At least 27 People Dead, 18 of them children.

Sucks that this happened, heard about it after classes today. I don't think I have enough real world experience to state what would be the proper course of action but the most important thing is that people died today, and they should be mourned.
The gun control debate is probably the most annoying debate we have. I can't even pick a side because, either way, I'd be joining a group of annoying people.

EDIT: I lied. I'm for gun control. Lots of it, actually.

Anyway, in a whole this "gun debate" thing, I recommend that you watch "Bowling for Columbine". Moore pretty much summed up the problem of guns and America. Trouble and sad thing is, 10 years from that and nothing has changed. Here you have another Colombine...
Guns, the ultimate scapegoat. I hate gun control debates because all it does is make the illegal weapon trade stronger and ignores how these problems are a sign of a deeper problem within our society.

Fuck that, lets just zero in on guns. There are no other problems besides guns!

Anyway, in a whole this "gun debate" thing, I recommend that you watch "Bowling for Columbine". Moore pretty much summed up the problem of guns and America. Trouble and sad thing is, 10 years from that and nothing has changed. Here you have another Colombine...
Funny thing is millions see Moore as a crackpot.
How would it be a knee jerk reaction? This is the fifth this year!

Because any legislation done right now would probably be repealed/changed within six months.

There needs to be sweeping legislation. I get that, and I am totally in favor of it. However, whatever legislation happens absolutely needs to stick, and for that to happen, it's going to take lots of time and effort from a lot of people within the government and be completely bi-partisan.
I would call this person a piece of shit (which he CLEARLY is, and if you think otherwise then you yourself are a piece of shit), but last time I called a murdering scumbag a piece of shit I was wrongfully given grief and told he wasn't, so I will refrain. Just know that this guy was a lowlife scum asshole fucking douchebag shit.

My prayers are going out to the victims of this horrendous tragedy.

Really? Fuck off, jack.
Don't try to make statement
Off a tragedy
Gun control debate? After the last six months or so, I can't believe there is even two sides to the debate anymore, and I don't know how many more tragedies of this type have to occur before people wake the fuck up. If you significantly restrict the availability of guns, you have to at least minimize this type of gun related violence. Will it ever be fully eliminated, of course not, but it has to limit it to a significant degree, I can't see how it couldn't.
"Im starting to get of the opinion that people that commit murder on a large scale shouldn't be named in media, and let the world forget their existence."
That is my facebook status. If this was followed there would be a number of these sort of things less a year. Also this is worth watching and thinking on
I finally got a chance to read up on this, I got tears in my eyes man. I can't even imagine what the parents that lost their children to this are going through.

It breaks my heart to see what's happened. I'm going to hug my daughter closer tonight.
I finally got a chance to read up on this, I got tears in my eyes man. I can't even imagine what the parents that lost their children to this are going through.

It breaks my heart to see what's happened. I'm going to hug my daughter closer tonight.

I'm probably the most disgusting person here when it comes to making fun of tragic shit, but even I teared up a bit at this. I guess I finally found my line of decency.
Guns, the ultimate scapegoat. I hate gun control debates because all it does is make the illegal weapon trade stronger and ignores how these problems are a sign of a deeper problem within our society.

Fuck that, lets just zero in on guns. There are no other problems besides guns!
No, it's just the problem that we're most capable of doing something about.
Obviously, this entire situation is sad all the way around. But I'm going to move past that, because everyone agrees with that sentiment.

What really frustrates me about this entire thing is whenever the United States suffers a mass shooting (like we have with seemingly increasing frequency), anytime someone suggests we look into gun control, the gun supporters accuse those people of politicizing a tragedy. Fuck you, I'm not politicizing shit, I'm trying to figure out ways to prevent it from happening again, and you're a miserable disgusting piece of garbage for thinking it's okay that 20 children died just so you can have your pistol.

The pro-gun crowd in America stuns me, they truly do. What's even more remarkable is that, more likely than not, the pro-gun crowd is Republican, the same party which rails against the evils of abortion. So apparently, the medicinal termination of a fetus is bad, but shooting elementary school children is your right as an American citizen.

Then you get the ridiculously stupid argument of "guns don't kill people, people kill people"...well, no fucking shit, but these people are using guns to kill people, so do you think perhaps we should look into limiting their ability to kill people? Why are Americans SO intent on an all-or-nothing response to everything? Will banning guns end homicide? No. Will it even end gun related deaths? No. But will it drastically reduce the probability of another person being shot to death? Yes.

Of course, this is logic, and you simply cannot argue logic with the religious people who worship the almighty firearm.

At the end of the day, after a situation as heinous as this, anyone who thinks stricter gun control is not necessary needs to be hit over the head as many times as it takes for a little common sense to sink in.
Tragic. I wish I could say it's unfathomable, but it's somehow becoming easier and easier to fathom in this messed up world in which we live. Still, utterly inexcusable.

For the best. I'd hate to see this tragic day take another victim.

Can't we just call this a tragedy without making assumptions?

So it's wrong for me to assume these kids he killed didn't do anything to deserve to be killed?

You're entitled to your opinion man but it's highly unlikely these people wronged the gunman somehow.
At the end of the day, after a situation as heinous as this, anyone who thinks stricter gun control is not necessary needs to be hit over the head as many times as it takes for a little common sense to sink in.

Regarding the foolish bastards who don't believe that stricter gun control is absolutely necessary, I'd like to know what their opinion would be if their son or daughter had been one of the twenty kids who was needlessly and tragically slaughtered in their goddamn elementary school yesterday morning. Or even if their kid was one of the lucky ones in attendance at the school who escaped physical harm, but will probably be carrying emotional scars for quite some time, not to mention the shit scaring the parent himself would have gotten, not knowing for a while if his son or daughter was safe or not. I wonder would they still be waving their flag and preaching about their constitutional right to carry firearms? I'd be willing to bet it would bring a brand new perspective to their point of view.
Regarding the foolish bastards who don't believe that stricter gun control is absolutely necessary, I'd like to know what their opinion would be if their son or daughter had been one of the twenty kids who was needlessly and tragically slaughtered in their goddamn elementary school yesterday morning.
I can already tell you their answer:

"Well, if the teachers had been armed, nobody would have gotten hurt".

Yes, these lunatics are seriously arguing for firearms to be placed within easy reach of school children on an every day basis.

I'd be willing to bet it would bring a brand new perspective to their point of view.
It's a nice thought, but unlikely. These people are selfish assholes.
Regarding the foolish bastards who don't believe that stricter gun control is absolutely necessary, I'd like to know what their opinion would be if their son or daughter had been one of the twenty kids who was needlessly and tragically slaughtered in their goddamn elementary school yesterday morning. Or even if their kid was one of the lucky ones in attendance at the school who escaped physical harm, but will probably be carrying emotional scars for quite some time, not to mention the shit scaring the parent himself would have gotten, not knowing for a while if his son or daughter was safe or not. I wonder would they still be waving their flag and preaching about their constitutional right to carry firearms? I'd be willing to bet it would bring a brand new perspective to their point of view.

There's actually people arguing on Facebook about this. There are the people saying if the teachers were allowed to be armed they could have taken down the shooter.

My opinion is we have no idea what would have happened if the teachers were armed. There's a great possibility that they still would have been shot or that they would have fled by instinct.

Then there's the argument that people have that it wouldn't matter if there were stricter gun laws because criminals would still be able to get guns. In the case of the Oregon mall shooting it was reported that the shooter stole the gun he used from a friend. In Columbine those kids stole guns from their parents I believe.

It's worth taking a look and seeing if there is a way to curb gun violence. We may not stop it all but it's still worth looking into minimizing.
Just sad. it is sad and pathetic. I honestly wished he ran out of bullets before he shoot himself. That way, the people in jail could tear his ass apart. Literally.

My prayers go out to those who have fallen. For the families of the ones who lost their loved ones. Saddest day of the year.
I have one facebook friend is a staunch liberal and another who's a staunch republican... Makes for good entertainment. ESPECIALLY when something like this happens.
I will never understand the concept of the solution to gun violence is more guns.

That's because you are capable of basic logical thought, something that the dudes who are suggesting arming the teachers so as to prevent this from having occurred are clearly incapable of.

I mean, what an assinine thing for those guys to suggest. Had the teachers been able to carry firearms themselves, this incident would never have happened. Because as we all know, a little shootout between the lunatic and the teachers would not have put those kids in any jeopardy whatsoever.

That's because you are capable of basic logical thought, something that the dudes who are suggesting arming the teachers so as to prevent this from having occurred are clearly incapable of.

I mean, what an assinine thing for those guys to suggest. Had the teachers been able to carry firearms themselves, this incident would never have happened. Because as we all know, a little shootout between the lunatic and the teachers would not have put those kids in any jeopardy whatsoever.

Yes, but if the teachers had been armed, then the kid wouldn't have even thought to try and shoot people.

Nevermind this line of thinking runs completely contradictory to their other argument about how those who want to kill will find ways to do so. You just have to ignore that contradiction in their logic.
That's because you are capable of basic logical thought, something that the dudes who are suggesting arming the teachers so as to prevent this from having occurred are clearly incapable of.

I mean, what an assinine thing for those guys to suggest. Had the teachers been able to carry firearms themselves, this incident would never have happened. Because as we all know, a little shootout between the lunatic and the teachers would not have put those kids in any jeopardy whatsoever.


My aunt was a teacher for nearly 40 years and still substitutes to this day. The thought of her being told she may have to take a firearms course to be a teacher makes my head explode. The idea that we've reached this point is very scary.

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