Are we getting Rock versus Brock? How do you feel?


Staff member
I've read a few reports recently about how the WWE has put The Rock on a plate for Brock Lesnar next year as a ploy to keep him in the wrestling business at least for one more year. I've also heard that Brock will be allowed to keep some of the revenue from the show if this match goes ahead but I do feel as though that is merely speculation at this point. Still, this match is bound to be a license to print money and that's what is all about right? ... Right?!

As of right now I don't really know how to feel about a match like this. And with so many questions in the air around Brock's future, I'm not entirely sure that he deserves to be headlining another WrestleMania with his mercenary attitude towards money and towards the WWE. On paper this match is amongst the very best that the WWE could build a card around but I still don't feel as though I can get on board with the idea just yet. There has already been quite a lot said about the idea of having 4 part time wrestlers in the main events of this years WrestleMania. The added bonus this year is that the WWE is at a least trying to put over the younger members of the roster in Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt. With the impending match of Sting versus The Undertaker and now Rock versus Brock Lesnar, I feel a little like it's overkill. Especially when you consider that Triple H will likely be involved in a high profile match next year too. It's overkill. And what's more, it means putting the title on The Rock again...

But how do you feel about this potential match? It's a money spinner for sure but is it the right decision for the WWE?
As far as the match goes, I'm not at all excited for it. Brock doesn't put on good matches imo. Especially as of late, they're so focused on pushing the fact that he's a legitimate beast, that the grand majority of his offense are suplexes and strikes. The Rock, while capable of energetic and exciting matches in the Attitude/Ruthless Aggression Eras, no longer seems able to put on those kinds of matches - if his bouts versus Cena are any indication. I think the two of them in a 1 on 1 match at Wrestlemania (because we just know it would be WM match), is going to be a letdown.

Even though we all know this won't happen, I much rather see Brock go away for good after he loses (either at this WM or Summer Slam) and The Rock face Triple H at next year's WM for a possible career-ending match. At least HHH can carry The Rock through a match and has a broader history to fuel a months-long promo feud.
I totally agree with what your saying in regards to it been part-time overkill,but on the flip side, as fans we should want to see the greatest spectacles and this is one of the biggest we could get. So from that side of things, even if it means bumping full timers down the card, lets do it!

I think your quite wrong when you say we need the title on The Rock. We could have Reigns vs Lesnar at Summerslam, if they chose to leave Lesnars rematch till then, and have The Rock in Reigns corner interfere costing Lesnar the title. I'm sure there are many other better ways to get a rivalry going between them but that'just a example to show you how easy it would be.
As of right now, I have zero interest in Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock. I agree that it's part-time overkill and as there are already some fans who're hostile towards part-timers anyway, there's a possibility that this results in more hostility coming to the surface.

I know it'd be something of a spectacle, but a something's only really worthy of being labeled as such if it's something oodles of fans want to see. In all likelihood, I'd say it's something a majority of viewers would be interested in. However, there's also the possibility of the opposite and that possibility isn't as farfetched as it once was. As we saw at the Royal Rumble, fans aren't just flat out dazzled by The Rock's presence in the same way they once were. At one point, The Rock could've done anything or been involved with anything out there and fans would've eaten it up, but that wasn't so at the Royal Rumble. They booed Reigns out of the building and, if anything, I think it's possible that The Rock being out there to try to smooth things over only made it worse and was the exact opposite of what Vince was hoping for.

Some fans still get a kick out of seeing The Rock pop up every now & again, I do too really but not remotely as much as I once did. The novelty, for me, has lost most of its appeal and I'd rather see The Rock, or Lesnar for that matter, involved in a match against somebody who actually has something to gain from being there. I'd rather see The Rock tangle with Rusev, maybe engage in some sort of family feud with Roman Reigns, go up against Rollins, maybe rekindle the tension of several years back with Daniel Bryan. Fans would be interested in a 1 on 1 bout with Lesnar & Rollins and we know for a face they're interested in seeing one between Lesnar & Bryan. These are wrestlers who'd get a great rub from being in a match with either of them, but Brock vs. Rock wouldn't be about that. Once you got past all the glitz, all the hype, which wouldn't take very long, I think a lot of fans would ultimately see this match for what it is: a couple of hired mercenaries working for huge paychecks with nothing to be gained or lost by being together. It'd be a thinly veiled attempt on WWE's part to milk as much money as possible from viewers.

Don't misunderstand me, I don't mean that negatively because making money is ultimately the name of the game. Fans would've eaten this idea up 5 years ago, no questions asked but a lot has changed in those 5 years in that fans are becoming much more vocal and expressive concerning their likes & dislikes. While it's ultimately the goal of every business to make as much money as they can from some aspect of whatever product they have, that doesn't mean that consumers are going to or are supposed to embrace that product aspect just because company officials want them to, and that may very well be how some fans would interpret Brock vs. Rock: something Vince wants to see happen, something he expects them to pay to see and that they should be good enough for them.

Personally, I don't see much chance of it happening. The Rock has been kinda sorta stringing people along for the past few years as to whether or not he'll get back into the ring by never giving any sort of definitive answer one way or another. He's always hinted that it's "possible" or "never say never" every so often just to keep the buzz going. If movie studio officials had concerns regarding his match with John Cena, they'll shit themselves at the possible ramifications of a match with Brock Lesnar. Lesnar is a legit badass, he's not someone portraying a character that's a badass, and he's someone who could most definitely injure The Rock, accidentally or intentionally. We all know Lesnar works pretty stiff, which makes the possibility of sustaining injury against him increase.

Deciding to do this match may end up costing The Rock big roles as studio executives may be very reluctant to sign him up due to concerns he'll be hurt enough to where he has to drop out of the flick or production has to be pushed back until he's healed up enough. Doesn't sound like a big inconvenience, but it costs the studios time & money, probably the two things that matter the most to them when it comes to filming a flick with a $100 million budget.
I say let them do it, but don't let it headline, and work it into a current storyline. Have Roman beat Brock, brock beat the hell out of Roman allowing Rollins to cash in. The next night on Raw have the Rock come out and get in Lesnar's facing and essentially calling him a chicken sh*t and causing embarrassment to the family. Bam! Rock vs Brock at Mania next year and even at like Summerslam have Reigns/Rock vs Brock/Rollins(or some other partner?).

Remember, they want to crush the indoor attendance record at AT&T Stadium, so a card that features Rock vs Brock, Taker vs Sting, Stone Cold in some capacity (match/ref/whatever), A World Title Match, Something with Cena, and then plug in some of the guys that will still be pretty over like Bryan, Reigns, Wyatt, Ambrose and Ziggler in your mid card and WWE will be $$$$$$ at WM32
For me, there is only one way that this match comes around. And the result in the main event of this year's Mania so going to give us the answer. Should Roman Reigns go over, chances are we won't see the marquee match. Firstly, because then it seems likely that Brock Lesnar will leave when his contract expires. And secondly, a Roman Reigns win would take away the best chance at a feud that The Rock and Brock Lesnar will ever have. If you head back the Royal Rumble, the WWE were having Reigns say everything about his family and this was a "family affair". If Brock goes over Reigns at Mania, it is perfectly likely that he appears on Raw, a new contract under his belt as WWE Champion, and slates Roman Reigns for not getting the job done. He could even go so far as to call him a disappointment to his family or something. And just when everyone is expecting Reigns to appear, here comes The People's Champ....

It writes itself really, huh?
This might seem a bit off-topic initially, but I'll get to the point.

Whenever the talk of Wrestlemania 32 and the attendence record comes up, there have always been 2 and only 2 scenarios that came to my mind. One of them concerns the in-ring return that is 13 years in the making. I had always imagined Wrestlemania 32, being held in the state of Texas, to finally be the return and 'one-final-hurrah' party for Stone Cold Steve Austin that the wrestling world has longed for so long. The proud son of Texas lacing up his boots for one more match after 13 years in front of his home state fans who can a great send-off. And if doesn't happen next year in Texas, then it will never happen.

And then I think who on the current roster is deserving enough to be sharing the spotlight with the Rattlesnake in Texas. Only a handful of names even come to mind. John Cena? Possible. But the dynamic and styles just do not match in-ring. CM Punk? I wish it could but well, Not happening. The Rock? No need for Rock-Austin 4. Taker? HHH? Terrible Idea. Who else is left? Only one. The 'ONE'.

If there was one match that possibly has the shot at being the draw to get 100,000 in the stadium, its for Austin to go up against the former UFC champ, Streak breaker and WWE champ Brock Lesnar. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 32 in Austin's return match. That alone will fill the 100,000 seat stadium and then some. Its the only 'dream match' possible match that can rival Rock-Cena I in terms of buzz and numbers. There is history there in this feud. By now, almost everyone knows about the controversial departure of Austin in 2002 due to refusing to job to Lesnar. Its being portrayed in many documentaries and news stories. Austin has always endorsed Lesnar during his MMA fights and on his podcasts. Brock Lesnar has also said in an interview while he was still in the UFC that if there was one man he would like to face if he goes back to WWE, it would be The Rattlesnake.

And if we are talking about luring Lesnar and serving to him on a plate in order to keep him for another year, Stone Cold might be a more reasonable choice than The Rock. Lesnar had a grudge against Austin before, he knows the match will make millions and tons of press and might probably be better than if he were to face Rock.

But I know all this is all wishful thinking and rambling considering Austin has not even considered returning at this point.
So still anyways, my opinion is that I'd rather prefer Brock versus Austin I next year over Rock versus Brock II. If Austin doesn't happen, I have no interest in Rock-Brock anyways.
I am certain Rock v Brock will happen next year; WWE will pull out ALL the stops to break that attendance record, including Sting v Taker and possibly even a Daniel Bryan title win (I mentioned this on one of the post-Royal Rumble threads)w

With regards to Stone Cold Steve Austin, the potential problem is that Brock is a fairly stiff worker whose main moves (German Suplex, powerbomb, F5) all put severe impact on the neck. What made Austin retire? His neck injuries. Pitting those two together would be a MAJOR risk to Austin's health.

On Rock v Brock, it's highly unlikely but I'd like to see Rock return for a short term run, if only a 3 month contract, before WM, to iron out any ring rust like that which affected him v CM Punk and John Cena around WM29. Unlikely but you never know
I've read a few reports recently about how the WWE has put The Rock on a plate for Brock Lesnar next year as a ploy to keep him in the wrestling business at least for one more year. I've also heard that Brock will be allowed to keep some of the revenue from the show if this match goes ahead but I do feel as though that is merely speculation at this point. Still, this match is bound to be a license to print money and that's what is all about right? ... Right?!

As of right now I don't really know how to feel about a match like this. And with so many questions in the air around Brock's future, I'm not entirely sure that he deserves to be headlining another WrestleMania with his mercenary attitude towards money and towards the WWE. On paper this match is amongst the very best that the WWE could build a card around but I still don't feel as though I can get on board with the idea just yet. There has already been quite a lot said about the idea of having 4 part time wrestlers in the main events of this years WrestleMania. The added bonus this year is that the WWE is at a least trying to put over the younger members of the roster in Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt. With the impending match of Sting versus The Undertaker and now Rock versus Brock Lesnar, I feel a little like it's overkill. Especially when you consider that Triple H will likely be involved in a high profile match next year too. It's overkill. And what's more, it means putting the title on The Rock again...

But how do you feel about this potential match? It's a money spinner for sure but is it the right decision for the WWE?

It's WWE's best bet to fill Cowboy's stadium. However, with The Rock being the biggest action star in Hollywood. It's a gift and a curse. Rock's last run with WWE wasn't really impressive. He clearly wasn't in wrestling shape but you can tell he still got it if he tried. I just hope if Rock and Brock does commit to WWE for WM 32, Rock takes the time to train for his match and get in wrestling shape. The fans deserve it.
The Rock vs Brock is the biggest match WWE could do right now and it seems both are very open to this happening.

Mania 32 needs a HUGE main event and they do not come much bigger than Rock vs Brock. This was mean't to happen at Wrestlemania 30 and I think it will.
I wouldn't mind this match at all as long as it doesn't include the WWEWHC. As a special attraction match, I really see no downside in this other than The Rock taking a spot at Mania. I think the build would be great with Rock/Heyman on the mic and Rock/Brock in the ring, and it really is a huge match.

The only problem I had with this happening this year, was the rumor that it would be a title match... that really takes all the steam out of it for me personally, so hopefully if this does happen at Mania 32, it's just a straight up "I don't like you" feud.
Wrestlemania 32 is going to be huge. 105,000 people crammed into the stadium, plus the Texans are a rowdy crowd. This has the makings of a great Wrestlemania.

The Rock vs Brock Lesnar is more than worthy to Main Event this Mania. Add to the card Undertaker vs Sting, Triple H vs Batista, Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose, John Cena vs Daniel Bryan and this has the makings of the greatest Wrestlemania of all time.

The special guest host can be Stone Cold Steve Austin.
I have absolutely zero interest in this match. It's already been done when they were both in their primes and I think it would be better to have either guy going against someone current instead.

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