
I'm for it. I'm very pro-choice, and this is a subject I often speak my mind about.
I hate the fact some people use it as birth control, but thats a minority. Most women who go for abortions have reasons. And it isn't for us to decide on whether those reasons are viable or not. From economic reasons, to medical ones, to rape, to simply not wanting a child.

I don't really agree it when people say abortion should be only given to rape victims. Rape is such a complex matter, and if the woman chooses to report it, most convictions take longer than 9 months to go through. This means the woman would have given birth whilst courts were still trying to decide if she was raped.
Also, you would get many false claims about rape, from girls desperate to get abortions. This would put innocent men in a bad position, and make it even harder for actual rape victims to be believed.
You wouldn't believe how hard it is to 1. Work up the courage to go to the police and 2. Put together a full statement, with medical evidence and actually be believed and supported. Don't ask me how I know. Abortion should be open to anyone.

Also, if abortion was illegalized, it wouldn't stop women getting abortions. It would stop women getting SAFE abortions. It'd go back to the days of back-alley abortions, and women doing anything to get rid of the child.

Birth control isn't always effective. And not all couples want to have children. But it's unrealistic to suggest they never have sex. An abortion shouldbe open to that woman if she feels its right for her.

All in all.. adoption works for those who have unwanted pregnancies. Don't kill the baby, just because you aren't responsible, mature, or respectful enough to follow through with the act you committed. Give it up, so it can fight & have a chance at a better life, than no life at all.

One final thing.. to anyone who feels abortion is good.. what if YOU, were a mistake? Would you of wanted to die, before you ever had a chance to fully live?

Yeah adoption is a CHOICE in SOME cases. Consenting to sex is by no way consenting to pregnancy. Not all sex is consensual anyway. And, forcing a woman to continue a prgnancy is a huge violation of her human rights. Also I hate how people who say this don't actually adopt children. Imagine how many abortions are carried out in the US alone every year? Now imagine all those as children running around in foster homes. There just aren't enough people in the world to adopt them all.

Well if I'd been aborted, I wouldn't know about it, therefore I wouldn't care.

Abortion needs to be open to everyone. It makes everyone a lot safer.
I am 225% Pro-Life. If a couple is too stupid to use a condom, you have no right to punish the baby for that. Now, as in every case, there are a few exceptions: if a woman is raped/sexually assaulted, the abortion should take place within the first trimester. If that trimester window closes, then she should be forced to have the baby. Regardless of what some people say about rights and what-not, the baby has a right to survive same as any other human being.
See but does it? Because just because its an embryo doesn't mean its a human. It's not like you're killing your neighbor, or someone who's flesh and bones. They're just embryos. Do you realize how many millions and millions of babies are killed every time someone jerks off, or even when you do use a condom?

See, because using a condom is scientifically the same exact thing as an abortion when it comes to the embryos and cells. They're destroyed. Every time you jerked off? You just aborted a couple thousand of babies.

To me its just so trivial that people need to take OTHER peoples business into their own and make it political. Who the hell cares what people do in their own privacy where it doesn't harm anyone? And don't tell me "But its harming the child by killing it, that child has the right to live!", because if you say that, then you had damn well better be anti-*********ion and anti-sex in all shape ways or forms that doesn't result in a child being born.

I don't know, I'm not trying to belittle anyone or their opinion, but it's so ridiculiously hypocritical.
In both the scientific and religious points of view. A baby is not a baby until conception. So using a condom or birth control is not another way of aborting a child, period. Now I am pro-life, but if it's a case where the victim was raped or could die from giving birth due to a complication then abortion can be justified.

Here is a fact of life (especially to little miss 16 year old): Life has consequences. Life is made up of cause and effect. If you don't have a job that could support a baby, if you're still in high school, if your man/woman doesn't have a job that could support a baby, if you don't live somewhere that isn't either of your parent's house, and if you are not ready and/or mature enough to handle the responsibilities that come with raising a child of your own then you are not mature enough to have sex. By willingly having sex that early in life you are consenting to have a baby whether you like it or not that early in life. There are many different sensual and erotic things (I don't think I need to make a list here) you could do that doesn't involve sexual intercourse.

Here's my final statement on the subject: Until you're an adult (21 - over). You are not even close to the maturity level needed to be a parent. Life is easy at 15 and 16. You take ur ass to school, do your homework (no matter how much you hate ur teacher), get good grades, graduate, get a job or go to college, get the hell out of ur mommy and daddy's house, then you might be mature enough to be a parent and therefore be mature enough to have sex. Until then don't, cause I don't want to get shot by your kid 13 years cause you weren't able to raise him/her right.
But it's so easy for people to sit and criticize people for choices they make in a young life. It's so dumb.

You're talking about teenagers making life changing decisions. You know why they are teenagers and not considered legal adults, because they are not capable of making rational decisions, it's simple as that. People can sit up in their Ivory Tower and say, damn you teenager boy and girl, you had premarital sex, you're damned to a life of a child that you are in no way mentally or financially prepared to take care of.

I'm all for abortions. The cycle of immaturity needs to stop somewhere. Why people waste time trying to control what other people do with their own bodies is beyond me.
ok so give the child a chance and put it up for adoption. That way the immaturity of the mother and father hampers the child less.
Do you understand how incredibly overpopulated our world would be if no one had ever had an abortion? Not only that, but its a very sad fact that those childs we all assume can be just thrown into an adoption agency and adopted by loving parents, will likely not ever be adopted for a long term.

Without abortions, our economy would crumble into pieces. That may sound funny or humorous, but its true. Can you imagine the economic strain that would be on our country if the some 1 billion abortions had never happened? Its the same concept as overpopulating with deer. I know we as humans like to think ourselves high and above animals like deer because we have intelligence, but the facts of the matter is that we are at the top of the food chain and we cannot allow ourselves to overpopulate. We're already on our way now as it is.

Besides, I don't see any response at all to my last post about *********ion being the same thing as abortion. Tell me how its different. In both cases the sperm, which you believe to be living children, are "murdered".
the sperm itself is not a living child. The embryo created by the uniting of sperm and an egg is a living child. So no, *********ing, wearing a condom, and using birth control are not different forms of aborting a baby.
ok so give the child a chance and put it up for adoption. That way the immaturity of the mother and father hampers the child less.

So you're assuming that ALL teenagers are immature? You're assuming that I am immature, just because of my age? just because we still live with our parents and go to school, doesnt mean that we are immature, sure, i'll admit, MOST teenagers are immature, but theres a small percentage of them who are MORE MATURE than some adults that i've seen, all in all, i fell abortion is up to the woman, i dont have any of their reproductive organs, i dont know how it feels, so i dont think i have the right to tell women what to do with them, and as far as its killing a baby, they're not technically born yet, its not like they'll like remember it or anything, and think of it this way, if they DO get aborted, they skip earth and go straight to heaven :)
ok so you smother a 1 yr old. They wouldn't remember that either. The human brain doesn't have the compacity to retain memory until the age of 2 with some exceptions of course. Hey Gus no offense to you personally, but honestly if your in school, live with ur mommy and daddy, have no job, gf or bf has no job how do you expect to raise a child. Therefore, if you cannot raise a child then you shouldn't have sexual intercourse. Now when I say job I don't mean McDonalds or Taco Bell. I mean a 40-hour a week job that brings in atleast a thousand every two weeks. Even then if you want a house or apartment for your family to live in, a car to drive the baby around in, diapers for the baby to where, food for your family to eat. Look if you can't do that much then don't have sex, no sex, no baby. Go get soe head or *********e. Then when you can afford to have a condom break, or a girl lie to you about using birth control, have the birth control fail, or consent to using unprotected sex an abortion won't even be in the thought process.
i may go to school, and live with my parents, but i have a job (but i dont get a steady paycheck it depends on a bunch of stuff sometimes a get around $3000 every two weeks, sometimes its $500, i all depends), and Heidi has a job too (she works at a pizza place, making $10.00 an hour), we're just choosing not to have Sex until we're married, which prolly wont happen if we're going out now, and i know that... but also, i have my license, and am going to buy a dependable car this weekend, right now my cars a crapper, but i understand gas is expensinve, and diapers are expensive, but like i said, Heidi and I are abstinate (sp?) for now...
Now when I say job I don't mean McDonalds or Taco Bell. I mean a 40-hour a week job that brings in atleast a thousand every two weeks.

This is off-topic from the thread, but Reaper, man.. I have to disagree with this right here.

While Doctor's & Lawyer's may get thousands of dollars, for the hard work they put in.. that doesn't mean the people making food, by simply standing in a line & fixing one part of a sandwich don't work as hard. It may sound stupid, or even naive.. but its true.

And facts are facts, & I can guarantee you.. through all the years a Lawyer, or Doctor went to school.. they'd cry for their own Parents if they had to go through one hour, or what those mid-class, hard working men & women go through for 6-10 hours, daily.

My Wife worked a McDonald's before moving "up" the ladder, & she worked her ass off for every bit of her money. She was a manager without the title, simply because she didn't like being yelled at, for the responsibilities of such. But got it anyway. All I'm mainly trying to say is.. when you mention jobs, & what is considered to be a real one, compared to a career.. don't discount how incredibly hard it is to actually work in a fast food place.

One last thing.. McDonald's & Taco Bell are every bit of a 40 hour a week job, if not more. The only difference.. each & every one of the hard workers in those places, deserve a HELL of a lot more than what they make. And Doctor's & Lawyer's.. couldn't touch a fast food employee, on specific levels. Sorry, I'm a middle class bum myself, & I respect the dedication of a Doctor, or Lawyer.. but I respect even more so, the level of committment that it takes to work in a hell hole like McDonald's.
i agree my friends wokr at KFC and Pick Up Stix, make little, and have to work weekends all the time, but they're dedicated, aand their schoolwork is slipping because of it... its kind of sad...
I sgree,I used to work at Mcdonalds while still going to high school the work is hard especiall when we were shorthanded and it was busy. You have certain time to give away the order then you have customers angry at you because it has pickles or something.
I would do Drive thru by myself and still help them at front counter
Then when i was manager workers would not be where they were supposed to be they were doing whatever they want it to do
...Classic. A thread on abortion descends into a discussion about working at McDonalds. I love it. :D
I sgree,I used to work at Mcdonalds while still going to high school the work is hard especiall when we were shorthanded and it was busy. You have certain time to give away the order then you have customers angry at you because it has pickles or something.
I would do Drive thru by myself and still help them at front counter
Then when i was manager workers would not be where they were supposed to be they were doing whatever they want it to do

Like I've said, I haven't spent a ton of time in a fast food place before. I worked a Burger King once for Christmas, one month.. & I quit. I hated it & couldn't stand how stressful it became almost instantly, especially during bus rushes & the selective dinner times.

People have a hard time believing that a place like that could be anything but cake.. because all they see is.. "fry machine makes fries... grill makes meat" they don't understand what all you do behind the counter, or how much effort you actually have to put into everything.

...Classic. A thread on abortion descends into a discussion about working at McDonalds. I love it. :D

You're welcome! hahaha
Ok....people, people, people. I was not putting down working for McD's or Taco Bell or any fast food restaurant as I used to work for a numer of them myself. BTW I make 17.50/hr working in a wearhouse working 40/week. My wife is a manager at Krispy Kreme making 12/hr working 40/week. We bring in 2500 every two weeks. Now that include overtime and whatnot but you get my drift. You dont need to be a doctor or lawyer just atleast one of the two would-be parents need to have a stable job that they can see themselves being at for a good number of years.
oh also, my mom alone brings in $3500 every 2 weeks, and my dad does the same, but yet we arent loaded b/c we live in a rented log cabin with horrible insolation, and the power bill alone is $300, rent is $2000, heating, food, gas, car payments, anyway, ABORTION IS UP TO THE WOMAN!!! IMO
dude after rent your parents would have over $114000/year left...and unless you guys are driveing porches or MaClaren f-1's cars shouldnt be a problem.
oh, i just found out my dad makes half of what my mom does, and all of our bills are ridiculously high, and my parents are in debt... so until we move, we're like poor or something...
i have a sister, 4 dogs, 6 cats, a turtle, and where we live real estate prices are ridiculous... like $1000 a month for a 1 room studio
damn here in Illinois its like $565 for a studio. Right now I live in a 2 bed/1 bath apartment and pay $750/month
yea dude, Reno is outrageous, Las Vegas is even worse, i was down there, and i saw a studio for $2000

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