Ask Ice Cold

Ice Cold

Dark Match Winner
Recently it seems this newbie has been getting a little heat as I've been associated somehow with a former member that seemed to be none too popular in terms of acceptance. I've seen comments in reference to myself stating that I seem to be a "twat" and if you are what you eat I guess that is true in that sense. In an effort to kill those assumptions and try to clear the air I am making this thread for you to ask me questions, so that I may respond and show you I most definitely am not "a twat". So, feel free to ask away and I will answer to the best of my ability.
This thread will likely only lead people to further believe that you are an alt...

Just sayin'.
I've got a question for you:

Why does your IP address keep showing up on spam-bot lists all over the internet when I type it into Google? Like literally 40 different spam-bot lists. Which leads me to believe you're using a proxy. Which leads to my second question: Are you using a proxy to access this forum?

Which I guess leads to my next follow up question: why did you feel the need to create an alternate account? Is that you Game Rage?
I've got a question for you:

Why does your IP address keep showing up on spam-bot lists all over the internet when I type it into Google? Like literally 40 different spam-bot lists. Which leads me to believe you're using a proxy. Which leads to my second question: Are you using a proxy to access this forum?

Which I guess leads to my next follow up question: why did you feel the need to create an alternate account? Is that you Game Rage?

Yes I do use a proxy for all my internet browsing, so do millions of other people, it's a safe way to surf the net without worrying about a lot of security issues that come from people obtaining your I.P.

For your second line of questions, this is not an alt, I am not The Game Rage.

I am Ice Cold
Well, unfortunately for you, the use of proxies are banned on this forum. So, enjoy your ban Mr. Clearly an Alternate Account.

Silly Game Rage, proxies aren't allowed here!
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I don't know why, but this seemed appropriate.
Never really like him.

Now we just need to get rid of Vash and MWats and we are all set.
ya know what dave every time I step in dog shit I will think of you.

you have that affect on me man.

Thanks, man!

They say it is hard to make connections on other people's lives through technological means but I am very glad that I have managed to make enough of an impression on your life that you will think of me from time to time.

Dude! I can't thank you enough... Some people would call you pathetic but I am touched by your affection.

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