Anyone else more pissed off about The Rock...oops sorry Dwayne Johnson, than me?


That's all folks.
The Rock has officially PISSED me off!! I swear, I remember him saying that he WILL be back. He says he will do this until he is 80. He says that he was just going to take a little break. Well the last time i seen The Rock in a match was Wrestlemania 20 to help Mick Foley. REALLY??? :banghead:The Rock is a big sellout. How can he betray his fans by just leaving the industry and move into acting? All the jerk wants is money. Believe me, I was a huge Rock fan before. But now i feel like spitting on his face for his sick perversion of money and fame.

Look at HBK. He had a life threatening injury. He broke his back. I will say that again. HE BROKE HIS FUCKING BACK. He herniated two disks and crushed one completely in 1998.but for the love of the game; he still came back for his fans and for entertainment. HHH… he had a severe knee injury and doctors advised him to sideline for a while. But the tough Son of a bitch that he is, He came back earlier than predicted. There are so many wrestlers I have in mind to mention about the love of their game and their loyalty to the fans (Undertaker, Edge, Even Randy Orton) .And then there is the Rock. Who embraces us with his presence in Wrestlemania. Rock vs. Hogan, Rock vs Goldberg (backlash 2003) rock vs Austin, and then he packs his stuff and leaves, not giving a damn about us. Screw You, ROCK. I was seriously considering looking him up and sending this to him, but he’s not worth the 30 cent postage stamp.

Now don’t get me wrong, if he comes back, it would be awesome but I’m tired of getting my hopes up. He doesn't even refer to him self as the rock anymore. It doesn't even say Dwayne the rock Johnson on the movies. He won’t even excite us one more time at Wrestlemania or even guest host RAW like he said he would. He is a traitor to the WWE and its fans. :disappointed:

…But honestly… I have to thank him for one hell of a time he gave to us. If he wasn’t so fucking entertaining! :worship:

What do you guys think? Agree?

The Rock has officially PISSED me off!! I swear, I remember him saying that he WILL be back. He says he will do this until he is 80. He says that he was just going to take a little break. Well the last time i seen The Rock in a match was Wrestlemania 20 to help Mick Foley. REALLY??? :banghead:The Rock is a big sellout. How can he betray his fans by just leaving the industry and move into acting? All the jerk wants is money. Believe me, I was a huge Rock fan before. But now i feel like spitting on his face for his sick perversion of money and fame.

Look at HBK. He had a life threatening injury. He broke his back. I will say that again. HE BROKE HIS FUCKING BACK. He herniated two disks and crushed one completely in 1998.but for the love of the game; he still came back for his fans and for entertainment. HHH… he had a severe knee injury and doctors advised him to sideline for a while. But the tough Son of a bitch that he is, He came back earlier than predicted. There are so many wrestlers I have in mind to mention about the love of their game and their loyalty to the fans (Undertaker, Edge, Even Randy Orton) .And then there is the Rock. Who embraces us with his presence in Wrestlemania. Rock vs. Hogan, Rock vs Goldberg (backlash 2003) rock vs Austin, and then he packs his stuff and leaves, not giving a damn about us. Screw You, ROCK. I was seriously considering looking him up and sending this to him, but he’s not worth the 30 cent postage stamp.

Now don’t get me wrong, if he comes back, it would be awesome but I’m tired of getting my hopes up. He doesn't even refer to him self as the rock anymore. It doesn't even say Dwayne the rock Johnson on the movies. He won’t even excite us one more time at Wrestlemania or even guest host RAW like he said he would. He is a traitor to the WWE and its fans. :disappointed:

…But honestly… I have to thank him for one hell of a time he gave to us. If he wasn’t so fucking entertaining! :worship:

What do you guys think? Agree?

The Rock doesn't owe us anything. He did his time in the WWE and he got out early because he knew he would be more successful somewhere else and didn't want to end up injured or damaged like most of the wrestlers before him. He is one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step foot in the WWE and he left when he felt like leaving. He still has appearances every now and then but he has left wrestling behind him and we should be grateful for the time that he did give us.
Why must we have a "boo hoo the rock doesn't care about fans and owes us something" thread every month?

We was a wrestler for ten years. About as long as an athlete generally spends in any sport. He wrestled, he entertained, he moved on. Don't get your hopes up. He's not coming back. He doesn't do it anymore. He doesn't have to do it just because the fans want him to. He's making more money than he would in wrestling, and he's going to be healthy and not have any knee/hip/back/joint issues that plague just about every wrestler. He didn't abruptly leave. He didn't fail when he left. And he DID come back when he first left. He is absolutely 100% not a sellout. And he doesn't owe anything to the WWE or fans. Yes, I'm sure he's grateful...but he doesn't owe us anything.

Every time this is brought up I ask you to look at it this way. Are you obligated to go work for your first employer, whatever is may be, for a fraction of the money you get now, just because you worked their first? If you worked at a deli while you were in college and the whole city loved you and then you graduated and become an investment banker making you have to go back and work in the deli because everyone loved you there? Sure it's not the same, but you get the point.

The Rock is incredible. I would absolutely flip out if he returned to WWE just to speak, let alone wrestle. But he's not, and I understand why he's not. I'm sure at some point we'll see him back to do something, but no matter what he does it won't be enough for fans.

Also...I highly doubt you could just "look him up" in the phone book.
Don't dog on me cause of my opinion. I even thanked him for what he has done. but he made it seem like he still cares...does he, nope... if you loved your job and made plenty of money, then yeah why wouldn't you wanna go back...'s called the internet, you can look up anybody on there:p
personally i never cared for the rock i didnt find him to be as entertaining and funny as most people. i like him better as an actor when he is in interviews he is very charismatic and seems to be a pretty cool guy. most people do work for the money dont get mad at the guy for trying to make a good paycheck and not having to put his health at risk
Don't dog on me cause of my opinion. I even thanked him for what he has done. but he made it seem like he still cares...does he, nope... if you loved your job and made plenty of money, then yeah why wouldn't you wanna go back...'s called the internet, you can look up anybody on there:p

Dude i love the rock just as much as anyone but he isn't the rock he is Dwayne Johnson, he has a life too. You can't demand him for wanting to be in a more successful career. Who are you to judge him, he can do whatever he wants. Seriously, the wrestlers love the fans but honestly they don't ever owe us anything they could all quit in a second and we dont have the right to say anything to any of them.

Wrestlers are jsut playing roles, like in movies, they are characters, The Rock was a character. He has the right to not say anything to anyone about coming back or not coming back.
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i cant believe i'm actually replying to this thread...this may be the dumbest thread by the dumbest poster ever
you say that if you love your deli job why not go back, whos to say the rock enjoyed wrestling more than acting?
he might be the smartest guy to ever cross over into hollywood, he's avoiding getting seriously injured...look at the guys dieing young because of their health conditions from wrestling... he's just playing it smart
and he is coming back as a host, its sometime in june or july.
also as far as i'm concerned the rock doesnt owe us anything, he gave us his all every night when he was in the wwe and most of us can respect that
unlike some morons :shrug:
Wah wah wah. More bitching about how Dwayne Johnson is a sell out and blah fucking blah. He did what was best for his health and career. He hasn't ended up like Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan, having to do this well into their 50s or 60s just to pay the bills. He was able to get out when he did, and is happier for it. Let the man live his life without calling him a traitor, as he owes you, me, or any of the millions...AND MILLIONS of Rock's fans nothing.

If he comes back in any capacity, I will be right there eyes glued to the tube. If he doesn't, so be it, I'll still watch his stuff from the late '90s and early '00s and remember just how good he was.
Well, where to begine with? Few of the fans are surfing on the net and then they come across some nutcase calling the rock a sellout and then they just copy-paste it as thread without really thinking about it.
To begine with, no he isn't a sell-out. To get pissed off at him for leaving wwe so early is one thing and to call him a sell out is completely different thing.
What's an average wrestler's career graph? what's his job? His job is to debu, make an impact, get promoted to midcard level, win the intercontinental/u.s. title, make some more impact, win world title, entertain fans, draw money and then in latter part of his career put down the title for young wrestlers, give them a push and then probably have dream match and then retire.
Which is what the rock has done. He came as rocky maivia, got booed, turned into the rock, made an impact, became mid card level wrestler, then won wwf/e title, entertained fans for 3-4 yrs and then put down the title for young brock lesner, jobbed for goldberg. If you compare above things, u'll see the rock had done it all by 2003. What more he could do? Now fans say ,''oh he should have stayed and had a match with cena or batista.''. back then nobody knew cena or batista were going to be this big. So if you think from 2003's POV, back then the rock had done it all. If he had stayed in WWE more time, he would have become a joke like hulk hogan, with all due respect.
There was nothing left to do so he retired. Now you are calling him selfish for turning his back on the people which he didn't do. If anyone turned their backs, it was fans who turned on him at WM18, but that's not a point. you call him a selfish for leaving and becoming more successful, and instead you want him to stay and wrestle for you, prolly get injured and you tell me that's not selfish of you.
You also imply that fans made him. Fans didn't make the rock even if he said so. NO, he made it himself. You talk as if fans did a favour to him by chanting his name. He entertained them and IN RETURN they chanted his name. IT was 50-50 deal, i'll entertain you, you'll chant my name.
You compare him with triple h and HBK saying how they returned and keep wrestling. Well it's because wrestling is their lives. But for the rock wrestling isn't his life. He wanted to become a pro-football player, but injury sidelined him and then he decided to become pro-wrestler as he was 3rd generation wrestler. back then he didn't know he'll be this succesful. but he was successful in creating the character of the rock and he was 100% dedicated to it. now as his career is over, he is focusing on acting, he wants to create dwayne johnson, successful actor. And he is 100% dedicated to that.
at the end of it, i'd say he did his job as wrestler when he was in wwe, so to call him a sell-out is a slap to all the things he has achieved in the business and for the business.
you claim to be a huge rocky fan, which i absolutely don't bilieve. you are just another fan who once liked the rock and now cannot get over the fact that he left because it was his time to do so. I am a huge rocky fan and just like all the other true rock's fans, i'd never dare to call him a sell-out. that's the difference in between you and me. in between you and rock's fans.
I actually don't reply to these kind of threads that are worthless and senseless, not to mention hopeless but i do undertsand where you are coming from. you are prolly thinking.'' hey he got popular in wwe and he USED that popularity to get into hollywood.'' to that i'll say, you damn right he did. It was inevitable for the guy as talented as the rock to go to higher levels. He earned that popularity and it was his right to do whatever he wanted to do with it.

so to tell you in his words; know your role........
Fuck the fans. The man doesn't owe me or anyone else a damn thing. It's his life let him do what he wants to do. Bottom line, he did practically everything do-able in the business and he's still a young and physically healthy guy; why not do something else while he can? Hell, if I could, I'd do the same thing. Clean up for ten years as a pro, then move on to other forms of entertainment, all the while staying as healthy as humanly possible and not becoming a damn near slave to the business a la Hogan Flair and the rest of them. If anything it sounds shrewd and masterful to be in control of your life and job rather than the other way around.
Hamler...Hamler.....Why can't you just let this guy live his life? The general concensus on this post is that the rock entertained us for 10 YEARS, 10 FRIGGIN YEARS...without a MAJOR INJURY. You should be thankful for the times he was on wwe entertaining you along with the rest of the world. Now like everyone else I'm beating a dead horse in telling you, he is better off acting for one he is good at it, two he has his health! The rock owes you nothing, notta, zip, zilch. If anything you owe him. I've been in the ring and wrestled for five years while I was in the military and it takes a toll on you, I challenge you to go to wrestling school and wrestle for 10 years and then tell me you seriously wouldn't collect your check and walk away while you still had your health? If thats not enough add kids to the equation, do you want to be like mick foley and have days where you can't even play with your kids on the floor? I didn't think so....Is the point sinking in? Probably not based off the childish hissy fit you threw on both post that you made!

Fact of the matter is, I could give a damn if the rock ever showed up on WWE programming again, he did his time and it was spectacular! If he did show up then great, I'll be watching, but I'm not going to hold my breath. You should enjoy the current roster they have, cause I guarantee you in 5 years you'll be saying the same about steve austin, triple H, maybe cena and so on and so on...appreciate what they have done for you entertainment wise and move on.
Pissed? No, not really. I was sad when he left for good, but I'm glad he got out in one piece. There's very few guys we get to say that about. While I respect the passion of someone like Ric Flair, who has basically decided that they'll be scraping his dead body off the mat, I do admire guys like Rock and Stone Cold for knowing when to call it quits. Hundreds of wrestlers have died before they were 50, leaving behind family and loved ones to grieve. How many have found success beyond wrestling? The Rock and Stone Cold are now actors. Ventura got into politics. Thats about it. The rest are either back in the business or dead, or pumping gas somewhere. As a fan, I miss the Rock, but as a human being, I'm happy for him. You should be too.
The Rock has officially PISSED me off!! I swear, I remember him saying that he WILL be back. He says he will do this until he is 80. He says that he was just going to take a little break. Well the last time i seen The Rock in a match was Wrestlemania 20 to help Mick Foley. REALLY??? :banghead:The Rock is a big sellout. How can he betray his fans by just leaving the industry and move into acting? All the jerk wants is money. Believe me, I was a huge Rock fan before. But now i feel like spitting on his face for his sick perversion of money and fame.
Stop being selfish, and ignorant. The Rock gave us everything he had and then some. He entertained us like no other, for many years.

Frankly, it was a smart move leaving wrestling, and if you were put in his position, there's no doubt in my mind you'd do the same. The Rock contributed a lot to the wrestling business, and knew he could give to the film industry just as much. So he did. He is entertaining the masses now, with the illustrious gift he was given. How is he being selfish, when all he's doing is showcasing his great ability to a wider audience, and thereby entertaining more?

The Rock is doing something he loves. He already gave to wrestling, and now's using that same ability and charisma to flourish in another field he loves. While doing so, he just happens to make more money.
You (hamler) are a fucking ass clown. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS????
The Rock made the right decision for HIS LIFE to pursue acting. He hasn't
"sold out". I bet you he's working just as hard with acting coaches then he was at wrestling. I bet he even has to read (try out) for roles. Is that selling out? Hardly.
The acting business is just as hard, or harder, to make it in as wrestling.
So you're pissed off that your man-love for the Rock can't be quenched every week. Boo fucking hoo.
I was a huge Rock fan. I too was disappointed that he left. I was happy he left to pursue something he obviously loves.
Should he decide to return for 1 show, or a short time I'll be elated. If not I'll still enjoy the years of entertainment he gave me.
The man doesn't owe you or me a fucking thing. He did not sell out to anyone. You are a complete fucking moron for making this tread and making me waste my fucking time writing all this while drunk. Fuck you you stupid ignorant fuck hole.
10 years in the business without a MAJOR injury that sidelined him for an extended period of time. 100s of hours spent entertaining us with promos, and 100s more entertaining us in the ring. The Rock owes me exactly NOTHING. He got out while he could, and left on good terms. Vince understood, and while I'm sure he was disappointed he was losing one of his biggest draws EVER, he respects everything Rock did for him.
Rock has openly said he plans on making an apperence in a role moreso than a guest host after his prior commitments are over this summer. He doesn't have to come back, but he is chosing to. He didn't have to do a promo for the Trump/McMahon wrestlemania thing, but he did. He didn't have to do anything for the Smackdown show last year, but he did. He still credits WWE for allowing him to break into the movies. If he wasn't so damn good at it, he probably would of come back to the WWE. Hollywood, though, loves him and pays him VERY VERY well. I don't blame him one bit.
The Rock won't be coming back to the ring, at least not in a permanent manner, and I don't think he has ever said that he would. It would be good if he had a bit of closure to his tenure with one last match, but I don't see that he owes that to anyone. Indeed, he did say he'd return to guest host, but he has filming commitments until August. I fully expect him to be around in the build up to Summerslam as a Raw Guest host, if the concept lasts that long.
Jim Brown retired in his prime and he still a Cleveland The Rock cant? And again look at what austin said he still has matches in him he just doesnt want to do it anymore...the rock was amazing he did and ment alot to the industry he accomplished everything he im not mad he left....would it be badass for him to come back hell yea...but why be mad?
I felt the same way but it's cool. If teddy Hart makes it to the WWE WE'LL be fine. Because Teddy is just as great on the mic and better in the ring. Now as far as the Rock goes I was saying this years ago so it's nice to see someone agree. Also on your list of loyal wrestler you've forgoten Rey and Matt Hardy.
Now I'm not one to deny him what he wants to do, but the biggest thing that sucks about the Rock having quit was simply because he sort of left the WWE high and dry, along with Stone Cold leaving. They were both of WWE's biggest stars and they just sort of quickly phased out.

The problem with him quitting is while he's one of the few all time greats, you have guys who simply can't do it anymore or simply suck overstaying their welcome. Triple H comes to mind for one. Why couldn't he have quit instead of The Rock?

It's an unfortunate thing. I know it's selfish, but I wish Rock had come back just once for a farewell match.
The Rock has officially PISSED me off!! I swear, I remember him saying that he WILL be back. He says he will do this until he is 80. He says that he was just going to take a little break. Well the last time i seen The Rock in a match was Wrestlemania 20 to help Mick Foley. REALLY??? :banghead:The Rock is a big sellout. How can he betray his fans by just leaving the industry and move into acting? All the jerk wants is money. Believe me, I was a huge Rock fan before. But now i feel like spitting on his face for his sick perversion of money and fame.

Look at HBK. He had a life threatening injury. He broke his back. I will say that again. HE BROKE HIS FUCKING BACK. He herniated two disks and crushed one completely in 1998.but for the love of the game; he still came back for his fans and for entertainment. HHH… he had a severe knee injury and doctors advised him to sideline for a while. But the tough Son of a bitch that he is, He came back earlier than predicted. There are so many wrestlers I have in mind to mention about the love of their game and their loyalty to the fans (Undertaker, Edge, Even Randy Orton) .And then there is the Rock. Who embraces us with his presence in Wrestlemania. Rock vs. Hogan, Rock vs Goldberg (backlash 2003) rock vs Austin, and then he packs his stuff and leaves, not giving a damn about us. Screw You, ROCK. I was seriously considering looking him up and sending this to him, but he’s not worth the 30 cent postage stamp.

Now don’t get me wrong, if he comes back, it would be awesome but I’m tired of getting my hopes up. He doesn't even refer to him self as the rock anymore. It doesn't even say Dwayne the rock Johnson on the movies. He won’t even excite us one more time at Wrestlemania or even guest host RAW like he said he would. He is a traitor to the WWE and its fans. :disappointed:

…But honestly… I have to thank him for one hell of a time he gave to us. If he wasn’t so fucking entertaining! :worship:

What do you guys think? Agree?

Someone's pretty ungrateful....

Listen, I was a little upset when The Rock first left but that was then. It's been 7 years since he retired and I've been got over it. Why are you still babbling like you're supposed to be concerned about The Rock and if he's going to return or not?

He was in the wrestling business for 8 and a half years. He did his time, accomplished everything that there is, had a legacy, did his family proud, and what happened? NEW STARS WERE MADE!!!. He made a smart personal choice of leaving a sport that could of left him seriously injured or worse and that would've held younger stars back for a long time.

HBK and Triple H might have come back from injuries but you know what? They were dedicated enough but they also set the standard for the "Overdue of Retirement Club". So I tell you, who made the smarter choice? The healthy, young, successful Rock or the broke down, dedicated, "past their prime" veterans?
…But honestly… I have to thank him for one hell of a time he gave to us. If he wasn’t so fucking entertaining! :worship:
This is the one part of your post that I agree with.

The Rock owes us absolutely nothing, he sacrificed his body night after night to give us years of great entertainment that we will never forget. He's already said that he is almost definitely coming back over the summer in some role, but even if that goes to shit and he doesn't, there's no reason to hate on the guy for moving on with his life. He's probably a lot happier doing what he does now, making movies that his daughter can watch, more money, and not getting hurt in the ring or dealing with the relentless travel schedule of the WWE. So no, I'm not "pissed off", nor do any of us have any right to be.
Its the Rocks decision whether or not he wants to come back to the WWE and there is no reason to hate on the guy because unlike every other wrestler that went to Hollywood, he was the only one who could actually make a career in Hollywood and frankly doesn't need to wrestle anymore (you think hogan and Piper would of came back if they had the success in Hollywood the Rock had, I don't think so).
The Rock was always an extremely entertaining guy in the ring and of course I would love to see him back anytime but I've come to the sad conclusion that this ain't gonna happen, but that's OK, that's the Rocks decision and he has every right to do what he did, he gave so much to the wrestling fans when he was there and frankly he doesn't owe us anything else. The Rock did what most wrestler dreams of doing after their wrestling career is over, but like I said the reason everyone else came back is because they couldn't hash out a decent career in Hollywood, don't hate on the Rock because he became successful in both Wrestling and Hollywood.

and don't call this a dumb thread, it's got a reasonable amount of post in one night. thanks, and thankyou to guys like "deanerandterry" for displaying your opinion without calling me dumb for my opinion.
The Rock owes us nothing. he gave us his all for 10 years. while I respect the rock for what he did for the business, I think what he isnt doing for the business is worse than the good he did. the rock was the best of the best in WWE even up untill he left. you know what that means? he never passed the torch. In my mind people like John Cena, Batista, Randy Orton, and many of our top stars today could bennefit from a rub from the rock. (I know u can say batista and orton did but it was handicapped, so it doesnt seem legit) the fact that the rock didnt ever give the rub to anybody before leaving makes people care less about these new stars because they didnt beat "the man" and in the words of Ric Flair "To be the man, you gotta beat the man." The last person Rock gave the rub to was Brock Lesner, and look what good that did.
Hogan, Flair and DX all stuck around too long.
I don't blame the Rock either you get hit in the face every night and travel a grueling schedule or make a couple of movies a year and watch your daughter grow up and spend time with her.

The guy is already divorced and I am sure whatever problems they were having were compounded by the fact he was not around.

Yet, YOU demand he get in the ring just so you can be entertained. Yeah, he should forget about his own life and his daughter and his dreams and do what YOU want. I seriously hope he never comes back, just so the younger guys can see you don't have to end up like Flair and Hogan.

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