WZCW: WrestleZone's Premier E-Fed

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Hello WrestleZoners, Yaz here. I'm one of the moderators here and I am in charge of Wrestle Zone Championship Wrestling (WZCW) which is the official e-fed of WrestleZone Forums.

The fed is the most popular section of the forum and we have the most dedicated people involved as characters as well as a crack staff working alongside me to produce the best shows that we can. Whether you know how an e-fed works or not, here’s what you need to know about WZCW;

1)We host three shows per round; Meltdown, Ascension and Aftershock. We have a two week cycle of RP's going up and the show being posted. We get everyone on these shows. The matches are written by the staff and wins are determined by the best roleplay.

2) We have three rounds followed by a pay-per-view event; on these shows, the best roleplayers are given the chance to appear. All titles get defended and we try to make each PPV the best possible.

3) We currently have four championships; The WZCW World Heavyweight Championship, the Elite X Championship, the EurAsian Championship and the Tag Team Championships.

The World Heavyweight Champion, the richest prize in our game, has been held by such legends as Ty Burna, Titus, Showtime, and Everest, among others.

The Elite X and EurAsian title are our midcard titles, though we treat them better than what you would see on on WWE or TNA television. Often these titles serve as a launching pad for future stars and competition among them is fierce.

The Tag Team Championships are no throw away titles either. Many of today's top stars cut their fed teeth in tag teams and some of the most popular duos of all time to have held tag team gold have gone onto become big stars, including Strikeforce, Saxton and Saboteur, The Crashin Movement, and more.

4) WZCW is for original characters only; for example you won't be able to pick John Cena or Daniel Bryan as your character but the gimmicks and choices for your character are limitless. We encourage diversity and creativity and this begins with your choice of character.

Do you think you have an original idea for a character? Do you participate in e-feds already and would like a new or additional challenge? Just want a cool place to try your hand at writing and make a few friends. Then try out WZCW, one of the best e-feds on the internet. I can personally say I have made many good friends through the fed, and have become one of the more well known posters due my my participation in WZCW. I encourage you to join today!

For more information, please visit these useful links within the WZCW section.

The Application Thread

The Roleplay Board


The Backstage Area:
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