Another WZF Posters E-Fed?

Laugh it up KB. One day, OCW will be remembered for not being an excellent fed, but something that got surpassed by another.

[/young & cocky]

@ Viper Killer, we used to have a subsection in the Bar Room for these type of things. Due to CKD being the only one active at the time, they closed it down. All we have now is the BT section, but thats for real serious, over-the-top corporations.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1635431 said:
Laugh it up KB. One day, OCW will be remembered for not being an excellent fed, but something that got surpassed by another.

[/young & cocky]

@ Viper Killer, we used to have a subsection in the Bar Room for these type of things. Due to CKD being the only one active at the time, they closed it down. All we have now is the BT section, but thats for real serious, over-the-top corporations.

cool well i work tomorrow but I have a day off Sunday so I will work on some storylines then. Can you make me a list of characters out of posters that we can use since I don't know anyone. You can just PM it to me and I'll check it when I get off work. Thanks.
you did one too? man these things are popular huh?

OCW. It was over 16,000 posts, the biggest on the site. I passed Norcal's thread in 6 months less time. All but two staff members were involved with it, including all three of the current admins and the three former ones.
OCW. It was over 16,000 posts, the biggest on the site. I passed Norcal's thread in 6 months less time. All but two staff members were involved with it, including all three of the current admins and the three former ones.

Thats really impressive. Any tips then for mine?
Just didn't have the time for it. I was spending all kinds of time on it but then I started doing the reviews. At first it was a joke on the E-Fed, as I was doing the whole thing faster and some would say better on my own, as in all the promos and matches with no help and no drama. I got bored doing it and went to the reviews which I've been doing since.
Just didn't have the time for it. I was spending all kinds of time on it but then I started doing the reviews. At first it was a joke on the E-Fed, as I was doing the whole thing faster and some would say better on my own, as in all the promos and matches with no help and no drama. I got bored doing it and went to the reviews which I've been doing since.

sweet did you use wz posters or made up characters?
E-Fed, Book This, OCW ripoff... I don't give a shit what it is! Stop arguing and just do it!
what are u talking about?

His post is on the first page. It's a few days ago but I stannd by it. If you are trying to replicate the FWA or even OCW, you will probably fail on both levels. One is a book this and the other is a efed parody, practically a novel that only someone like KB could have pulled off.

An efed by the definition of most on this site is something that requires roleplayers and matchwriters, headed by a creative team. It is a company like WWE or TNA or a microscopic scale.

WZCW is one of the most successful things I have seen on the 'net. Your efforts would be better placed there in all likelihood.
So, wait. Is this 7 pages of "JKO sucks, no you suck Falkon?" Seriously, guys. Seriously.
He could've dissed CKD when I wasn't banned.

I'll just say this: Falkon is trying way too hard to impress you guys. And it shows. He's trying to do these elaborate Book This' and E-Feds, and he makes a shitload of posts. I'm sure he would be universally loved if he just chilled out, and didn't make fun of people, because there are still big chunks of Falkon hate left. Just ask X.
I remember the times when me and JKO used to laugh together... where did those times go?

But, I'm sticking to my FWA commitments. I think Viper Killer is doing the idea instead of me, seems more interested than I.
You killed them FalKon. When everyone was turning on JKO, you were there with them.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1648897 said:
I remember the times when me and JKO used to laugh together... where did those times go?

But, I'm sticking to my FWA commitments. I think Viper Killer is doing the idea instead of me, seems more interested than I.

I said once before I don't know enough about the general posters on here to do a successful e-fed. Maybe one day but it was a good idea Falkon. I am considering doing wzcw however.
You should join WZCW, you have 50 posts so you can sign up. A lot of new guys have just started too, so people won't be pointing at you calling you the new guy. Its pretty fun.

Oh, and you can get a name change. You have 50 posts now.

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