Alberto Del Rio Says He Actually Hates The Miz, In Real Life

Read about the interview.

Obviously ADR doesn't know Miz. I know from watching him on Real World/RR challenges that the character he plays on TV is an exaggeration of who he really is. Miz worked on his character for years, even showcasing it through the challenges on MTV.

Its normal for co-workers to dislike each other...its normal for them to want to hit each other. I dont think this was WWE telling ADR to bash Miz. There have been interviews over the years with different wrestlers talking about how much they can't stand someone. Hell for awhile Triple H and Taker couldn't stand each other on a personal level, but professionally they had respect.

I might be in the majority on this one...but I like Miz. He entertains me and I think he is good enough in the ring.

This will blow over.
Uh... I don't think wrestlers actually go around trying to punch their co-workers outside of the show. Not without it resulting into security, arrests and firings.
Also, talking to the media about backstage problems is, as someone already mentioned, extremely unprofessional.

So either Del Rio exaggerated things (possible), or it is just a flat out work.
True or not, which I don't think most of it is. I agree with the athlete part, but a lot of people forget that, miz has earned a lot of people in the companies respect from being banned for the locker room for over a year and kept showing up for work, even though there is major heat on him for something that wasn't his fault.
And bottom line the miz as champion was a HELL of a bigger draw than del rio was as champion. The miz has a better character imo, people want to see the miz get his ass kicked because he's a dick, and people just simply don't care about del rio
I don't see this as a work, but I can see this as del rio just trying to stir the pot a little bit.
Even if he does hate him to publically say it is stupid. Why did he have to say it. All it does it bring unwanted publicity to the company. Both guys are going to be the future of the company so instead of making the problem bigger you should be trying to patch it up or atleast not call the Miz out.
Miz Vs Del Rio at Mania. Mania needs to start shaping up and neither of these guys have opponents for Mania. I wouldnt be suprised if Del Rio came back as a face and a program gets started with these two based on ADR's comments.

When Miz was champion, he appeared on a LOT of shows like Leno. He appeared on almost every talk show there was in he wasnt in character. Miz came off as VERY fact I thought he was doing his heel character a dis-service from being so cool, funny, humble and just an all around great guy. Miz may be annoying back stage but I doubt very seriously he's as bad as ADR says he is. ADR may have taken it upon himself to try to initiate a Mania program for himself and Miz. He's smart enough to know how to go about doing this. He has nothing to lose: Either Vince will get whim of this and have creative start working toward a program with the two, or absolutely nothing will come of this in the ring but ADR planted the seeds nevertheless, so he has nothing to lose. It was smart on ADR's part. He has nothing to gain by trashing the Miz like this even if he legit feels this way.

The Miz came off as a VERY natural likeable guy in TV interviews when he was champ, reports told us that he's earned the respect of the 'boys', pro wrestling is a work, neither Miz or ADR have anything brewing so far for Mania...ADR is smart wrestler who knows the business inside and out...he's smart enough to know that saying "this isnt part of the show' is a great way for his comments to spread through the web and social networking media like wildfire. ADR's comments are practically exactly what MVP was saying to and about Miz during their feud.
I wouldn't be surpried if The Miz is a douche bag in real life. The Miz is far from a athlete he's a stupid frat boy that only got famous because he was on a reality tv show

Right... it has nothing to do with him training for years, learning the little things, and putting up with being treated terribly his first few years. All he is is a guy that portrayed a character on a TV show. Makes sense.

I hear that line waaayy too much. The Miz is actually quite athletic. He's entertaining. Solid in ring worker. Great on the mic. Only weakness is his facial mannerisms are terrible. Always have been. Then again Jericho's arn't that good either. And he is apparently a God.

I'd say this is a work, or some sort of extent of one.

Miz is the one going on all the TV talk shows, Kids Choice Awards, etc. To me, out of the ring, he is passionate about the business, grew up a fan, loves everything about it. I think hes humbled by it, and loves being able to do what he does.
This isn't the first time another one of the guys has taken shots at The Miz in an interview with the media, Punk has done it and so as Triple H. I can't see this being a work as both are natural heels and I don't see a face turn for either in the near future.
Worked shoot. Realize he had also said he doesnt like most of the guys. Or he knows Miz has heat backstage and is trying to kiss ass. Either way, people cant blame the Miz for creative's mistakes or the fact that R Truth almost got injured. Injuries happen and if Miz "got bullied when he was little and is now trying to get attention" good for him for turning a negative into a positive. Hes still living a dream and making money.
In this case, I'd say that there is likely some level of dislike by ADR for Miz. Perfectly normal. Some people just rub other people the wrong way. Both ADR and Miz are very outspoken individuals. Also, socially speaking, ADR has always struck me as being a touch oversensitive...but then that could just be his character.

There could also be a note of...and yes I am going there...jealousy. The same sort of jealousy that some of the more technically sound wrestlers might feel regarding Cena. Like it or not, ADR may be the better athlete, but Miz is the better performer. ADR can pull off more moves, Miz can be more entertaining while pulling off his more limited moveset. On the mic, there's no comparison. And the Miz has greater ability outside of the WWE to promote both himself and the WWE than Del Rio does. I think this frustrates ADR and so, when given the opportunity, it's only natural he'll take a stab at him.

That being said, I doubt very much it's to the extreme that ADR says it is. Pro wrestlers exaggerate. It's part of their job. I doubt very much he's taken swings at the Miz backstage. First off, this sort of unprofessional conduct is more likely to get him fired than anything else. Second, the Miz seems like the scrappy type and would probably fight back and fight dirty as possible if this did happen. In the ring, the only reason these lads fight by the rules while the ref is looking is that it makes good television. It'd look a lot different if they were actually trying to hurt each other. ADR may not like the Miz, but the extreme to which he's putting his position vs. Miz's is so fulla sh** I can smell it through the computer.

Is this a work? Your guess is as good as mine, but even if Vince didn't order ADR to start a press-based flame-war with the Miz, I have no doubt he's encouraging it. Vince loves using both the press and the social media to further feuds. Just look at the Twitter stuff coming out of the WWE.
I just see this as a work. Why would Rio say that? Knowing Miz would catch it and cause a big problem. This could easily lead into something toward WM28.

I don't think WWE wants the man who won the main event at last years Mania and the man who won the 2011 RR and MitB to not have a match at 28. They both need this feud. I could see it happening.
Right... it has nothing to do with him training for years, learning the little things, and putting up with being treated terribly his first few years. All he is is a guy that portrayed a character on a TV show. Makes sense.

I hear that line waaayy too much. The Miz is actually quite athletic. He's entertaining. Solid in ring worker. Great on the mic. Only weakness is his facial mannerisms are terrible. Always have been. Then again Jericho's arn't that good either. And he is apparently a God.

I'd say this is a work, or some sort of extent of one.

Miz is the one going on all the TV talk shows, Kids Choice Awards, etc. To me, out of the ring, he is passionate about the business, grew up a fan, loves everything about it. I think hes humbled by it, and loves being able to do what he does.


The last paragraph is why I think a lot of the haters don't like him.

A lot of the IWC hate the Miz because he is a "company guy". To many on this site, "company guy"= "kiss-ass". Becuase, let's face it, most of the people here probably show up to work late, fool around all day, talk back to their boss and then expect to get paid overtime etc. They know nothing of respect, so hate a guy (like Miz, and John Cena as well) who have respect for their workplace.

Miz is hated because he loves WWE, and works to make it the best company he can (just like Cena does). So, they are promoting a company many people here secretly hate, and the likes of the Miz makes WWE more profitable, meaning that the chances of WWE falling over and ROH or some other tin-pot company rising to the top is less likely to happen, in the deluded minds of these critics.

I'm actually suprised that anyone could get a direct quote from ADR, because it means that you have to be able to comprehend what the hell he is saying. I know I have trouble knowing three words he says in his promos. All I end up with is something about "destiny".

If ADR and Miz ever had a match, I think Michael Cole should be referee, as he is high on both men, and this could play in the storyline, with Cole not knowing who to support.
Seems legit. ;)

But seriously, the way he worded it seems to imply it's legit. Why else would he say "This is not part of the show"? The Rock doesn't say "This is not part of the show, I really want to kick Cena's ass, not in the ring, outside the ring." He seemed to make it very clear that this was a non-storylike thing. And they are both heels, so that should say something.

I don't know anything about what either of them are like outside the ring, but I can't imagine Miz being a very likeble person in real life. Have you seen the stuff he did on Real World? I know that show's just as fake as wrestling, but still, he comes across like a dick.

It also wouldn't surprise me if Vince told him to bash Miz.

you hit the nail right on the head there their both heels and if wwe has any plans to turn ADR face which i highly doubt or the miz face which is to early it could be worked but in all seriousness saying its real is the logical choice.
Doesn't surprise me. Del Rio seems like one to not have many friends backstage, but that's because he prefers it that way. He seems like a loner, not there to make friends. Respectable I would assume. Plus I don't see a problem with him having legit beef with The Miz. Both are grown ass men, as long as neither one take liberties with each other and are completely professional while performing, then any personal feud can be sorted later. It happened with Booker and Batista and later became a real life angle so who knows?
Alberto Del Rio is right and I think that there is legit heat between the two. I mean many people hated Miz...JBL,Hardcore Holly,etc. The reason he gets hate is because he was not a wrestler,he was just a reality star. It was ok to have him host Smackdown or Diva-Search segments but come on This guy got squashed by the Undertaker,Tatanka etc in under 1 or 2 minutes in 2006. Then some years later he was being made into a "Big Deal". Challenging John Cena (Which was btw a Ripoff of Jericho challenging Goldberg in WCW). Then he was getting pushed to the moon.US Champion...then WWE Champion then months later he was getting squashed by "Alex Riley".

On the other side Alberto Del Rio has wrestled as a mixed martial artist and a luchdor in Mexico and Japan. Alberto Del Rio is a very skilled wrestler with pure wrestling skills unlike The Miz who just got pushed because of his media popularity. So Alberto Del Rio has a good reason to hate him in my opinion.
I think it is twofold.

Firstly Del Rios is a legitimate shooter and MMA athlete. He could kill most of the guys on the roster if it was fair dinkum.
I also believe this is sewing the seeds for a feud upon Del Rios' return. He could be a successful face, if the rumours of Miz being in the doghouse are spot on, he could easily be sacrificed as a stepping stone for Del Rios when he returns to in-ring competition.
When the hosts joked that he and Miz are probably too similar, Del Rio disagreed. "There's a big difference between The Miz and I," Del Rio said. "I'm a real athlete. He's just a loud, stupid little kid. He's one of those guys who was probably bullied when he was in school and that's the reason now that he's so loud and he wants to get attention from everybody."

Worked shoot or not, this is great. I could not agree more with this quote. Count me as one of the people who can't take the reality star seriously. I find myself wanting to go on this long rant about how I dislike the miz but ADR hit the nail on the head. Nothing more need be said.

Yeah, I've always hated Miz. Never watched Real World or whatever, since I hate reality shows, but ever since he debuted in WWE I've hated him. And it has nothing to do with him being a heel or anything, I legit don't like him. Have you ever seen him in interviews on talk shows? He's annoying as hell, ADR is right. He's loud and obnoxious. He has this fake sounding laugh when he's joking with the hosts of the shows. I can't say it enough, I have never liked The Jiz and he should have never been a heavyweight champion. I'm not a fan of ADR, but I agree with everything he said. That is if what he said is legit and it sounds like it to me. :)
Not just Alberto, even CM Punk hates the Miz. I've seen a few youtube videos where CM Punk specifically shoots on the Miz and owns him ... :worship:
Just tossing this out there, but for those who don't know...before Miz was on Real World or w/e...he was wrestling on the Indys. He just used Real World and all that jazz to promote that he wrestled as well. It didn't get him much exposure or help until he got in with WWE. They of course being the kind who dont focus on your past wrestling, simply ignored it and only hyped him as the reality tv star guy.
I seriously hope this is not legit. They are both professional men, and need to get along regardless of how they feel about each other. We won't see these men in the ring too often if this is the case, however if it's building towards a feud then awesome. :)
My first thought: This is a work. Then my second, better thought is, this is a shoot all the way. NO I'm not marking out or anything as I rarely even care about things like this, but this peaks my interest because it comes on the heels (no pun intented) on management souring on Miz. Perhaps there's more to the Miz's heat that isn't being reported and maybe what's really going on is a bigger picture of things that have mounted up on The Miz which is really driving people crazy and maybe it's gonna drive him down the ladder even farther or quite possibly out the company.

With that said, I think Alberto Del Rio may have some reasons to dislike the Miz and call him a little girl. I mean, 1st of all, he's not a believeable character whatsoever. Like, nobody's scared of Miz in or out of the ring. He's no Stan Hansen or Bruiser Brody. Second of all, the way Michael Cole went all orgasmic over Miz when he was WWE Champion with his "The Miz is the MOST must see WWE Champion of all time" was just a way to over compensate for his obvious lack of star appeal. It just made him look like, well, someone who's biggest fan is Michael Cole and not someone with a better slant on things.

Finally, what Del Rio said may have been what others have been saying and it's just pent up frustrations. Did Del Rio have to air out the dirty laundry? Perhaps not. But hey, it happens right? I wanna see where this goes and if this will become apart of a storyline. Time will tell...
I'm gonna make this short and sweet, If I were The Miz I'd simply tap ADR on the shoulder and go "Maybe one day you'll get a crowd reaction" so many things are wrong from his statement, and great response to someone you hate so much youve tried to punch multiple times, sounded like a kindergarderner.
With that said, I think Alberto Del Rio may have some reasons to dislike the Miz and call him a little girl. I mean, 1st of all, he's not a believeable character whatsoever. Like, nobody's scared of Miz in or out of the ring. He's no Stan Hansen or Bruiser Brody. Second of all, the way Michael Cole went all orgasmic over Miz when he was WWE Champion with his "The Miz is the MOST must see WWE Champion of all time" was just a way to over compensate for his obvious lack of star appeal. It just made him look like, well, someone who's biggest fan is Michael Cole and not someone with a better slant on things.

First of all, worked shoot. The WWE likes to plant things like this in "real" interviews.

This paragraph above is funny. Not believable enough? Is the Undertaker believable enough? I think realism needs to be left at the door when talking about pro wrestling.

I have no idea why you brought up Brody and Hansen. Most wrestlers are not like Brody or Hansen. Matter of fact Brody's ways are what got him killed so very bad examples.

Lack of star appeal? I guess you missed it when the guy was all over TV when he was champ? He was bringing in all sorts of publicity for the WWE.
To be honest I don't think this really matters of this doesn't affect their actual in ring performance then big deal so what they don't like each other it happens.
First of all, worked shoot. The WWE likes to plant things like this in "real" interviews.

Probably, yes. These two guys have nothing else to do at WM; yet they don't have anything storyline-related against each other, either. So why not create something "real" and move it to the card? Might be a decent match.

It would be interesting to know who functions as the face in this match, because both guys feature as heels and I've seen nothing that indicates either will change. It could be a rare heel vs heel contest, which would be fine. It's always fun to see who the crowd supports, if only for that single match.

At the same time, perhaps ADR really does hate the Miz. Maybe a lot of people do. Remembering back to Miz' days as the host of Smackdown, we know he has a brassy personality and I've seen him on a couple talk shows where he's not afraid to show it. That's the kind of thing that gets a man hated, sometimes, by his peers. Plus, there was all that business when Miz first came around about being unpopular in the locker room.

Maybe a traditional-type wrestler like Del Rio is also that way in personality and truly doesn't like big mouths like Miz. Could be fun.
This reeks of the smell of work to me. Either that or ADR is trying to draw attention away from Ricardo's eventual face turn by trying to come off like a badass. To me, by resorting to schoolyard name-calling, ADR comes off like a big baby.

If you have an issue with someone, don't just talk smack about them. Settle it the old-fashioned way.

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