At least 27 People Dead, 18 of them children.

My aunt was a teacher for nearly 40 years and still substitutes to this day. The thought of her being told she may have to take a firearms course to be a teacher makes my head explode. The idea that we've reached this point is very scary.

I wouldn't do it. I would absolutely refuse.

Of course, it's a moot point, because federal law is such that firearms are not allowed on school grounds, and so teachers will never be required to carry a gun. And that law will never be repealed.
I wouldn't do it. I would absolutely refuse.

Of course, it's a moot point, because federal law is such that firearms are not allowed on school grounds, and so teachers will never be required to carry a gun. And that law will never be repealed.

I ask this question in all sincerity with zero sarcasm at all:

Are you positive about that? As terrifying as it is, I could see it happening. If I remember right a university in Texas has already allowed it.
I ask this question in all sincerity with zero sarcasm at all:

Are you positive about that?
Yes, it is a federal law, and what Congressman is going to willingly vote for allowing more guns near children? It would be career suicide for most politicians.

As terrifying as it is, I could see it happening. If I remember right a university in Texas has already allowed it.

Well, a university is different. A university caters to adults, not children.
Arm every teacher with a gun? What the fuck is this, the 19th century?

No, because we weren't that stupid back then either.
Are you positive about that? As terrifying as it is, I could see it happening. If I remember right a university in Texas has already allowed it.

I'm not sure, but because a university is a private institution I think they can lay their own rules regarding carry laws on their campus.
What a horrible tragedy this was; I couldn't imagine what the parents of the victims must have been going through.
Yes, it is a federal law, and what Congressman is going to willingly vote for allowing more guns near children? It would be career suicide for most politicians.

To most yes, but to some nutjobs, it's grounds for being carried around the room on said nutjobs' shoulders.
With all due respect, which is zero respect, to those saying "arm the teachers!", what happens when it's the teacher who goes mental? A few years ago there was a story here where a teacher basically lost it and beat the fuck out of a kid with a blunt object (I forget what it was). Unfortunately, you can't expect these things to happen, but if that teacher had been armed, it would have been a much worse scene. What then?

The problem with the gun control argument is that it feels like it's too late; that a change to banning civilians to own guns wouldn't really change anything. Maybe it would make a difference 30 years from now (huge maybe), but for the immediate future, there's absolutely nothing that can stop these tragedies from happening, and it's just sad it's come to this point.

Really, banning guns would only put more people behind bars, in a country where the prisons are already highly over-populated and endless amounts of tax payers dollars are being flushed down the toilet for these lowlifes.

All my optimism for people in the generations to come and our government are gone. I'm just to the point where I pray something like this doesn't happen to myself or to a loved one. I'm just feeling more and more apathy towards the people I don't know. I hate it, but what kind of optimism can a person have for humanity after the last few years? Crimes are becoming more and more sadistic, natural disasters keep coming, politics have become a circus, kids are becoming dumber and lazier, unfit parents keep popping out these kids at an alarming rate... what can we do, really? Just survive and hope that you're able to make it through a lifetime without these tragedies touching you and more importantly, someone you care about. At this point, that really seems like all you can do.
The obvious solution is to educate this generation of children really well, that way the next can be home tutored.
What a world we live in.

I am in no way making light of this, but it's crazy how something like this happened and I didn't even find out until the day after when I read it on here.

Less than fifteen years from Columbine and these stupid fucking rampages seem to happen so frequently now I can't keep up.
To most yes, but to some nutjobs, it's grounds for being carried around the room on said nutjobs' shoulders.

Not enough to overturn the law though.
The problem with the gun control argument is that it feels like it's too late;
And tomorrow will be later still.

Better late than never.

that a change to banning civilians to own guns wouldn't really change anything.
Depends on how you implement the change. A law which says no American can own a handgun or assault rifle would be a start. A law which says any American who currently owns one has three years to legally hand it over in exchange for cash would be a step in the right direction.

The idea the government would make a law that says, "No guns!" and then ignore the law, without putting any implementation measures into it, is silly. Well, the idea of government doing something stupid isn't silly, but no gun control advocate is saying to make the law and not enforce it.

Really, banning guns would only put more people behind bars
Not the law abiding citizens as the gun nuts are so quick to call themselves. The law abiding citizen would do as the law says.

And who says the penalty has to be imprisonment? Perhaps the penalty for owning an illegal handgun is impoundment of the weapon and a $3000 fine? So the gun owners options are to legally check in their weapon for a monetary gain of $200, or pay $3000 in fines and still lose the weapon.

All my optimism for people in the generations to come and our government are gone.
A common, and yet very sad, mentality as a person gets older. Every generation fears for the generation which comes after. It's a tale as old as time. It's also a big problem. If people would quit resigning themselves to an unhappy future, if more people would work to make a better tomorrow, we'd have a better tomorrow.

And let's not kid ourselves, we've had a better tomorrow for hundreds of years. And we'll have a better tomorrow tomorrow. But we could also have a better "better tomorrow" if we'd be willing to do what's necessary now to ensure it.

I hate it, but what kind of optimism can a person have for humanity after the last few years?
Plenty. There's the story of the police officer in New York giving a homeless man a pair of boots. There's the outpouring of aid, financial and physical, to those who suffer tragedies. For example, a couple of years ago, a tornado ripped through Joplin, Missouri. And people all across the state gave money, they brought food and assisted in the cleanup. I live completely across the state and my mother and brother drove over to Joplin with a truck full of supplies and spent a couple days cleaning up debris from the tornado.

We have multi-millionaires like Bill Gates donating huge sums of money for children's education, we have ESPN raising millions of dollars for cancer research, students who collect food for local food pantries, etc.

The problem with people is they are far more fascinated with stories of doom and terror and so often ignore the stories of kindness which exist every day. And because stories of doom and terror are popular, news media plays them over and over, because they are in the business of making money.

If you spend less time always looking at the negative side, and spend more time focusing at all the good which is done every day, you'd have plenty of hope.

Crimes are becoming more and more sadistic
No they are not. They are just being reported more frequently. German Nazis worked to eradicate an entire group of people 70-80 years ago, and did it in incredibly humiliating and disgusting ways. The Spanish Inquisition actively participated in torture, simply as a tool to further corruption. Jesus Christ himself, if you believe the stories, was publicly nailed to pieces of wood and allowed to rot until his death, while people from all around mocked and jeered him.

They're not more and more sadistic, they're just reported more often when they happen.

natural disasters keep coming, politics have become a circus
As has been true since the beginning of time.

kids are becoming dumber and lazier
Lazier, perhaps, but not dumber.

unfit parents keep popping out these kids at an alarming rate
As opposed to all those parents who were fit to raise children in the 1800s...before they were sold into slavery?

... what can we do, really?
Work every day to make a difference. Work every day to inspire hope and optimism. Work every day to preach about a better world. After all, what could one woman who decided to sit in the front seat of a bus do? What can a little girl from Pakiston who just wants to go to school do?

Throwing up your hands in defeat will never make anything better.

Just survive and hope that you're able to make it through a lifetime without these tragedies touching you and more importantly, someone you care about. At this point, that really seems like all you can do.
Wrong, there is a lot you can do, you just have to be willing to do it.
An overall gun ban is simply a knee jerk reaction. So the actions of mentally disturbed individuals, usually having been on some sort of psychotropic drug, is enough to condemn the estimated other 80 Million legal gun owners in the United States? Do you realize how asinine that sounds?

The answer is better screening into who gets these firearms. Banning all guns is simply putting a band aid on a severed limb. It's an easy answer to a much larger problems. Prohibitions movements have never worked in this country. It simply creates more crime until the knee jerk reaction law is eventually overturned. The larger problem is that a theme is developing, 15-25 year old suburban, middle-class white males, are committing these crimes. Maybe we shouldn't be to quick to drug up our "unruly" children (for fuck's sake, kids aren't supposed to be drugged up zombies) so the adults can have a life of convenience.
seriously, gun control?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

This is a time to mourn. Cry. Hug your kids. Pray. Whatever. This isn't a time to debate politics (which gun control is). It's a time to mourn while 20 sets of parents bury their kindergartners.

You people mock me for calling murderers pieces of shit, yet you guys turn every fucking thing into a political debate. This is a fucking tragedy. Nothing to do with politics. Give people time to fucking mourn, you assholes. Gun Control debate will be there forever. Give it some fucking time.

Pathetic. Simply pathetic.
seriously, gun control?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

This is a time to mourn. Cry. Hug your kids. Pray. Whatever. This isn't a time to debate politics (which gun control is). It's a time to mourn while 20 sets of parents bury their kindergartners.
Intelligent thought needs to be put on hold in the name of decency? I don't know why. The next person to perpetrate an atrocity of this nature certainly won't stand on ceremony.

If anything, it's the people who insist we put off talking about solutions to this problem in order to accommodate the mourning who are being disrespectful.

Yes, people died. Yes, it's sad. But taking a time-out from intelligent thought at the potential expense of future innocents who may lose their lives in similar tragedies is weak. You're aiding in putting American lives at risk in the future. Yes, you. You and everyone else who subscribes to your pussy-footed emotional appeals. It's fucking un-American is what it is. It's a discredit to the god-damned human race.
We have our equal share of social problems and medicated children in the UK; yet we have extremely few firearm homicides.

Oh, and fuck off Stormtrooper.
seriously, gun control?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

This is a time to mourn. Cry. Hug your kids. Pray. Whatever. This isn't a time to debate politics (which gun control is). It's a time to mourn while 20 sets of parents bury their kindergartners.

You people mock me for calling murderers pieces of shit, yet you guys turn every fucking thing into a political debate. This is a fucking tragedy. Nothing to do with politics. Give people time to fucking mourn, you assholes. Gun Control debate will be there forever. Give it some fucking time.

Pathetic. Simply pathetic.

I'm sorry to hear that someone or a group of people made you feel yelled at for calling a murderer a piece of shit. I wasn't part of that discussion but I understand what it is like to feel picked or jumped on for sharing my feelings in a way that others find innapropriate.

However, while I don't think you need to apologize, I hope you understand that others that are grieving after this tragedy may reasonably find it innapropriate and petty to bring up this past incident. You seem quite critical of what others are feeling and are saying at this time and I would hope you would show more respect others feelings just like you would want for yourself.
An overall gun ban is simply a knee jerk reaction.
It's not a knee jerk reaction, it's been discussed for decades.

So the actions of mentally disturbed individuals, usually having been on some sort of psychotropic drug, is enough to condemn the estimated other 80 Million legal gun owners in the United States? Do you realize how asinine that sounds?
As asinine as it is that we don't let people who have been drinking at the bars to drive home, just because a few other people who can't hold their liquor managed to kill someone while driving?

The answer is better screening into who gets these firearms.
As well as prohibiting access to many types of firearms.

Banning all guns is simply putting a band aid on a severed limb.
Very few people want to ban all guns. Most people want bans on guns which serve no purpose aside from shooting other people.

Prohibitions movements have never worked in this country.
That must be why marijuana and cocaine are just as prevalent as cigarettes and alcohol in this country.

Or not...

The larger problem is that a theme is developing, 15-25 year old suburban, middle-class white males, are committing these crimes.
Yes, kids who have been increasingly raised in an increasingly gun toting culture.

Maybe we shouldn't be to quick to drug up our "unruly" children (for fuck's sake, kids aren't supposed to be drugged up zombies) so the adults can have a life of convenience.
100% agree with this.
seriously, gun control?
Seriously, gun control.

What a difference a punctuation mark makes.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Well, we'd like to see children not be shot to death.

What's your excuse?

This is a time to mourn. Cry. Hug your kids. Pray. Whatever.
Indeed it is. But it's also a time to figure out ways to prevent this from happening increased gun control.

This isn't a time to debate politics (which gun control is).
The fact you think addressing ways to prevent the murder of children is "politics" says far more about you than what you are trying to say about us.

It's a time to mourn while 20 sets of parents bury their kindergartners.
It's a time to mourn, and it's a time to take action to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Are you really saying we shouldn't be addressing ways to prevent this tragedy from ever happening again? Because I have news for you, school will be back in session next Monday. And the day after that. And the day after that. And the longer we wait to reform, the more danger you're putting children in.

Don't tell me now is not the time. Now is EXACTLY the time. Every moment which passes is another moment wasted and another moment closer to the next shooting which kills another child. The fact you (and the many who agree with you) think protecting the murder of innocent children is politics simply befuddles me.

You people mock me for calling murderers pieces of shit
I honestly don't know this story, what happened?

Oh, and not all murderers are pieces of shit, like the SEAL team which murdered bin Laden. But, for the most part, I agree with murderers are scum of the earth.

yet you guys turn every fucking thing into a political debate.
This isn't politics, this is prevention. Take your feigned outrage someplace else.

This is a fucking tragedy.
It most certainly is. A tragedy people like me want to avoid in the future.

Nothing to do with politics.
Agree 100%. Just like finding ways to prevent it from happening again has nothing to do with politics.

The only people who are making this political are the gun supporters, not the people who want to make this country safer.

Give people time to fucking mourn, you assholes.
Like we gave the shooting victims in Aurora? Or, more aptly, the ones in Oregon? Did they have enough time to mourn before 20 children were murdered?

Gun Control debate will be there forever. Give it some fucking time.

Pathetic. Simply pathetic.
I agree completely. Anyone who thinks putting off the discussion on how to prevent this from happening again, simply because they like to pretend they're Dirty Harry, is pathetic. Simply pathetic.
I honestly don't know this story, what happened?

Stormie did not like people questioning his jumping to the conclusion that Javon Belcher was a murdering piece of shit before the full story was known. He seems to think that because his knee jerk reaction was eventually proven correct that he deserves kudos and apologies for said conclusion jumping.
Барбоса;4251263 said:
Stormie did not like people questioning his jumping to the conclusion that Javon Belcher was a murdering piece of shit before the full story was known. He seems to think that because his knee jerk reaction was eventually proven correct that he deserves kudos and apologies for said conclusion jumping.

Ahh gotcha...I vaguely remember reading a little bit of that now.
It's not a knee jerk reaction, it's been discussed for decades.

As asinine as it is that we don't let people who have been drinking at the bars to drive home, just because a few other people who can't hold their liquor managed to kill someone while driving?

But we don't ban all alcohol because of the actions of a slight few.

As well as prohibiting access to many types of firearms.

Very few people want to ban all guns. Most people want bans on guns which serve no purpose aside from shooting other people.

I completely agree with the sale of automatic weapons. I personally don't see there purpose. Handguns, some semi's, and rifles/shotguns, don't touch those. Make it harder for people to get guns, screen better, but don't outright ban. No need to punish the law abiding citizens that respect proper gun laws.

That must be why marijuana and cocaine are just as prevalent as cigarettes and alcohol in this country.

Maybe not legally prevalent, but I assure you, my 14 year old can get a hold of Marijuana and Coke before cigs and tobacco. I'm not a user, but I assure you I can get access to almost any illegal drug I want. And you would agree that the war on drugs in this country has been a complete and total failure and waste of resources. This is why we're seeing such a strong pro pot movement.

Yes, kids who have been increasingly raised in an increasingly gun toting culture.

Fair point, but I could also say kids that are increasingly raised with both parents not being at home. Families are increasingly becoming broken, or both parents are out of the home because of increased worked loads. The problem could be exposure to our cultures glorification of smut and violence, but it could be lack of parental guidance to help contextualize these visual stimulants. It's hard for parents to be parents when there simply isn't time for it. It's a sad statement of what we're becoming as a society.

100% agree with this.

It's enough that I've already moved from one school district. I simply will not allow the teachers to medicate my children because they decide to act like kids every once in a while.
But we don't ban all alcohol because of the actions of a slight few.
True. But we set limitations on that alcohol. That's the point.

I completely agree with the sale of automatic weapons. I personally don't see there purpose.

Handguns, some semi's, and rifles/shotguns, don't touch those. Make it harder for people to get guns, screen better, but don't outright ban. No need to punish the law abiding citizens that respect proper gun laws.
I am not at all an expert on guns. But I do know you don't need a handgun to kill a deer. I do know you can have shooting competitions with rifles.

The only reason handguns exist is to shoot people. Even those who like them for target practice, still do so for the sole purpose of possibly needing to shoot another human being someday. There is no need for handguns.

As far as shotguns and rifles go, I simply do not know enough about them to say which I believe should be banned or allowed. I'm not totally against firearms for hunting purposes, but even with my limited knowledge on guns, I have to believe there are ways to produce guns for hunting that limit the ability for quickly murdering people. I don't know if I'd go so far as saying a 2 shell chamber before forced reload (or whatever the gun speak for that would be) as you'd see in the older days, but I also don't know that it wouldn't be a good idea.

Maybe not legally prevalent, but I assure you, my 14 year old can get a hold of Marijuana and Coke before cigs and tobacco.
Once your 14 year old becomes 21, it'll be far easier to get cigs or alcohol.

And you would agree that the war on drugs in this country has been a complete and total failure and waste of resources.
I would not agree to that. The anti war on drugs crowd likes to point to the number of drugs as proof the war hasn't worked, but they seem to dismiss the other side of the coin, which is how much more prevalent would those drugs be if we didn't work so hard to prevent them. How many more people would be using if not for the years of anti-drug messages? After all, alcohol is a drug too, and it is far and away the most commonly used drug.

Fair point, but I could also say kids that are increasingly raised with both parents not being at home. Families are increasingly becoming broken, or both parents are out of the home because of increased worked loads. The problem could be exposure to our cultures glorification of smut and violence, but it could be lack of parental guidance to help contextualize these visual stimulants. It's hard for parents to be parents when there simply isn't time for it. It's a sad statement of what we're becoming as a society.
I agree with everything you just said. There is no one magic cure all.

But just because there isn't a magic cure all, that shouldn't mean we shouldn't chip away at the problem. If we take Hypothetical Problem A and list the five major causes of Hypothetical Problem A, would it not stand to reason that if you were to remove one of those five major causes, the problem would decrease?

A stricter control on guns will not end murder. It will not end gun related murder. But it will certainly curb it dramatically. And anything which reduces murder should be considered.

It's enough that I've already moved from one school district. I simply will not allow the teachers to medicate my children because they decide to act like kids every once in a while.
It amazes me how dependent upon "medication" society has become. I have no doubt that if I were to see the right psychiatrist, he/she could tell me about numerous drugs which would improve my life. Nevermind the fact I'm a happy man with a great job and great house, I'm sure I could be prescribed chemical altering medication to better my life.

I understand some people need it, I'm not arguing that. But there are a lot of people who don't need it, they just need a better environment to grow up in.

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