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At what point do we admit it..?

He's not a bad guy,he's not a good guy,but is he THE guy?

  • I'd say the time is now to admit it...whether we like it or not

  • Funny guy, maybe he's the Face of the WCWF,but he'll never be the Face of WWE

  • When he shows us he's ready...which he may never will be

  • He's not THE Guy,But likely will be

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At what point do we admit it?

There's nothing to admit here. Roman Reigns isn't THE GUY. WWE wants him to replace John Cena but that's not possible. He doesn't have the skill to be THE GUY.

You talk about giving good matches? Well, Cesaro also gives good matches. So, does that mean that he's THE GUY?

I'll still take Ambrose over him any day.
ShinChan™;5623525 said:
At what point do we admit it?

There's nothing to admit here. Roman Reigns isn't THE GUY. WWE wants him to replace John Cena but that's not possible. He doesn't have the skill to be THE GUY.

You talk about giving good matches? Well, Cesaro also gives good matches. So, does that mean that he's THE GUY?

I'll still take Ambrose over him any day.

But again the main problem is that the way they booked everybody, nobody is going to be the guy when cena finally retired because no new talent is on his level.

The fact is roman reigns while he gotten better suffer from the atrocious beginning of the year booking and got alot of grown to cover to get back the fans back on his side

Seth rollins has lost a lot of momemtum since he turned babyface again because of the bad booking with his character.

And ambrose, was never truly over outside the little period when the shield broke up and roman reigns got injured.

So, I still think that you either need to put them back together as a faction or you give them more freedom to create their own character because what they are doing right now isn't working and you need go have somebody to replace john cena soon and right now, you really don't have somebody that's ready to take is place.
Roman Reigns face of the company ?

Let's be realistic, far from it.

Roman Reigns has never been put over by the fans as a baby face. Individually, he gets booed so much to a point where WWE producers edit LIVE TV to mute the boos since Vince got them on that 60 second broadcast delay. The only time he was ever cheered organically was when he was active as "The Shield". The only REAL POP he ever had this year was when that little reunion happened at Survivor Series with Dean & Seth. Roman's partners Dean & Seth are even more liked by fans individually compared to Roman. You also can't seriously consider Roman to represent the company when AJ Styles outsells pretty much everyone on merchandise right now.

Some may say AJ Styles? But come on anybody with a brain know that's just a storyline. Yes, Styles may be the Face of SmackDown...But it takes a helluva lot more to be the Face of the entire company. At which point do fans wake up and admit this?

The entire purpose behind those catchphrases in the first place is to help evolve their characters. It's the main reason why people like Roman says he's THE GUY. People like AJ Styles says he's the face that runs the place.

People like Kevin Owens saying this is the Kevin Owens show. Even the nonsensical "Make Darren Young Great Again" when he was never great to begin with.

Catchphrases alone doesn't ALWAYS accurately & precisely reflect reality. Admittedly, it does sometimes. In this case, your main argument would better suit AJ Styles instead.
Roman Reigns is NOT the face of the company. Not until the fans accept him in that role. WWE has tried to force him on us as the top guy for the past two years. It hasn't worked. They should stop trying to make him into the next Cena-type of "face of the federation" and instead go for having him fit a role he is MUCH more suited for. He should be in a role like Batista was. A big badass monster. Talking less and having his actions in the big matches speak for themselves. This is what Roman is good at. As for who CAN be the next true face of the federation, the issue has not changed. No one else can match Cena's level of appearances outside WWE events, merchandise sales, crowd reaction (whether good or bad), and ability to hype a match. That is what the legitimate face of the company has to be able to do. Hogan did it, Rock and Austin did it, Cena did it, the next guy will have to be able to also. If Rollins could match New Day's merchandising they may be onto something, but no one is looking like they will take that true "face of the federation" role anytime soon. It sure as heck won't be Roman Reigns I can tell you that much. And this is coming from someone who does like Reigns, when he's not being forced into a World Championship push, that is. He better not win tomorrow.
I don't think there's a concrete "guy" yet. Which sounds stupid but I think back in 2002-2004 Vince didn't set out to make one singular "guy." Back in 1997 there wasn't just one guy either. I think they have a list of about 5ish superstars to be the face of the company.

Let's look back before Cena became the face of the company, the WWE had just created 5 guys who were all face material! You had Cena, Batista, Edge, Orton and Lesnar all of which had the rocket push! Cena and Batista in 2005, Edge in 2006, Orton in 2003 and Lesnar in 2004, but what happened? Well Lesnar left the company after Mania 20 and thus more responsibility fell to the other guys. Batista started getting injured a lot and I think Vince realized how great a heel Batista was so that took him out of it. Edge had his neck injury ending his career and Orton was a bland babyface but made a great heel. So Cena became the "face" of the company.

Today we have Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Owens and Balor as our potential faces of the company. Ambrose's run fell flat for the most part and Balor got injured right away. Do I think these guys are out of it, no I think they still have a shot. But for now, there isn't a clear cut "face of the company." There will be in a few years when we determine who the best bet is
People here talk about how they hate John Cena or Roman Reigns being shoved down their throats.

Do you know who I used to hate being shoved down my throat? "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. I got sick of how the whole "Attitude Era" was centred around him.

This was a guy who would give a Stunner to his tag-team partner of the week after matches, who even gave Stacy Keibler a Stunner one month after pleading no-contest to spousal abuse. He would chuck his toys like a three-year-old and leave if he didn't get his own way.

You talk about Cena or Roman being "invincible". During the Austin-McMahon feud, most weeks ended with Austin drinking beer, after giving Mr McMahon and co Stunners. Week after week. I can only think of four times where Mr McMahon "one-upped" Austin (SS "Deadly Games", when Shane as referee screwed Austin out of the title tournament, Royal Rumble 99, when Vince eliminated Austin (with help from the Rock), the Higher Power reveal, and one night on RAW, when McMahon won the Corporate Rumble, and RAW ended with Austin tied in the ropes, as Vince poured beer on his head. Most other times, Austin ended up looking like a winner in the one-sided feud.

Also, Austin never put over the Rock until WM19, when he could barely move. He wouldn't drop the IC belt to him at IYH-DX, and beat him every other one-on-one match (bar WMXIX). He wouldn't fight Lesnar, so he wouldn't have to put him over. Talk about "Superman", Austin only looked weak when he was struggling with his real-life neck problems.

So any argument you use about Cena and Roman, could be used about Austin as well, and Hogan before him. The top guy is often over-exposed, and if you are not a fan of said guy, it annoys you. What is happening to Roman ain't new, it is just not who you want it to be.

(I suppose I will get modded for this post when Dagger Dias abuses his power as a mod again, like he did with one of my other posts, because I criticized his faves SCSA and Daniel Bryan in past posts, but got modded for a post where I didn't even mention them. You know what they say, absolute power corrupts...).
People here talk about how they hate John Cena or Roman Reigns being shoved down their throats.

Do you know who I used to hate being shoved down my throat? "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. I got sick of how the whole "Attitude Era" was centred around him.

This was a guy who would give a Stunner to his tag-team partner of the week after matches, who even gave Stacy Keibler a Stunner one month after pleading no-contest to spousal abuse. He would chuck his toys like a three-year-old and leave if he didn't get his own way.

You talk about Cena or Roman being "invincible". During the Austin-McMahon feud, most weeks ended with Austin drinking beer, after giving Mr McMahon and co Stunners. Week after week. I can only think of four times where Mr McMahon "one-upped" Austin (SS "Deadly Games", when Shane as referee screwed Austin out of the title tournament, Royal Rumble 99, when Vince eliminated Austin (with help from the Rock), the Higher Power reveal, and one night on RAW, when McMahon won the Corporate Rumble, and RAW ended with Austin tied in the ropes, as Vince poured beer on his head. Most other times, Austin ended up looking like a winner in the one-sided feud.

Also, Austin never put over the Rock until WM19, when he could barely move. He wouldn't drop the IC belt to him at IYH-DX, and beat him every other one-on-one match (bar WMXIX). He wouldn't fight Lesnar, so he wouldn't have to put him over. Talk about "Superman", Austin only looked weak when he was struggling with his real-life neck problems.

So any argument you use about Cena and Roman, could be used about Austin as well, and Hogan before him. The top guy is often over-exposed, and if you are not a fan of said guy, it annoys you. What is happening to Roman ain't new, it is just not who you want it to be.

(I suppose I will get modded for this post when Dagger Dias abuses his power as a mod again, like he did with one of my other posts, because I criticized his faves SCSA and Daniel Bryan in past posts, but got modded for a post where I didn't even mention them. You know what they say, absolute power corrupts...).

Honestly, I don't disagree with you. There were times Austin was so protected it bordered on ridiculous and he is just as guilty as the next guy for "refusing to do business." That being said, there's a HUGE difference between Stone Cold and Roman Reigns, or even John Cena and Hulk Hogan, and I think everybody already knows what that is before having to read my next sentence. Austin and Hogan were ridiculously over with the vast majority of their eras respective fanbases and, in Austin's case at least, he never got booed as a face, not one time. Hogan of course did, but that was only about 8-9 years after making himself wrestling's greatest and most over star. And at that point, he was just about done with WWE anyway.

So yeah, Austin got shoved down our throats without a doubt, but at least you can justify that. Nothing about it was forced and that's what most of the crowd wanted to see judging by the reactions he got on a weekly basis. Can you say the same thing about Roman Reigns? Or even John Cena?
Honestly, I don't disagree with you. There were times Austin was so protected it bordered on ridiculous and he is just as guilty as the next guy for "refusing to do business." That being said, there's a HUGE difference between Stone Cold and Roman Reigns, or even John Cena and Hulk Hogan, and I think everybody already knows what that is before having to read my next sentence. Austin and Hogan were ridiculously over with the vast majority of their eras respective fanbases and, in Austin's case at least, he never got booed as a face, not one time. Hogan of course did, but that was only about 8-9 years after making himself wrestling's greatest and most over star. And at that point, he was just about done with WWE anyway.

So yeah, Austin got shoved down our throats without a doubt, but at least you can justify that. Nothing about it was forced and that's what most of the crowd wanted to see judging by the reactions he got on a weekly basis. Can you say the same thing about Roman Reigns? Or even John Cena?

Technicly, I can say that for both guys because cena got over organicly and fans really wanted him to be the top guy, same goes for reigns in the begining before he got hurt and they screwed up his booking during and after his injury. When the shield split up, he was the most over guy out of the three shield member but like everything in this era, they have to control everything and this scrited booking is screwing up everybody in the company.
No there is no bitterness at all. The OP asked a question and I gave an honest answer. Didn't expect most to like it but I'm not going to sit here and blow sunshine up everyone's asses when it's just not the case.

And who says I'm wrong, you? It is my opinion that he was not the standout star, might not be your's but shit are we not allowed to have an opinion on this site because it doesn't agree with others. And it has nothing to do with imposing, it has everything to do with who he was portrayed as a member of the Shield. Who did most of the talking, Rollins and Ambrose, right? Who did most of the ring work, Rollins and Ambrose, again am I right? Reigns was the silent guy who stood in the background and went into action when he was supposed too. That's how the Shield worked, and it worked well.

As for his singles career, well I agree he's has some good matches, but so have the other two. And really so what, lot's of wrestler's have good matches. Reigns is not an exception to the rule, but his fans would have you believe he is. No I don't care much for the guy, and again that is my personal opinion. If you don't like it then that's quite honestly too bad.

Nope. None at all :rolleyes:

And to make it sound like Rollins talked a lot is exaggerating. He was the most overlooked of the 3 by many. People knew Ambrose would break out because of his mic skills. People knew Reigns would for his look. It's probably the main reason Rollins being the turncoat was a surprise to so many. A good heel talker is pretty common. A monster heel is also common. Ambrose easily did most of the talking. Reigns was easily their muscle. What was Rollins? As I recall he was generally the one to fill time by being beaten up for a while during matches. Of course he got his spots in, but their matches were like a well oiled machine with everyone filling their roles perfectly and looking good. I don't think anyone would say they didn't have good matches.

Obviously they've all had their own paths, both up and down, since breaking up. The ironic thing is that everyone is so busy talking/debating/hating Reigns (gee that guy isn't over at all) that the setup for the huge push went straight to Rollins under all their noses with mostly cheers (though a heel). It's a shame they royally screwed it up with an awful face turn.
Technicly, I can say that for both guys because cena got over organicly and fans really wanted him to be the top guy, same goes for reigns in the begining before he got hurt and they screwed up his booking during and after his injury. When the shield split up, he was the most over guy out of the three shield member but like everything in this era, they have to control everything and this scrited booking is screwing up everybody in the company.

You might be able to make a case for John Cena. I also used to argue that Cena deserved his spot because he was clearly the biggest rising star on the roster in 05-06, and the fans definitely got behind him. As for Reigns, no that's not true. I don't remember a time when the fans ever anointed Reigns as the guy to succeed John Cena. Sure he was over as part of The Shield, but that in no way legitimizes him as the next face of the company. Maybe he did get cheered as a singles guy, I honestly don't remember those times, but I know for a fact he was being shit on very soon after the split.

You can blame the booking, god knows it is a big part of why he failed as a straight babyface, but you also have to admit that Reigns wasn't near ready for the push he got and that hurt him most of all. I've said it before, I don't dislike Roman Reigns. I just think he's nowhere near skilled, qualified, or over enough to be the top guy.
You might be able to make a case for John Cena. I also used to argue that Cena deserved his spot because he was clearly the biggest rising star on the roster in 05-06, and the fans definitely got behind him. As for Reigns, no that's not true. I don't remember a time when the fans ever anointed Reigns as the guy to succeed John Cena. Sure he was over as part of The Shield, but that in no way legitimizes him as the next face of the company. Maybe he did get cheered as a singles guy, I honestly don't remember those times, but I know for a fact he was being shit on very soon after the split.

You can blame the booking, god knows it is a big part of why he failed as a straight babyface, but you also have to admit that Reigns wasn't near ready for the push he got and that hurt him most of all. I've said it before, I don't dislike Roman Reigns. I just think he's nowhere near skilled, qualified, or over enough to be the top guy.

Then you missed the entire 2014 year. In 2014, Reigns was the second most over guy on the roster behind Daniel Bryan. In fact, when Punk walked out WWE was debating between Reigns and Bryan as Triple H's opponent. Majority of fans was more for Reigns than Bryan as his opponent despite the fact that it made absolutely no sense. When The Shield ended, WWE started pushing Reigns because of the crowd reactions he was getting. This is also part of the reason The Shield ended. WWE needed a new John Cena and with Bryan hurt and Cesaro's push going south they went with their other option in Reigns. The reason why fans started shitting on him was because they were realizing that's what they was getting,despite the fact that the fans reaction,add in with the look and body frame is the reason why WWE started to push him to begin with.
Then you missed the entire 2014 year. In 2014, Reigns was the second most over guy on the roster behind Daniel Bryan. In fact, when Punk walked out WWE was debating between Reigns and Bryan as Triple H's opponent. Majority of fans was more for Reigns than Bryan as his opponent despite the fact that it made absolutely no sense. When The Shield ended, WWE started pushing Reigns because of the crowd reactions he was getting. This is also part of the reason The Shield ended. WWE needed a new John Cena and with Bryan hurt and Cesaro's push going south they went with their other option in Reigns. The reason why fans started shitting on him was because they were realizing that's what they was getting,despite the fact that the fans reaction,add in with the look and body frame is the reason why WWE started to push him to begin with.

The Shield was still together for the first half of 2014, how exactly was Reigns the second most over guy when he wasn't even on his own for half of the year? Reigns marks always try to justify his spot by spewing this stuff and acting like Roman was crazy over when in fact, it was the entire Shield that was getting cheered, not just Reigns. The Shield broke up in June of 2014. 3 months later, he got injured and was out until December. He was getting boo's before his injury. By January, he was getting booed out of the building at the Rumble. So Reigns was possibly hot, on his own merit for a total of 2 months.

This isn't my opinion. It's what happened.
The Shield was still together for the first half of 2014, how exactly was Reigns the second most over guy when he wasn't even on his own for half of the year? Reigns marks always try to justify his spot by spewing this stuff and acting like Roman was crazy over when in fact, it was the entire Shield that was getting cheered, not just Reigns. The Shield broke up in June of 2014. 3 months later, he got injured and was out until December. He was getting boo's before his injury. By January, he was getting booed out of the building at the Rumble. So Reigns was possibly hot, on his own merit for a total of 2 months.

This isn't my opinion. It's what happened.

To be fair about Reigns' lack of cheers(I believe he is over as a de facto heel and WWE's continued effort to push him regardless means they also dont mind it) is due to him being pushed as an extension of John Cena as opposed to the BadAss Roman Reigns of the SHIELD who speared HHH the night after Mania30.

In fact, the only time he has been overwhelmingly cheered by fans since Mania31 is just over a year ago from today when the stuff at TLC happened(he was finally ROMAN REIGNS for a couple of weeks as opposed to "El Hijo de John Cens").
To be fair about Reigns' lack of cheers(I believe he is over as a de facto heel and WWE's continued effort to push him regardless means they also dont mind it) is due to him being pushed as an extension of John Cena as opposed to the BadAss Roman Reigns of the SHIELD who speared HHH the night after Mania30.

In fact, the only time he has been overwhelmingly cheered by fans since Mania31 is just over a year ago from today when the stuff at TLC happened(he was finally ROMAN REIGNS for a couple of weeks as opposed to "El Hijo de John Cens").

Oh no doubt. WWE definitely deserves some of the blame when it comes to Reigns' reaction. Had they pushed him slower and as more of a Goldberg type character, I think a lot of people would have been extremely receptive to him. That's the Reigns a lot of people seemingly wanted to see.
You might be able to make a case for John Cena. I also used to argue that Cena deserved his spot because he was clearly the biggest rising star on the roster in 05-06, and the fans definitely got behind him. As for Reigns, no that's not true. I don't remember a time when the fans ever anointed Reigns as the guy to succeed John Cena. Sure he was over as part of The Shield, but that in no way legitimizes him as the next face of the company. Maybe he did get cheered as a singles guy, I honestly don't remember those times, but I know for a fact he was being shit on very soon after the split.

You can blame the booking, god knows it is a big part of why he failed as a straight babyface, but you also have to admit that Reigns wasn't near ready for the push he got and that hurt him most of all. I've said it before, I don't dislike Roman Reigns. I just think he's nowhere near skilled, qualified, or over enough to be the top guy.

Their was 2 instance we're you could say that reigns felt like the fans chosen one in my opinion. The first one was the royal rumble 2014 when he was the last one against batista, sure you could say that it was more because of the backlash that daniel bryan wasn't in the match and it was clear that batista was the chosen on but that night, he felt like a megastar. Then after the shield broke up that same year, If you listen to the reaction that all 3 guys got after they broke up, Reigns was the most over guy out of the 3 and he was getting really loud pop from the fans until he got injured 2 months later, then they booked him with those really awful promos during he was injured and he got expose so when he came back the fans turned on him because he wasn'T the big bad monster guy that they wanted him to be.
The Shield was still together for the first half of 2014, how exactly was Reigns the second most over guy when he wasn't even on his own for half of the year?
They we're all 3 over but the fans wasnt chanting Ambrose,they weren't chanting Rollins,they were chanting for Roman Reigns. Even after The Shield ended Roman Reigns was everybody's "favorite" until Vince wanted to push him.

Reigns marks always try to justify his spot by spewing this stuff and acting like Roman was crazy over when in fact, it was the entire Shield that was getting cheered, not just Reigns.
Not a Reigns mark,tired of hearing that shit. Roman was crazy over and yeah The Shield were getting cheered and were over as hell no ones denying that. But Roman was the main one fans were rooting for. Don't believe me? Go back and watch because you obviously weren't then. When The Shield ended everyone was all Team Roman and he was literally the most over guy on the roster until he got injured. When he came back is when the fans started a slow turn on Roman that didn't really kick into effect until Royal Rumble 2015 when for the FIRST TIME he was booed out of the building.

The Shield broke up in June of 2014. 3 months later, he got injured and was out until December. He was getting boo's before his injury.
Roman only got booed twice before his injury. Other than a tag match and his SummerSlam match with Orton every other arena was Team Roman.

By January, he was getting booed out of the building at the Rumble.
Only fact to come out of your mouth.

This isn't my opinion. It's what happened.
No,its your opinion. I can literally show video proof to show you the facts.
People here talk about how they hate John Cena or Roman Reigns being shoved down their throats.

Do you know who I used to hate being shoved down my throat? "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. I got sick of how the whole "Attitude Era" was centred around him.

You're seriously comparing the forced pushes of Roman Reigns to the push of STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!? Seriously!? I've seen a lot of nonsense in your posts but that's one of the dumbest things I have ever seen you say. It's almost as bad as when you said the fans shouldn't allowed to boo the product if they dislike it. Stone Cold cut an awesome promo during a big push and became significantly more popular. Reigns' pushes have been 100% forced after the Shield split up. Austin's wasn't forced. He had something Reigns didn't. Significant popularity.

You talk about Cena or Roman being "invincible". During the Austin-McMahon feud, most weeks ended with Austin drinking beer, after giving Mr McMahon and co Stunners. Week after week. I can only think of four times where Mr McMahon "one-upped" Austin

So you'd rather have a non-wrestler be booked evenly against one of the most popular wrestlers of all time? The feud would never have been as well received as it was if Vince was winning instead of Austin. Come on, henderson. Even you can't be this stupid.

Also, Austin never put over the Rock until WM19, when he could barely move. He wouldn't drop the IC belt to him at IYH-DX, and beat him every other one-on-one match (bar WMXIX).

So what? Rock did get the final win. It was a struggle within kayfabe and Rock won in the end. Congratulations, that's what putting someone over IS.

He wouldn't fight Lesnar, so he wouldn't have to put him over. Talk about "Superman", Austin only looked weak when he was struggling with his real-life neck problems.

He wouldn't fight Lesnar because they wanted Lesnar to squash him in a free match on tv. Now you might not like Austin and you're entitled to that opinion, but 99.9% of the other fans would hate to see Austin get squashed by someone who didn't deserve it. Lesnar didn't deserve it then and I still agree with Austin's decision to this day.

So any argument you use about Cena and Roman, could be used about Austin as well, and Hogan before him. The top guy is often over-exposed, and if you are not a fan of said guy, it annoys you. What is happening to Roman ain't new, it is just not who you want it to be.

No it can't because Austin and Hogan were popular. Cena may have a divided reaction, but there's still a lot of cheering. He's popular. Roman Reigns is not. There's an awful lot of boo'ing and there has been for around 2 years. The majority of fans do not WANT him in that spot. Reverse that, and you get what the situation with Austin was. You're 100% wrong here.

(I suppose I will get modded for this post when Dagger Dias abuses his power as a mod again, like he did with one of my other posts, because I criticized his faves SCSA and Daniel Bryan in past posts, but got modded for a post where I didn't even mention them. You know what they say, absolute power corrupts...).

No, you only get infractions for posts that break the rules. Your post broke the rules and I already explained it in my responses to your multiple whiny PM's about it. Try following the rules instead of whining next time.

There has been so much damage done to Reigns through these forced pushes that it would take a miracle for him to be accepted as the true "top guy" at this point. Rollins, Ambrose, New Day, Owens, and even Balor are all much better options. They are better in the ring than Roman, can sell merchandise better, hype matches better, and to top it all off they are popular with the fans. Reigns is not and likely never will be the legitimate "top guy" of the federation.
WWE certainly thinks highly of Roman Reigns. They have given him numerous achievements. He won the Royal Rumble, headlined 2 WrestleManias, and has won 3 World Championships. I can understand why. Reigns is a great wrestler. He has a great look and is talented in the ring. He has had some great matches.

However most fans have not accepted Reigns as the face of WWE. Most of that would be because of his booking. No one wants another "SuperCena" - a never-does anything-wrong face who always overcomes the odds. Regardless of the reason, fans don't want Reigns as the top guy, and you have to listen to the fans.

I've said this before and it's very true - fans don't want a top guy. They want multiple top guys so the main event scene won't become stale. Remember how tired most fans were of John Cena main eventing by 2013-2014? After eight years, it was time to push other wrestlers and let them be the top guys. Point is, WWE needs multiple top guys.
While the fans wants multiple top guys, the problem is in today's wrestling landscape is that,

a) the fans don't know what they really want because has soon as WWE is pushing one or more of the guys they really like to be in the top spot, they turn on the guy or guys and cheer for somebody else,

b) WWE has to try and please everybody not just the Smart fans or the adult fans, they have to think of the families also and while fans in certains area have been more vocal then others about their distain for reigns, other have been 50/50, plus his merchandise is sell pretty well and he's a great role model for kids and that'S what WWE needs in a top guy.

LAstly, if with the brand split you need somebody on each roster that's going to be higher on the totem pole then everybody else so that you can help others become top guys, On raw that's a little bit difficult for 2 reasons, first the universal hasn'T been booked to look like an main event title, the way it's book right now, it feel more like a mid card title like the u.s title that roman reigns has then a world title. Kevin owens while really good at what he does still feel like a mid card guy, maybe it'S booking maybe is the fact that outside of jericho and the 3 part timers, HHH, Goldberg and Lesnar, Raw doesn't have any top guys to help all those midcarders get to the next level and become a top guy, maybe it'S the fans that are getting to hard to please for WWE to actually be able to create main event stars, i don't know right now but i look at the Raw rosters and the smackdown roster, if reigns would have been on smackdown instead of raw, the guy would have been a main event star right now because he would have been able to work with guys that are truly top guys, same goes for most of the upper mid card guys on raw.

Reigns is a bonifide main event star in my opinion no matter what the smart fans thinks, at some point those fans will except him just like they did Cena he just has to ride the wave until they get tired and found somebody else to hate.
While the fans wants multiple top guys, the problem is in today's wrestling landscape is that,

a) the fans don't know what they really want because has soon as WWE is pushing one or more of the guys they really like to be in the top spot, they turn on the guy or guys and cheer for somebody else,

b) WWE has to try and please everybody not just the Smart fans or the adult fans, they have to think of the families also and while fans in certains area have been more vocal then others about their distain for reigns, other have been 50/50, plus his merchandise is sell pretty well and he's a great role model for kids and that'S what WWE needs in a top guy.

Reigns is a bonifide main event star in my opinion no matter what the smart fans thinks, at some point those fans will except him just like they did Cena he just has to ride the wave until they get tired and found somebody else to hate.

No you know what fans do know what they want, and they don't want Roman Reigns. No matter how much the WWE thinks fans want him, they don't. And I just don't buy this bullshit that once a guy gets into the top spot they start booing him. They didn't do that to New Day, Ambrose, Styles, even Bray Wyatt get's cheered and he and Styles are heels. Only Reigns seems to illicit that response from fans.

You ask why, and the answer could be many things. Might be that he was pushed before he was ready. He is dismal on the mic, and please don't anyone say he is good on the stick he just isn't. Maybe fans don't like the fact that he can't get shod of the Shield gimmick, even though the Shield is no more. Or in my case, just plain sick and tired of seeing him.

Some compare him to John Cena. Well he can't hold a candle to Cena both in the ring and outside of it. He can never fill Cena's shoes, no one on the roster today or in the foreseeable future can.

Maybe what the WWE should do is make Reigns his own person. Get rid of the Shield attire and music and give him his gimmick to work, just like Rollins and Ambrose do. Pull him back from the main event, and let him defend the title he's holding now, which he has only done twice since he won it 4 months ago.

Reigns would do well in acting like the US title actually meant something. It's hard to believe that he wants the Universal title when he clearly doesn't give a shit about the one he's holding.

Most fans I know who go to the shows, go with one thing in mind to be entertained. Roman Reigns does not entertain me anymore. I find him boring and lacking any charisma. Since he's been on his own, if you can really call it that, he's needed a lot of propping up from first Ambrose and now Rollins, to get by. You can tell by how many times they tease the Shield's powerbomb, it's the only time Reigns gets cheered. It's plain the WWE wants to get him over and he has been damaged in the process, how they can't see that is beyond me.
So, another thing about Roman Reigns.

Why should I support him? I know that he will easily defeat his opponents. He doesn't have odds stacked against him. Where's the emotion that'll make me support him?

Either he's an underdog or not. Don't just change it everytime. Sometimes, he's booked as an underdog and sometimes he will get rid of an Accolade by Rusev on that steel easily and then spear him for the win.

Sometimes he's an underdog and sometimes he's a Superman.

Stick with something. And please get rid of everything related to Shield from him. His both stablemates have moved on from Shield and they have their own personality.
Let's face it, he's a top guy who has no respect for his current position. What I mean is that at United States Heavyweight Champion, even if he has aspirations of being The top dog on the brand, do so as the US Champion. Elevate it to the level that it needs, and set the bar for the next guy.

If you ain't ready for the main event, it'll show. And I don't think he's quite there. That is a lack of adaptability that spot and that was blatantly obvious during his three reigns as WWE Champion, and imo shouldn't be given another opportunity until he adores that he won't crack under the heat lamp called pressure.

And another thing. Put some obstacles his path. Handicap matches or something to prevent him from needing to pretend to be an underdog by zzz-ing. I'm other words, the heel Champion sees a tank, he sets up obstacles to slow it down. John Cena one time had to be in a gauntlet match. Point being, if you want a (less half-assed) story of an underdog rising to victory, at least make it to where he has to fight. The only reason Superman was even remotely believable and that you knew he was going to defeat the villains was his damn near invincibility. Not so much for humans with super strength.

Roman Reigns is not ready in my assessment, nor will he be for a quick moment.
No you know what fans do know what they want, and they don't want Roman Reigns. No matter how much the WWE thinks fans want him, they don't. And I just don't buy this bullshit that once a guy gets into the top spot they start booing him. They didn't do that to New Day, Ambrose, Styles, even Bray Wyatt get's cheered and he and Styles are heels. Only Reigns seems to illicit that response from fans.

You ask why, and the answer could be many things. Might be that he was pushed before he was ready. He is dismal on the mic, and please don't anyone say he is good on the stick he just isn't. Maybe fans don't like the fact that he can't get shod of the Shield gimmick, even though the Shield is no more. Or in my case, just plain sick and tired of seeing him.

Some compare him to John Cena. Well he can't hold a candle to Cena both in the ring and outside of it. He can never fill Cena's shoes, no one on the roster today or in the foreseeable future can.

Maybe what the WWE should do is make Reigns his own person. Get rid of the Shield attire and music and give him his gimmick to work, just like Rollins and Ambrose do. Pull him back from the main event, and let him defend the title he's holding now, which he has only done twice since he won it 4 months ago.

Reigns would do well in acting like the US title actually meant something. It's hard to believe that he wants the Universal title when he clearly doesn't give a shit about the one he's holding.

Most fans I know who go to the shows, go with one thing in mind to be entertained. Roman Reigns does not entertain me anymore. I find him boring and lacking any charisma. Since he's been on his own, if you can really call it that, he's needed a lot of propping up from first Ambrose and now Rollins, to get by. You can tell by how many times they tease the Shield's powerbomb, it's the only time Reigns gets cheered. It's plain the WWE wants to get him over and he has been damaged in the process, how they can't see that is beyond me.

Since you replied to my comment, let met reply to yours. First of all, except for aj styles, nobody is really over right now, bray might be getting cheer but it's mre for his entrance then anything else, if it wasn't for randy ordon being part of the wyat, they wouldn't be getting cheered at all.

Also I completly disagree with you on reigns lack of charisma, the guy as it in my opinion and if it was any other era, the guy would be a main event level star right now. But we're in the smart fans era so adult that take this business to seriously are making it hard for him to get over. Sure is booking was less then ideal last year in what I like to called "the booking that kill roman reigns" but that's what wwe does and that 's why wwe will have problem replacing cena.

I'm been a fan of reigns since he started his single run, and especially this year simply because he delivered every single time he was in a big match and having a guy like aj styles said that he loved wrestling with reigns and he was one of his favorite opponent of his career hold a lot of weight in my book because aj isn't the type of guy to just say stuff to please to company.

I agree that reigns should concentrate on defending the us title, but the problem is that on raw, they don't have any stars like smackdown has,. They are really lacking in main event stars. Rollins isn't as over as he once was, reigns as been ruin by his bad booking. New day aren't top guy in my opinion, they are just a tag team that are over and evn that is beginning to fade a little bit. Plus they don't really have a world title on raw since the universal title has felt like a midcard title ever since they started it.

These guys like reigns and rollins would very benefit from having a veteran like cena or orton to work with but both guys are on smackdown and I doubt that lesnar would be kind enough to actually help somebody on the roster get to the next level. So I'm guessing that the plan now is to try to get rollins to the next level this year by having him wrestoig hhh at mania like they did with reigns last year. I'm just hoping that the booking will make more sense with the rollins feud then he did for the reigns feud

Finally, I think a lot of fans need to remember that this is supposed to be family entertainment and not the attitude era we're the adult fans we're the more important thing in their eyes. Reigns might not be over with a big part of us adults smart fans, but he is over with kids and families and that what important in their eyes right now. Like I said, I'm a fan of his work. The guys as been improving every single time he's been in the ring and promo wise, he's been getting more confortable with every promo.

So you might find him boring and think that he's has no charisma but I don't, he remind me of guys that I use to watch in the late 80's and mid 90's when wrestling use to not be that critisized by fans and we're just happy watching the product.
Since you replied to my comment, let met reply to yours. First of all, except for aj styles, nobody is really over right now, bray might be getting cheer but it's mre for his entrance then anything else, if it wasn't for randy ordon being part of the wyat, they wouldn't be getting cheered at all.

Also I completly disagree with you on reigns lack of charisma, the guy as it in my opinion and if it was any other era, the guy would be a main event level star right now. But we're in the smart fans era so adult that take this business to seriously are making it hard for him to get over. Sure is booking was less then ideal last year in what I like to called "the booking that kill roman reigns" but that's what wwe does and that 's why wwe will have problem replacing cena.

I replied to your comment because you said fans will boo whoever is on top, and that is not the case. They didn't boo Daniel Bryan, Lesnar, HHH and Rollins when he came back from injury. You look at someone like Styles and like I said he's supposed to be a heel and he's getting cheered. Actually anyone who has faced Reigns in the last couple of years is getting the fans support even Rusev who was boo'd out of the building before.

Brock Lesnar stopped the Undertaker's streak, he was boo'd till he faced Reigns and then he was cheered. Same thing with HHH last year at the Rumble and Mania, no matter how hard they tried to make them out like the bad guys, the crowds think otherwise.

Bray Wyatt is someone the fans have wanted to cheer for a long time now, and I believe he was even cheered in his feud with Reigns. I don't know who these "smart" fans are that you keep banging on about. Most I see in the audience are there for a good time and be entertained, and like I said before there is something wrong when a top face is getting basically the finger each time he shows up.

We can agree or disagree on charisma and other things, that is a personal choice, but obviously Reigns who has the look of champion is missing out on something else. The audience just doesn't connect with him. That's a comment I see a lot when others talk about it. Yes he has his fans, all wrestlers do, but you have to understand that he will not be everyone's favourite and everyone will have a different reason as to why.
I replied to your comment because you said fans will boo whoever is on top, and that is not the case. They didn't boo Daniel Bryan, Lesnar, HHH and Rollins when he came back from injury. You look at someone like Styles and like I said he's supposed to be a heel and he's getting cheered. Actually anyone who has faced Reigns in the last couple of years is getting the fans support even Rusev who was boo'd out of the building before.

Brock Lesnar stopped the Undertaker's streak, he was boo'd till he faced Reigns and then he was cheered. Same thing with HHH last year at the Rumble and Mania, no matter how hard they tried to make them out like the bad guys, the crowds think otherwise.

Bray Wyatt is someone the fans have wanted to cheer for a long time now, and I believe he was even cheered in his feud with Reigns. I don't know who these "smart" fans are that you keep banging on about. Most I see in the audience are there for a good time and be entertained, and like I said before there is something wrong when a top face is getting basically the finger each time he shows up.

We can agree or disagree on charisma and other things, that is a personal choice, but obviously Reigns who has the look of champion is missing out on something else. The audience just doesn't connect with him. That's a comment I see a lot when others talk about it. Yes he has his fans, all wrestlers do, but you have to understand that he will not be everyone's favourite and everyone will have a different reason as to why.
I have been waiting for Bray's face turn since long time. I think that it's overdue at this point just like Reigns' heel turn is overdue at this point. He turned face this year for a couple of weeks before getting injured. Then, he was illogically brought back as a heel.

Not to mention that Bray should've been in a match at Wrestlemania 32 instead of a joke angle with The Rock and John Cena. I guess that he was injured at that time too. I'm liking his current angle with Randy Orton though.

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