Anyone else SICK of the WWE Title belt?

cena is not just a character . cena in real life is all about hip hop.screw you for dissing hip does it come across wrong ,public enemy never looked stupid . hip hop has no age limit . only ignorant closeminde hater against hip hop like you try to put age limit on it . whne hip hop is over 30 years old . get over it because today's era is hip hop era & not yours anymore . your time has came & gone .

It's either you misunderstood...or I did not bother to dumb it down. So I'll do my part:

Hip Hop, over 30 years old...yes but let's look at those who've been in it from the start, Run DMC/Russell/KRS-One. Look at them now, the dress and act like grown men. The only one from that era still living like it was that era is Flaor Flav...and he looks like a jack ass.

Public Enemey tag team looked ridiculous because they were two 40 year old rhythmless men dressed like teenagers 10 years prior. Cena loves the culture outside of the ring...true. But even he knows at 30+ years old, everyone else in the game grew up. He will to. Should Jay-Z stayed in the jerseys and white tees? He realized that to gain respect in the BUSINESS he had to look respectable.
The WWE Title belt doesn't bother me that much. Sure it's specially made for Cena and whatnot, but it's 2009. Everything in life gets and upgrade sooner or later. I know it's probably been said already, but I'll bet nobody bitched when Austin had the Smoking Skull belt. I'm not a fan of Cena, but I think when you have a belt made for your image, you're doing something right. As much as it pains me to say it, Cena is doing a ton of things right to get to the point he is at right now.

And not that it matters at all, but I heard that Cena doesn't like hip hop music as much as people believe or as much as he leads on. I read somewhere he's really into bands like Zeppelin and all those other classic 70's rock groups. I'm not saying he's a total poseur, but his image in the ring is VERY VERY exagurrated to his real life persona.
The spinner belt I agree is crap its not a world title belt its a mockery of wrestling n rap music bring back the original WWE Undisputed Championship please I hate John Cena sometimes I wish it was him who died of a heart attack n not Eddie Guerrero
I'm sick of the fact that there are two belts, and the WWE one is just plain ugly, totally not classy. There should be one world heavy weight championship, AS THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN in every company I can think of, why the f are there two?
I'm sick of the fact that there are two belts, and the WWE one is just plain ugly, totally not classy. There should be one world heavy weight championship, AS THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN in every company I can think of, why the f are there two?

Ok I have a few things to say about this thread.

The WWE Belt does NOT look stupid. It has a very interesting design and if you have seen it in person then you know how shiny and prestigious it looks. I was at Wrestlemania 25, and when HHH came out with that belt it looked even more awesome than it does on tv.

Bring back the design that GayBL and all them had before Cena won it? Come on! You'd rather have a BORING and GENERIC design rather than one that much better represents being "WWE Champion"? Seriously. I hated that belt, it was boring. The WWE Belt's design is awesome.... and no, I don't dislike all older designs. The eagle belt from the attitude era looked really cool.

That brings us to my last and final point, which is....

Unify the world titles and have an undisputed champion again? No, just no! Seriously, why!? WWE has 2 world titles because they NEED 2 world titles. Think about it. Here is the way I see it. WWE is the result you get when you add what's left of the two federations you had in the attitude era. WWF = Raw. WCW = Smackdown. Therefore since they are (sort of) 2 federations in 1, they NEED 2 world titles if they continue being this big. Unifying them would cause something to happen that would absolutely suck. You know what that would be? Those who are sick of the current main eventers would have to see them twice as much because they would ALL be chasing after the same belt. Instead of complaining about there being 2 world titles then everyone would begin complaining about the main eventers hogging the spotlight too much on both shows, would you want them to go back to only having Raw by itself?

They are not getting rid of Smackdown, the brand exchange, the WWE title's design, and the existence of a second world title. Get over it!
that belt def looks outrageous. they should take it back to the one that Bret hart and them had back during their reigns in the early to mid 90s...

i mean the world heavyweight title is basically the old wcw belt so why not bring back the old wwf one?
I think the least they can do is create a new WWE title..I dont think theres a point going and bringing something back from the past..If they want actual prestige..stop creating this 3+ toy title and create a new and better one...use the older titles as a potential model to create it..

But then again, the more that I think about it, I dont want WWE to make any new titles..look at the ECW and Divas titles...I would say the WWE title looks better than those two combined! (alright ECW title is decent..but divas title..w.e. only second rate divas (the barbie's of wwe) hold it..die hard champs!)

Seriously. I can't believe the ammount of bitching in these forums about the belt. It is loaded with expensive diamonds, is new and unique to the old ones. I was watching Edge's Decade of Decadence last night and when he first won that title he looked fucking awesome with it on, so did Orton. Oh and Jeff Hardy. Even Trips looks awesome with it. Yes granted JBL would look like a total dud with it but that's because he is boring as fuck, and the belt when he had it was just as boring!

The winged eagle belt was cool but that was so back in the past, stop asking for it - IT ISNT HAPPENING!

Was there this much bitching when Austin brought in the smoking skulls belt!? I think WWE did the right thing when they stopped it spinning, that was Cena's belt. Now, it is the height of the WWE. It looks way bigger, more expensive and more prestiges than any of the other belts. If you were to line all the championships up, the WWE and WHC belt's would completey catch your eye, it is a sweet belt and there is nothing wrong with it.

This argument is the same as the PG rating, Cena as world champ. GET OVER IT!
I couldn't agree more!
I hate that stupid spinner/wwe title belt they have now its horrible.
Think about it, how much more important would that belt seem if they went with one of the older wwe championships they used before. Now its like this bling bling goofyy belt that really sucks. Orton even stated in an interview that he hated the belt.
Back when the WWE title was the eagle belt in the early 90s it felt so much more prestigous to be the champ. It felt like an honor, privelage, award when the wrestlers won that belt, Now its like they want to be in the main event or they dont really care. Half the roster doesnt even care about being the champ all they wanna do is be on tv, get laid, get paid and go home. Basically no passion anymore its gone. When guys like Stone Cold, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels (in the 90s), Undertaker, Triple H would die for that belt. Now no one really seems to care about it.
Does anyone agree disagree with me ?

This would be the best design to have, but with the colour scheme of the Undisputed title and the name plate.

Alos, I would like to see the bigger version, as big when The Rock won the title mat Survivor Series 98', the version they used after was slightly smaller.
I have no problem with the belt, I just wish someone other than HHH, Edge or Cena would win it. Isn't the Undertaker promised one last title run before he retires? I'd have him win the title right before the next Wrestlemania, and go into WM 26 as the defending Champion, have him win the match, keeping the streak, and then the next night on RAW, have CM Punk cash in MITB and beat Taker for the belt.
It's either you misunderstood...or I did not bother to dumb it down. So I'll do my part:

Hip Hop, over 30 years old...yes but let's look at those who've been in it from the start, Run DMC/Russell/KRS-One. Look at them now, the dress and act like grown men. The only one from that era still living like it was that era is Flaor Flav...and he looks like a jack ass.

Public Enemey tag team looked ridiculous because they were two 40 year old rhythmless men dressed like teenagers 10 years prior. Cena loves the culture outside of the ring...true. But even he knows at 30+ years old, everyone else in the game grew up. He will to. Should Jay-Z stayed in the jerseys and white tees? He realized that to gain respect in the BUSINESS he had to look respectable.
one whaht are talking about? KRs-1 wears baggy pants & still dreases like he did in 1980's. ll cool j still dresses like he did in the 90'sso save al lthe bullcrap you are kicking because drees like a grown man has nothing to do with the spinner title or hip ho pbecuase most old schoolers don't dress like run or Russell because it is gay as hell how they dress . their is no age limit on how to dress . hip hop has dress code & it does not involve what you call dressing grown up. i am 31 years old & still dress like i did in the 90's. there is nothing wrong with the spinner title at all. gain respect ? jay-z lost respect in hip hop for changing how he dreesed . hip hop is all about ice ,baggy clothes, & spinners .most rappers have spinners on their car & they are 30 years old or older. hip hop is about not dressing like grown ups at all . hip hop is not about dressing in suits or like white people . hio hop is afircan american stret culture . so leave the spinner title alone people & let the kids have their time like you did . i bet no grownup tried to ruin wrestling for you when your were kid . so same should be done for the kids today.
The WWE belt has grown on me, although at first I found it ridiculous, especially with Edge and Cena trading spinners. Besides I don't think the traditional eagle belt would have the appeal that the current WWE title has, I think from a marketing standpoint its very clever to have the World Heavyweight Championship as the traditional big gold belt, whilst the WWE Championship appeals to the younger generation.
I don't really mind it, save for one thing. The word "CHAMP" under the WWE logo needs to be changed to say "CHAMPION" because slang looks like shit on a title belt. Other than that, I'm OK with it.
one whaht are talking about? KRs-1 wears baggy pants & still dreases like he did in 1980's. ll cool j still dresses like he did in the 90'sso save al lthe bullcrap you are kicking because drees like a grown man has nothing to do with the spinner title or hip ho pbecuase most old schoolers don't dress like run or Russell because it is gay as hell how they dress . their is no age limit on how to dress . hip hop has dress code & it does not involve what you call dressing grown up. i am 31 years old & still dress like i did in the 90's. there is nothing wrong with the spinner title at all. gain respect ? jay-z lost respect in hip hop for changing how he dreesed . hip hop is all about ice ,baggy clothes, & spinners .most rappers have spinners on their car & they are 30 years old or older. hip hop is about not dressing like grown ups at all . hip hop is not about dressing in suits or like white people . hio hop is afircan american stret culture . so leave the spinner title alone people & let the kids have their time like you did . i bet no grownup tried to ruin wrestling for you when your were kid . so same should be done for the kids today.

You're 31? Because you write like a 13 year old. And an illiterate 13 year old at that. To be quite honest, I could give a rat's ass about what this hip-hop star or that is wearing, because when I listen to their music, I listen to it. But that's beside the point. I'm 33, two years older than you, and if I still dressed the way I did in the 90s, I would hope that someone would intervene, because I would be 33 years old and dressing like a teenager. Serious lack of maturity there, wouldn't you say?

As far as the belt...well, as much as it might pain you to hear it, a wrestling title really has nothing to do with 90s hip-hop. I would think that this fact would be rather obvious, but apparently some people are too stupid to realize this simple fact. Yes, the spinner was added during John Cena's hip-hop phase, but how long has it been since he dropped that?

Apparently, you think that the belt represents all the hopes and dreams of young African-American kids, and carries a rich hip-hop history that should be respected and preserved. Odd, since the only man of color to ever hold that title was The Rock, and he had it prior to the spinner. Which is a shame in and of itself, but that's a topic for a different thread.

You sit here and get offended that people want to take the spinner off of the belt because of what it "represents", when in fact all it ever was in reality was a prop to further the idea that Cena was a street-thug and a rapper. Honestly, don't you think the spinner looks just the slightest bit silly around the waist of Triple H or Randy Orton?

Finally, just a personal note: If you're going to try to red rep someone, it helps to have some rep to pull it off. And if you're going to try to argue with the intelligent posters in here, at least have the dignity to type it up in Word or some other program that has a spell check feature prior to posting. Trying to read your incoherent rambling makes my head hurt.
one whaht are talking about? KRs-1 wears baggy pants & still dreases like he did in 1980's. ll cool j still dresses like he did in the 90's.

Hmm....... Aha!!!


so save al lthe bullcrap you are kicking because drees like a grown man has nothing to do with the spinner title or hip ho pbecuase most old schoolers don't dress like run or Russell because it is gay as hell how they dress.

I literally have no idea what that first segment of your argument just said. I think what you're trying to say is that dressing like a GROWN MAN has nothing to do with the spinner belt, and somehow it ties to Run or Russell are gay. That's spam, flaming, and homophobia all in the same sentence... Or fragment, actually. Congratulations.

their is no age limit on how to dress .

No, but there is a sensible way to dress in society today. If you go to work, it's usually expected you dress like a grown man. The fact that you're 31, and refuse to accept responsibility as a grown man speaks volumes about you. If you went to a job interview wearing baggy jeans with your boxers showing, do you really think there's any possible way you would get a job? I highly doubt it, unless it were a job at good old McDonalds.

hip hop has dress code & it does not involve what you call dressing grown up. i am 31 years old & still dress like i did in the 90's..

Again, that's you. But consider this; not all of the human population think the way you do. Perhaps a few animals. But most humans don't like to look the exact same they did in their teens. Most people grow up by that point. In the same context, the spinner belt is being hold by adults. So tell me the logic in an adult wearing a child's belt. Give an adult and adult's belt, not a child's belt.

there is nothing wrong with the spinner title at all. gain respect ? jay-z lost respect in hip hop for changing how he dreesed ...

That's the most asinine thing I've ever heard. Jay-Z has not lost respect. He simply has maintained his respect within hip-hop rounds and has managed to gain respect in the corporate world. Trust me, I don't think Jay-Z is ever going to have to worry about respect.

hip hop is all about ice ,baggy clothes, & spinners ..

You are exactly what's wrong with the mentality of rap these days. Hip Hop is about nothing you just mentioned. Go listen to Tupac's "Dear Mama" and come back to me, or listen to "Keep Your Head Up". That is what hip hop is about, not the materialism you're spouting. WWE is nowhere near about materialism. It's about competition, and becoming the best at what you intend to do. So tell me why a spinner belt is needed.

most rappers have spinners on their car & they are 30 years old or older. hip hop is about not dressing like grown ups at all . hip hop is not about dressing in suits or like white people ...

Hi There!


Don't you dare bring race into the matter, because white people can succeed in rap. Hip Hop is for everybody, not just African Americans. Even more to the point, most of your arguments, mind you, have been extremely off topic. I've seen you reference the spinner belt twice, at the most. Discuss the spinner belt, and why it's acceptable for an adult to wear a child's belt. If you can't stay on point, I highly recommend you leave these forums.

hio hop is afircan american stret culture . so leave the spinner title alone people & let the kids have their time like you did . i bet no grownup tried to ruin wrestling for you when your were kid . so same should be done for the kids today.

But I think even you'll agree that WWE doesn't have much to do with your "idea" of hip hop's culture. Therefore, why should it have to cater to fools like you?
I have not really had the time to go through all of the posts here on WZ forums so I am not sure if this has been discussed or not but...

Am I the only one or is anyone else bothered by the WWE Championship Spinner Belt?

I always associated this title belt with John Cena, much like the smoking skull belt was Stone Cold's, the spray painted nWo belt was Hogan's, etc. I just assumed that when someone mercifully and miraculously relieved Cena of the title, they would revert the belt back to one of the original designs or would redesign the title belt altogether.

But for some reason, that damn spinner belt is hanging around. :headscratch:

I think the design is ridiculous and should be changed. Am I alone in this?
I hate the belt personally but I can't see it going anywhere in the near future. I think right now it is a symbol of the direction that the WWE has went over the last couple of years or so. Kids buy the belt and think they are cool because they have a shiny thing that twirls around. I think when they eventually get rid of the belt, it will be a better day. It will be a sign that WWE is going in a different direction and that is only a good thing right now.
It never mattered to me personally. It doesn't spin and hasn't for about three years so I don't really care about it. I don't think it is going to go away anytime soon.
I thought the spinner belt was gone? They changed the design slightly so that it had a bit more class (which is about 200% more than it had in the first place) and that it doesn't spin.
I hated the spinner belt until Edge brought his version into the equation then I assumed that the belt was the WWE title and not a John Cena title, now nearly 3 years on since Edge debuted his version the fact that Cena hasn't held the "spinner" in nearly 2 years IMO WWE should try and change it, personally I think the belt is to thick, it's a good seller for WWE so them changing it maybe a problem from a money stand point but from a fan stand point it doesn't look bad, but on HHH/Orton it doesn't seem to gel to well, where is on Cena, Edge and even Jeff Hardy it looked perfect.
I thought the spinner belt was gone? They changed the design slightly so that it had a bit more class (which is about 200% more than it had in the first place) and that it doesn't spin.

You are correct, the belt doesn't spin anymore, but the overall design is still the same. It just seems overly gaudy and doesn't scream "PRESTIGE" or "CHAMPION" in my opinion.
I am also sick of this belt....I was hoping that trips would change it once he captured it, he didn't and when orton won it I was almost positive it would change,it didn't, but I'm still praying that it does....
When the spinner belt came out the only word I could use to describe it was ghetto. Thats not a racial observaion but a lack of class observation. The new design is not much better in my opinion.
I absolutely HATE the spinner belt. Like many above I figured, Cena loses the belt, we get a belt that actually means something. NOPE! Cena hasn't held the belt since OCTOBER OF 2007 and we're still using his spinner belt (minus the spin ability.) I mean come on, when Austin lost the belt, they got rid of the Smoking Skull, when Edge lost it, we got rid of the Rated R Spinner, when Cena lost the US title, the got rid of that belt, yet with this one, he loses it for almost 2 years and we KEEP the belt? WTF?
I like the current version of the WWE title. It's big and looks important. All the jewels and gold makes it look like a very expensive belt, and it distinguishes it from other world titles. On top of that, it's a huge merchandise seller. So I dont have a problem at all with the strap.

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