A Sonata in M Major

Ahoy mateys! The wrestlezone tournament to decide... Something... Is up soon, along with Wrestlemania! Now I know what you're all thinking, "oh hey M's gonna endorse someone slightly out of left field in a weird attempt to get them through a few rounds" is it? Well I've got one word for ya - nah.

I thoroughly enjoy yanking rugs out from under things, makes the reaction from whatever's on top always a little more entertaining. This thread's a fountain of positivity, if I wanted to talk about those sorts of things I'd have it in M Minor and post YouTube videos of myself plucking the lavender town theme, in reverse, on a violin, in .25x speed.

Now, on to the real juicy, succulent and slightly bloody meat of this rather odd edition of the M-ies. I'll be away from the forums for a little bit. Still RPing and maybe even making one of these posts every now and then if something grabs me right in the calf and massages me just right, but not hanging around chillin about slappin da bass like I usually am. M's got stuff he has to do. Stuff like giving a Golden M to freaking Veejay!

Oh yeah, M's in a sporty mood, he's rocking the youth policy building up the academy players so he's got something to bank on in the future. This was almost Yaz's award after having to deal with the backstage crap that's gone on recently, but as an outsider looking in, the thing that sticks out to me the most is that this quiet achiever showed up and delivered a match worthy of a main event on Meltdown. Talk about a super sub! This dude is Jamie Vardy vs Man U last epl season! Look it up, 5-3 go foxes (nah seriously go spurs). In an era where there's a lot of poop orbiting dangerously close to a industrial fan, it's extremely comfortable to know that there's a quality guy who can do quality things. You may not get much of the ball, but when you do it's gonna result in a goal. Cheers to you, CyberPunk, may your breakout season approach when we need it most, but for now staple a gold M on your trophy cabinet. You deserve it.

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