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I know this is a highy contested for many people and I think it be a good topic for some discussion here in the chit chat forum. I know for many women thisis a big issue and for some men. But i want to know what are your thoughts and should it be legal or illegal?

Give Thoughts Here.
I personally am against abortion because I see it just as murder. From a scientific viewpoint the baby is formed from conception, from a religious viewpoint that's obvious.

But should it be made illegal? I used to think so but recently I think it shouldn't. i think what is needed is a major upheaval of the laws. I mean in the UK you can have an abortion at 26 weeks yet the baby can survive now from 24 weeks. This needs lowered and I think that more work needs to be done to help single mothers. They have a rough deal, look under the Clinton regime he had good welfare service for them and abortion was at its lowest levels. Under Bush they don't have good welfare service and abortion's at its highest.

Because the religious right are saying ban it completely and the left are saying keep it the levels are going up, if the law was amended then I'm sure it would lower the abortion rate severely.

Ideally I feel it shoudl be made illegal but practically that aint gonna happen.
I'm against it, totally, but there's some points with a lot of controversy around...

-chicks pregnant due a sexual assault: I dont know, maybe in this case should be permitted but as Flameboy said, if a girl is sexually abused, she should be checked right the way, and avoid the rest of the pregnancy, let's say, at the very first 2 months at max. Beyond that, i guess she just have made a decision...

-Abortions when the fetus have very low or none chances of survival, and they put the life of the mother in high risk: Same case but the time frame for this one is definitely longer, thus making it more difficult to perform, and obviously, this carry more legal and moral difficulties.

for the rest of the cases, like: OMG my 16 years old boyfriend told me that nothing was going to happen, and now (15 years old girl) i'm pregnant, i need an abortion.... BULLSHIT!!! the only thing she needs is a good bitch-slap for being so stupid and knowing that if she's going to be f*cking like there's no tomorrow, at least use a motherf*cking condom!!!! God damnit, those people just piss me off!!

But hey, like i say, every head is different world, and that's just my opinion.
But please......USE A CONDOM.

Thank you.
This is too diverse of an issue to have one simple answer. I for one am all for them. I think that too many young people are having sex at too young of an age. Part of me wants to say, hey your fucked, deal with it. Been then when you think of some stupid 15 year old getting stuck with a kid, and a 16 year old guy that doesn't have to deal with any of the problems, it's bullshit.

I think that school therapist keeping an abortion secret from a parent is bullshit as well.

What I would really like to see happen is for men that don'ts upport their babies getting, and I'm going to butcher the spelling, a visectamy done. I would have a zero tolerance on it too. don't bring babies into the world if you can't support them. I would give a free pass on a single mom, with maybe two kids, but once taht third kid pops out, you pull all of her welfare. I'm sorry it's tough love but needs to be done.

I'm all for abortions myself, especially if you don't want a kid. My training is more science based, so I have no real religious or moral feelings against it myself.
I'm against it... But if someone is sexual assaulted and becomes preggo as a result then it should be done. But for this to happen the girl must have reported the assualt and then if she becomes preggers from the assault she can take the police report and rape kit results to the abortion clinic and get it taken care of.

Now as for a teen having a kid. Well to bad.. Your the dumbass who was doing it without any thought as to what might happen and what the repurcussions could be. THis kid is a mistake and you have it and learn from. If you don't want it you can put it up for adoption becasue somone who is responseable and can't have kids will want the kid.. Also, the teen should have the kid and learn from the pain of child birth. Like when a dog barks and has the electic collar on and gets shocked the learn to stop barking. So if some teen girl pushes out this kid maybe next time they will think.
See for me i'm totally against it as well you know what could happen when you have sex. No way should the innocent life of the unborn be killed becuase of your dumbass mistake. Even teengers they know what can happen but they still do it. So sorry but grow up and well learn how to be a parent

The only i see ok is if the woman is raped or something like that...but for the most part i'm against abortion
It's interesting reading a guy's point of view on this topic. I think alot of people, guys in particular, feel that abortion is wrong but in some cases it's ok. I personally think it's repulsive when a woman uses abortion as a form of birth control, but I am definately pro-choice. As a woman, I am thankful that I have that option. I don't plan on ever having children, so god forbid, if I were to become pregnant as the result of a rape I would absolutely get an abortion.
I'm against it, strongly against it. The only time when I would even consider it would be when the fetus is somehow endangering the life of the mother, as in a risky pregnancy, and you had to choose between the fetus or the mother. I'm not going to get into stillborn abortion (the abortions that are performed on fetuses near the due date, 30 to 40 weeks) but lets say a woman develops complications with her pregnancy 20 weeks in, and the fetus is endangering the life of the mother and the only way to save her is to abort. If that where to happen, then I would choose to abort. Other then a situation as highly as unlike as that, I am strongly against abortion.
go wrestlezone forums for getting some hard hitting topics going on in chit chat.

Personally I am against Abortion, I think once you find out your expecting, that child is alive, and terminating it is murder. only in the exceptional case's, like someone said abuse, rape that type of thing is it somewhat acceptable to have it terminated, although I am not sure where to stand on the condom bursting, but then you should know about that and get the morning after pill. But if your going to fuck about(pardon the language) and not be careful, your asking for trouble
I am not sure where to stand on the condom bursting, but then you should know about that and get the morning after pill.

The morning after pill induces an abortion, it's the same affect as having an abortion.

Regards rape there's only 0.2% of abortions in the UK carried out because the person has been raped.

It's a very hard hitting subject and I am opposed to it but you have to look at the root as well. I'm also interested that the majority of guys are opposed to it on the forums. Did you know that a woman in the UK can have an abortion without the consent of the father, imagine your wife wants one and you don't that would be heartbreaking.
The figures are shocking of how many abortions have been carried out. January this year in the UK there were 18,000 abortions. That is INSANE, am not sure of the exact total number since 67 but it must be pretty high.
I feel that abortion is ok in extreme meassures.Like in rape cases and high risk pregnancies that put the mother and child at risk.Or if the baby has an extreme birth defect.Like if the baby is lacking major organs and had little chance of surviving after bith I think its alright.But only in early pregnancy.I am strongly against partial birth abortion.When as the baby is being born the doctor slides a knife into the brain never is that ok.That is murder.If you are willing to carry a baby til term there are tons of people who would love to have a child.
I'm totally against it. I'm not religious or anything, but I see it as murder. I believe it's wrong no matter the situation the baby is concieved in. I might sound like a freak, but I think life is the most precious gift on Earth. Preventing it is just as bad as ending it prematurely. The only place I would see it acceptable is if the mother is in high risk.

Abortion should be made illegal outside of those circumstances.
I'm totally against it. I'm not religious or anything, but I see it as murder. I believe it's wrong no matter the situation the baby is concieved in. I might sound like a freak, but I think life is the most precious gift on Earth. Preventing it is just as bad as ending it prematurely. The only place I would see it acceptable is if the mother is in high risk.

Abortion should be made illegal outside of those circumstances.

I'm sure there are certain situations that are grey areas but I agree with your whole post Sam. Won't share it, but there's a depressing picture somewhere on the web of an aborted fetus with text that says "who's choice?".
I'm completely for abortion. Or rather, I'm completely for a woman's choice.

Why bring a child into this fucked up world if it's going to cause nothing but misery? Overpopulation is already an issue in the world.

Really I guess I'm for Abortion as long as it's in the first trimester, before the fetus has actually developed the characteristics of a human child.

Because to me---a fetus is not alive. At all. It's an organism in the stomach. It has no characteristics of a living human, so I don't see it as human.

Either way I feel there are just a shit load of more important issues in the world that we need to deal with, so we should just stop the crap and legalize abortion in the first trimester.
I'm completely for abortion. Or rather, I'm completely for a woman's choice.

Why bring a child into this fucked up world if it's going to cause nothing but misery? Overpopulation is already an issue in the world.

Really I guess I'm for Abortion as long as it's in the first trimester, before the fetus has actually developed the characteristics of a human child.

Because to me---a fetus is not alive. At all. It's an organism in the stomach. It has no characteristics of a living human, so I don't see it as human.

Either way I feel there are just a shit load of more important issues in the world that we need to deal with, so we should just stop the crap and legalize abortion in the first trimester.

I couldn't agree more with you X.

Seriously, while I am not stupid enough to get someone pregnant (at least not without two methods of Birth Control failing) there are alot of stupid people out there that simply dont have the intelligence to raise a child. A lot of the problems in society today are simply down to Parents being unequipped to deal with being a parent at a certain age. If someone feels that getting an abortion is the best thing for them then let them have the choice.
I'm completely for abortion. Or rather, I'm completely for a woman's choice.

Why bring a child into this fucked up world if it's going to cause nothing but misery? Overpopulation is already an issue in the world.

Really I guess I'm for Abortion as long as it's in the first trimester, before the fetus has actually developed the characteristics of a human child.

Because to me---a fetus is not alive. At all. It's an organism in the stomach. It has no characteristics of a living human, so I don't see it as human.

Either way I feel there are just a shit load of more important issues in the world that we need to deal with, so we should just stop the crap and legalize abortion in the first trimester.

Yup I'd say that sounds about right

Personally I think Parents should also have to take some sort of test before being able to take the kid home as well, to many parents just don't know how to raise a child these days, and the way I figure if you have to take a test to drive a car, than you should also need to take one to raise a child, of course I could see where problems could occur with the test, such as how you decide you passes and who fails and what happens if someone where to fail
Tough topic, but I've always viewed abortion of any kind as wrong. First of all, excluding charges of rape, whoever is dumb enough to get knocked up and unintentionally pregnant should at least have the decency to carry that baby until birth. If the mother still doesn't want the baby then there's foster homes all over the world that would love to take care of it until it finds a home with people who actually care about it's well being.

Secondly, I'm a firm believer that life begins at conception. As soon as that fetus is created, a baby, more or less, has come into existence. Why should anyone kill the child who didn't even ask to be born? The child deserves a chance to make the best of the world he or she will grow up in, even if he may not make the most of it.

Of course there's always the threat of pregnancy complications that could result in the death of the mother. Well, this is a hard pill to swallow, but I think all loving mothers will agree with me when I say that a mother's love is supposed to eclipse all other love that she has for anyone or anything else on this world we're all living in. A mother's first priority is to see to the well being of her children. For a mother to kill the baby in order to save herself is essentially in violation of everything a mother is supposed to be as she is putting herself ahead of her own child. Any self respecting mother should be more than happy to lay down her own life to make sure her child has a chance to live out his or her life to the best of his or her ability.

Rape is yet another curveball often thrown at those who oppose abortion. I still stand by what I said before, and say that even though the child was unexpected, the mother should do her best to give that child a chance in the world, even if that means she may not be the one taking care of it. Giving the child up for adoption is far and away the best choice for those women who have had their virginity stolen from them.

Combine the two scenarios and lets say that perhaps a woman is raped and then told if she doesn't get rid of her baby that she will die. That is the only case where I believe abortion may be questionably acceptable. I have no sympathy for mothers who abort children that were conceived from consensual sex, but those who are raped did not ask for any of this to happen, and perhaps that is the only case in which an abortion would be acceptable.
this is a difficult topic for most people and one many shy away from. I however like to express my opinion. I strongly support abortion. I feel a women has a right to an abortion if they feel because it would be terrible for a women to bring a child into a world were it its not going to be cared for. For you people who think that a fetus has seperate rights from its mother, i pose a question put your self in a position of a 16 year old who has an unwanted pregnancy, or for the dudes, your girlfriend gets pregnant and you dont feel you could support the child or the mother for the next few years
I haven't honestly read through this entire thread, but what I did read (mainly on the first page) was everyone agreeing that its wrong. Which I would have to continue in trend with.

There are very few people in life that I ultimately will never have respect for. And people who think abortions are okay, rank pretty high.

My personal opinion is much like everyone else has stated. Anyone who has sex, at this point in our generation, should know exactly what 'could' happen. I understand a lot of underage teens get sexually active, & I'm not going to fight that being right or wrong.. but I will fight immaturity being a major reason why everyone asks their children to wait.

The funny thing about this thread is my Wife & I seen a few billboard signs put up along the highway leading into town, tonight, that had "Abortion is stopping a beating heart" & "I'm worth saving." (with a picture of a baby)

We talked about how we can't understand if the FEMALES in this world don't wish to EVER have children, then why don't the simply have surgery to get their tubes tied? Similar with males. If MALES don't wish to EVER have children, why not get snipped? Yeah, its a surgery, but no it isn't as difficult as it seems. Fact is, I'd say a good 70% of the people who claim they never want children, yet don't get "fixed," are lying to themselves.. because somewhere they don't get the surgery, on the 1, singular thought, that they actually MAY want kids.

Bottomline.. if you don't want a child, its easier than abortion to simply give it up for adoption. I'd highly say do that instead.

Another thing that pisses me off is.. I've actually heard from some females that the reason they'd opt FOR abortion, is because they don't wish to go through the pain of delivery. Thats just not taking responsibility, in itself. You did the deed, now bring forth the seed.

All in all.. adoption works for those who have unwanted pregnancies. Don't kill the baby, just because you aren't responsible, mature, or respectful enough to follow through with the act you committed. Give it up, so it can fight & have a chance at a better life, than no life at all.

One final thing.. to anyone who feels abortion is good.. what if YOU, were a mistake? Would you of wanted to die, before you ever had a chance to fully live?
First off, I am Catholic, and the church has NO RIGHT talking about abortion with all the crap priests have gotten away with.

If it is done in the first trimester, I have no problem with it. If you haven't decided after 3 months what you want, it's too late then.

As a man, I realize I honestly have no rights in this. It should be a woman's decision. That child is a part of her body, and you, and only you, own your body.

Any religious controversy is null, IMO, because of what I mentioned above. It is NOT okay to say a child must be born JUST so a priest can possilby rape that child later on.

Also, with some of the hellacious homelives I've seen, sometimes it's better if a kid isn't born into an abusive household.
Abortion is one of the most debatied subjects EVER. People claim that its killing kids...blah blah blah. My question is, people who do not like abortion most likeley use condoms? What does that do? Your not killing one child but MILLIONS of them.

This can go both ways, i mean obvisouly if the fetus is in its 6 months nobody is going to do anything, but within the first week or so of pregancy it. Like if a condom broke or something like that were to happen....which is a form of Abortion IMO am i going to have a kid and call him a mistake. No thanks.
I think a woman she have the choice. The world is over populated already and y bring a child into the world when their probably gonna end up in fostercare or stay with a mother who obviouly doesnt want it. I think a woman has to decide whats right for her. But I'm not for people who abuse their right. Like women who keeps getting pregnant and keeps having an abortion. I think abortions should only be done at a hospital and doctor should keep records of her has had them so not the same person keeps having them. All in all its the womens choice.....imo
I don't have a vagina so I don't presume to tell women what they should do with theirs or any of the related parts contained therein. I know about my life and my experiences and I can just say that whatever my wife wished to do should the situation present itself...I would support her 100% no matter what. I personally think any laws revolving around the topic should only be voted on by women. They're the ones who have to carry the children, not the men.

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