Another Big Comment Spoilers

So you're saying a Roode heel turn can't be as effective in two or three months as you think it can in six?

The problem, to me, is this crash booking that's happening in TNA (WWE is equally guilty of it). There's just no need to advance storylines so quickly. They could have given Roode the title at BFG, had him spend a few months feuding with the various heels, then start building up a one on one, face vs face match between Storm and Roode. Storm wins that match, then Roode spends the next couple of months slowly turning heel, exploding a few months before BFG, leading to an epic showdown for the title at BFG 2012.

Instead, we'll be done with this storyline in three months tops and they've already advanced it so ridiculously much in so little time that it won't even be a good three months.
So you're saying a Roode heel turn can't be as effective in two or three months as you think it can in six?

It would have to be slow burn. These two were a part of one of the biggest tag teams in TNA history, and Roode came out to celebrate with Storm last week. You slowly build the jealousy, and it explodes in a few months at Lockdown, the 2nd biggest PPV.
So you're saying a Roode heel turn can't be as effective in two or three months as you think it can in six?

If you're going to turn him heel to win the belt, "just to swerve the marks, brother," then turn him face after two months -- Why bother? They could have put the belt on him as a face, instead. Let it go for 6, build him up as a heel, let this program with Storm progress. Make it seem like the focus, make it seem important. There's no need to rush it.
I like this move. You weren't going to keep Storm vs. Roode of all things hot for six months in such an A.D.D. riddled society. This is the right course of action. Coco approved.
I like this move. You weren't going to keep Storm vs. Roode of all things hot for six months in such an A.D.D. riddled society. This is the right course of action. Coco approved.
this is NOT the right course of action.

They should have at least waited til the next PPV
Storm/Roode should have been booked similarly to Orton/Christian.

They're sort of doing it. Christian won the title in an emotional moment and lost it after five days and turned heel after a month I believe. Really, the only difference is Roode is turning heel without winning the title. I'm sure Roode will come out and say that he was jealous of Storm and that what did he do to deserve a title shot and all that stuff.
Some of you are still missing the point - we were swerved. The IWC didn't see it coming. We were had. Fucking mission accomplished, Jack.
Yes no one saw it coming, congratulations to them

Still doesn't change the fact it was a stupid fucking choice to make.
this is NOT the right course of action.

They should have at least waited til the next PPV
Why? If TNA's working a business model that relies more heavily on television success than pay per view buys, this is a GREAT move and a fantastic few weeks of television that's making a ho-hum feud between two overachieving midcarders look legit.

Wait, I'm justifying myself to Milenko? Lawl. No. Fuck off, troll.
Some of you are still missing the point - we were swerved. The IWC didn't see it coming. We were had. Fucking mission accomplished, Jack.

Good for TNA. They swerved the fans (as in the ones that read the internet and listen to Hogan talk) and all it cost them was a long running feud between arguably the biggest tag team in company history and a match that could have drawn a good deal on PPV. But hey, the internet fans got swerved so TNA wins right?
Why? If TNA's working a business model that relies more heavily on television success than pay per view buys, this is a GREAT move and a fantastic few weeks of television that's making a ho-hum feud between two overachieving midcarders look legit.

Wait, I'm justifying myself to Milenko? Lawl. No. Fuck off, troll.

Ratings, ratings, ratings. Wouldn't people be more inclined to buy PPV's if they see the unpredictability happening on television?
Ratings, ratings, ratings. Wouldn't people be more inclined to buy PPV's if they see the unpredictability happening on television?
That's actually a great point.

It just shocks me how much closed-mindedness we have to endure from a group that fancy themselves "smart marks." When did dismissing something as pointless stunt-booking just because it's done quickly and in the face of common IWC logic become "smart"? This place is flooding with more mindless zealotry than a Tea Party demonstration.
Sweet Jesus, I cannot believe they actually pulled this swerve and took the title off of Storm and put in on Roode. Especially when it's already been determined by the brightest minds on here that Roode is "not ready". At least he wasn't two weeks ago :lmao:

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