WWE Setting Up For Stephanie's Return - Post Rumble?

Props for picking up on this, as it would make sense to have Jericho feud with Punk, only to have someone Punk has insulted before as the mastermind behind the feud. I think they're planning to turn Punk into an Austin-esque charcter (which would explain WWE spazzing about ratings suffering while Punk's champion since they're planning to put him in such a prominent position).
First off I want to start by saying that I loved Jericho's return. Who else would have the balls to do that? Over 10 minutes of crazy zanny silence was perfect cuz thats when it started to irritate people; any shorter and it wouldn't have the same effect. And yes that was him turning heel or else he wouldn't have walked to the back as soon as the boos started.

As far as the return of Steph McMahon is concerned: I could see her being behind Jericho's return. I mean when you think about it, did Triple H really defend her honor vs CM Punk. Sure they had that one match that was interrupted by everyone but after that the two started to tag together. Would the Steph we all know and love be satisfied with this? HELL NO!!! So who can she get that will piss Triple H off the most, Jericho. With her help, perhaps he gets the #30 spot in the Royal Rumble and wins. Putting him in line for the showdown with Punk. Though personally I think it would be much cooler if the "comming back to claim what is mine" from the videos was in fact, the Undisputed Championship. Jericho could cash in rumble win early, at EC, on Bryan, then set his sights on Punk. At WM 28 Unification Match: World Heavyweight Champion "The King of the World" Chris Jericho vs "The Best in the World" Cm Punk. Only an idea.
I don't think it would make sense for it to be Stephanie at all. Sure she had a run in with Punk and sure Punk insulted her, but then her husband went after him and beat him. After he beat him, there were no more insults from Punk towards her. She no longer really has a reason to go after him. Even IF she did, her husband is the freakin "cerebral assassin". You know the guy that has viciously beaten down countless people on the roster with a sledgehammer. The same guy who beat Taker till he couldn't walk away at WM27. The same guy who is COO and has authoritative power over Punk. So why would she go out of the way and spend money to get Jericho to do the job that Triple H can do far better. Then on top of that, even if she did, it would probably piss Triple H off. Regardless of your opinions of Triple H, kayfabe-wise he is one of the baddest and most dangerous people to have as your opposition, is more dangerous than Jericho, and as COO has power over Jericho. Even if Jericho were to stand up to HHH and they fought each other back and forth, he'd be to wrapped up to go after Punk.

Now as for who I think the girl could be, IF in fact it wasn't a metaphor, it wouldn't likely be any of the Divas currently on the roster. None of them are relevant. Chyna has talked about doing one more match with the WWE. I doubt it's her either though because I don't see why she would beckon Jericho. If he is to go after Punk, maybe it's someone from Punk's personal life(gf, wife, ex etc.). Maybe everyone that thinks it is Stephanie is half right. Maybe it's Linda. Maybe she is done with politics and ready to just retire with Vince and stay home and is doing one last WWE run. Maybe she feels the show got out of control in terms of quality and brought Jericho to destroy it. Or maybe the whole PG era was to protect her political image and she is going to use Jericho to kill the PG era since she is done with politics. There are a lot of maybes. I still think that it is just a metaphor for either WWE, the title or Punk. I think it is most likely Punk based on how the girl was seemingly copying the boy in the promos and you see the girls smile fade away. Punk is always smiling and maybe Jericho intends to wipe that smile off his face.
i think it will be stefanie with jericho to take bake the title of best in the world at what i do wwe title as well as the power control of wwe for stefanie, forcing punk to join larinitous against them
nobody's mentioned this yet but what if the she is the croud maybe when jerichos getin bood fully fledged heel like thats when he reveals all when the croud tells him too
That's because the IWC doesn't know what it wants. They complain for Rock to come back, then tell him to get off their screen. They want DBD as WHC, then turn around and complain about his booking. It's ridiculous.
If Chris Jericho starts doing that shtick every week, the only type of heat he's going to get is X-PAC.

That's because the IWC is all different people you ******. It's not one entity with one singular opinion it's just a bunch of wrestling fans who use the internet which would be the majority these days.
I don't understand why people think Stephanie McMahon would team up with Chris Jericho to feud with CM Punk.

Doesn't Stephanie have a husband? A much bigger, dominate husband in Triple H?
I don't understand why people think Stephanie McMahon would team up with Chris Jericho to feud with CM Punk.

Doesn't Stephanie have a husband? A much bigger, dominate husband in Triple H?

I was going to say this exact thought. I figure with Jericho he doesn't need Stephanie to get over, so why would she come back? If she was going, it would have happened already when Triple H and Punk fought at Night of Champions.
When the "She" first started coming into the It Begins promos I thought that it was a metaphor. It just seemed like, as others have stated, it this "She" was the crowd, the WWE, etc...As the final few promos rolled out, though, "She" was at the forefront. They made sure that we knew there was a legitimate person that was calling the shots. The most obvious person that this could be would be Stephanie McMahon. Why? Other than the fact that Steph is the one that's at the forefront of most people's mind, I have no freaking clue. But, I look forward to finding out more.
I don't understand why people think Stephanie McMahon would team up with Chris Jericho to feud with CM Punk.

Doesn't Stephanie have a husband? A much bigger, dominate husband in Triple H?

Ive been trying to say this exact thing. Stephanie was on scene when Punk was feuding with Triple H and taking shots are him about her being the head of the two of them. When it was all said and done, Punk and Triple H ironed everything out (for now).

Why would Stephanie use Jericho to fight her battles when she has Triple H?
I thought Stephanie was shown at Summerslam as well, but can't totally remember. So therefore, wouldn't she have been brought back then if she was going to be back for full or part time work? It seems odd just to have her show up after Rumble helping Jericho or whatever. I don't know if the "She" really means a person, but more a metaphor for the WWE title or just power in the WWE.
Stephanie isn't coming back. The girl in the video and reference to her aren't literal. The "girl" could mean Punk, the WWE, or the WWE title. Just like how people refer to objects as females...cars, mother nature, computers, etc. Society says "man, listen to her purr" in reference to a car.

Stop taking the girl in the videos so literal. Stephanie would've remained relevant around the Summerslam and after when she was seen with Punk instead of JL.

Yes I know she has more say than anything, but JL is responsible for TALENT RELATIONS. That means he signs whoever he wants.

I disagree because the WWE actually wrote about the ambiguous nature of the video and speculated as to who the "she" may be. They already know who the "she" is, so why would they connect it with an actual woman if a woman had nothing to do with it?
I disagree because the WWE actually wrote about the ambiguous nature of the video and speculated as to who the "she" may be. They already know who the "she" is, so why would they connect it with an actual woman if a woman had nothing to do with it?

If you're talking about a WWE article, they do that sort of thing. They brought up the NWO when Nash returned and the similarities to what he was wearing when he came back against what he wore when he went to WCW.

They have placed articles up about the WWE needing a re-design, bringing back the cruiserweight division, and the WWE WOMENS tag titles.

Dont always believe everything you read in a WWE magazine or on the website, most times its to get the fans talking.

Besides, WWE doesn't always have a plan for everything. I still dont believe they had an actual plan for the anonymous RAW GM. I think they were writing it in just to have SOMETHING until they found a concrete story. Even afterwards they just dismissed it as if there never was a GM running the show.
I had an interesting thought. In the videos the girl had red hair. Well the term "red headed step child" came to mind. The tag division has been referred to as re red headed step child of the wwe. Maybe Jericho will try to bring some prestige and recognition to the tag division. Before he left, he was in a major Tag team(Jerishow). He can really get someone over in a tag team, especially with his mic skills. What do you guys think?

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