Will Chris Jericho retire as a face or heel?

Some have said that Chris Jericho will turn face and have his last face run be the lst little portion of his career but I truly don't see it that way. Chris Jericho has been absolute gold since his heel turn in 2008 and I think WWE feels the same way. It was this heel character that led me him win three world title reigns. It has put on some great feuds with the likes of Shawn MIchaels, John Cena, and Rey Mysterio just to name a few and Jericho is always one of the most entertaining stars to watch and listen to.

I think he's going to stay with this character until he hangs up his boots. We do not know when that will be but from what Chris has been saying it seems he has at least a couple years left to go. Again I see him keeping this heel character going until he does decide to leave. Much like JBL did from 2004 all the way to his retirement in 2009. I see Chris Jericho retiring as heel and not a babyface.
i feel tat he will have another face turn before he retires but will def retire as a heel jericho is at his best when hes playing a heel i cant think of many other wrestlers that can play a heel like he does he can get a crowd going no matter where hes at and im sure the wwe agrees also so i would love to see him have a face turn and then get forced into being a heel and going out as only the best at what he does can
Jericho is popular among the fans, young and old, whether he is a face or a heel. Just for the fact he's the best speaker in the WWE and one of the best over the past 10 years, aswell as a consistent performer that hardly ever fails to put on an entertaining match.

Like someone said at the top, he is not a hypocrite whatsoever, and he said he may finish as a heel but I feel either way if he does have a leaving ceremony (which he fully deserves in my opinion) it would be irrelevant just because of the respect he has earned over the past 11 years in the WWE.
I personally hope they turn him face again and he retires that way. He should put back on on the long tights and go out to his entrance music and do his old pose with his arms spread out. I think he should do that because i liked his character more when he was a face and i liked cheering for Jericho.

Now don't get me wrong i think he is really good at being a heel. He has awesome Mic work and no matter what heel or face he is still really talented in the ring. But, i just cant cheer for him when he's heel. And usually if i like a superstar i can cheer for them no matter what face or heel for example the rock or Randy Orton. But, when it come to Jericho i cant cheer for him as a heel.

So, i really hop that i can cheer for Chris Jericho when he retires.
I hope jericho will retire as a face just because i would like my brothers generation to see the jericho i grew up on the funny laugh out loud jericho. I hope jericho will have one last run as the great Y2J so that we can have the Jericho we all know and love back
Jericho loves being a heel, people love to hate him as a heel, and hes at his best, when hes a heel. And when all is said and done, his probably have one of the greatest heel retirements ever, and as much as some people want to see Y2J one more time, thats over for him, he may do some time as a tweener, or possibly a baby face, but in the end, he'll go out amongst all us Hypocrites as a heel.
Bill Lesnar says bring back 2004 Y2j and make him bury Dolph Ziggler. Bill Lesnar misses the time when jericho was cool and dint just walk around in the ring calling the fans hypercrits in a suit and spiked up hair. Bill Lesanr wants the highlight reel back and Jerichos old attier,long hair and Jericho sayings. Bill Lesnar used to be a jerichoholic
if and when Chris Jericho does retire I want it to be as a face giving the promos he used to, but maybe I'd like him to be a face with the personality of Y2J and his more recent heel persona, it be fun to see him turning around and calling the Heels hypocrites and whatever he wants
Has he really been pushing the (pretty much) same song for 10 (or is it 6) years? That's...impressive...and for some reason THAT makes me think he will leave as face. First ever undisputed and pulled it as a heel. Ah, I miss attitude era.
It's hard to say. Like your EDIT says, "He has some years left."

Who knows if he hits something HUGE gimmick wise, catch phrase, or something along those lines that keeps him exciting and super relevant, when and IF he turns Face.

Anything can happen, especially regarding a Legend in this business.

Obviously up to this point, even though his Face work is nothing to hold your nose up at, his Heel runs are him at his best. His time as a "Bad Guy" are nothing short of EPIC! His mic work to elevate a feud or work in a feud during these last 2 and a half years or so, is text book greatness at work.

I think everything boils down to what is in his head as those final days come forth. But, maybe his final run as a Face does consist of his final couple years in this business.

I think it is on Chris totally. Does he want to go out in the way he might be most remembered for... Trash talking, Fan dissing, best at what he does, smooth in the ring, brash, verbal Rock Star, that is Chris Jericho.

Or as a trash talking, sing along with the fans, more of a high flyer in the ring, posing, one of the best on the mic EEEEVVVVEEEERRRRR.... That is Y... 2... J!

I think I am on the fence for this one. If I HAD to lean one way or another...

I think I would prefer him to go out as Y2J, with the fans cheering and appreciating him as the door closes on his in ring career.

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