A questionnaire for WZCW roleplayers who think they can write well

Pepe Silvia

Occasional Pre-Show
1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?

I might add more.
1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.

Shits, giggles and fun.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.

Never very. I write on the fly, most of the time.

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?

Same amount as I would normally.

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?

Not especially. It's for fun, after all. If writing isn't fun, I usually quit.

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?

Depends on the context. If there's a logical reason, sure.
I'm not answering this because I think I write well, I'm answering it for the sake of it.

1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.

I joined it because I had seen E-feds on the net before and been interested in them. I was part of a different fed before WZCW and so when I got out of the Prison over here, joing WZCW was something that I really wanted to do.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.

The way I plan is I write my RP for this week whilst taking into consideration my RP for next week. So I plan for my next RP maybe a week before I start writing it. I've taken into account how to keep fresh, I don't always put it into action though.

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?

As much effort as I usually would. If I know I'm going to lose, I'm not going to give up and say "Fuck it, I won't bother with this", I'll still write whatever it was that I had planned to write.

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?

I'm more concerned about writing an RP that gets me places. Yes, winning is great, but writing one RP that is amazing could take you further that winning lots of small matches with mediocre RPs. I would say then I'm more concerned that I want people to enjoy my RP's, but I do like winning. That's the bonus that comes along with it.

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?

How so? By writing a bad RP, or in an RP, maybe referencing a weakness/injury etc? I'd let creative make me look weak if it meant I was helping out an upcoming RP'er, that's for sure. It's more than likely that I'd let my character look weak in an RP should it be needed. I'm not gonna let him get beat up badly and then say I'm fine in the next RP, that would be silly.

There you go.
I mean weakness in the sort that flaws might hinder someone's ability to perform and/or overcome, like Green Lantern getting fucked in the ass by the color yellow. Lots of people write a character with flaws and then never, ever make a situation occur where they actually get taken into effect.
1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.

I like to write, plus WWE 12 sucks.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.

I'm currently starting fresh with a new character soon because I feel my first try was a little too generic for me, hopefully my next venture will challenge my creativity a little more.

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?

I've never been told that will happen to me but I would still try, just wouldn't exactly make it the absolute best and make it perfect knowing that I will lose.

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?

I think if you make it enjoyable enough or at least creative the wins will follow.

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?

I might add more.

It depends, can't really answer this one.
1) I write full time as it is. I spend a huge amount of time writing stuff specifically to please other people, it's nice to have a little project where I can be self indulgent and don't have to give a shit.

2) There's no single answer to this. I have several RP's planned for big matches that may come up in the future, and I have a very solid idea of where I want Dragon to be in six, twelve and twenty four months time, but I don't have a solid week to week plan.

3) If I'm being given no choice in the matter? I probably walk.

4) I could give a flying fuck about either. I'd rather win matches than lose them; but I would never compromise my own personal preference to appeal to anyone else. Similarly, I don't much care if anyone else reads my story or not. It's great if someone else enjoys it, but this is a self indulgent project for me. I only need to please one person.

5) Yes. I do it all the time - both physically and personally. Dragon (my babyface) is self absorbed, paranoid, insecure and unlikable. There's a horrible misconception that every RP you write should be about making your character look good. People who write Mary Sues can all fuck off. There are few things less interesting to read than someone *********ing over their own creation.
I mean weakness in the sort that flaws might hinder someone's ability to perform and/or overcome, like Green Lantern getting fucked in the ass by the color yellow. Lots of people write a character with flaws and then never, ever make a situation occur where they actually get taken into effect.

Well, creative would use the weaknesses I have (Bad right shoulder, has trouble lifting heavier guys) in the matches. I would have no problem in them using them. Ever.
I mean weakness in the sort that flaws might hinder someone's ability to perform and/or overcome, like Green Lantern getting fucked in the ass by the color yellow. Lots of people write a character with flaws and then never, ever make a situation occur where they actually get taken into effect.

What you mean like Benjamin Hoss (my unused character) being incapable of throwing a punch except in specific circumstances and having the mental capacity of a lobotomised 2 yearold?

You realise that we, the RPers don't write the matches (where these situations come into play), right?
5) Yes. I do it all the time - both physically and personally. Dragon (my babyface) is self absorbed, paranoid, insecure and unlikable. There's a horrible misconception that every RP you write should be about making your character look good. People who write Mary Sues can all fuck off. There are few things less interesting to read than someone *********ing over their own creation.

Everyone should read this as many times as it takes for them to fully understand it, fucking gospel
1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.

I joined from day one, it looked like something that would be fun.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.

I always do a few possible storyline ideas depending on results, this is usually planned a cycle or two in advance.

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?

I'm more inclined to put MORE of an effort in that promo than not as I want to seem as though I'm putting an effort.

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?

Not at all now, I used to be but not anymore. RPs are more fun when you don't care about the outcome.

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?

Yes, and I have done quite often.
Is...there a point to all this?

I've been entertaining the idea of joining because I want to start writing again, but if it's a clusterfuck of idiots trying to one-up each other to achieve e-wrestling glory, without any real passion for writing it'll be incredibly boring for me. Just my personal taste in roleplaying, but I remember back in the day where I just wanted to win instead of tell the best story possible. Forum RPs just aren't fun without the occasional collaborative post, and if the community is self-serving it makes the give-and-take a chore
I'm happy J4L hasn't changed my perception of him at all. It's nice having such an easy target.
I've been entertaining the idea of joining because I want to start writing again, but if it's a clusterfuck of idiots trying to one-up each other to achieve e-wrestling glory, without any real passion for writing it'll be incredibly boring for me. Just my personal taste in roleplaying, but I remember back in the day where I just wanted to win instead of tell the best story possible.

Then join up and tell the best possible story you can. Other then Gelgarin wanting to be the longest Eurasian Champion that's pretty much what he does, writes for whatever the fuck he wants and he ends up being one of our most consistent winners. JGlass and Doc are of a similar vein. If you can bring something new to the table rather then the usual, you'll enjoy writing and you'll in all likelihood succeed in the fed itself as well.

We got guys at varied levels of skill in the fed, some get better, some don't. Can't hurt to try it out, if you don't like it, then drop out and go on your way. I don't know what else to tell you, if it's something that interests you give it a shot. Got a lot of great guys in the fed as well.
1. Caught my eye when I first joined WZF. Thought it would be something fun. Getting caught up in the creative side became more of a passion for me than writing the character the first time around. Nowadays, I'd say it's 50/50.

2. Up until now I had only a very rough sketch of where I was going week-to-week. After Kingdom Come, I've started to get more of an idea of where I'm going. I'd say right now I have at least the next cycle's worth fairly well planned out, assuming I get the matches and wins I need.

3. I wouldn't be thrilled with it. These days, I do write more to explore Drake more than I ever did, but I still want to win. It means something to me to write a piece that wins a match. I wouldn't be thrilled at knowing I'm losing a match before it began. That said, I would probably take the opportunity to write something I wouldn't normally and enjoy it. Almost a filler RP, if you will.

4. 50/50. I want people to like what I write, I want to like what I write, I want to explore my character, but I also want very much to win. Otherwise I'd just be writing this stuff in Word and never showing it to anyone. I enjoy winning matches, titles, accolades, and so forth. I imagine very few people in the fed don't. I know there's a few and to each their own, but for me, winning is about as important as putting together a piece of writing both others and myself will enjoy. I see the two as synergistic goals.

5. Very much so. I just did, in fact, to give myself better material to work with in writing.
I'll answer using Saxton only. I have tons of characters in different feds, though.

1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.

I love writing. Adore it. It's so much fun to tell a story and create silly characters and situations. So much creative freedom.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.

Saxton has just finished his latest story arc, the feud with Saboteur, and has just started on his next one which is the team with Saboteur. To keep Saxton interesting I mix up my RPs with other characters, and sometimes more serious RPs instead of straight-up comedy ones. Having Saboteur to both team with and have as a rival has been immensely helpful as it gives him direction. This team with Saboteur has tons planned out for it already, focusing on their friendship, diving into Saxton's history with Marceline, and more.

I don't think people realize how much thought I put into Saxton, even though he seems like a pure comedy character.

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?
I put effort in, but depending on the character I'm using I approach it in different ways. A face would talk about the up-and-comer in a different way than various sorts of heels, after all. I'm all for losing if it's story-driven, though if the person I'm facing was a bit shit then yeah I'll be kind of annoyed. If it will make a good story, I will be fine with losing, especially if I'm a heel. I mean, heels are supposed to lose. That is the end of their story. The face wins.

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?
I want people to enjoy my RPs more than anything. I wish I had won my latest match but that was mostly because I thought the story would have worked better if I had won. But I wasn't too fussed about it. I really wish people gave me more feedback since I like writing things that people enjoy. Considering another e-fed site I'm on doles out story-driven wins and losses, the promos are all I really have. If people like them and are invested in the story or character I'm trying to write/tell, I've done my job.

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?
Of course. Always-strong characters are boring. My latest RP was all about Saxton realizing that it's really not all about him and that he's not as perfect as he likes to think. That's really why Marceline exists - to cut him down a few notches so he can be built up as a deeper character. It's also fun to do some serious writing for Saxton once in a while.
1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.

I joined WZCW because I wanted a reason to write with something on the line. Basically, I wanted to know people are enjoying what I write.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.

I've got ideas out my butthole. Doc and I already have plans for Christmas, and I have a heel turn planned. I also want a feud with Celeste down the line. Doc and I also have an elaborate plan to use following up a loss.

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?

I'd probably have a story going on, so I'd put in the time to make my storyline progress. But I wouldn't do anything to build the match out of spite.

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?

I'd rather tell a good story that people enjoy than win. But winning is nice too.

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?

I'm pretty sure I do that weekly.
1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.

As a distraction to all the other writing and reading I was doing. Also as a way to test my creative writing, something that I have never done before.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.

Sometimes I have the occasional long term aim with Barbosa's character; other times it is a spur of the moment decision. Barbosa definitely is not a static personality.

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?

I have to admit that I might not use one of my set piece events that Barbosa goes on every now and then but I would still try hard to provide a good account of my character as there would be the possibility that Creative would take it into account for a future match.

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?

I would always like both. There is little worse in the fed than losing a match with an RP you feel is superior to your opponent.

If I was being completely truthful though, I RP to win and it just so happens that I have what I think is an entertaining character.

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?

Having a multiple personality disorder with accompanying issues of rage, depression, manic hyperactivity, occasional catatonia and sociopathy, Barbosa has enough weaknesses to fill half the roster.
1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.
Haven't played WWE games in ages, but last I checked those career modes were 1-player only. The E-fed has over 30 different guys to chat with.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.
I don't plan much. I see what happens and I go from there. I draw the model, but creative are the ones that dictate the pace.

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?
A good one. Because there's still weight to how the character goes after the loss. I had a deal about 2 years ago where I wrestled in a Title vs Mask match. The deal was that I wouldn't lose the mask under any chance. I won, but my opponent went on to feud for a higher belt on the card.

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?
Depends on the match. I lost two major matches that would lead me to World titles. My head hurt from dropping on the desk. When I write, I aim for something enjoyable and simple too. I want people to invest in the character as much as I do writing for it.

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?
My character was owned by another wrestler for a week. He sang Christmas carols while cleaning an arena. On two occasions I personally wrote him getting beaten down. I'd do anything to the guy, I know he'll bounce back.
1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.
Because I enjoy writing and like wrestling.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.
I usually have an idea of what I want to happen over the next cycle (from PPV to PPV)

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?
I've taken losses before to my own storyline. So long as a story that needs to be told, gets told.

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?
50/50 but sometimes this goes up and down.

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?
God knows it happened often enough.

I've been entertaining the idea of joining because I want to start writing again, but if it's a clusterfuck of idiots trying to one-up each other to achieve e-wrestling glory, without any real passion for writing it'll be incredibly boring for me. Just my personal taste in roleplaying, but I remember back in the day where I just wanted to win instead of tell the best story possible. Forum RPs just aren't fun without the occasional collaborative post, and if the community is self-serving it makes the give-and-take a chore
Write for whatever reason you want. I like to think we are pretty open to any and all.
1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.

It looked like it would be fun, my interest in wrestling and my interest in e-Feds have always been very much aligned.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.

I have some story arcs planned out well in advance, I know where I want the character to go in the long term and I try to allude to it when possible, at the same time I enjoy writing the character and will see where it takes me.

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?

Everything is in service of a story, some of it is improvised based on results, some of it has to go against the grain a little. I would have no problem jobbing Howard out in service of a greater story.

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?

Around 50/50 or so. I don't want to write a boring RP that will win me a match, but at the same time if I don't think it's a winning RP I'll rethink it. If I write an RP that I'm really happy with AND I think it's a winner, I know I've posted a good RP.

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?

Yes, there's no fun in having your character be a human wrecking machine, you need flaws or foibles to make a character compelling and interesting to write. Be it a lack of emotional control, or a particular character trait they're hung up on without having something to show weakness the characters just get boring eventually.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not the best RPer in the fed but I consider myself to be doing pretty damn well at this point, hopefully tat will continue
Write for whatever reason you want. I like to think we are pretty open to any and all.

The problem is that if you took any 3 random members of WZCW, I've probably been roleplaying longer than all 3 of them combined. If i'm not going to fully enjoy myself, I don't see a real reason to get back into it
The problem is that if you took any 3 random members of WZCW, I've probably been roleplaying longer than all 3 of them combined. If i'm not going to fully enjoy myself, I don't see a real reason to get back into it

So just because you've been doing it longer than some people it's automatically not fun?
1. Why did you join WZCW? Don't say because you like wrestling, focus more on why an e-fed compared to Universe mode in WWE 12.

I can't give you a real, thought-provoking answer here. It looked like fun, and I wanted to give creative writing a go. That's it, really.

2. How far ahead have you planned your character(s)'s story arc? Have you taken into account how to keep them from having a static personality and how it will keep your writing fresh? Winning or losing your next match should not be taken into account here, unless it was a major, major match.

In terms of story, not at all. I love going on a match-by-match basis, with no real story to think of. In terms of how I write, yes. How I write is more important that what I write. That's what I hope will keep my RPs fresh and interesting.

3. Creative tells you, for story purposes, your wrestler will lose their next match. I don't care if that never actually happens, but hypothetically speaking, say your wrestler losing to the up-and-comer will help progress storylines, which helps everyone involved except you. How much effort do you put into the promo before the next match?

The same amount I always do. I'm currently on my second character. I knew I was going to lose the last match with my first character, but I still put my all into that last RP. There's no better feeling in any creative pursuit than producing something that you could read/hear/stare at over and over again. It's what I strive for every single time.

4. How concerned are you with winning your matches, as opposed to writing an RP that people will enjoy reading?

Winning is a nice feeling. But putting out an RP which I - and many other people - like is far more important, and a much better feeling.

5. Would you willingly make your character look weak?

I do. My character's a coward. That's how I intended him, and that's how I write him.
The problem is that if you took any 3 random members of WZCW, I've probably been roleplaying longer than all 3 of them combined. If i'm not going to fully enjoy myself, I don't see a real reason to get back into it

Michigan, me and erm Echelon?

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