On behalf of creative...

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
I would like to thank you all for being part of WZCW and helping make this Efed a lot of fun. I'm the only American creative member and as lately it's been the trend to make thank you threads, well this is mine for WZCW.

I would also like to thank my other creative members Phoenix, Dave, Frat, Ricky, and Lee especially. They all put in a ton of work that you guys don't get to see that I do. I'll admit I didn't know there was so much to do when I accepted the creative spot but now that I'm in the groove of things, I'm really enjoying figuring out storylines, determining matches, and of course, writing matches. So to my other creative members, thank you so much for everything y'all do, for covering for my ass when I couldn't get a certain match wrote, and so on and so forth.

Again, thank you guys that are members and take the time to contemplate and write such excellent RPs out, its fun to always see what kind of story or situation you can come up with. We have quite a diverse amount of styles of writing, as well as characters.

So once again, I thank you all and keep up the good work.
Couldn't agree more, Ty.

Lately, everyone has been pulling their weight brilliantly well.

Creative have been working hard and have been batting out great performances of late. I was here when Creative was finding it hard to get the matches written and deadlines were just non-existent. Since myself, Ty, Phoenix, Frat and Lee have come together, we have worked hard every week to ensure that all the shows are done on time and everyone gets to see a great show, no matter how busy we are.

As far as you guys go, you have been great. We have seen people really come in and give it everything as soon as they were given the chance. Hopefully, this will lead to people having a lot of fun and staying with us for a long, long time.

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