Attitude Era Negativity?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Yes it looks like hating the Attitude Era is the "cool thing" to do now. Examples of this is if a negitive thread about the current WWE product is posted on here the first response is a bashing of the Attitude Era. Take the thread on the WWE section which is bashing the free or fired storyline because Cena didn't stay off TV the people who responded to the thread who disagreed used Austin as a example because they assumed that all the haters of the storyline was Attitude Era fans.

Why do they think this? Why couldn't they bring up Booker T (Fired WCW guy) helping Y2J win the undisputed title and no security tried to stop Booker T there or Y2J returning in 2007 to confront Orton who said he could come back he was fired wasn't he? Hey i loved the free or fired storyline and have been a massive fan of RAW for the whole year i am saying this because i want to show the people who disliked the Attitude Era that there is people like me who loved the Austin character and the Attitude Era but still love the current product and dont always bitch about everything.

If you do see a thread where someone is hating on the current product and you dont agree with it dont stereotype them as a Attitude Era fans and say things like "Austin did this and that" and "Rock was limited at wrestling" bring up other wrestlers because some users on here are saying the same shit all the time how about if someone says for example "Cena sucks because he is limited in the ring" bring up people like Hogan and others dont stereotype every Cena hater as a Austin fan.
i dont have a poblem with cena coming week after week even when "fired". the problem i had was that wwe kept him in full gear. his stupid sweat bands all the way to his knee pads. if wwe wanted to make it somewhat real they should of at least had cena wear his street clothes. i think this would have added alittle more realism to the story.
i dont have a poblem with cena coming week after week even when "fired". the problem i had was that wwe kept him in full gear. his stupid sweat bands all the way to his knee pads. if wwe wanted to make it somewhat real they should of at least had cena wear his street clothes. i think this would have added alittle more realism to the story.

that's my reason too, if he is fired, have him come in jeans and maybe his Cena-nation t shirt. I loved the attitude era but you knew John Cena was gonna be rehired. BTW why is Cena still going after Nexus (David,husky,Gabriel,Heath,Migillicuty) after they rehired him???????:confused:
Uh, the guy that made the reference on Stone Cold in that one other thread, Slyfox....Yea, I'm pretty sure he was just giving an example. It's just that it was an example that the one he was debating and others can relate to.

With that said, are you seriously this fucking naive? The reason that examples from the Attitude Era get mentioned is because 95% of the people that hate the current products are Attitude Era fans. The same Attitude Era fans that hate the PG and want it to go back to another Attitude Era. Call it stereotype all you want, the fact that these people still exist and are a large number gives us more than a reason to assume that they are Attitude Era fans.

But also, there's one thing that just baffles me. You want us, the people that defend today's product, to use other examples instead of ones that are the most common of all that everyone can refernce to? You wan us, that when someone bashes the current products to not make references to the Attitude Era and not make any comparisons from it, all so that people like you don't get offended? Do you realize how absurd that is.

If a person hates the product of today, the first thing one wil do is try to make a reference to a past event, and if it just so happens that the reference happens to be from the Attitude Era, then so be it. A reference ois a reference no matter what. And Attitude Era references are just some of the most common of all.

So yea, get over it. If you are ever in a situation where you are bashing the current product and someone calls you an Attitude Era mark, all you have to do is tell them that you're not and move on in the debate. That simple.
that's my reason too, if he is fired, have him come in jeans and maybe his Cena-nation t shirt. I loved the attitude era but you knew John Cena was gonna be rehired. BTW why is Cena still going after Nexus (David,husky,Gabriel,Heath,Migillicuty) after they rehired him???????:confused:

and also, if he was "fired," why did they keep turning on his music when he was out in the ring or keep getting a microphone? as soon as he grabbed a mic, they should've turned it off, since he was "fired" after all.. the whole thing just didn't feel like he was "fired" at all..
I also think some things could have been different. Number one, they just forced his coming back into a short amount of time. I know, I know, they had a ppv coming up, blah, blah, blah.

Other than the time, they could have done some other things different. Like others said, something simple as street clothes. They also could have dropped the backstage stuff where he was there all by himself talking on the 'tron, and just done the parking lot or maybe an outside the arena thing when he jumped Nexus members. The parking lot w/other talent thing worked, the coming out of the crowd thing worked, the solo titantron crap did not. Don't play his music was another one that would add to it, and also any talking could have been done through interviewers that were "curious" to know what his mindset was, not give him his own mic to wander around at will. The security excuse was a cop out as well and they could have done that better. Come on, they're security and it's their job. They'd get canned for not being impartial and just doing their job. Please.

Lastly, after thinking about it, they could have made this really well and limited his attacks to one or two well placed outside assaults with maybe the one big one when the other guys from the locker room helped him out. They had been surprising everybody with the angle, so why not run with it and make it seem like maybe Cena was going to have to find some kind of hard way back? They hinted at it w/Barrett's comments that he knew what Cena was up to and it wouldn't work, so if they had toned it down and give it a more ominous tone it could have been better also.

That being said, there is a difference between Cena/fired and Austin, so I don't see why that's even an argument. The angles were just set up totally different. Austin was assaulting his boss, sure, but the whole thing was designed to be the whole power struggle thing. They had security and police carting Austin off a lot, and because of how power mad the Mr. McMahon character was, it worked. It was almost like he wanted to show his authority by "reigning Austin in" instead of simply firing him and being done with it. It also was a major storyline built up over a long period of time and not a quick "hurry up and get Cena back for the ppv" hack job. It's like comparing apples to oranges really.
Uh, the guy that made the reference on Stone Cold in that one other thread, Slyfox....Yea, I'm pretty sure he was just giving an example. It's just that it was an example that the one he was debating and others can relate to.

One guy? Uh no check again.

With that said, are you seriously this fucking naive? The reason that examples from the Attitude Era get mentioned is because 95% of the people that hate the current products are Attitude Era fans.

Why call it fucking naive? Are you seriously trying to scare me off with the F word? 95%??? and where did you get that ridiculous number from? :lmao:

More than a reason to assume that they are Attitude Era fans.

Again how do you know that they are attitude fans. There is fans from lots of generations going back 20 something years ago that still watch WWE today. And you are "assuming" that 95% of those fans are from a era that lasted no more than 3 years?

But also, there's one thing that just baffles me. You want us, the people that defend today's product, to use other examples instead of ones that are the most common of all that everyone can refernce to? You want us, that when someone bashes the current products to not make references to the Attitude Era and not make any comparisons from it, all so that people like you don't get offended? Do you realize how absurd that is.

Yeah it would be absurd if i said "DONT EVER SAY IT AGAIN!!!!" or some shit like that but i didn't i said how about bringing up a diffrent wrestler for once it stops repetition in peoples posts its a forum people read it why would i want to read a post that looks like its been copied and pasted? Will people bring them up again of course i don't have the power to stop them.

someone calls you an Attitude Era mark

You know i have been posting in wrestling forums for years (Not only wrestlezone) and have never been called a mark for the A.E once.
People do anything now a days to defend the WWE product. Unlike most who understand that the WWE isnt what it used to be they feel as though they have to "stand up for wwe". (Good job with that one vinny mac). But honestly, by crapping on the attitude era it proves they know the truth, but just like to be argumentative. By constantly comparing an aspect of todays product to somethat that happened 10+ years ago it just makes the WWE product look even worse.

And honestly, who hasent been insulted for mentioning Cena negatively on here? Besides marks.
Figure I may as well go ahead with what I was planning on doing...

i dont have a poblem with cena coming week after week even when "fired". the problem i had was that wwe kept him in full gear. his stupid sweat bands all the way to his knee pads. if wwe wanted to make it somewhat real they should of at least had cena wear his street clothes. i think this would have added alittle more realism to the story.

Wait. Wait. Let me get this straight. If John Cena would have been wearing a regular shirt and regular shorts, then it would have made the story more realistic? Gotcha.

What the fuck is wrong with you? The clothes that he wears shouldn't make a difference in whether the story is realistic or not. He's wearing the same thing he's always worn. Big fucking whoop.

that's my reason too, if he is fired, have him come in jeans and maybe his Cena-nation t shirt. I loved the attitude era but you knew John Cena was gonna be rehired.

:lmao: you do realize that what he was wearing was in fact his Cenation T-shirt and jean [shorts] right?

BTW why is Cena still going after Nexus (David,husky,Gabriel,Heath,Migillicuty) after they rehired him???????:confused:

Are you seriously asking this question? Uh, how about the feud between Nexus and Cena isn't over yet. Does that work for you? When this feud started, Nexus did nothing but torment Cena every step of the way. Even after SummerSlam they still kept ganging up and Cena. Hell, they even got to the point where Cena was made a member of the Nexus and ultimately fired. Don't you think this qualifies as a situation where the it's the good guys turn to kick some ass? If a bad guy beats the shit out of a good guy, it's only logical that the good guy has to be the one that defeats the bad guy. C'mon guy, if kids can understand this, why can't you? Wait. I see. Nevermind.

Seriously, think before you speak.

and also, if he was "fired," why did they keep turning on his music when he was out in the ring or keep getting a microphone? as soon as he grabbed a mic, they should've turned it off, since he was "fired" after all.. the whole thing just didn't feel like he was "fired" at all..

Turn off the microphone?...Really? (The excuses people come up with :disappointed: ....)

The point of the whole story was to establish the angle that Wade would rehire Cena and ultimately face him at TLC. Now, did it work? Yes, it did. The angle got a great build and a great hype. Sure, it probably wasn't executed as best as it could; but nevertheless, the job was done. And we are now witnessing one of the best storylines we've seen in a while [probably] head for a climax. So I say: Mission accomplished.

One guy? Uh no check again.

What you mean the ones that were making the references to the thread? Those guys? what?

Why call it fucking naive? Are you seriously trying to scare me off with the F word? 95%??? and where did you get that ridiculous number from? :lmao:

It's a curse word. I didn't know that warranted for a scare. Also, those numbers...yea, from the many examples I've seen in forums all over the internet. Most of the guys who bash the current product are attitude era followers.

Again how do you know that they are attitude fans. There is fans from lots of generations going back 20 something years ago that still watch you are "assuming" that 95% of these are fans from a era that lasted no more than 3 years?

Because most if not all of these guys are always mentioning that things should go back to the Attitude Era, or that the Attitude Era should be brought back, etc etc.

Seriously, does you quoting me have a point yet?

Yeah it would be absurd if i said "DONT EVER SAY IT AGAIN!!!!" or some shit like that but i didn't i said how about bringing up a diffrent wrestler for once it stops repetition in peoples posts

Well, the way you make it sound in your OP is that you WANT people to stop referencing to the Attitude Era and instead reference something else. Yea, I think my previous statement still stands.

But regardless, Attitude Era examples are the most common references one can make when defending the PG. Vise-versa. The Attitude Era was the golden age of WWE, it's only common logic that references that are made from there are references that [just about] everyone can relate to.

its a forum people read it why would i want to read a post that looks like its been copied and pasted? Will people bring them up again of course i don't have the power to stop them.

Because these same people that the "copy and pasting" is for are the same people that never learn. These idiots are always complaining about the current product and say how great the AE was. Thus, you have people like us making references to said situations of the Attitude Era. It's a never ending cycle, dude. People complain, others defend. That's the way it's always been and that's the way it will always be. You saying that people should stop making AE references would be the same thing as someone else telling the the Attitude Era marks to stop bashing the current product. Both will never seize. It willl keep going for a long time to come.


Now, if you please, I want all you people that I have quoted to remember what I am about to say:

At the end of the day, WWE is nothing more than just another television show. It has it's flaws, as those everything else. The fact that YOU all keep pointing out the flaws in it and saying that it is stupid is in fact just plain stupid. WWE is not ment for it to make you think critically, it's made for you to enjoy the product. And if it so happens that you don't enjoy the product, the simple logic that "stop watching it" will apply.

It's the same with any television show. Once you stop likeing it, you stop watching it. But of course, die-hard Wrestling fans will always enjoy wrestling. And when they enjoy wrestling, they enjoy the entertainment that is given to them. Do you see? The reason WWE is the abreviation for World Wrestling Entertainment, is because it is just that---WORLD. WRESTLING. ENTERTAINMENT.
okay for the people that say security wasn't doing their job when they let him backstage...they have nobody to take controls from...clearly the GM is a "computer" and vince is in a whos gonna tell security what they can or not do?
I don't think people actually hate, or even dislike, the Attitude Era. It's just thatSO MANY people have been holding onto the hope that WWE would return to this style of booking for far too long. It's a dead horse that many people simply don't want to talk about anymore.

My personal feelings on the Attitude Era;

It was fun. There were a lot of really cool characters during this particular period, and booking changed dramatically. The Attitude Era actually made wrestling cool on a social level. I can remember the neighborhood bar playing Raw on the big screen while dozens of actual wrestling fans would hang out, have a few drinks and watch. It almost became as sociable as NFL football, and I miss that.

I think it all came down to this; The Attitude Era fans were older than the fans of the late 80's and early 90's. The fan base grew up on wrestling, so wrestling changed to suit it's fans. The same kids that were Hulkamaniacs in the late 80's had grown into young adults that wanted to see pretty, half naked ladies and guys that'd actually swear at one another when they had "beef". Those fans, for the majority, still "outgrew" wrestling and moved on to other hobbies. That lead Vince to make an attempt to reach out to youngsters again, and that's where we stand currently. I won't be at all surprised if we see an new Attitude Era of sorts several years down the line. Vince's new fans are gonna grow up and want to see more skin and violence. That's how it goes...
I think its overcompensation on the part of many wrestling fans. There was a time, around mid 2007 I believe that a lot of people were mercilessly bashing the current product. Then they figured that not everything was perfect about the attitude era either and so they turned around and started bashing the AE. Wrestling fans especially smarks are pretty fickle minded.

As for the attitude era, yes, there was a lot of good about that era. But I feel that the main reason it was so popular was that we had two super charismatic superstars aka Austin and Rock. The two of them drew in fans like never before. Sure there were a lot of other things that were good about that era, like the fantastic tag team wrestling that we got to see. But without the presence of Austin and Rock I feel that the AE would not have held that special place in the heart of the fans as it does.
The attitude era is a crutch for many to argue for or against the PG era. Its beating a dead horse every time. Someone will say well so and so did the same thing in the attitude era to make up holes in logic in today's storylines. Also, someone will compare a wrestler from today's era like The Miz to The Rock or Orton to Steve Austin. They will basically use this to determine why the wrestler sucks or is great. I think people use this attitude era argument way too much. The attitude era wasn't perfect and neither is this era.

People use the attitude era so much because that was when wrestling was at its height in popularity. It doesn't mean everything was great that happened. Also. it seems that whenever there is something that lacks logic in WWE or TNA then someone compares the company to a different era or another company. Some people will stick up for a product and bash another no matter how bad the product they are watching is.

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