Angry fan tells Goldberg to die


Mastermind of ATV

The sad thing about this is that I actually know the guy. (He used to frequent on GDS a lot...He was kind of an ass sometimes)

But yeah, apparently he was not very pleased with how Fastlane ended, so much so that he told Goldberg to die.

Goldberg responded by thanking him for his 'support', which is pretty cool coming from him.

Now here's what I think; if you don't like Goldberg or the fact that he won the Universal title, that's your right. You don't have to like him. But if you're going to tell him that he should die, you're taking this one step too far.
As much as I didn't like Goldberg winning the title I really hope Chicago last night was a one time deal just because it was Chicago. I really hope he doesn't get booed at every RAW up until WrestleMania. Let the old man enjoy his 28 day reign.
I think Goldberg dying is not the right answer to this booking decision. Maybe an injury that keeps him out of Mania but ultimately doesn't shorten his lifespan or ability to enjoy the rest of his life seems like a more reasonable response.

Death is probably too severe of a request but ultimately that decision should belong to Goldberg and fate. We will see if Goldberg takes the fans advice and kills himself. Not to be a Debbie Doubter but I don't think he will take that tact.
Die Rocky Die!

Things don't change, words are overrated. Celebreties gets death threats, some get dozens, some get thousands, The WWE Champion getting A death threat, isnt that big of a deal. Sure people shouldnt even think it, much less say it, but it's life.

People take extreme views on everything. I think burying your entire roster for 6 months to try and get a nostalgia moment is bad booking, but not extreme enough to tell someone to die.

Also, nobody cares, Goldberg will be gone after Brock beats him at WM, the whole "invite a 50 year old who hasnt wrestled in 15 years" idea falls apart once you need the guy to wrestle.
It's bad booking to give him the title, but it's not Goldberg's fault.

In fact, considering the circumstances I think Goldberg is doing a hell of a job. He's been surprisingly great with the promos, he looks great, and he's doing what he's supposed to in the ring. The man has never been a good wrestler, but he's always been a great performer.

I do think WWE is booking him right this time after botching it in 03-04.....this is how he was booked in WCW. It worked. It's working now too. He just shouldn't have the title.

A lot of people, not just wrestling fans, are just idiots that lack social skills though. This clown who said that to Goldberg would seem to fit that description.
You mean some dipshit said something negative about someone else due to the general safety of online anonymity? :rolleyes:

First off, the Chicago fans are as fickle as just about all other fans are and they showed that last night by chanting for Goldberg and popping a big ovation when he came out. Just because some turned on him later via a CM Punk chant means nothing really as it's Chicago, of course they're gonna chant CM Punk even though it means nothing as Punk's cool factor as a rebel is pretty much in the basement. Many of those same fans were the same ones chanting and cheering when he came out in the first place.

As far as Goldberg goes, it's no secret that I'm no fan of the guy and was vehemently opposed to him coming to WWE at all because I knew what we'd ultimately be getting. Telling him to die, while classless, is no different really than any other celebrity or athlete gets treated by some online. Think about it, how many times via social media in a given week, especially if there's some big story, scandal or controversy going on, do you suppose Kim Kardashian or Tom Bray are told they should die by somebody?
The fact that goldberg almost didn't react at this shows how much of a great guy, goldberg is. Sometimes i wonder the attitude of some wrestling fans. I don't know if it's because they have a chip on their shoulders and thing just because they paid to see the show that it gave them the right to say whatever they want to a wrestlers or chant whatever they want but sometimes, they either go way out of line or just make themselves look stupid which doesn'T help the cause of wrestling being taken seriously by non wrestling fans.

I'm not going to go on a rant on this because i already did that before but let's just say that saying to anybody, i hope you die just because your angry at at booking decision on a wrestling show is plain stupid and out of line in my opinion. I'm sure if the same guy wouldn't have the courage to tell that to goldberg in the parking lot or another place that is crowded.

Finally, i'm from montreal, and for the longest time, everytime HBK or vince or anybody from the kliq would show up, we would chant ''you screwed Bret'' and at one point, i think it became just a stupid chant that made no sense anymore and fans from all over the world would criticize us for chanting this and said to us to get over it already, so now i'm saying the same thing to the fans in chicago, CM Punk isn'T coming back to WWE and you chanting is name at event is just plain stupid so for you guys and some of the others fans from around the U.S that are still chanting Punk's name, get over it already, it'S just becoming pathetic at this point.
Wrestling fans always take things too far.. I'm guilty of it as well, I've told Sasha Banks on IG to die before many times.. Then she cried and blocked me, it was pretty awesome.. Nobody should take it too seriously. 9 times out of 10 they don't want them to die, it's just frustration or they're trying to piss off the wrestler.
Things don't change, words are overrated. Celebreties gets death threats, some get dozens, some get thousands, The WWE Champion getting A death threat, isnt that big of a deal. Sure people shouldnt even think it, much less say it, but it's life.
Yes, it's ignorant, but not unexpected. How many death threats did Ivan Koloff get in 1971?
I always love how wrestling fans blow things out of proportion. Kevin Owens run was 188 days long. He was handed that championship by HHH. He then defended it mostly by his friend interfering. He then betrayed that friend. And then that friend interfered and cost him title that he holds dear. That is a great story there. Lengthy title run, friendship, then betrayal and culmination. His run wasnt the best, but was lenghty and nice considering he was booked at first as third feud on the show before he and Jericho got it going. And yet people think he got screwed by somebody.

Ill give you a better one. You are Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon. Your choice for the biggest title you have(yeah, yeah, other one has more history but this is RAW title and its bigger thing) is to have a guy who was champion just because other guy you wanted was injured, beat other part timer who lost just about every match and feud he was being with in last couple of years. Your other choice is your special attraction who is after to kill only guy who ever bested him really good. And that guy is most over thing on roster based on that loud chants. Add that you had basically same situation at Wrestlemania 29. And evethough its not the best Mania, it was really great business wise because it sold like crazy. Really, really easy decision, isnt it?

And then you have these smarky people. Canceling network subscription, sending death threats to wrestlers just because they were booked how smark fans dont like it. Bunch of stupid idiots who wouldnt understand good business even if it would flew right in front of them. While Vince and co are like


Sorry for lengthy post. :icon_mrgreen:
Wrestling fans always take things too far.. I'm guilty of it as well, I've told Sasha Banks on IG to die before many times.. Then she cried and blocked me, it was pretty awesome.. Nobody should take it too seriously. 9 times out of 10 they don't want them to die, it's just frustration or they're trying to piss off the wrestler.

I've read some stupid comments on here but this one takes the cake. First of all why would you be following someone on Instagram if you don't like them. Second of all, telling someone to die is not only juvenile but shows just how your brain works, in reverse.

Keyboard warriors are the worst. Karma is a bitch might just turn around and bite you in the ass.
Wrestling fans always take things too far.. I'm guilty of it as well, I've told Sasha Banks on IG to die before many times.. Then she cried and blocked me, it was pretty awesome.. Nobody should take it too seriously. 9 times out of 10 they don't want them to die, it's just frustration or they're trying to piss off the wrestler.

Saying something rude to a celebrity on twitter and getting blocked was "pretty awesome"?

Yeeaahh, you don't get out much. That's obvious.
WWE made a HUGE mistake letting Goldberg beat Kevin Owens at Fastlane. To fix this I have a really original idea. I believe that Stephanie's bitch Paul should bring in his old buddies Kevin and Scott and have them come back to WWE and screw Goldberg out of the title. Scott could pull out a weapon of some kind, maybe a taser, and tase the shit out of Goldberg. Nash could do the jacknifing like he did to Punk. And Eric Bischoff needs to be brought in for commentary. Although I think this would be a perfect way to end Wrestlemania, it might be better to put that on RAW instead the week before and then give Goldberg a rematch for Wrestlemania..but then have that replaced last minute with Hogan vs Nash to end Wrestlemania. This would put some butts in the seat!
Two tweets and not even a paragraph of text is somehow content worthy of posting on a news site. A man with questionable grammar and a random sports profile picture sharing thoughts to a bad wrestling finish is news. The same guy who is an "Editor" of a site that has "Undertaker Found Dead in Texas Home" as a popular post from Early April, 2014. The same site that also reports on John Cena's imminent UFC Fall debut.

It's been going on 5(+) decades in pro-wrestling for someone to literally threaten the life of a wrestler. This is about a .3 to a 1 (Tops) if even out of a 10 if there was a scaling for legitimacy or seriousness of that. It's lame to type stupid stuff on the safety of the internet, but it's probably more lame to stand on a platform and criticize others doing it.

Bill is boring and old, we know. Random guys who basically only like WWE have fixated opinion on the entire state of pro-wrestling world wide. Bill wins title, Random Guys mad. Bill get's more viewers on the show, huge crowd reactions, and a reception positive enough to bury the negative side. Makes money. Vince likes Money. Fan either moves on in a week, or talks about it off and on years later.
Telling him to die is the stupidest thing ever first of all its not real and by the way goldberg didnt put the belt on himself. Secondly Goldberg is 10x the star of owens and deserves the belt it was so cringe worthy when the started chanting cmpunk at him on raw and booing him. He's a legend and shouldnt be booed in my opinion, he deserves the title for the reactions he got since he's been back and im sure the wwe game sold loads since he was in it.
Wanting an entertainer to die because the booking didn't go your way is a great example of hardcore internet wrestling fans being morons (not all, but the majority). Unforunately, some fans have become so "smart" they can't allow themselves to just enjoy what's on their screen. No one is going to convince me Goldberg has done a poor job, because he hasn't. In fact, he's much better than he was 20 years ago.

If you enjoy Kevin Owens more than Goldberg, I have no issue with that. However, Owens is 32 years old and has more than a decade left in wrestling. I know to internet wrestling fans, everything is the end of the world, but he has lots of time left and will be a multi-time champion. If you think Goldberg squashed Owens, you're obviously more concerned with backstage stuff than you are the actual show. Goldberg won because of Jericho. If you think that makes Owens look weak, again, you're more concerned with backstage garbage than you are the actual show.

There is no off season. This isn't the end of anything. The whole thing is ongoing. Stop working yourselves up into a frenzy because, God forbid, one of the most over stars in the history of the wrestling business won the championship.
Wrestling fans always take things too far.. I'm guilty of it as well, I've told Sasha Banks on IG to die before many times.. Then she cried and blocked me, it was pretty awesome.. Nobody should take it too seriously. 9 times out of 10 they don't want them to die, it's just frustration or they're trying to piss off the wrestler.

Why would you do that though? Whether you are or aren't trolling, it's still absolutely pathetic. Also I doubt she 'cried' and blocked you, I would say it's more likely she was bored with receiving unoriginal insults and sad little cries for attention from you.
Everyone needs to relax. First of all, the "Universal" Championship carried as much weight as one of the straps you can get at the County Fair. It was, in essence, a bullshit belt. You were building a belt from scratch. Finn Balor got hurt. So, you hand it to Kevin Owens. The booking of that belt under Owens was real weak. Always had interference from Jericho or someone else. So, the belt is seen as a secondary one on the Flagship show. Enter Bill Goldberg.

Now, regardless what we all think, let us get this out of the way. Yes, Goldberg is a "part-timer". Yes, Goldberg could give a shit about the IWC. Yes, Goldberg cannot wrestle his way out of a paper bag. Yes, he has not been in the business in 15 years. However, this is about perceived gravitas from the casual viewing public. In essence, the Universal strap needs Goldberg more than he needs it. It is because he gives perceived gravitas to that Universal strap. He will, in turn, drop the strap to Lesnar at Mania. That will give it more "gravitas". Then, Lesnar will drop it to Balor or Rollins at SummerSlam. The former two is about appealing to those that only watch for Mania. They buy the Network for $9.99, watch Mania, then cancel. Vince needs the casuals to add gravy to the dinner. Owens/Jericho for the Universal may not accomplish this. A Lesnar/Goldberg Main Event, in the eyes of VKM, will. Again, I agree that Goldberg has no business in the ME at Mania. But, I digress.

Now, someone mentioned Ivan Koloff: Do not DARE compare someone telling Goldberg where to go to what happened with Ivan Koloff. If you ask people who bore witness to the occasion on that wintry January night in 1971, they would tell you that you thought Koloff shot the President or crucified Christ. Sammartino was WORSHIPPED, never mind loved, in the Northeast. the Garden notwithstanding. Koloff was a marked man for LIFE in the Northeast after that. Morales HAD to win the strap from Koloff, otherwise Ivan Koloff might not have lived another 46 years.
I've read some stupid comments on here but this one takes the cake. First of all why would you be following someone on Instagram if you don't like them. Second of all, telling someone to die is not only juvenile but shows just how your brain works, in reverse.

Keyboard warriors are the worst. Karma is a bitch might just turn around and bite you in the ass.
It wasn't unexpected from the person you quoted.

There are bunch of people like him who cross the limits a lot especially on social media. Social media apparently represents your soceity and this really shows where some people are going. These people comment useless things on every person they hate. Whenever we got to a celebrity's page/account, you'll always find these horrible comments. In my country, a girl had to suffer rape threatenings after she announced that she wasn't afraid of the ruling party's student union. It's not even naive or stupid. It's terrible.

As for the thread, it doesn't surprise me either. I loved Goldberg back and even do so now. But I am upset at Kevin Owens being squashed by him as well. But death? That to someone who's following the script. Even if was intended for Vince McMahon who was the decision maker, it would've been horribly wrong.

Expected but sad.
Ok, a few things here:

1.) Death threats to a professional wrestling performer are completely out of line. Clearly, someone is upset but they have blown the situation way out of proportion.

If you REALLY don't like what's happening in a SCRIPTED show then simply don't watch. That's your freedom as a person who clearly has time to watch shows. Just don't watch that one and move on with your life.

2.) That said, I can understand how people don't LIKE the choice of putting the Title on Goldberg. I mean, once you reach a certain age as a wrestling fan and know that it's all scripted it's very hard to always look at the show and just enjoy it for the entertainment and not think about why certain events were scripted to happen that don't make sense.

I mean, even fans of popular TV shows like Game of Thrones or Walking Dead will question why the writers made certain choices to kill someone off or let someone do something. So, it's natural as a fan of a scripted show to disagree or question why writers made certain choices.

And I would reserve the right for wrestling fans to boo if they are not a fan of a certain talent, even if that talent is supposed to be a babyface. But what some fans don't realize is SAYING NOTHING is FARRRRRRR more of an impact on the performer and the writers than booing. If fans in Chicago really didn't like Goldberg they should have sat in silence. That would send a stronger message to Vince that they aren't fans of the situation. But by booing they just showed that they are reacting strongly and, to Vince, it probably just means he has to think of a way to increase the fans reaction either positively or negatively as long as they are still reacting.

3.) The tough position WWE (Vince) are in, is that they are trying to please their fans and hopefully gain new ones. So while on paper I can see Vince and company looking at Goldberg (as champion) vs Lesnar at WrestleMania as a no-brainer, obvious decision to make, it seems to, in reality, be causing many fans to be turned off of WWE and do things like cancel Network subscriptions and along those lines not buy PPVs, merchandise or go to shows.

Personally, I've been trying to enjoy the nostalgia, but it is hard to thoroughly enjoy because it doesn't seem to make as much sense even from a business perspective.

I understand two big names on the top of the card of WrestleMania is good but when that seems to be at the expense of building NEW stars in the WWE it becomes questionable.

Many people have said, yes, you can have Goldberg vs Lesnar at WM, that's fine, but the title doesn't need to be involved. I would tend to agree with that. Because why does Vince thing Goldberg vs Lesnar for the Universal Title is better for business? What people out there who aren't ALREADY fans of WWE are going to now tune into WWE because of this matchup, then see it, and then even THEY will realize that Goldberg vs Lesnar aren't around very long and then lose interest again.

Wouldn't it make more sense to build up a full-time talent to put on a great match at WM so maybe if someone tunes in mainly to see Goldberg vs Lesnar (not for the title) then sees Owens vs Jericho (for the title) and is impressed and intrigued now has reason to keep watching WWE because they can see those guys more often and possibly for years more.

In summary:

- Clear overreaction to anyone sending death threats to any professional wrestling performer in WWE

- You can be upset about a decision WWE makes but show your displeasure by either being silent or not watching. That will be a much greater impact.

- I understand how it is hard to make sense of all the decisions WWE makes, and I don't agree with them all, and this one is a bit of a head-scratcher, but I'll choose to focus my attention on things that interest me more.
I'm not going to talk about the fan telling Goldberg to die. I think we all agree that it was stupid and a pretty common thing that happens on the internet for celebrities and athletes of all kinds. Do you think that this was the first time some fan told Goldberg to die? Do you think that it will be the last time? Goldberg doesn't care about it and neither should we.

What I am going to talk about, though, is Goldberg's recent run in the WWE. It has been awesome!!!! From the time Goldberg came back in October to now; his run has been highly entertaining and IMO some of the best stuff that WWE has done in the past year. As a professional wrestler, Goldberg is better now then he ever was in both WCW and his brief run in WWE. His promos are leaps and bounds better, he still looks bad ass, and WWE has finally, FINALLY, learned how to book him. Having said all of that, though, I do not think that it was the right decision to have Goldberg win the title from KO. Lesnar/Goldberg did not need the title to sell the match. Their names alone will do that. Add to the mix that the last time they faced each other Goldberg squashed Lesnar and you have a co main event for Wrestlemania already booked without having to do much work to garner interest. Adding the title to it is overkill IMO. KO/Jericho would've benefited so much more from a title vs title match. Plus, their match and promos are probably going to be epic. That's the program that should've been for the title.

That's not Goldberg's fault though. He's doing what he's told to do and he's doing it very very well. Goldberg has been a treat to the fans these past 6 months and I hope that after Wrestlemania and his inevitable defeat at the hands of Lesnar that he doesn't just disappear again. Hopefully he'll stay around and have a few more dream matches with the likes of Undertaker, Cena, Reigns, and others.
You have to be a special kind of idiot to say something like that. The guy takes wrestling a little bit too seriously.

For one thing, it's not Goldberg's fault that Vince wanted him as Champ and that this match was booked this way.

At the same time Goldberg comes off a little selfish in all this. It almost feels like it should be a given for him that this last run should go on perfectly and that he does this for his son and no one else. It's almost too personal. But not in a someone that needs to prove himself kind of way but more like I deserve that my last run be perfect sort of way. In many ways it's a disrespect to the fans cause they deserve nothing but the best. You should think about them instead of you and only you. This is what makes wrestling so great cause of guys putting themselves on the line to serve the fans. Mick Foley was the greatest example of that. Does Goldberg wants to put the extra mile for the fans? I doubt it. He just wants to show his boy that he has the belt.

As far as the KO match though, it seems like Bill was put in a bad spot mainly cause of the booking of the match. People would have had less of a problem if it would have been a competitive match and Goldberg would have been kind enough to let KO shine. People would have gone "hey KO was destroyed but man did he come off well in that match".
The fan telling Goldberg to die did so over twitter. You could almost excuse it at a live show, but you have time to think about what you're typing online.

Chanting "die Rocky die" was more of a jab in that the character sucked ass. I doubt anyone chanting that thought Dwayne Johnson should expire, if they did they're sick.

Goldberg no sold the death jab and went on with his life. I have mixed feelings about the Goldberg farewell tour. WWE continues to lean on part timers to sell WrestleMania. The match card still could have included Brock vs Bill III without the title.

On the other hand, Humble-berg has been pretty refreshing. Dad-berg wrestling for the kids and his son without reaching John Cena levels of corny for the kids has been different, which is usually a good thing.

Goldberg was never a promo guy, so obviously that hasn't improved in his 12 year absence. Bleeding from his locker headbutt, falling down fighting someone (was it Rusev?), and having Heyman save him CM Punk chants haven't been highlights.

Nostalgia sells though. This is true across multiple business platforms. Nokia is releasing a new 3300, every movie is a reboot or refresh, and many products are going back to the basics. This has a bigger time crunch for WWE.

Marvel can reboot Spider-Man again and again until we're all dead and gone. Eventually Goldberg, Undertaker, and Brock's bodies will all fail to the point where wrestling isn't an option. Sting showed us how dangerous wrestling into your 50s can be.

The Goldberg nostalgia tour feels kind of right, but ultimately he should be working with a full timer. Losing the Universal title to Brock just gives Lesnar his W back, with a strap for insurance. The casual fans will eat it up.

There's no need to defend a person telling Goldberg to die on twitter. There's no need to think for a second Bill took it seriously. He realizes that the fan is an emotional moron reacting to the assumption Goldberg is stealing a spot.

Goldberg vs Lesnar is a battle of wrestling gods. If Goldberg was facing Owens, casuals would wonder who? Sadly, attracting casuals pays the bills as we hardcore fans will pay no matter what. I don't think there's a WWE fan on these forums that won't watch WrestleMania regardless of who's in the title match.

The real underlying issue is WWE's inability to create new Bills and Brocks. Braun Strowman has so much larger than life energy, yet he put over Roman and now seems to have no Mania program. Seth Rollins' face run has been pretty tepid and the most over face on the entire roster is 46 year old Chris Jericho.

I don't have an answer, but shitting on Goldberg isn't helping, considering that despite spending the Lesnar pin on short term gain, he's been booked fairly well. Unlike Batista, he's had a pair of matches leading to his WrestleMania main event.

WWE needs to create new stars, and that may include putting their full time guys in WrestleMania main events. I doubt it happens, but hopefully Randy and Bray go on last.
Death's a bit too much. Maybe some karmic post-concussion syndrome in honor of all the Canadians Goldberg's existence has managed to be a blight upon. Maybe Owens, Hart, and Jericho can surround him with hockey sticks and just do what needs to be done to get him off our TV screens.

I was a fan of Goldberg...when I was 9. Then I grew up, realized he was an unentertaining asshole with minimal talent and enough charisma to get by. He didn't need the belt for their match. That match would sell itself. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho should be Champion vs Champion. And taking the Universal Title out of the feud when it's been the centerpiece to their 6 month storyline just feels like they don't want Kevin Owens to have a shot at being the guy. They did this shit to Punk too. For another rematch. And it did nothing for the match.

And it will do nothing to add to Brock vs Goldberg. Vince doesn't want reliable main eventers. For some reason.
Wrestling fans always take things too far.. I'm guilty of it as well, I've told Sasha Banks on IG to die before many times.. Then she cried and blocked me, it was pretty awesome.. Nobody should take it too seriously. 9 times out of 10 they don't want them to die, it's just frustration or they're trying to piss off the wrestler.

Maybe its just me but I think this guy or anyone who wishes people dead has got something screwed up wrong with them such as the poster on here who wishes Sasha Banks dead,
I don't find it funny in the least, You must be sick in the head to find it "pretty awesome" to upset young ladies I honestly don't know how else to describe it, I don't see the point in saying it, Its not clever as I know they would never have the courage to say it to their face, Its not a cool thing to say it infact makes them just sound like some kind of a creepy pathetic psychopath, If you dislike them throw insults at them or change the TV but why wish them dead?
I wouldn't trust you I don't know how serious you are.
Wishing death upon someone is not exaclty just some friendly banter though is it? I'm sure Sasha and Goldberg can handle it but do you talk to your wife and kids like that too?

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