A second chance for a Jericho return


Dark Match Winner
Chris Jericho's FIRST return a few months back couldnt have been handled worse by creative. Since returning Jericho's had mild reaction from the fans and has gained zero momentum. I dont think he's had a PPV victory since returning. But now, thanks to his recent suspension (probably the most heel suspension ever) creative has a great opportunity to re-introduce Jericho. Who should his first feud be against? Should he challenge for a title right away? How would you handle Jericho's return?
Bro, this is nothing big, or special. He was suspended, the end. It's not like he left for 2 years and then returned. There will be no huge return, or "first fued". Pointless.
Chris Jericho's return won't be a big deal if he returned as the same whiny heel that he has been for the last 5 years. Jericho needs a face turn for his return to matter.
I disagree its not pointless at all if we are in the "reality era" of wrestling then why not spin the fact that he was suspended for the flag incident and have him gain more heat by sayin it was a stupid move on the board by having him suspended for drawing heat also include other previous suspensions that seemed unfair maybe even work an alliance between him and Orton upon Ortons return
I dont think his return will be anything THAT special. I just wanted to note that his initial return sucked big time. It was a huge promotion with no payoff. I just wanted opinions on what they could do to actually get Y2J some heat... or maybe give him a feud where he can win a match or two.
No, Chris Jericho's return could have been much, much worse.

He could have came back, rarely featured, rarely been promoted, rarely promoted the brand much like a certain Brock Lesnar. He could have made part-time appearances I'm sure, if he wanted to. He couldn't have featured in the Royal Rumble, he couldn't have featured in the Elimination Chamber. We wouldn't have had his match with CM Punk at Wrestlemania which can be debated as the best wrestling match of the night. He couldn't have put CM Punk over not once, but twice. Wouldn't have got the few good promos he cut, "Don't drink too much, it could go straight to your head!"

Hell, he was quarter the reason for the great Fatal-4-Way at Over the Limit, so in reality it could have been much, much worse. Whether he returns this time, once again as the sniveling, whining, mind game playing heel or as the charismatic, lovable, comedic face, I couldn't really care and in the grand scheme of things couldn't care. He is an asset to the product, one of the most easily marketable people the company has, is achieving success outside of the ring and truly, doesn't even need to be a wrestler, he does it for the fans and because he loves it, so show a bit more appreciation.
I think the best use of Jericho would be as a face. He has been doing the same character for years now. There comes a time when a wrestler has been in the upper part of WWE for so long that it is really hard to gain heat. People want to cheer for Jericho. Guys like Jericho, Taker, HBK, HHH, Bret Hart, Austin, Rock- are all in a different class. If any of these guys were to play a very hated heel I think people would still cheer their entrance because they are just excited to see true wrestling heros in person.
Personally I think he needs a new gimmick. OK imagine this. after the suspension ends cm punk is on the mic, then Jerichos music hits and he comes down and says "Knock Knock." and Cm punks like whos there? and he goes"Chris Jericho, and Im gonna knock your brains out."
The man has his band to think about, and this current WWE deal was always with the full intent to put over other talent....and that means loosing alot.

WWE creative could have done a little bit better with his return but by no means do I agree with the term "couldnt have been handled much worse".
Fozzy are getting tour dates and festival bookings. WWE have a weak roster with many talented wrestlers but no real STARS.....what better way to gain momentum, respect and believability of a wrestler than to have them beat a HEEL Jericho, first ever undisputed WWE champion who beat Stone Cold and The Rock in the same night?

His return will be nothing more than a quick feud and an inevitable loss to an up and coming FACE. A spectacular match maybe....a rub from one of the best in the business and a fan favourite HEEL or FACE, certainly.
Jericho doesn't have a long-term future with the WWE. He was brought in to put Punk over. Where they messed up was I thought Jericho should of won the Rumble or the EC chamber. They could of made him look stronger so when he jobbed to Punk at WM it would of made Punk look better.

Jericho does get a little too much credit for always "reinventing" himself. He is the same exact character that he was in his last stint except he had a light up jacket this time.

Trolling the audience was funny, but looking back the vignettes hyping his return were ridiculous. With those vignettes I thought he was going to become a more darker type character.
No, Chris Jericho's return could have been much, much worse.

He could have came back, rarely featured, rarely been promoted, rarely promoted the brand much like a certain Brock Lesnar. He could have made part-time appearances I'm sure, if he wanted to. He couldn't have featured in the Royal Rumble, he couldn't have featured in the Elimination Chamber. We wouldn't have had his match with CM Punk at Wrestlemania which can be debated as the best wrestling match of the night. He couldn't have put CM Punk over not once, but twice. Wouldn't have got the few good promos he cut, "Don't drink too much, it could go straight to your head!"

Hell, he was quarter the reason for the great Fatal-4-Way at Over the Limit, so in reality it could have been much, much worse. Whether he returns this time, once again as the sniveling, whining, mind game playing heel or as the charismatic, lovable, comedic face, I couldn't really care and in the grand scheme of things couldn't care. He is an asset to the product, one of the most easily marketable people the company has, is achieving success outside of the ring and truly, doesn't even need to be a wrestler, he does it for the fans and because he loves it, so show a bit more appreciation.

Simply put, the best damn quote on this thread.

Whether Jericho is around for a week or a year, he is one massive assett to the company.Quality in the ring, and a true gent out of it, there aren't many left like Chris Irvine.

THing is, people are upset that he hasn't won a PPV match since his return. The truth is, he is Chris Jericho. He doesn't need to win in order to draw heat. You just have to look at his actions the night after Mania to know he can still draw. His and Punk's feud was very well done, and quite honestly made Punk look better than he already is.

Chris Jericho will be a Hall Of Famer one day but to get back on point, there probably will be no 'second' chance for a return for Jericho. His status as an active wrestler is in question right now because of his tour dates, and I guess we will know when we know. Simple as that.
Christ, I cannot stand Chris Jericho. I hope he doesnt come back!!! Sure the guy can 'wrestle' but his promos and miserable face bore the hell out of me. He jobs out or 'puts over' to much for me to take him seriously as a main eventer.

No return needed. WWE doesnt need him.
Christ, I cannot stand Chris Jericho. I hope he doesnt come back!!! Sure the guy can 'wrestle' but his promos and miserable face bore the hell out of me. He jobs out or 'puts over' to much for me to take him seriously as a main eventer.

No return needed. WWE doesnt need him.

The guy just gave Shawn Michaels a feud of a lifetime back in 2008. To do that with someone who is as great as in the mic as Shawn Michaels you need to have great promo skills.
I liken Jericho's return to Chipper Jones of the Atlanta braves sort of like a farewell kind of tour and we should savor the matches that he is in, he pretty much wrote the book for guys like the Miz, and to a lesser extent Ziggler on how to be a cocky heel. Like dragon said we should feel lucky that he's return to full-time status and is investing himself in WWE's programing. Outside of the ring he's really a stand up guy and I can't say enough about what he means to WWE and professional wrestling in general.
Any long-term fan of wrestling could tell you Jericho's entire 2012 return was a massive failure compared to his past returns/debuts in WWE. The only decent part of it was having him feud with CM Punk, because it was clear both guys were giving their all and actually trying to make it work. It's also clear WWE has no problem benching Jericho because he always takes hiatus from WWE at different times to do projects outside of wrestling.

Jericho is one of my all-time favs to watch but, I have been massively disappointed with how WWE creative handled[or should I say "mishandled"?] his return. Hopefully, when he does return to the roster, he'll be given better storylines to work with.
Christ, I cannot stand Chris Jericho. I hope he doesnt come back!!! Sure the guy can 'wrestle' but his promos and miserable face bore the hell out of me. He jobs out or 'puts over' to much for me to take him seriously as a main eventer.

No return needed. WWE doesnt need him.

Haha. Okay. Like Jericho hasn't changed wrestling in the current era more than almost any other man? He definitely hasn't been the number one mic worker the WWE has had since the Rock? Please. Put your simple dislike of a man behind for a second and look at what he's done for the business and how simply AMAZING he is.

Like everyone else has been saying, there really isn't time for a change in Jericho. He will be gone soon enough to tour again with Fozzy, and he hasn't been gone enough for a "return". His initial return was a bit lackluster, but I blame it on creative, though his Trolling did make the return worthwhile, it was just dragged on for far too long. Maybe a climax to the Punk feud would be nice, because the Punk/Bryan matches are happening too early at this point. It's much better suited for a big PPV match.

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