Unemployed folks, how do you fill the time?

Dr. - totally off topic but I swore I provided two ideas in your Addressing the Chants thread.

Did you notice them? I think they got deleted yet all the other arguing about smarks remains. I even noticed that you mentioned it repeatedly that the thread was about ideas, not right or wrong.

Granted my one idea was way over the top but my other idea was basically the same as yours except replacing IRS with random chanting smark fan.

Oh well.
What kind of work are you looking for? What type of work have you been doing?

I recommend you reconnect with an old friend or family member that you don't see or talk to enough.

I was a clerk. And for anyone who's curious as to my moniker, I did indeed work in the medical field once upon a time in a hands on capacity. I'm not necessarily opposed to going back into medicine, but let's just say that the lows of that work can be very low. Plus most if not all of my certifications have expired. So I'm mainly looking for office work, but I've also strongly considered trying to find a position at a library or bookstore-- quiet and low stress.

And that's a great suggestion and something I do need to do.

Dr. - totally off topic but I swore I provided two ideas in your Addressing the Chants thread.

Did you notice them? I think they got deleted yet all the other arguing about smarks remains. I even noticed that you mentioned it repeatedly that the thread was about ideas, not right or wrong.

Granted my one idea was way over the top but my other idea was basically the same as yours except replacing IRS with random chanting smark fan.

Oh well.

I didn't see them, but beating the dog out of a plant that's chanting "Husky Harris" is a great idea. I left the thread alone until just a little while ago, hoping that some good ideas would build up if I gave it some time. Other than PG offering a simple solution, for the most part I just created another sounding board for people to argue and complain about how stupid fans are.
I don't think they'll let him say "Husky is dead" though. But he has the gab to kill any chants he doesn't want. Ryback and Tensai are shining examples of the contrary.

Also, Dr. I need a nanny, what are your rates, what service do you offer?
I'm a teacher, and I'm off till September.

For reasons that I still don't fully understand (in much the same way I ended up being a striker in football) I have found myself as the lead singer of a band, so I'll be mostly songwriting.
Also, Dr. I need a nanny, what are your rates, what service do you offer?

I'm sure you do. If I get desperate I'll PM ya.

I'm a teacher, and I'm off till September.

For reasons that I still don't fully understand (in much the same way I ended up being a striker in football) I have found myself as the lead singer of a band, so I'll be mostly songwriting.

That's pretty awesome. My best chance to catch on with a band would be to go through Del Preston's roadie training course:

Bumping this thread.

How does the unemployed world go now Dr? It's been a few weeks has it not?

I've finally have an interview tomorrow! I am a horrible interview which is my major down fall. Hopefully all goes well as I need this damn job.
How does the unemployed world go now Dr? It's been a few weeks has it not?

Excitement galore. :icon_neutral:

I'm actually going to be heading to Colorado soon about a potential new job. Not very enthused about the prospect of moving again, but it'll be more lucrative than investigating Kharma tweets and scouring Tumblr for wrestling related .gifs.

Best of luck, SK.
Well, funnily enough, my "profession" of being an actor/director/screenwriter means I sometimes spend long periods of time unemployed. But because of said profession, I spend that free time writing scripts, practising monologues and reading every film making book and I can get my hands on.

Also, the internet. There's a lot of shit to do on the internet.

Good luck with the search though, and don't let unemployment get to you, or you'll go crazy.
Well, funnily enough, my "profession" of being an actor/director/screenwriter means I sometimes spend long periods of time unemployed. But because of said profession, I spend that free time writing scripts, practising monologues and reading every film making book and I can get my hands on.

I'd have gone into acting if I weren't so... how do I put this? ...ugly.

I've done a fair share of reading. Read Who Censored Roger Rabbit? over the weekend. Good book. Very different from the movie.

Also, the internet. There's a lot of shit to do on the internet.

Yeah, this internet thing might have some staying power.

Good luck with the search though, and don't let unemployment get to you, or you'll go crazy.

Thanks. Employment drove me crazy, at least under the circumstances I was in. The last 2+ weeks have been a vacation and a welcome one. I should be back in bidness before long. Push comes to shove, I'll get a part-time gig working at my buddy's novelty store.
Working a ridiculously busy and stressful job with the worst shift patterns ever, I'm always astounded people can be bored while unemployed. Endless periods of no stress, no having to get up at stupid o clock, not being treated like shit, time with friends and family...Sounds like heaven to me.
Working a ridiculously busy and stressful job with the worst shift patterns ever, I'm always astounded people can be bored while unemployed. Endless periods of no stress, no having to get up at stupid o clock, not being treated like shit, time with friends and family...Sounds like heaven to me.

It has its pros and cons, like anything.
I'd have gone into acting if I weren't so... how do I put this? ...ugly.

You don't have to be a model to be an actor. You just need some talent and a good work ethic. If Steve Buscemi can make it...

Thanks. Employment drove me crazy, at least under the circumstances I was in. The last 2+ weeks have been a vacation and a welcome one. I should be back in bidness before long. Push comes to shove, I'll get a part-time gig working at my buddy's novelty store.

Working a ridiculously busy and stressful job with the worst shift patterns ever, I'm always astounded people can be bored while unemployed. Endless periods of no stress, no having to get up at stupid o clock, not being treated like shit, time with friends and family...Sounds like heaven to me.

Huh. I've never had long term-work, I go from gig to gig, so I guess I don't really know what it's like to take a welcome break from work. I make enough money to live, but not enough to do interesting things with my free time.

But I just sometimes find myself for hours with nothing major to do while everyone else is at work with their "real" jobs. Loneliness and boredom is a bad combination. It also doesn't help that, when I am working, I love what I'm doing.
You don't have to be a model to be an actor. You just need some talent and a good work ethic. If Steve Buscemi can make it...


Барбоса;4554223 said:

Considering that I'm living off of my savings, I can only afford to splurge on wrestling pay-per-views and women, and I'm all out of women.
Dr. said:
I'd have gone into acting if I weren't so... how do I put this? ...ugly.
Post us a pic

Blade said:
If Steve Buscemi can make it...
He looked a lot better as Mr Pink than as Nucky Thompson...

Here's the guy to take inspiration from:
Clint Howard
Post us a pic

And ruin my mystique? No way. Especially not now during job hunt mode. Last thing I want is a thorough background check exposing me as a wrestling fan. Gotta save that for the job interview when I show up wearing a title belt and Hulkamania bandanna.
Hogan's on a sinking ship. Meanwhile, there's buzz surrounding the Ultimate Warrior's return. So dress up as Warrior. I'm sure your potential employer will appreicate it more.
Hogan's on a sinking ship. Meanwhile, there's buzz surrounding the Ultimate Warrior's return. So dress up as Warrior. I'm sure your potential employer will appreicate it more.

Being in Colorado, I'm sure they get enough stoner applicants to where someone mimicking Warrior's intensity would be welcome. Plus, facepaint and tassels might earn me some equal opportunity points.
So I'm late to the party and that, but I was in the same position just after Christmas, best things I can advise is;

  • Join a Gym/find some dumbbells and start a routine. doing something proactive will help your discipline.
  • Base your entire life around said routine, it keeps you tied to said routine.
  • Update your CV on a Monday
  • Only apply for jobs on a Thursday (it sounds stupid, but knowing people who work for agencies and doing some admin work for them, if you apply on a Thursday because of email delay they get it on a Monday)
  • Apply for everything, unless there's a technical exam you can blag all interviews.
  • Ignore WZ Forums shitty in built code.
  • Don't start drinking at 10AM watching Jeremy Kyle, it spells doomsday. We've all done it, no shame.
Excitement galore. :icon_neutral:

I'm actually going to be heading to Colorado soon about a potential new job. Not very enthused about the prospect of moving again, but it'll be more lucrative than investigating Kharma tweets and scouring Tumblr for wrestling related .gifs.
Best of luck, SK.

It seems like Colorado is the place to be. Hopefully the job is with the time, trip, and effort. How everything goes well for you Dr.

Thank you for the luck, I'm going to need it.
So I'm late to the party and that, but I was in the same position just after Christmas, best things I can advise is;
  • Join a Gym/find some dumbbells and start a routine. doing something proactive will help your discipline.
  • Base your entire life around said routine, it keeps you tied to said routine.
  • Update your CV on a Monday
  • Only apply for jobs on a Thursday (it sounds stupid, but knowing people who work for agencies and doing some admin work for them, if you apply on a Thursday because of email delay they get it on a Monday)
  • Apply for everything, unless there's a technical exam you can blag all interviews.
  • Ignore WZ Forums shitty in built code.
  • Don't start drinking at 10AM watching Jeremy Kyle, it spells doomsday. We've all done it, no shame.

Late indeed. Jeremy Kyle already has me under his spell.

It seems like Colorado is the place to be. Hopefully the job is with the time, trip, and effort. How everything goes well for you Dr.

Thank you for the luck, I'm going to need it.

Thanks. It's just an interview, but I'll make the trip worthwhile either way. :rasta:
Watch Dogs With Jobs on NatGeo.

Either you'll get off your ass and get a job that day itself or, well you'll OD on Harpic out of sheer desperation.

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