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At least 27 People Dead, 18 of them children.

And when crazy people use guns, 26 people are murdered. When sane people use guns, people are murdered (Javon Belcher). When young people use guns, people are murdered (Columbine). When older people use guns, people are murdered. Seems as if there's one constant here.

Pull your head out of your ass. Guns are responsible for over 30,000 deaths a year in the United States. Don't tell me guns are not a problem.

You're also ignoring all of the crimes that are deterred by gunowners (estimated up to 800,000 a year), and the tens of thousands of prosecutors and police officers that believe more people should own guns and guns are a practical way of deterring crime.

We have them already and they're called police. Private citizens should not be carrying weapons around and acting as a security force/people's army. To think otherwise isn't just crazy, but bordering on scary.

As a gunowner, I trust myself with a gun when someone breaks into my home. A lot can happen in the 5 to 10 minutes it takes a police officer to get to my house. I have a girlfriend and two children I am responsible for. Someone breaking into my house will be shot down with no hesitation. I am the first responder in that situation.

The putting guns on a range argument is a silly argument that some of you are throwing out. There are Castle Doctrines that allow individuals to protect themselves as they see fit. Yes, guns are designed to kill people, but they are designed to kill people in a defensive manner. I have a right to protect my own, and I will use that right when seen fit. There is a problem with assault rifles in this county, but denying 80 Million law abiding citizens, that are legal owners, do to the actions of a few is simply wrong.
You're also ignoring all of the crimes that are deterred by gunowners (estimated up to 800,000 a year)
Many times potential crimes initiated by guns. One gun preventing another gun from crime isn't exactly a point in gun proponents favor.

and the tens of thousands of prosecutors and police officers that believe more people should own guns and guns are a practical way of deterring crime.
Well, we can talk about people's personal beliefs all day, but no one can deny the ridiculously high homicide rate in America by firearm in comparison to other developed countries who have gun control, nor the positive impact gun control has had since being implemented in various countries.

The putting guns on a range argument is a silly argument that some of you are throwing out. There are Castle Doctrines that allow individuals to protect themselves as they see fit. Yes, guns are designed to kill people, but they are designed to kill people in a defensive manner. I have a right to protect my own, and I will use that right when seen fit. There is a problem with assault rifles in this county, but denying 80 Million law abiding citizens, that are legal owners, do to the actions of a few is simply wrong.

But if the person entering your house didn't have a gun, the stakes go way down and you no longer need a pistol to defend your home. This argument that all criminals will suddenly have guns when everyone else doesn't is simply wrong.
I'm willing to bet the farm (the one I do not own) that nine out of ten gun-wielding dopes, in a mass shooting situation, would, A. Accidentally shoot themselves, B. Accidentally shoot innocent people, or (the most likely) C. Run away, terrified, with the weapon never leaving its holster.

People seem really tough when they enter the gun shop. They're really tough when they get the concealed weapon permit. Unfortunately for most, I doubt they're as tough when someone's firing an automatic weapon into a crowd.

Most people are stupid. Arming stupid people isn't a good idea. See where this is heading?
I'm willing to bet the farm (the one I do not own) that nine out of ten gun-wielding dopes, in a mass shooting situation, would, A. Accidentally shoot themselves, B. Accidentally shoot innocent people, or (the most likely) C. Run away, terrified, with the weapon never leaving its holster.

People seem really tough when they enter the gun shop. They're really tough when they get the concealed weapon permit. Unfortunately for most, I doubt they're as tough when someone's firing an automatic weapon into a crowd.

Most people are stupid. Arming stupid people isn't a good idea. See where this is heading?

But Nick, guns fix everything and everyone knows it. I mean, just imagine if a teacher had a gun during the shooting. He clearly would not have hesitated to fire shots in a school classroom with bulletproof doors and walls.

This Dirty Harry complex is a huge reason this country has such a big problem with guns. That sense of empowerment people seem to get from owning or using a gun is the main factor in these shooting. Mental health issues and gun restrictions/laws (although those would certainly help a lot; who the fuck uses an AK to hunt?) aren't the biggest or most pervasive problems, its America's fascination with the "great equalizer", It's the culture.
I went to a trial in court once of a guy up for two murders. He shot a guy, the bullet went through him, through a wall and into someone in another room.

That right there is proof enough in my mind, as to why having more people with guns, in any situation, is probably a bad thing.
I just had a conversation with someone on the Facebook where I suggested, facetiously, that we arm the children in classrooms so they're capable of defending themselves. Someone thought I was serious, and not in the "are you fucking serious!!?!?" way, and they launched into a discussion about how we could prevent shootings by getting children acquainted with firearms early.

It's going to be a whiskey-in-the-coffee morning.
This argument that all criminals will suddenly have guns when everyone else doesn't is simply wrong.

They already have them, so if you take them from those that legal have them, who does that leave with them? Because, this argument that criminals are suddenly going to follow the law and turn in their guns is simply wrong.
They already have them, so if you take them from those that legal have them, who does that leave with them? Because, this argument that criminals are suddenly going to follow the law and turn in their guns is simply wrong.
Which is why you don't require everyone to suddenly turn in their guns, but you gradually reduce the supply of firearms available while increasing restrictions on possession.

It's not a tomorrow problem, it's a cultural problem where we think that the only way to protect ourselves from guns is to get more guns.
Which is why you don't require everyone to suddenly turn in their guns, but you gradually reduce the supply of firearms available while increasing restrictions on possession.

It's not a tomorrow problem, it's a cultural problem where we think that the only way to protect ourselves from guns is to get more guns.

Could our citizens being armed be part of the reason this country has never had to fight a war on it's own soil(excluding Revolutionary, 1812, and Civil war)?
So I spent the day discussing the subject of gun control in the wake of this tragedy with a few members of the Russian populace. I suddenly find myself feeling considerably more appreciate of regular Republican whackjobs on the grounds that they aren't that crazy.

Not only did I have educated people unironically pushing the 'more guns in the classroom' agenda; but I had a friendly and highly academic mature student of mine tell me that the problem that the US has is that parents aren't allowed to kick their children.

I wish I was fucking exaggerating.
Could our citizens being armed be part of the reason this country has never had to fight a war on it's own soil(excluding Revolutionary, 1812, and Civil war)?

Yeah; biggest military in the history of the planet... and it's only the armed citizenry keeping the English from storming your beaches. Second the guns go away I'll be on the first plane over to start bringing down your society and lamenting your women or whatever it is that I'm supposed to do.
Could our citizens being armed be part of the reason this country has never had to fight a war on it's own soil(excluding Revolutionary, 1812, and Civil war)?
So excluding all of the wars for which you'd need an armed populace, we've never fought a war on our own territory. Great.

And the answer would be no, you have international diplomacy to thank for that. Why would we have to worry about going to war with Canada and Mexico when both countries have, for a very long time, profited more by trading with us? Beyond that, an ocean separates us from our rivals.

I'd also prefer to use examples from recent history, seeing as I am trying to solve problems that are occurring today, and not in 1850.
Please, please answer this question for me.

Exactly who do you think would have launched a ground invasion of the US if you didn't have an armed population?
Could our citizens being armed be part of the reason this country has never had to fight a war on it's own soil(excluding Revolutionary, 1812, and Civil war)?

Maybe if you believe that you're a turtle and we live on the planet Flaflooga. Learn some geography/military history/politics and try again.
Could our citizens being armed be part of the reason this country has never had to fight a war on it's own soil(excluding Revolutionary, 1812, and Civil war)?

No, it's because guys like me take the fight to motherfuckers who want to come over here and mess shit up. I'm all for guns. I have 6 of my own (it's a personal hobby of mine to shoot shit) but at the same time after Friday, something HAS to change.

I know that it's not going to completely solve the problem, but it sure as hell will help.
To be completely fair to the argument, small arms fire can be a serious pain in the ass to a well-equipped and trained military in an urban environment. For recent examples, take Grozny during the First Chechen War, Fallujah in Iraq, or Mogadishu. (With Mogadishu, you have to factor in the rocket-propelled grenade, but the overall point remains.)

However, the Canadian hordes aren't being held at bay by the thought of urban warfare in Syracuse, at least, not this century.
So I spent the day discussing the subject of gun control in the wake of this tragedy with a few members of the Russian populace.

Not to steer away from the topic at hand, but I'm curious. I read this article the other day...


Are you coming across many people who think the World is coming to an end? If so, I think that explains their paranoia and why they feel need to own guns.

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