Reigns & Ambrose's Ally Discussion

I can almost guarantee its not going to be Kane.

My Top 5 for who its going to be: (not in any particular order)
1. The non-injured Uso
2. The Rock
3. Daniel Bryan
4. Erick Rowan
5. An NXT call up.
Read earlier that it will be a 6-Man Tag match at NoC and Ambreigns have to choose a partner by then.

Kane does seem a possibility, unfortunately. I do hope he isnt.

Nevertheless, having the 2 good guys actually work out a way to bring down Braun by themselves would have been a great story. However, as expected, WWE have taken the easy way out creative-wise yet again... meh. :(
I think I have been one of very few people who believe this is the best storyline WWE has going at the moment but if Kane is the third I will give up on it, Kane is wrong for a number of reasons

1. No interaction with Wyatt's for months
2. Recent feuds with both Reigns and Ambrose
3. OLD
6. Incapable of having a fast pace match
7. Incapable of having an entertaining match
8. Still needs to deal with Lesnar and Rollins

I proposed Jimmy Uso due to be Reigns' actual cousin and it would be smart in a feud around family that a member of Reigns' family would join, the way I would book it is to have Reigns and Ambrose ask a couple guys to team but either their scared of Braun or the Wyatt's take them out, then I would have Reigns and Ambrose getting beat down on the go home Smackdown episode before NoC and then have Jimmy Uso come off commentary with a chair hit Braun a few times and then with Reigns and Ambrose clear the ring of him, as he tries to get back in Wyatt and Harper who were watching on from ringside pull him back and say we will see you Sunday as Smackdown goes off air.
I can almost guarantee its not going to be Kane.

My Top 5 for who its going to be: (not in any particular order)
1. The non-injured Uso
2. The Rock
3. Daniel Bryan
4. Erick Rowan
5. An NXT call up.

I don't see it being Jimmy Uso, as they've had many opportunities to throw him into this feud, and haven't. Plus his brother is returning soon. This feud looks to drag on for a little while, so he might not be available.

The Rock again for me is a no go. As I said above, if this is a prolonged feud then he won't be around for every match. They need someone there week in and week out.

Daniel Bryan isn't cleared to wrestle, and doubt very highly they would put him into a feud with a monster on his return. If anything they'll have to wrap him in bubble wrap for a little while to avoid another injury. He does have history with Wyatt though.

Rowan is a possibility and a good one, but no-one knows when he's going to return. That would be the most obvious.

As for the NXT call up. I'm hesitant on this one as well. Who would they get? They taken a lot to the main roster already and other than Samoa Joe, no one else has the experience to take on Strowman. Maybe Rhyno?

I'm thinking it might be a returning Kane. He's still with the Authority though, unless the Authority somehow has a problem with the Wyatt's we don't know about, then he's out.

Really hoping it's not Big Show. If it's him, I'm going to start crying. So I guess it's a wait and see. Hope it's a good one and not a huge disappointment.
Oh good lord, if WWE goes with Baron Corbin I'm tuning out. Anyone who thinks he's a better option over Kane is crazy. I would even take the Uso option over Corbin.
3. He's the perfect first opponent for Braun Stroman. Braun's also the perfect last opponent for Kane. Kane could go out like a true class act by putting Stroman over.

This is the typical modern fan response. Braun Strowman debuted 30 seconds ago and someone's already calling for Kane to put him over and have his career ended. This obsession with the youth movement needs to die. You don't create the future by destroying the present, you create the future by BUILDING on the present. Kane being annihilated by Braun Strowman will accomplish nothing. If indeed they do feud, it needs to end 2-1 in Kane's favor.
This is the typical modern fan response. Braun Strowman debuted 30 seconds ago and someone's already calling for Kane to put him over and have his career ended. This obsession with the youth movement needs to die. You don't create the future by destroying the present, you create the future by BUILDING on the present. Kane being annihilated by Braun Strowman will accomplish nothing. If indeed they do feud, it needs to end 2-1 in Kane's favor.

And this is the typical Aquaman response. All you care about is preserving the legacies of people who are not going to be around 5 years from now; "Brock Lesnar beating Undertaker ruins Taker's legacy", "Kevin Owens beating the face of the company is an embarrassment", "Big Show should get one more World title reign"... I don't know if anyone's told you yet, but it's not 2004 anymore. Why in the name of all that is holy, would Kane go over Stroman if they were to feud? Kane has maybe two years left, while Braun is obviously somebody that WWE is looking at as a blue-chip prospect for the future. What does going over Braun do for Kane? Absolutely nothing.

Kane, Big Show, Taker, Sting, etc. are not the present, they are the past. People like Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Kevin Owens, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Dean Ambrose, and yes Braun Stroman are the present and the future. They are the ones that the WWE needs to build on, not a 45 year old Kane.

You also say, "you don't create the future by destroying the past." I agree, you create the future by phasing out the past, which is exactly what Kane is, the past.
My two choices would be either Ryback or Cesaro, but since Ryback will be busy at Night of Champions, I would suggest Cesaro.
The poster for NOC shows Corbin but now that we know that Vince might change things up. Kane is coming back next week 6 days before NOC and I really don't think it will be him. Jimmy is too small they need a big boy in there. I am kind of leaning towards Erik coming back to help Roman and Dean and than during the match he turns on them and Rock comes out to help Roman and Dean while they are getting beat on by the four Wyatt's.
Don't count out someone like Braun from NXT or even a former big man, Vince always has something up his sleeve.

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