Reigns & Ambrose's Ally Discussion

Hopefully no one.
Adding a third guy is the easy way out for WWE Creative. How about developing a proper storyline with Ambreigns against the odds(because of the Monster 3rd Wyatt) after their SummerSlam win... have them struggle, show their true brotherhood and about to crack,etc... but that would require Creative to invest in their storyline properly :shrug:
Jimmy Uso. I have just finished watching CSR where they discussed the possibility of giving Reigns and Ambrose a partner in their feud with the Wyatt Family and the names discussed included Kane and Apollo Crews but in a story based around family why not bring in Reigns' actual cousin. Reigns is related to Jimmy Uso and as various documentaries and interviews have suggested they were very close growing up and good friends backstage so why not have Jimmy join the feud to give him something better to do than commentary while Jey is out injured. He is the most logical option due his relationship with Reigns plus his talent level and previous history with the Wyatt's would make him the perfect fit IF WWE wanted to add a partner for Reigns and Ambrose to even up the numbers.

That would be dope, leading to a great Survivor Series match at Survivor Series. It's been a while since we had a meaningful Survivor Series match at Survivor Series without involving the biggest faces of the company.

Usos/Ambrose/Reigns vs. Strowman/Bray/Rowan/Harper
They definitely need a 3rd (or maybe 4th) addition.

I keep waiting for Rowan to return any night now, but the question would be is he returning against the Wyatt's with the angle that he was replaced or to give them a 4th?

If it's to give them a 4th then maybe the Uso's are the best option.

If not then they only need one and Samoa Joe would be pretty cool to see in that role.

Maybe they've got something up their sleeve we aren't even considering? Kane? A quick Big Show face turn (him vs. Strowman would be interesting)...

Lastly, I'd love to see Rowan return at some point and give the Wyatt's a truly fearsome foursome that takes the fear level to new heights and challenges "The Authority" as they try to legit take down the establishment that runs the show. Could be a great angle as we go to Survivor Series.
They definitely need a 3rd (or maybe 4th) addition.

You know what? After watching the events of last night, I'm wondering whether adding people to the Reigns/Ambrose party is the way to go. After Roman entered the Braun-Dean match, the behemoth easily handled both good guys. Given that, I wonder if the way to deal with this problem is to simply add enough people to Roman's side until they can overwhelm Team Wyatt with sheer numbers. This might be a situation the two faces have to deal with by themselves; the fact the two of them don't seem to be able to accomplish this at present is, in effect, the storyline of the program.

Then again, when Roman started to make some headway against Braun, Luke Harper stepped in.......and man, doesn't he have a good-looking super kick for such a big guy? Still, the sight of Roman Reigns and his buddy Dean laid out by one newcomer is unsettling enough......and the way in which the writers have Roman eventually overcome the problem could really further his push as an elite performer.........or screw it up royally.
You know what? After watching the events of last night, I'm wondering whether adding people to the Reigns/Ambrose party is the way to go. After Roman entered the Braun-Dean match, the behemoth easily handled both good guys. Given that, I wonder if the way to deal with this problem is to simply add enough people to Roman's side until they can overwhelm Team Wyatt with sheer numbers. This might be a situation the two faces have to deal with by themselves; the fact the two of them don't seem to be able to accomplish this at present is, in effect, the storyline of the program.

Then again, when Roman started to make some headway against Braun, Luke Harper stepped in.......and man, doesn't he have a good-looking super kick for such a big guy? Still, the sight of Roman Reigns and his buddy Dean laid out by one newcomer is unsettling enough......and the way in which the writers have Roman eventually overcome the problem could really further his push as an elite performer.........or screw it up royally.

As you have alluded to, Ambreigns trying to find a way to counter the Wyatt Monster is a great story waiting to be told and could really help people get invested in both Reigns and Ambrose's characters.

Simply adding a new guy to even up the numbers seems the lazy way to go for a potential great story that could pull a couplr more PPVs if done well. Also, adding a third member, who if a known commodity, will serve to take the spotlight off of Ambreigns, and I dont see the benefits in that Storyline-wise.

Ntm, Rowan will return also (hopefully to make the Wyatts a Foursome), which would help shape a huge Survivor Series showdown.
You know what? After watching the events of last night, I'm wondering whether adding people to the Reigns/Ambrose party is the way to go. After Roman entered the Braun-Dean match, the behemoth easily handled both good guys. Given that, I wonder if the way to deal with this problem is to simply add enough people to Roman's side until they can overwhelm Team Wyatt with sheer numbers. This might be a situation the two faces have to deal with by themselves; the fact the two of them don't seem to be able to accomplish this at present is, in effect, the storyline of the program.

Then again, when Roman started to make some headway against Braun, Luke Harper stepped in.......and man, doesn't he have a good-looking super kick for such a big guy? Still, the sight of Roman Reigns and his buddy Dean laid out by one newcomer is unsettling enough......and the way in which the writers have Roman eventually overcome the problem could really further his push as an elite performer.........or screw it up royally.

I get what you're saying, but you can do both things at the same time.

You can add a 3rd to the reigns/ambrose team to help offset the pure numbers game and deal with bray/luke in a brawl at the same time roman gets a push from handling, and eventually defeating, the monster strowman....

the issue right now, as you eluded to, is that strowman is being made into a total beast who can easily handle both reigns and ambrose and even if they start pushing on him bray or luke then attack and it's over... therefore, an addition is definitely necessary but reigns can still come out looking great if you leave him as the one to finally take down braun
If they were going to use Jey Uso as a Solo, they would have already... they've clearly decided to keep the team together.

I'd actually go with.... Samoa Joe... Bring him up to the main roster - he's big, tough and would be that great "mystery partner" for Reigns & Ambrose... they can even play off the Samoan but not related thing... Roman is like "I can trust this guy cos he's one of us, and we're all family" setting up a great heel turn for Joe.
As for another name to throw on the laundry list if WWE were to go this direction...

Solomon Crowe, who just lost the newest attempt to try to redefine his NXT act when Zahra was fired, is floundering in NXT right now due to a confusion over what direction to head with him, and a resulting struggle to get over(a problem "Sami" never had on the indies). He would seem to be a logical choice to pair up with Dean and Roman due to his long history aside Dean on the indies which goes back as far as at least '06 in HCW. He and Dean have shed a lot of blood together and WWE could just flash some old pictures and draw that brotherhood between he and Dean instantly into people's psyche and make his belonging logical.

Crowe has the ability to get over in this role as he would fit the duo, and is stronger in the ring than either of his proposed main roster stablemates. Hell, the WWE has even experimented with Crow wearing gear that looks remarkably Shield-esque:

Jimmy Uso would kind of make sense but would be a bit anti climatic. Plus it would need to be someone who could be a legitimate threat to Braun Strowman now they've basically made him a bearded Brock Lesnar.

It would probably be better to see Reigns and Ambrose defeat the Wyatt's on their own.
Let's say that Wyatt, with his new henchman Strowman, and also Harper continue to dominate Reigns and Ambrose over the coming weeks.

If Rowan comes back and joins the Wyatts it makes their Family even more dominant. They challenge Reigns and Ambrose to a traditional four on four match at Survivor Series, with Wyatt laughing about Ambrose's inability to make friends.

Meanwhile, New Day end up facing PTP again for the tag team titles. On the last RAW before SS the four Wyatts surround Ambrose and Reigns in the ring.

At that moment the Dudleyz music hits and they rush the ring to help even up the numbers. And we have our match at Survivor Series.

What do you think?
I think that at Night of Champions Rollins loses to Sting, who is then cashed in on by Sheamus, and it the next PPV there's a triple threat with all 3 men, and Triple H screws Rollins over and turns face, and shortly after that he joins back up with Reigns and Ambrose for a reunion of the Shield
I think that at Night of Champions Rollins loses to Sting, who is then cashed in on by Sheamus, and it the next PPV there's a triple threat with all 3 men, and Triple H screws Rollins over and turns face, and shortly after that he joins back up with Reigns and Ambrose for a reunion of the Shield

Why ppl think that Rollins can just simply "join back up with the SHIELD" when he is done with the Authority is beyond me. Rollins stabbed them in the back to join the enemy, why would they be interested in having him back so suddenly?
IF the Sheild were to EVER fully re-unite, it should be a one night only type of thing to fight a common enemy and then disband forever. If you dwell too much on the past, it will bury you. The Sheild ended perfectly, right when it should have. Everyone was better off for it. To do it once would be a really cool nostalgic thing. To do it for an extended period of time would lessen every member of it.
IF the Sheild were to EVER fully re-unite, it should be a one night only type of thing to fight a common enemy and then disband forever. If you dwell too much on the past, it will bury you. The Sheild ended perfectly, right when it should have. Everyone was better off for it. To do it once would be a really cool nostalgic thing. To do it for an extended period of time would lessen every member of it.

At present, I can only see the SHIELD re-uniting for a push to finish the Authority, who are the Big Bad currently.
Ambreigns vs the Wyatt family is a midcard feud at current, and Rollins is embroiled in more high-profile feuds... having him taking a step down at this point makes no sense whatsoever unless it is for another ME-level feud.
the issue right now, as you eluded to, is that strowman is being made into a total beast who can easily handle both reigns and ambrose and even if they start pushing on him bray or luke then attack and it's over... therefore, an addition is definitely necessary but reigns can still come out looking great if you leave him as the one to finally take down braun

That makes a lot of sense. The notion of evening up the sides (3 on 3) is a good one; it won't take away from Roman Reigns being the one who ultimately takes down Braun Strowman......the point being that fans of Dean Ambrose and whomever the third guy is, aren't going to be the main men in the resolution of this feud. As I see it, they'll essentially be onlookers in the final segment as Roman chops Braun down to size. I hope they keep Braun looking strong; he really has the goods, but this whole program is for the education of Roman Reigns.

I really like the way WWE has dealt with the problem of Bray Wyatt's influence waning in WWE. Bringing in this monster is the jump-start needed by the Wyatt family. Yes, it sort of casts Bray to the side, but provides Roman & Dean with a giant problem to solve....and that's just what Roman needs to advance to main event level later this Fall.
I'd kind of like to have a third guy join them but I fear that what will happen is that they still think that Reigns is actually superman and that taking Braun down will make the "WWE Universe" love him.

When braun appeared, he dismantled them, in like 2 min flat, and on his own, last mnday on raw, while Ambrose was getting his ass kicked, Reigns arrived and managed to get a few shots in, make Strowman stumble, before Harper interfered...

So my idea is that this trend will continue un til " SUPERMAN PUNCH!!!!(x3 to x10) SPEEEEEEEAAAARRRR!!!!! Roman Reins is so strong, you should love him!

Yes I'm a bit bitter, but it's against my will, I'd really like to like Roman Reigns, but he is so predictable in the ring, and his booking too, like at summerlam, Ambrose did all the work (Roman's sleeping!!!) gets the tag, punch punch spear pin lol.

But if someone was really to join, I would have to put my money on Rowan, Big Show or Samoa joe, in that order, for reasons other posters have said above.
Is there a possibility that Daniel Bryan is cleared by WWE? If so, he would make a lot of sense to make the save on the last Raw before Night of Champions. Bryan tries to get him in the Yes Lock and Stroman powers out and gets dragged out of the ring by Wyatt and Harper. Stroman still looks strong and doesn't have to back down from the smaller Bryan. This is all contingent on him be cleared.

It is more likely that they have someone like Uso or Ryder whose job is to get destroyed by Stroman outside the ring while Reigns and Ambrose pick up the win.
I have a hunch we will see a pissed off Rowan join Reigns and Ambrose... He returns and is pissed about being replaced... Just a hunch...

I remember talk of Mason Ryan joining the Shield before his release... Why not bring him back as the new powerhouse of the shield to combat the the new face of destruction Stroman

These were my two first thoughts.

I don't know why Mason Ryan was released, if he just wasn't good enough or if the pressure was too much or what but I thought it would be a cool idea to bring him back in for something like this.

I also thought about how Rowan coming back and trying to do some damage.

Rowan would make the most sense of anyone though.
I have to imagine it will be Rowan, if you remember back before Survivor Series last year they tried to book Rowan as a super genius. He was booted from the Wyatt Family right before their reunion due to injury.

How I'd book it: Rowan returns at Night of Champions on the side of the Wyatt Family. Everyone gets their great foursome of Bray, Braun, Harper and Rowan until maybe Hell In A Cell, have Rowan turn on his Wyatt companions..he is literally jealous of his spot being stolen. In his mind he still is the muscle of the Wyatt Family.

Survivor Series can feature a big 5 on 5 match featuring possible guys such as; Sting, Cena, Bryan, New Day, Dudleys, Ascension, etc. Just keep the Wyatt's winning.

I don't know how you would end this story though, a simple loss wouldn't end mind control. That is where this gets interesting, unless Bray "sets them free" again.

Another option would be STING, of course it's unlikely being as he's fighting Rollins at NoC. But it could have been an option
Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose partner is no other than Kane. Think about it their partner is expected to be revealed on Monday. Kane returns on Monday. Also the fact that Kane could be a believable threat againsdf Braun, if they bring him back as a monster. I'm not talking 2011 monster. I'm talking either 2003 monster or 1997 monster.

It would kinda be odd since Kane has beef with both Reigns and Ambrose. But now they have common enemies in The Authority and The Wyatt's. Think about it, Kane never got his revenge on The Wyatt Family and Braun is the Kane of this era.

It could even lead to a Kane/Braun match at WrestleMania.

Think about it Kane returning to his '97 music would be a moment to remember. Usually Mania is legend return season. But this season we already has seen thee returns of Taker,Lesnar,Sting,Cena ,The Dudleys.,and possibly old skool Kane on Monday.

Have Kane come back as a silent demented disturbed monster. Have him not say nothing until Mania time and when he does talk bring back his voice gimmick.
Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose partner is no other than Kane. Think about it their partner is expected to be revealed on Monday. Kane returns on Monday. Also the fact that Kane could be a believable threat againsdf Braun, if they bring him back as a monster. I'm not talking 2011 monster. I'm talking either 2003 monster or 1997 monster.

It would kinda be odd since Kane has beef with both Reigns and Ambrose. But now they have common enemies in The Authority and The Wyatt's. Think about it, Kane never got his revenge on The Wyatt Family and Braun is the Kane of this era.

It could even lead to a Kane/Braun match at WrestleMania.

Think about it Kane returning to his '97 music would be a moment to remember. Usually Mania is legend return season. But this season we already has seen thee returns of Taker,Lesnar,Sting,Cena ,The Dudleys.,and possibly old skool Kane on Monday.

Have Kane come back as a silent demented disturbed monster. Have him not say nothing until Mania time and when he does talk bring back his voice gimmick.

Kane vs. Braun Strowman at WrestleMania? What a complete waste of a match on the card. Kane deserves better and Strowman should be nowhere NEAR WrestleMania, unless he's just managing Wyatt and/or Harper. At most, stick in a match on the pre-show or in the ATGMBR and have him eliminated early.

Anyway, my personal pick for the third man on Reigns's team is Cesaro. His feud with Kevin Owens seems to be more or less over, and despite the huge size difference, Cesaro can easily match Strowman in the power department, if not overpower him outright. When you can deadlift The Great Khali with EASE, there probably isn't any strength-related feat you can't perform. It gives Cesaro a big spot on the Night of Champions card and an opportunity to work with opponents he's never faced in a program before.
Will it be Kane? Probably. All signs have pointed to him anyway considering they need somebody big/strong to help Dean and Roman. Big Show's still involved with Ryback, Khali's gone and broken, Taker wouldn't fight in this feud, Brock's not going to fight in this feud, and they aren't going to call up somebody else from NXT. Kane's been gone for a month and a bit now and he's been rumoured to return post-SummerSlam ever since filming wrapped up.

Plus how long have superstars been pointing out that Kane lost his monster-edge to him?

Now, I could see him returning with the mask, but he's not going to stay silent. You can't have a guy talk consistently for over a decade and then just have him shut up. Plus a seven month feud with Braun would not be exciting. Sure, Braun has Bray speaking for him, but Braun is still kind of green in the ring, especially if you were to throw him into a singles match for his first WM. Plus if Kane is silent, who talks for him? Paul Bearer (God rest his soul) isn't around anymore and nobody else would fit the role. Plus having that stupid device would be...well....stupid.

Also, I don't see how Braun is the new Kane. He's been around for a hot minute, but I see no similarities except they they are big and strong. Besides that, Braun isn't even close to Kane.

tl;dr - Kane will probably help Ambrose and Reigns, but Braun isn't this era's Kane. He's this era's Braun Strowman.
If it is Kane then please let it be that he's in his 2002 attire. The recent mask-related attire has sucked arse.
Now, you see, I don't think it's Kane. I think someone else would be a much bigger surprise. Granted from the standpoint of PHYSICALLY matching up with Braun, it doesn't work, but if you try to match his physicality with someone's persona, it does.

If they do go this route, I'd rather they not reveal it until the night of OR the go home Raw.

He said that he's been cleared by doctors, but WWE hasn't cleared him yet. Maybe they've been waiting until something needed that extra boost before we see a returning Daniel Bryan.

Not to mention, he's also had a beef with the Wyatts before.
Yup, probably will end up being Kane which I'm not as upset about as I thought I'd be. Not many people make sense when looking at a particular partner for Ambrose and Reigns, but Kane could work for a few reasons;

1. After months of hearing people talk about how Kane is a shell of his former shelf, a lap dog, The Authority's little bitch, etc. he finally decides to unleash the monster inside. What better way to prove to everybody that he's still The Big Red Monster than by targeting the new immovable object in the WWE? He'd also be great fodder for Braun.

2. Kane and Bray have a history. The Wyatt's were his last feud before he lost the mask and became The Director of Operations. He can throw in some BS like, "you took the fire from me, but now it burns hotter than ever"... anything to tie him into this feud.

3. He's the perfect first opponent for Braun Stroman. Braun's also the perfect last opponent for Kane. Kane could go out like a true class act by putting Stroman over.

As for "full 1997" Kane, what does that mean? He can go back to the full bodysuit, silence, and full-length mask but that would just be going backwards. Kane's good on the mic and it would be an asset to use him as a mouthpiece. Also, it wouldn't be the same. A new mask and his old school music would be fine.

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