Alberto Del Rio Says He Actually Hates The Miz, In Real Life

uh ok del rio, i hate you and i would love to punch you out, are you guys seriously getting behind del rio on this????? really? reeally? reeeally? del rio couldnt wrestle his way out a wet paper bag. del rio is acting way unprofessional if he is trying to punch his coworkers out. if this is a work then cool story bro, would love to see if the miz could draw big as a face. course would love to see him give it 110% again as well and not botch big moves and shit. oh and yea miz is from reality tv, at least he can cut a promo, unlike that annoying ass mexican that is alberto del rio (no racism meant by that).
I feel that this is real heat between the two. Have we ever heard John Cena or The Rock say "I've tried to punch him in the face several times, not in the ring, I mean outside the ring. He's like a little girl. He's always running away from me." I do not see why this would be a work as they both have no signs of turning face and also has nothing to do with their characters or any story lines as it is a backstage issue.

I really feel that Alberto is being very unprofessional, as he is airing their dirty laundry. This should be taken more seriously as it has been as he has just admitted to have repeatedly tried to hurt The Miz backstage, which is something that a big company like WWE should be punishing him for.

If you were in a sporting team and you had tried to hurt a team mate, would you just get away with it, or would you face punishments from your club? If all of this is true Alberto really needs to learn to conduct himself backstage or he may get himself in serious trouble.
I've never liked the miz from day 1, he just seems like the kind of person who would bitch and moan to the creative side if he wasn't getting the push he thinks he "deserves" he is nothing but a reality tv start who got lucky with a push because he more than likely cried like a bitch because he wanted attention from the audience! Well said Del Rio is all i can say to this. I'm liking ADR even more because he's saying it as it is!
If this is a shoot (I doubt it) then ADR could be in a spot of bother, after all the line he is a like a guy who got bullies and is now load doesn't go along with an anti-bullying message. Trying to punch a guy? If he is shooting than he needs a talking to because it reeks of cockiness on his part.

I hope it's a work because if not then he is clearly using the recent backstage heat with Miz to screw him, which doesn't seem to be a clever thing to given they are in the same company.
Maybe it's a work, but I'm not sure why it would be. What could come from it?

There's not sign either is going to turn face, and I doubt WWE is about to make a huge deal out of a heel vs. heel feud. Possibly for Mania, but I doubt it.

It's probably legitimate. I don't think a guy like Del Rio is scared of what Miz might say/think, so what does he care? From every report you can possibly find, Miz isn't very popular right now. He's a douche, that's easy to see. I think pro wrestlers are working 99% of the time, and he probably was on this radio show, but that doesn't mean he isn't telling the truth. Trying to punch Miz? That might be a stretch.
I could see it leading into a potential feud between the two. The two of them both need something to do and it could be a potential Wrestlemania match. Would it steal the show? Of course not. When wrestlers claim to dislike each other in these interviews it might or might not be kayfabe'd. I wouldn't mind seeing the feud happen, as it would give them both something to do. The main problem is that both are heels. They have pushed Del Rio rather hard as a heel, so Miz would need to turn face. He's nowhere near ready for a face turn just yet. This problem might stop the angle from happening.

Or maybe Del Rio legit hates Miz and this won't be any type of onscreen storyline or feud. I can't say I blame Del Rio if this is true dislike. Miz is one of the few guys on WWE's roster I could do without. The main reason I ever defend him on here is for his loyalty to the federation and how they need to finish what they started in terms of the huge push he received, so that it was not for nothing. I still dislike him when it all comes down to it, and Del Rio would probably receive my support if this angle happened. I don't think it will. They could use it to turn Miz face, but why now? Speculation about is fun and all, however I think Del Rio just happens to dislike The Miz and there will be no feud. Not now anyway. Perhaps someday.
If this is legit, maybe Del Rio should quit worrying about "punching" Miz and starting asking Miz how to get over with the crowd! Del Rio is an excellent in ring performer, but he just doesn't have the "it" factor to be a huge star.....shame is WWE doesn't seem to see the fact that Del Rio just isn't over with the crowd...
Del Rio is fairly vicious in real life, and takes his fighting quite seriously. He's done some MMA in the past and is a legitimately deadly fighter.

Miz...not so much. He's a true ascended fanboy, who only knows pro wrestling (is is one of the least intimidating people in the company at that), so perhaps Del Rio remains unimpressed/irritated by his limited experience and fighting ability, for whatever reason.
Del Rio is fairly vicious in real life, and takes his fighting quite seriously. He's done some MMA in the past and is a legitimately deadly fighter.

Miz...not so much. He's a true ascended fanboy, who only knows pro wrestling (is is one of the least intimidating people in the company at that), so perhaps Del Rio remains unimpressed/irritated by his limited experience and fighting ability, for whatever reason.

Please stop with the legitmately deadly fighter bullshit. He has taken some MMA fights. Against bums. He'd get murked by the top 300 or so if he decided to go that route as his career. Do yourself a favor and find his mma fight with Cro Cop to see what he looks like against a legit fighter. It's embarrassing.

This is most like a work, but if it is legit, ADR is a putz and should be fired.
It's a work. WWE is too controlled about what is said to allow Del Rio to spout off about backstage stuff without their knowledge/consent. I have no doubt Del Rio doesn't like The Miz, and if he had left it at him being loud and obnoxious I could have believed it. But, all the stuff about him trying to (not wanting to, actually trying to) punch the Miz outside of the ring screams work.
Del Rio summed up my opinion of the Miz as well. Not since JBL have I seen someone so unworthy of being the WWE champion. Miz does come off as a whiny loud little kid who probably got punked out when he was a kid so he's making up for it now. The guy cannot wrestle and is only over because he cuts a good promo.

Del Rio is very good in the ring and should have had a better title run than he did. He's definitely superior in the ring. While I would LOVE to see Miz on the recieving end of a cross-armbreaker, I doubt that the WWE would allow them to feud if Del Rio really hates him outside of the ring. I also don't see either of them turning face anytime soon. I hope I'm wrong about that though.

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