Another Big Comment Spoilers

Why? If TNA's working a business model that relies more heavily on television success than pay per view buys, this is a GREAT move and a fantastic few weeks of television that's making a ho-hum feud between two overachieving midcarders look legit.

Wait, I'm justifying myself to Milenko? Lawl. No. Fuck off, troll.

If you're going to make the argument that this is good for TNA if they want to have a television oriented, fine, I agree - in the short term. You can't keep booking like this forever. This will come back to bite them. When you start giving away this kind of thing on free TV all the time, people will lose interest. The boy who cried wolf, and all that.

Furthermore, ratings and business models aside, this is utter shit from an art perspective. The story here has been hacked to bits, then shit on top of an baked into a steaming shit pie. Maybe fundamentally you're getting a good story - but it's being served with so much shit, you can't appreciate it.
Ratings, ratings, ratings. Wouldn't people be more inclined to buy PPV's if they see the unpredictability happening on television?

No, because nothing happened at the last PPV. Why would I spend money on a PPV, when anything that may happen will all be nullified within a month on the free weekly TV show?
Sweet Jesus, I cannot believe they actually pulled this swerve and took the title off of Storm and put in on Roode. Especially when it's already been determined by the brightest minds on here that Roode is "not ready". At least he wasn't two weeks ago :lmao:
Dirt sheet nonsense that blew Hogan's personal opinion out of proportion.

That's actually a great point.

It just shocks me how much closed-mindedness we have to endure from a group that fancy themselves "smart marks." When did dismissing something as pointless stunt-booking just because it's done quickly and in the face of common IWC logic become "smart"? This place is flooding with more mindless zealotry than a Tea Party demonstration.

I just don't like the argument that people wouldn't buy PPV's if they can just watch free TV and see the same thing happen. I rather see that than a title change at one PPV, basically no reason for me to care about the feud, and than another title change at the next PPV.

I guess Fourtune is now just AJ, Kaz, and Storm. What is Kaz doing these days?
Dirt sheet nonsense that blew Hogan's personal opinion out of proportion.


Right, that's why TNA's entire direction and booking style didn't fundamentally change after Hogan was brought into the company.


Just because he doesn't run the place doesn't mean that he doesn't exert a ton of backstage control.
If you're going to make the argument that this is good for TNA if they want to have a television oriented, fine, I agree - in the short term. You can't keep booking like this forever. This will come back to bite them. When you start giving away this kind of thing on free TV all the time, people will lose interest. The boy who cried wolf, and all that.
Yeah. I know what a turn off good television can be. Almost never tempts me to tune in next week.

Furthermore, ratings and business models aside, this is utter shit from an art perspective. The story here has been hacked to bits, then shit on top of an baked into a steaming shit pie. Maybe fundamentally you're getting a good story - but it's being served with so much shit, you can't appreciate it.
It's being served quickly. Doesn't make it shit. Just gets us where we already knew we were going and saves us a lot of needless posturing that would have caused people to lose interest while whispers that Storm and Roode aren't ready gained traction.

This is the right move. A shame purists are too cowardly to support the new and the brave.

Guess what? Sometimes expedient feuds can be good.
Right, that's why TNA's entire direction and booking style didn't fundamentally change after Hogan was brought into the company.


Just because he doesn't run the place doesn't mean that he doesn't exert a ton of backstage control.
Just because Russo gave us three months of decent "goodbye" booking before Hogan showed up under the assumption that his influence would be reduced, doesn't mean this isn't the same TNA we've always had.

Who said anything about Hogan? He has nothing to do whatsoever with any of this. I am referring to other bright minds.
Dirt sheet speculation then. Unfit to wipe your ass with that fluff.
They still can have this Roode/Storm feud go on for months because I don't see Angle getting back into the title picture, they could drag out Jeff vs. Jeff and I wouldn't mind a Joe/Anderson feud. I could see Styles or Daniels interject themselves into this.

Homegrown talent, baby.
Yeah. I know what a turn off good television can be. Almost never tempts me to tune in next week.

Why do regular television shows have season finales? Why do movies and books have climaxes? Why not just serve up nonstop action constantly? The heck with building reasonable, logical plots - let's make all our movies 2 hours of constant sex and explosions! That won't get old, or anything.

A bright fella like you should see the analogy in there.

It's being served quickly. Doesn't make it shit. Just gets us where we already knew we were going and saves us a lot of needless posturing that would have caused people to lose interest while whispers that Storm and Roode aren't ready gained traction.

This is the right move. A shame purists are too cowardly to support the new and the brave.

Guess what? Sometimes expedient feuds can be good.

I refuse to accept that two title changes, an out of nowhere heel turn, and the breakup of TNA's biggest tag team in three weeks can be anything other than shit. It is almost tautologically impossible to fit that much action into a compelling narrative in three weeks' time.

If I'm a purist, then thank goodness I have better taste than to think tripe like this is actually good booking.
Why do regular television shows have season finales? Why do movies and books have climaxes? Why not just serve up nonstop action constantly? The heck with building reasonable, logical plots - let's make all our movies 2 hours of constant sex and explosions! That won't get old, or anything.

A bright fella like you should see the analogy in there.
Coronation Street doesn't have an off-season. [/discussion]

I refuse to accept that two title changes, an out of nowhere heel turn, and the breakup of TNA's biggest tag team in three weeks can be anything other than shit. It is almost tautologically impossible to fit that much action into a compelling narrative in three weeks' time.

If I'm a purist, then thank goodness I have better taste than to think tripe like this is actually good booking.
The world has passed you by. Best you kill yourself now and bypass a lot of misery.
Hmmm. Seems rushed but will have to wait and see it play out. Just don't have Roode join immortal.
Coronation Street doesn't have an off-season. [/discussion]

Soap operas are your argument here? I might as well rest my case.

The world has passed you by. Best you kill yourself now and bypass a lot of misery.


No thanks, I'll just watch any of the dozens of promotions that have got half a fucking clue what they're doing with themselves.
If they let Roode and storm do their thing, it will be fine. I'm not a fan of hot shotting titles, but a Mankind/Rock like feud could work with them swapping the belt a few times. Make them the focal point and see what they can do.
If they let Roode and storm do their thing, it will be fine. I'm not a fan of hot shotting titles, but a Mankind/Rock like feud could work with them swapping the belt a few times. Make them the focal point and see what they can do.

Of course this is assuming they get more than 5 minutes because we need to have Hogan/Bischoff/young Bischoff being the focus of the show.
Soap operas are your argument here? I might as well rest my case.


No thanks, I'll just watch any of the dozens of promotions that have got half a fucking clue what they're doing with themselves.

How do you think Cheerleader Melissa's reign is going to go?

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