Was The Attitude Era Really That Good? Why do it's fans hate the PG Era?

If you dissect the Attitude era as a whole, aside from DX, Vince/Austin/Rock and The Satanic Undertaker the Attitude Era wasn't that great from a wrestling stand point but from angles and the gimmicks they were way more edgier than they were in 1992 and the Attitude Era you got over far more easily than you would have before based on gimmick alone.

The Hardcore title and the return of the Women's championship illuminated two divisions that one had died and two brought lower card and mid card guys together and could hide weakness with the props and added to the show.

But every PPV felt the same, I remember a cheeky statistic was that for (I believe) 28 PPV's in a row was either The Rock, HHH, Austin or Foley (Foley place might have been Undertaker) headlined the show but the main event was the same 5 guys.

But in the midst of this era the tag division hotted up with the New Age Outlaws before taking on a more extreme aspect to the division which saw one helluva resurrection for the division that had hit a snag around 1994-on wards.

Personal opinion I loved the Attitude Era I remember it fondly and remember other memories that occurred around that era, looking back it was a magical era from a fans perspective; I don't believe we'll ever see an era that was filled with more compelling angles, characters and awesome use of new and current championships.
Wrestling wise, esp in 1999, sucked so bad. I believe every ppv besides maybe Survivor Series was a very dissapointing. But man was everyone over. and i mean EVERYONE. when you saw the new age outlaws comin out, everyone in udsen screamed OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW, YOUR ASS BETTER CALL SOMEONE.
In 2000 however they rebound and did a much more successful year, just every divison was great, esp the tag team divison. Man everytime i saw Edge and Christian vs Hardyz vs Dudleyz I was the edge of my sleep.
Unforfutely I was far to young for the attitude era, I was merely 7 when it ended. So i was older in the Ruthless Aggression Era. Which was amazing.

Ill grade each era year by year

Golden Era 1985-1990

Transtional into New Gen 1991-1992

New Generation 1993-1996

Attitude Era 1997-2001 (mania17)
A,A,F,A,A (until invasion took place which leads to a C)

Ruthless Aggression 2002-2007

Reality Era 2008-

so overall the attitude isnt the best because 99 match wise sucked ass. The Golden Era will always be the greatest era ever no matter what

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