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Alberto Del Rio will become World Champion this year?


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Looking at the past 3 years, the Rumble winners have NOT gone on to win the World titles at WrestleMania, However, they managed to win the title later that year..

John Cena won the Rumble in 2008, put in a triple threat match at Mania and lost, he then won it at Survivor Series against Chris Jericho.. in 2009 it was Randy Orton, won the Rumble but got destroyed at Mania, only to win it at Backlash, which was the very next ppv.. Last year it was Edge, Made a return at the Rumble, won it but then lost in his match against Jericho.. Edge then went on to finally win the big gold belt at TLC, the last ppv of the year and has held the title since..

Before 2008, it happened to The Rock back in 2000, he went on to win the title at Backlash, the next ppv..

Now I know those 3 are more recognised and have had past world title runs, but it's definately a possibility for Del Rio this year.. I for one am hoping he takes the belt at Mania, but if he doesn't! Looking at the past 3 years, there is a chance he could take the titles later this year..

Am I looking into this too much? Or do you see this as a possibility?
My money is on him winning it at Wrestlemania. The guy has been on a meteoric rise since his debut and has not disappointed. I see no reason why it shouldn't continue with a championship win at the industry's biggest event.

I for one cannot wait to see what a heel like Del Rio does as World Heavyweight Champion.
It is his destiny to win at Wrestlemania 27 but you already know that. He is getting a huge push right now and it would be kind of dumb for him not to win the World Title match. I am hoping Christian will be involved and he pins Christian. Edge will then blame Christian later on and they can feud. Edge won it at Survivor Series not TLC last year.....
^No, he did win it at TLC. Remember, both Kane and Edge's shoulders were down.

I am a huge Del Rio mark like I said and I hope he wins it at Mania. It may be a triple threat match. I just hope that, no matter what happens, we do NOT see Edge AND Cena walk out of Mania with their respected titles. That would KILL MANIA for me. It really would. This would tell me that WWE is invested but not THAT invested in their youth movement. Del Rio has all that it takes become WHC and no matter what people say that he is boring or that he sucks- IMO he is not. Just give him new promo material to work with.

I don't care if Miz wins and Edge wins, I don't care if Del Rio wins and Cena wins (Well, if I HAVE to put up with Cena, give me Del Rio) If Christian wins along with Miz/Cena, fine. But PLEASE WWE, I'M BEGGING YOU- I DO NOT WANT TO SEE BOTH EDGE AND CENA WIN!!!! That would be the WORST of both worlds (the best of both worlds is Del Rio and Miz winning)
I really hope that Del Rio wins!!

The guy can brag about is rookie year and that have acomplished more than anyone in a single year, etc...
He is one of the best performers (alongside DBD and JackSwagger & JoMo) of the WWE right now, believe me, go see is MMA matches, he is gold!!

And the thing that i like Del Rio, is that he isnt a coward, he doesnt need schemes to win the tittle!!
He is a Heel, that can really win any match clean!!!

My money goes to Del Rio, WWE needs that!!
Putting Del Rio over Edge? Really? No.


Why not?

Edge has been champion what 11 times now?

He doesn't need the belt to be relevant or to be elevated.

Why not give it to a younger star to entrench him in the main event picture?

I also firmly believe that they should NOT give Cena another run with the title while wasting the investment they've put into elevating the Miz to the main event picture.

For me, Del Rio and the Miz as champions sounds a lot more exciting than the same thing that I've seen for the past several years.
yes have del rio win at wrestlemania!! like it was stated earlier edge dosnt need to win to be elevated or anything like that! have del rio win at 27 and have a nice lengthy reign! it would be nice and refreshing to have it end up that way!
I really hope that Del Rio wins!!

The guy can brag about is rookie year and that have acomplished more than anyone in a single year, etc...
He is one of the best performers (alongside DBD and JackSwagger & JoMo) of the WWE right now, believe me, go see is MMA matches, he is gold!!

And the thing that i like Del Rio, is that he isnt a coward, he doesnt need schemes to win the tittle!!
He is a Heel, that can really win any match clean!!!

My money goes to Del Rio, WWE needs that!!

Del Rio's rookie year won't even come close to the rookie years of Angle and Lesnar so let's get that straight. I hope Del Rio and I pray that Christian isn't added because there's no reason he should be added. There have been four triple threat matches at WM for the title and they all weren't needed and three were at the expense of the Royal Rumble winner. I want Del Rio to win clean over Edge and Edge only.
He won it in a fatal four way TLC match Disturbed.

I actually hope he don't win it at Wrestlemania. I'm a huge mark for Alberto Del Rio and I don't want him to have the Swagger effect and become a regular on Superstars. ADR is much bigger than Swagger is so the chance of that happening is smaller. Plus, the guy is new in the WWE. I think Christain should get the belt at WM.
I'm betting on Del Rio to win at Wrestlemania. Why not? He's been absolutely gerat since his debut and has not disappointed me once. I'm loving Del Rio. He's great as far as in ring work goes, can cut promos, even with broken English, and has shown that he's capable of grabbing the brass ring.

Simply put, it's his destiny;)
Del Rio's rookie year won't even come close to the rookie years of Angle and Lesnar so let's get that straight.

Yes i know, but when those came to the WWE, he havent PG, so it was easier to make a statement, and if you dont give him credit, you arent paying attention, he his very good too, but yes we cant put at the same level as Lesnar (the only one i saw, sorry :x) and GoldBerg (I loved the undefeated streak)

;) Alberto Del Rio for the WIN !!! However Edge please dont retire withouth win the IC Tittle, just to give that more credit :D
Wow, I can't believe so many people are so eager to give Del Rio a championship already. Does anybody actually believe in building stars anymore. Apparently we should just use the WWE title as a prop to help elevate those we want to get over instead of taking the time to have the star reach their full potential and then reward them, if they have actually earned it.

I like Del Rio a lot. He is probably my favorite star out of all the crop of new talent WWE has been pushing for the past 2-3 years or so. Del Rio is definitely the whole package, I agree. One of the upsides to him is that the guy obviously has gotten experience from being a star in countries outside the U.S. and it has helped him get as good as he is.

With all that said, the guy has just entered the biggest fed in the world and as much as I have been impressed with his character and his matches, when you really step back and look at what he has done thus far in the short 8-month or so period he has been here, all you he has is a couple wins over Mysterio and Kofi. That's fine but that's all he has done and that's not really all that impressive. Since when was that an impressive enough resume to given an opportunity to ME mania.

I wasnt really that upset about him getting a title match this early but I really dont think he needs to win the title already. Honestly, why is everyone in such a hurry. This is not how you make stars. It takes time. He is not going to automatically become over just because you give him the strap. It dosent work like that and never has. WWE is just being lazy. Atleast with Lesnar and Angle, those guys had bunch of big wins and fights under their belts. Plus they both had more achievements like KOTR than Del Rio has done thus far. So if you're push somebody hard, give him the creditentials to back him up so the guy actually looks like a legit contender. Right now on paper Edge (11x champ vs 1xRRW Del Rio) is pretty weak.

This guy is obviously good enough to champion in the future, maybe even later this year but there is no reason he needs to win this early in his career. At least build up his resume throughout the rest of the year. WWE is creating a bad trend of just giving the strap to anyone they want to get over. Its like you dont even have to work hard for it, look at Sheamus. I think we are buying a little too much in Del Rio and he really hasnt proven himself yet. I guess the titles dont mean anything to you guys anymore, you just want new faces in the picture. Well if will be better for Del Rio if he goes through the proper stages of the ladder that help him build his character and craft. It will give him more credibility and bring more legitimacy to the title than if he were to win it now. The title, IMO should be given to the guy who is performing at their highest level and reached close to full potential. This match will be good for Del Rio to build upon those things and it will add another big name/fight on his resume. He does not need to win though, it wont hurt him because he will still be a royal rumble winner anyway.

If anything, after this he should go on to feud with Christian. A feud that will finally put an end to their hatred for each other. This could put Del Rio over big and it looks more legit than Del Rio being shoved down the public's throat. Him being champ this early is a risk. He is untested and this may lead to bad booking that damages his character. Besides how about giving Edge a real title reign that actually last longer than 2-3 months. Has Edge retained at WM, I don't think so. I think he has earned it with all that he has done for the company over the last few years.
Alberto Rodriguez will win The World Title at Mania & Christian will help him. For does that believe that Alberto is a rookie or shouldn't be trusted with the title, don't know anything about him or his career. He has 10 yrs under his belt as a pro wrestler, he is well known internationally , has a great amateur wrestling career ( 3rd at the 1997 World Junior Championships, 3 times 1st place finish at Central American & Caribbean Games, 1 Gold Medal at the 1999 Pan Am Games and would had been a 2000 Olympian if Mexico would sent a team.) and also had a decent short MMA Career ( 9-5 ). Not to knock anybody opinion on here but we should research the guys past before knocking him down, and The Legacy he speaks of is about his family Dos Cara ( His Father ) & ( Uncle ) Mil Mascara. His Legacy is about tradition.
Who is knocking him ? If anyone is to blame for a star's management it is the creative team. I am just talking about the way he is or may be booked. I have not knocked him, in fact I praised him multiple times as one of the best WWE has to offer. Obviously the guy is talented and is a good wrestler but that does not mean he will not be used improperly. I am not trying to down play any of his success outside WWE.

Looking at all those accomplishments prove he is as good as he says he is. But now he is in a different ball park and if anything WWE is not showing us that same list of accomplishments when they could use them to build his cred. The WWE didnt even let him use his own real name, so they are trying to brand this character as their creation. All of saying is, there probably a lot of fans in the current WWE audience that dont know his background or dont think its important. For him to get in WWE, he will need to prove himself in the WWE ring thats all I am saying. I just believe gaining more wins or big match experiences do more to help build his cred and legitimacy than winning the strap early on, which looks very forced.
I truly hope not..

If history has told us anything these past few years is that, these new stars are not ready to hold World Titles so quickly.
I truly hope not..

If history has told us anything these past few years is that, these new stars are not ready to hold World Titles so quickly.

Who exactly?

Miz? I wouldn't say he isn't ready, it's just the creative team haven't involved him much in the Cena/Rock story.. But I wouldn't say he isn't a decent champion, he still gets heat..

Sheamus? If anything, he is the best newcomer, I think he was a good champion, and just because he didn't get clean wins, that doesn't mean he isn't a good champion, that's the way he was booked, and if WWE thought he wasn't ready, they wouldn't have given him a 2nd reign..

Dolph Ziggler? I'm not even gonna call his a reign, but a lot of guys here will agree with me that he is ready..

Jack Swagger? This is the man you will probabpy be on about, since everyone thinks he had a crap run.. IMO, he wasn't the worst world champion..
Alberto Rodriguez will win The World Title at Mania & Christian will help him. For does that believe that Alberto is a rookie or shouldn't be trusted with the title, don't know anything about him or his career. He has 10 yrs under his belt as a pro wrestler, he is well known internationally , has a great amateur wrestling career ( 3rd at the 1997 World Junior Championships, 3 times 1st place finish at Central American & Caribbean Games, 1 Gold Medal at the 1999 Pan Am Games and would had been a 2000 Olympian if Mexico would sent a team.) and also had a decent short MMA Career ( 9-5 ). Not to knock anybody opinion on here but we should research the guys past before knocking him down, and The Legacy he speaks of is about his family Dos Cara ( His Father ) & ( Uncle ) Mil Mascara. His Legacy is about tradition.


Anyway, yes I think Del Rio will win the title at Mania. While I do like giving guys the slow pushes over the years, I think Del Rio should win it and hold it for a long time. I want guys like Ziggler, Morrison, and Sheamus (once he works his way up again) to get the slow pushes.
I mean really who are any of us to say who should hold a title from the moment they debut? If they are able to draw thats all that matters? forget a reputation backstage and with online fans these guys dont care....John Cena got his first title shot within a year and was already champion within less than 3 years.....obviously management made the right choice on him....Brock held it less than a few months....I mean really maybe Del Rio is ready....this isnt the old days guys, some guys are faster and some guys are slower....and if you even think about calling Zigglers first title slow then you guys are slow to be honest....hell even Undertaker won his first title within a few months or whatever, and even Big Show won his first title his FIRST MATCH....I think ADR is ready....not everybody is going to be an Edge or HBK where it takes them like forever to win it....it all depends on right time right circumstances...the champ will either prove themself or not...think either Miz or Swagger for that last comment....ADR SHOULD win at Mania
I honestly do not think that Del Rio will win the World Title of Wrestlemania.

Sure, I would love him to win the Title, but it seem's that WWE may be setting up for a fued between Edge and Christian for the World Championship, which Christian turning heel in the near future.

Del Rio would probably be drafted to RAW in the draft lottery and have an amazing fued with John Cena.

Whatever the case, no he's not being held down if he does'nt win. He's got a long illustrious future ahead of himself and sure enough he'll be Champion in the future.
I'm betting on Del Rio to win at Wrestlemania.. reason why? Because he has had a massive push over the months or year and then why would you just let him drop.. That just makes it a waste of time.
He's got good ringwork, has a bit of experience in MMA and can cut good promos and decent mic skills. Great heel and he is believable.
He is my favorite current superstar and its his destiny to win the WHC.. ;)

I think they will have 1 face win which is Cena then 1 heel win which is Del Rio, stupid having 2 heel champions. Not many will like it.

Could they put Christian in the match on next weeks Smackdown? It's possible then Del Rio wins and something will happen between Christian and Edge creating them a feud for a while taking Edge out of the title picture. Then giving Del Rio a match against someone else, Edge has been in the title picture for too long, way too long.
Wow, I can't believe so many people are so eager to give Del Rio a championship already. Does anybody actually believe in building stars anymore.

Here's the thing though, Alberto Del Rio IS built as a star. Even going as far as to ignore his pre-WWE career (which saw him hold a couple of World titles) let's look at what's happened with him since he's arrived.

In June of 2010, vignettes for the guy start to run... getting him a bunch of heat because here was this new guy claiming to be pure greatness and nothing more.

July of 2010, Alberto Del Rio finally shows up. His first order of business was to challenge Rey Mysterio to a match, which he WON. He then later went and proceeded to destroy Rey Mysterio and sideline him for months, which set up for another feud... this time with Christian.

During THAT feud, Christian ends up finding out that Rey Mysterio didn't get hurt cause Del Rio was picking on the weak, but instead because Del Rio was a beast. Also around this time, he starts entering into the ring with his own ring announcer.

Through October to the first Smackdown of 2011, Del Rio would continue his feud with Rey Mysterio, where I think Del Rio came out the winner... and he then went on to compete in the 40 Man Royal Rumble, and WIN! An accolade that I'm sure won't be soon forgotten.

Following this, Del Rio gets another side feud while building his Mania match with Edge as well. Del Rio goes and starts a feud with Kingston, who was already a champion then. The guy demolished Kingston and at the end of Elimination Chamber, went to attack Edge until Christian interrupted. After which, put Del Rio in the fray.

After NXT season 4, Del Rio brings up his rookie from that show to be his body guard and since then, he's been working a very solid and intriguing storyline with Edge AND Christian. He didn't have the Sheamus or Swagger coming from Left Field treatment... he literally had a build.

As for the main topic at hand, I believe that Alberto Del Rio will in fact go on to win the world title at Mania. The guy's already got everything it takes to be the top heel of the brand, and if there ever was a time to put icing on the cake for the WWE to build a new star, it's now.

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