I made during the attitude era and instead I went to WCW and missed out on the rise of all the big stars of that era. Quit being so close minded and cynical, and watch, really watch, not just for a week, but for a few months, at least three, and if you don't have at least 3-5 guys you REALLY like then you can complain legitimately.

Hah, ok dude. I watch enough to know who's who. It's not like I just tune in and am like WHOS DOLPH ZIGGLER WHAT IS THIS!?!? The show's terrible. I'm guessing you're probably 20 or under, because you probably don't even remember good wrestling. But yes it's ME who's out of touch. The MILLIONS (and MILLIONS) of fans who are tuning out wrestling.

Instant gratification? How about any gratification? How about a storyline that lasts longer than 3 weeks and one that actually makes sense? How about a wrestler who actually has charisma AND can back it up with a match?

And your "NFL completely different than wrestling" comment is pretty ridiculous. I'm sorry I don't care if it's a real sport, a sitcom, drama, whatever, if your ratings are on a downward trend, THAT IS NOT A GOOD SIGN! Are all popular shows on the decline due to the economy? Show me just where that is a trend and maybe, just MAYBE you'll have some credibility to your argument.
Poppycock i diagree that everyone deserves an opinion. If your a fan of wrestling your allegiance isnt going to be defined to a decade or an era. The AE bandwagoners did not respect wrestling. They were the people that would see u reading a PWI at walmart and be all like "oh that stuffs fake".. Everything in the WWF had to do with the late '90s mentality not good wrestling and if you dont get that you must had been born in 2001..


you call it an opinion but there is a thinone between an opinion and a potshot. I agree with the op. Im so tiredof hearing "you STILL watch wrestling?" Its like asking if you still live with your parents or if still have that old car or do you still sleep with the bedroom door cracked at night. Those all end in questionmarks but are really hidden snide remarks.

Those fans are no less phony then all the kids are who say they are gangsta and chuck up the deuces every second. To a real fan of rap going back to the early '90s i cringe at them. One mans life passion shouldnt be another mans phase. We wrestling fans arevperceived as being stuck in childhood by the smartass a.e. bandwagon fans They try to depict us as having Michael Jackson Syndrom or something..

We dont have to accept the attitude era fans because they just wanted to be hip. I've liked wrestoing since around '93.
Everybody is entitled to an opinion though. That is fact not an opinion. Why should it bother you so much? Do you really care that much about them that it offends you? I care more about being entertained by the WWE than I do about sombody complaining about it. People complain about everything in can't please everybody at once. Me saying this is making me come across as patronising but I really am not trying to be...I know I am not saying anything new. It's just I do not understand fans who get pissed off by others peoples views and opinions. Just don't listen. You can't dictate another persons views on something and call them not a real fan because you disagree or feel you have stuck by something therefore you have more rights. We live in a world of freedom of speech and freedom of expression(well that is arguable but yeah, anyway). Yeah ok maybe those people were not a fan of wrestling and just fans of the Attitude Era so that is why they want it what? A lot of those people grew up and where at the age to watch wrestling when the Attitude Era was just begining so that is all they knew and that was WWE defined for them...then it changed and they did not like the change. Surely they are entitled to dislike it and argue against it. Does not mean they are right or wrong.

As for anybody who says..."so you still watch wrestling?" and says it in a negative way..well fuck them..too many people get way too concerned with what other people do nowdays. Just opinions all of it. Ignore what you don't like. Everything that becomes popular gathers a bunch of fans who are just into it because it is hip..yeah it's annoying but as you said people like us (not saying we are any more a real fan than those or not) will continue to watch and enjoy the WWE rather than whine, complain and long for the past.
They grew up and were of age okay so everyone who is twelve has a wrestling period ive noticed that.. im saying its a whole different ball game when you went out of ur way before and after the attitude era to redicule wrestling and its fans like you would some fat chick we have a huge huge problem. Some kid walked up to me n kroger's out of no where saw what i was reading (pwi) then was like "oh thats fake" and this was some fat ten yr old kid.

You dont walk into my domain on sum vanilla ice type exploration shit then start talkin shit after its no longer the current craze.. thats the damn reason y the matches should had stayed real. Rather be in an arena chokin on cigar smoke from a mafia boss two seats down and some bookies then sum stupid nine yr old with his mom, sum slobberin special olympian, and a nerd screamin at the ring like the athletes are actually conversing with ur goofy virgin ass!
I view the Attitude Era wagon riders in the same view as those who jumped on the bandwagon during the Rock And Wrestling Connection era and started bashing it after the 20/20 hatchet job and the steroid trials which is fair weather fans who are their through the good times but the minute things go south they move on to the next big trend.
I personally have a rather strong dislike for those people. They go along with whatever is "cool" and have no sense of originality. They are the same reason I avoid trends entirely. I want to do my own thing, not what everyone else is doing just to be "cool". The same people who thought wrestling was stupid when I was very little suddenly loved it during the Attitude Era. I would invite them over to watch it and then all they'd care about was The Rock and Stone Cold (or the nWo and Goldberg if they liked WCW), they completely ignored most of the other guys. Then when things died down, they thought it was stupid again and whine about how it "sucks" now without The Rock or Stone Cold. Well maybe if those same people had been true fans like the rest of us and watched other matches they might have other guys they like to watch. I've seen a lot of things change about the industry in the two decades I have been watching and I can call myself a true fan since I watch it because I like it, not because I wanted to be "cool" when the product was. I was a fan before the Attitude Era, and will continue to be a fan probably forever.
I agree 100% on your opinion of these fair weather fans it's people like this is why I despise with the exception of professional bull riding the NFL, NBA, MBL and most professional sports as well as 95% of the TV shows, movies, and music because these flip floppers.
Everybody is entitled to an opinion though. That is fact not an opinion. Why should it bother you so much? Do you really care that much about them that it offends you? I care more about being entertained by the WWE than I do about sombody complaining about it. People complain about everything in can't please everybody at once. Me saying this is making me come across as patronising but I really am not trying to be...I know I am not saying anything new. It's just I do not understand fans who get pissed off by others peoples views and opinions. Just don't listen. You can't dictate another persons views on something and call them not a real fan because you disagree or feel you have stuck by something therefore you have more rights. We live in a world of freedom of speech and freedom of expression(well that is arguable but yeah, anyway). Yeah ok maybe those people were not a fan of wrestling and just fans of the Attitude Era so that is why they want it what? A lot of those people grew up and where at the age to watch wrestling when the Attitude Era was just begining so that is all they knew and that was WWE defined for them...then it changed and they did not like the change. Surely they are entitled to dislike it and argue against it. Does not mean they are right or wrong.

As for anybody who says..."so you still watch wrestling?" and says it in a negative way..well fuck them..too many people get way too concerned with what other people do nowdays. Just opinions all of it. Ignore what you don't like. Everything that becomes popular gathers a bunch of fans who are just into it because it is hip..yeah it's annoying but as you said people like us (not saying we are any more a real fan than those or not) will continue to watch and enjoy the WWE rather than whine, complain and long for the past.

We're not talking about people that were kids during the attitude era, were talking about people that are around my age(late 20s). I remember in the early to mid 90s people were ridiculing wrestling and these same people watched it in the late 90s because "it's a cool sitcom". Those are the people I hate. BTW, I want to thank the people that agree with me on this. After the first guy didn't agree with me, I thought it was the start of bad things to come. Thankfully there are a decent number of you who can't stand these attitude era bandwagon fans. Fair Weather people is another good thing to call them like the person above did.
The Attitude era was more edgy, controversial, in tune with the times and exciting. It was tailored for a more adult audience (18-30), which appealed to the teenage market. The blood, anti-establishment foul mouthed champion in Stone Cold, the swearing, scantilly clad women and attitude made it must-see TV for people in my age range.

The PG era we have today is focused on a younger fanbase (at least until recently), with the violence toned down, a child-friendly champion in John Cena, and less controversial storylines appeal to a different market, and the product is alot more family friendly.

The people who got into wrestling during the Attitude Era and loved all it stood for are now 10 years older, with more responsibility in their lives. The product has now changed to focus on a younger market. So they are older, WWE is targetting younger fans....its no surprise they have lost interest in the product. If you got into wrestling because of the Attitude Era, the only way you would want to watch it now is if you became a PASSIONATE fan, which alot of people did not. They simply grew out of it or found the current product was not to their liking any more and stopped watching.

I bear them no grudge, I would stop watching if I didn't enjoy it. I don't feel a sense of loyalty to the WWE. I watch because I enjoy it, simple as.
For the tenth time in this thread Triple Naitch and others have taken everything the OP is asking out of context to make shots at the WWE product.

The op is talking about detractors and haters of wrestling, NOT AN ORGINIZATION OR THE OLD WWF, but of professional wrestling as a whole. Its true some people dont watch WWE because late '90s wrestlers aren't present but you can not say WWE going pg is the core issue because the people who we are debating over did not watch the Invasion, the brand exstension, the Hogan - Rock showdown or even Eddie Guerrero winning the big one.

The bandwagoners were like those racist kids from the suburbs who buy rap cds every minute. They likd the rapper because hes cool, the rap because its a popular genre, but not the guy hind the persona because of his color. IN the skaterworld they call em posers and they are considered worser then a sell out.

They belittled wrestling accept for a three year period were a bald redneck make 196 one finger salutes, Sable's puppies wouldn't stay in the dog kennel, beer trucks ran amuck, and excessive crotch chopping burned bridges and calories. Comming into 1999 i could not bare alot of changes in wcw but if i did stop watching i wouldnt go on an anti wrestling crusade or not check in periodically to see if WcW was back on track, and the WWF and ECW were not out of the question for me eventhough i wanted them both crushed. Even when i got a little tired of wrestling i did not become a hater. Maybe a detractor never a basher. It says alot about the nerdiness of some wrestling fans when they dont comprehend they are even being rediculed..
Sure there are fair weather fans, however if you got hooked on wrestling in mid 90s todays PG friendly product might seem boring. Now, I do think people that miss Rock, Austin, Hogan, Flair, Sting, HBK have a legit reason to be down because todays product is lacking guys who have that special it factor, true charismatic superstars. Maybe the kid friendly booking has something to do with it.
For the tenth time in this thread Triple Naitch and others have taken everything the OP is asking out of context to make shots at the WWE product.

The op is talking about detractors and haters of wrestling, NOT AN ORGINIZATION OR THE OLD WWF, but of professional wrestling as a whole. Its true some people dont watch WWE because late '90s wrestlers aren't present but you can not say WWE going pg is the core issue because the people who we are debating over did not watch the Invasion, the brand exstension, the Hogan - Rock showdown or even Eddie Guerrero winning the big one.

The bandwagoners were like those racist kids from the suburbs who buy rap cds every minute. They likd the rapper because hes cool, the rap because its a popular genre, but not the guy hind the persona because of his color. IN the skaterworld they call em posers and they are considered worser then a sell out.

They belittled wrestling accept for a three year period were a bald redneck make 196 one finger salutes, Sable's puppies wouldn't stay in the dog kennel, beer trucks ran amuck, and excessive crotch chopping burned bridges and calories. Comming into 1999 i could not bare alot of changes in wcw but if i did stop watching i wouldnt go on an anti wrestling crusade or not check in periodically to see if WcW was back on track, and the WWF and ECW were not out of the question for me eventhough i wanted them both crushed. Even when i got a little tired of wrestling i did not become a hater. Maybe a detractor never a basher. It says alot about the nerdiness of some wrestling fans when they dont comprehend they are even being rediculed..

Exactly. I wasn't trying to start a subject about how the current wwe sucks. I don't know how it got to this. I think some people just skimmed through what I typed without reading it thoroughly. I can't believe the suppoised true fans of wrestling think these people are all right! Like One to Remember said, they missed all of those cool moments and probably don't even care because to them wrestling wasn't cool anymore after 2000. I don't like the current wwe at all, but in general I still like the genre.
:wwf:You Can Say What You Want About The Attitude Era BUT The Attitude Era Was The Peek Of The WWF-WWE Just Like The 80's Was Specially The Birth Of Wrestlemania. As For Being A Band-Wagoner Of The Attitude Era, Never That. I Just Like What The Product Was At The Time And YES!! I Was A Stone Cold MARK!!! Back Then & Yes I Liked The D-Generation X Plus The Rock So What If I Did Or Other People Did. Are You Going To Tell Me That Today's Crap You See On Raw Or Smackdown Is Any Better And Can You Answer That Honestly ?:wwf:
:wwf:You Can Say What You Want About The Attitude Era BUT The Attitude Era Was The Peek Of The WWF-WWE Just Like The 80's Was Specially The Birth Of Wrestlemania. As For Being A Band-Wagoner Of The Attitude Era, Never That. I Just Like What The Product Was At The Time And YES!! I Was A Stone Cold MARK!!! Back Then & Yes I Liked The D-Generation X Plus The Rock So What If I Did Or Other People Did. Are You Going To Tell Me That Today's Crap You See On Raw Or Smackdown Is Any Better And Can You Answer That Honestly ?:wwf:

It depends on what you think constitutes better. It's a more widely marketable product now than it was in the late 90's, and I'd be willing to bet that WWE takes better care of it's talent now than it used to. It was only during the attitude era that a superstar died in the ring because of a f**kup in some ridiculous stunt that should never have been attempted.

The current product isn't bad at all either. I'll take Evan Bourne & Tyson Kidd over Doug Furnas & Phil Lafaun. By that I mean, the bottom end of the attitude era stars were much worse than the worst of todays stars you see on Raw or Smackdown.

No, maybe it's not as awesome as it was, but when you refer to what we have today as crap, it makes me wonder if you could ever have been a fan outside of 1997-2002.

A couple of years ago I would have been with you more or less wholeheartedly, 2007-2009 was boring as snot, however it was the 2005 product that completely turned me away, when sleaze got more focus than John Cena gets today. I'll take John Cena all day long over seeing Triple H & Candice Michele pretending to get head by two other divas.

Attitude era WAS good, but so were the golden ages, and the START (not the end, geez that was the most boring of all) of the New Generation Era, this new reality generation is pretty awesome IMO.

Tell me this, what OTHER generation can you say was really great and what were a few of your favorite moments? Please give me something otherwise you prove my point, that you're NOT a fan of pro-wrestling as a whole.
What is a true wrestling fan? I absolutely hate terms like these. Anyone that spends money or has potential to spend money on the wrestling business is considered a "mark", which by definition means fan.

Onto your question. Am I upset at the people for not liking wrestling currently? Absolutely not!!!!!!!!! Lets face the facts here. If wrestling isn't drawing people in, then its the product that sucks, not the fans. Its hard to fault people for having the freedom to say what they want about a product they're not interested in. Its one of their rights, and I have 0 issue with any of them sharing their opinion.

I've always hated the whole "bandwagon" fans versus "true" fans mentality in pretty much anything whether it's wrestling, music, tv shows, comic books, or well anything. It just sounds like a bunch of little kids cryin' "We was at the sandbox first!" How exactly does one prove they are a true fan? Is it spending money on every last piece of garbage merch the company comes out with? Is it following a particular wrestler since way back when they were in some podunk jerkwater indy fed not even getting paid and workin' security most of the time before they finally got a chance to wrestle?

Fans come and go, that's the nature of any form of entertainment. They either get bored with whatever they're watching, they move on to whatever is more popular, or through some set of circumstances in their life they just don't get the chance to watch like they used to. That's their right. This isn't the mafia, you don't sign a blood oath the first second you ever watch a wrestling show.

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