A trip to Bollywood

Did you mean poverty or street fighting?

To some extent, both

Give me some suggestions for my coming RPs. However, I am a beginner here.

I am still relatively new to the fed (only 7-8 months I guess), I am still learning the trick of the trades here. My first suggestion is ask for feedback. The people here are very helpful, creative is very helpful. Read and learn from as many RPs as you can.

Outline the character in your head. What's the character about? What is he doing in WZCW? Motivation? All of that. Dig deep inside your character's skin. Establish a connection with him. If you don't feel your character, it'll be difficult to convince others about him.

Do your research. See against whom you're going. How does your character go up against the other? Check what you can use in your RP.

And then comes the RP itself. For me, a long RP doesn't mean a quality one. If it tells a good story, it's a good RP. Format it properly. It should be easy on the eyes. Use different colors to distinguish dialogues. Proofread. Check grammar and spacings (I think that matters). I usually write on Word and format it there before posting it here.

As I said, I am still learning. I am trying my best to give my character some direction. Seek help whenever you need. You can always PM me in case you need any help.
Did you see this? This was posted on Ten Sports' facebook page.

Did you see this? This was posted on Ten Sports' facebook page.


Yeah, one of my friends is super excited! He's ready to buy the tickets, even for me. I am not sure I'll have the time for it (work, you know).

I guess it'll be some time early next year.
I'll attend if the ticket costs 3000 INR max. The problem is that JEE main will be damn close and it's my second chance (last, presumably).
I'll attend if the ticket costs 3000 INR max. The problem is that JEE main will be damn close and it's my second chance (last, presumably).

JEE! I remember appearing for it some 10 years ago. I failed the first attempt and never tried ever again. :lmao:
If/when VeeJay wins; what's next? Does this feud with Howard go on, or does VeeJay keep climbing the ladder towards a mid-card title?
If/when VeeJay wins; what's next? Does this feud with Howard go on, or does VeeJay keep climbing the ladder towards a mid-card title?

At this point, I am trying to re-establish Veejay's character. Before leaving, Veejay was on a fantastic run as a heel. I am thinking feud against James can help him establish his face character. Then I can think of a title.
At this point, I am trying to re-establish Veejay's character. Before leaving, Veejay was on a fantastic run as a heel. I am thinking feud against James can help him establish his face character. Then I can think of a title.

Up until the failed title defense against Eve at the Lottery, Howard was rising quickly, so that could definitely work to gain footing as a face. And, being a face may be a good thing, looking at the potential champs after KC. There's a very realistic chance that every champ will be a heel.
It's been a while anyone has interacted with Veejay out of character. Let's see if anyone's interested.
Just wondering a couple things

What are your thoughts on this years tournament as well as Veejay's history with it.

Also curious what you think about the teased feud between Veejay & Tony. I'm liking it and already have some ideas if they go with it.
Just wondering a couple things

What are your thoughts on this years tournament as well as Veejay's history with it.

For some reason, both the editions of Gold Rush have worked for me, especially because going into both of them, I had a story arc ready. For me, when writing an RP, it's more about telling a story, which I'd been lacking ever since coming back.

Also curious what you think about the teased feud between Veejay & Tony. I'm liking it and already have some ideas if they go with it.

I am game. It'll be another opportunity at creating a story. I haven't delved deep into Tony's backstory, but I am sure the difference in both the characters will give me material to work with.
At what point does Veejay decide to dump Saffron for Mikey? Lol all those hospital visits go a long way in the romance game.
Let me know if you want to hear my ideas.

I'd like to shoot ideas back and forth if you're game. It could only make the feud better.
At what point does Veejay decide to dump Saffron for Mikey? Lol all those hospital visits go a long way in the romance game.

Veejay is just waiting for Mikey to dump Matt!

I've always wondered about the most powerful couple in the history of WZCW.

Let me know if you want to hear my ideas.

I'd like to shoot ideas back and forth if you're game. It could only make the feud better.

For sure! Once we're done with Gold Rush, we can bounce ideas off each other and see where we can take this feud.
Veejay is just waiting for Mikey to dump Matt!

I've always wondered about the most powerful couple in the history of WZCW.

Haha. Someday.

I'd have to say Steven Holmes and Celeste were the most powerful on screen couple. Holmes won the World Title with her help, and together they won the tag titles.
Sheesh, apparently writing the best NPC character for like 4 years running doesn't count for anything anymore.

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