Figure I may as well go ahead with what I was planning on doing...
i dont have a poblem with cena coming week after week even when "fired". the problem i had was that wwe kept him in full gear. his stupid sweat bands all the way to his knee pads. if wwe wanted to make it somewhat real they should of at least had cena wear his street clothes. i think this would have added alittle more realism to the story.
Wait. Wait. Let me get this straight. If John Cena would have been wearing a regular shirt and regular shorts, then it would have made the story more realistic? Gotcha.
What the fuck is wrong with you? The clothes that he wears shouldn't make a difference in whether the story is realistic or not. He's wearing the same thing he's always worn. Big fucking whoop.
that's my reason too, if he is fired, have him come in jeans and maybe his Cena-nation t shirt. I loved the attitude era but you knew John Cena was gonna be rehired.

you do realize that what he was wearing was in fact his Cenation T-shirt and jean [shorts] right?
BTW why is Cena still going after Nexus (David,husky,Gabriel,Heath,Migillicuty) after they rehired him???????
Are you seriously asking this question? Uh, how about the feud between Nexus and Cena isn't over yet. Does that work for you? When this feud started, Nexus did nothing but torment Cena every step of the way. Even after SummerSlam they still kept ganging up and Cena. Hell, they even got to the point where Cena was made a member of the Nexus and ultimately fired. Don't you think this qualifies as a situation where the it's the good guys turn to kick some ass? If a bad guy beats the shit out of a good guy, it's only logical that the good guy has to be the one that defeats the bad guy. C'mon guy, if kids can understand this, why can't you? Wait. I see. Nevermind.
Seriously, think before you speak.
and also, if he was "fired," why did they keep turning on his music when he was out in the ring or keep getting a microphone? as soon as he grabbed a mic, they should've turned it off, since he was "fired" after all.. the whole thing just didn't feel like he was "fired" at all..
Turn off the microphone?...Really? (The excuses people come up with

The point of the whole story was to establish the angle that Wade would rehire Cena and ultimately face him at TLC. Now, did it work? Yes, it did. The angle got a great build and a great hype. Sure, it probably wasn't executed as best as it could; but nevertheless, the job was done. And we are now witnessing one of the best storylines we've seen in a while [probably] head for a climax. So I say: Mission accomplished.
One guy? Uh no check again.
What you mean the ones that were making the references to the thread? Those guys? what?
Why call it
fucking naive? Are you seriously trying to scare me off with the F word? 95%??? and where did you get that ridiculous number from?
It's a curse word. I didn't know that warranted for a scare. Also, those numbers...yea, from the many examples I've seen in forums all over the internet. Most of the guys who bash the current product are attitude era followers.
Again how do you know that they are attitude fans. There is fans from lots of generations going back 20 something years ago that still watch you are "assuming" that 95% of these are fans from a era that lasted no more than 3 years?
Because most if not all of these guys are always mentioning that things should go back to the Attitude Era, or that the Attitude Era should be brought back, etc etc.
Seriously, does you quoting me have a point yet?
Yeah it would be absurd if i said "DONT EVER SAY IT AGAIN!!!!" or some shit like that but i didn't i said how about bringing up a diffrent wrestler for once it stops repetition in peoples posts
Well, the way you make it sound in your OP is that you WANT people to stop referencing to the Attitude Era and instead reference something else. Yea, I think my previous statement still stands.
But regardless, Attitude Era examples are the most common references one can make when defending the PG. Vise-versa. The Attitude Era was the golden age of WWE, it's only common logic that references that are made from there are references that [just about] everyone can relate to.
its a forum people read it why would i want to read a post that looks like its been copied and pasted? Will people bring them up again of course i don't have the power to stop them.
Because these same people that the "copy and pasting" is for are the same people that never learn. These idiots are always complaining about the current product and say how great the AE was. Thus, you have people like us making references to said situations of the Attitude Era. It's a never ending cycle, dude. People complain, others defend. That's the way it's always been and that's the way it will always be. You saying that people should stop making AE references would be the same thing as someone else telling the the Attitude Era marks to stop bashing the current product. Both will never seize. It willl keep going for a long time to come.
Now, if you please, I want all you people that I have quoted to remember what I am about to say:
At the end of the day, WWE is nothing more than just another television show. It has it's flaws, as those everything else. The fact that YOU all keep pointing out the flaws in it and saying that it is stupid is in fact just plain stupid. WWE is not ment for it to make you think critically, it's made for you to enjoy the product. And if it so happens that you don't enjoy the product, the simple logic that "stop watching it" will apply.
It's the same with any television show. Once you stop likeing it, you stop watching it. But of course, die-hard Wrestling fans will always enjoy wrestling. And when they enjoy wrestling, they enjoy the entertainment that is given to them. Do you see? The reason WWE is the abreviation for World Wrestling Entertainment, is because it is just that---WORLD. WRESTLING. ENTERTAINMENT.