Ambrose & Reigns VS. The Wyatt Family: Where's It Going?


As needed, the Wyatt Family successfully defeated Ambrose, Reigns and Chris Jericho at Night of Champions. Having them lose their first six man match would've obliterated their momentum so, thankfully, that didn't happen. What do you think happens, or at least MIGHT POSSIBLY happen, in terms of this program over the next few months?

Last night, we saw Randy Orton help Ambrose & Reigns as they were beaten down and helped send the Family packing. So here's what I'm guessing could happen:

Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns & Randy Orton vs. The Wyatt Family at Hell in a Cell. I don't think it'll be a HIAC match itself as they're usually saved for either title matches or special attractions; they only had one HIAC match last year and Taker vs. Lesnar has already been announced to happen inside the Cell. At any rate, as with Jericho, I think this combination comes up short against the Family as well.

Now the next guy on the list that the Family took out is Reigns' cousin Jimmy Uso. I've no idea when Jey Uso is set to return but the notion of Uso joining Ambrose & Reigns doesn't have a whole lot of oomph to it. So, I was thinking that WWE could possibly use Survivor Series to combine a few programs in order to make the traditional Survivor Series elimination tag team match. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho & Jimmy Uso/Ryback vs. The Wyatt Family, Kevin Owens & Sheamus If Jimmy Uso doesn't seem like an appealing choice, Ryback could be substituted as he also has a history with Bray Wyatt and is embroiled in a program with Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental Championship. Sheamus' inclusion could be a way to, temporarily, continue his program with Orton while giving the Family/Owens alliance another big, powerful bruiser. In this setting, I still see the babyfaces coming up short.

In between these tag matches, there'll probably be a few singles bouts here & there that result in the Family members either winning or coming out ahead by leaving their opponents laid out.

So IF the idea is to have Ambrose & Reigns teamed with the wrestlers the Family has a history with and/or has taken out in recent weeks, what happens to this feud post Survivor Series?

Again, IF the plan is to have Ambrose & Reigns go through a succession of allies who've been messed up and/or have a long history with the Family, then it might start to get old seeing it after Survivor Series and I could see WWE doing it one last time by having Ambrose and Reigns go against the Family in a six man tag TLC match similar to what we saw with Team Hell No & Ryback vs. The Shield a few years back. If they went this route, then I'm of the opinion they need to have a major fan favorite step into help Ambrose & Reigns in order to finally help them gain a win. Ideally, at least in my eyes, Daniel Bryan would be a strong choice; if WWE isn't gonna clear the guy, then maybe he should ultimately retire or ask to be released so he can go somewhere else. He's said he's been cleared medically by every doctor he's seen, he's been doing just fine for months, so I think something needs to happen and this could be an ideal setting. It'd put Bryan in the middle of a high profile feud in a situation where he can be observed and protected to some degree due to being in a tag team setting so that his health and condition can be gauged.

Another possibility is that it leads to a Roman Reigns heel turn due to the frustration of being unable to get past the Family and possibly blaming Dean Ambrose for it, leading to a program between them.

I dunno, this is just a few possible scenarios I could see happening.
Personally I hope we are NOT headed for yet another 6-man Tag at HiaC(tho I see it coming due to lazy booking) as the story being repeatedly told in recent weeks is about how Roman Reigns wants Bray Wyatt Alone in a 1-on-1 match. Even last night, he made it clear that this is all about Reigns vs Bray and that is how it should be with those 2 in a HiaC match.

However, given what occured at the start of RAW last night, I cannot really find a proper way for it to happen without making the other 4 guys in the story seem expendable, nor do I have enough confidence in WWE to find a Creative way to get Roman vs Bray in the Cell for PPV.

Also, even if a HiaC match happens between the 2 Main guys in the storyline, I can see Reigns losing again to Bray in a protective manner, before Reigns gets a team together for a Survivor Series "feel-good" a la Team Cena vs Team Authority last year.
At the end of the day, both Roman and Bray should be amongst the biggest names in the company within a couple years at least, thus, I hope WWE doesn't damage one of them to elevate the other.
Ntm, Dean Ambrose(another with a possible ME future) needs to be sidetracked soon, Y2J in a feud would have been brilliant, lMO, and logical also.
Someone on the face side is going to turn heel on or before Survivor Series. Could be Ambrose, it could be Reigns. I sincerely hope it's not Orton, because that would be so unnecessary. But I'm sure Vince sees the money in Ambrose vs. Reigns, and it'll be absolutely fascinating to see how their fantastic chemistry translates into their matches. If Ambrose and Reigns get hot enough from the feud, we might even seen that dream Shield triple threat at Wrestlemania. That's a big IF, but one can dream.

Meanwhile, Braun Strowman is looking like an absolute monster. I've already thrown out this theory in KB's Q&A thread, but I feel like they're building up Strowman for something huge. And that something huge is a match with Lesnar at Wrestlemania, because the only way Wyatt would pose any kind of threat to Lesnar would be with Strowman at his side. Plus, Vince clearly trusts Bray with big Wrestlemania matches. A victory over Lesnar at Wrestlemania would give the Wyatt family enough heat to go where ever they want.

So those are my thoughts...

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