A Layla VS Vickie Guerrero feud for the Divas title?


Cody Rhodes Diva
Well, why not? After all, RAW, SmackDown and a few select PPV have featured no divas match considering that most of the divas aren't getting over with the WWE Universe.

Vickie Guerrero however is an exception to the rule. She is one of the WWE's top heels and having her feud with Layla for the Divas Championship at the Night of Champions PPV will no doubt boost tv time for the divas.

Your thoughts?
Vickie Guerrero is one of the top heels in the company. I like to think she's actually above the Diva's title. She could hold the US Title and I wouldn't bat an eyelid.

But yeah, why not. Layla holds the Diva's title, does she? Itnteresting. Did not know that. Vickie should totally take it off her. It'd get plenty of heat, more than almost any women's match in WWE history.

Beth Phoenix vs. Vickie Guerrero is the best women's match WWE can produce and more than worthy of a spot on a Mania card.

I like Vickie but I don't want to see her with the Divas belt. I'd rather see her doing what she does best, managing.
Vickie is over and has great heat with the crowd, but she's not a wrestler. More likely, Layla will wind up turning heel and feuding with the soon-to-return Kelly Kelly.
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Vickie is an entertaining manager that's it. The match would consist of Layla chasing vickie until someone interfered which would allow her to win. (vickie) Keep the title on Layla and try to build a credible division around Layla,Aj,Beth,Natalya,Eve and the recently signed Sara Del Ray.Now that Raw is three hours you'd think it wouldnt be a problem but the divas have yet to be featured.
As Vickie has been one of the most over heels in WWE for several years now, she's probably above the Divas Championship when you sit down and think about it.

I know the Diva Division as a whole is certainly nothing to talk about, and hasn't been for the VAST majority of its existence, but I think this feud would be the final nail in the coffin of credibility for women's wrestling in WWE. Vickie Guerrero isn't a wrestler whatsoever. She isn't trained as a wrestler and the few "matches" I've seen her wrestle have made me want to gouge my eyes out with a rusty butterknife.

At least the Divas are wrestlers. I know that most of them were hired primarily because of their looks. It's a hiring philosophy that looks to really being going away, however, with Triple H now in charge of WWE Development. Sara Del Rey, while a decent looking woman, can't compete in the looks department against women like Kelly Kelly or Maryse or any number of Divas that've come and gone over the last decade or so. However, most of the Divas can actually wrestle to some decent degree. Some of them are actually pretty damn good.

A feud between Vickie & Layla would only cause me to change the channel. It's true that the Divas haven't been seen on WWE television in a while. Frankly, if WWE currently has no intention of doing anything generally meaningful with them, then they shouldn't be on television. I doubt Layla vs. Vickie would make people care and it's universally a lousy idea when non wrestlers win championships or really even wrestle for them.
As others have said, I agree with the idea that Vickie is above the Divas Championship. She needs to be used as a heel manager, that's her calling. Granted.... If she did win the title she could have a heel reign that could be used to really build a strong face to defeat her, much like JBL's WWE Championship run did for Cena. Imagine someone like AJ (if she wasn't GM, but a lot can happen in a year or so) getting built up in the meantime as Vickie manages to retain against virtually every diva, then the face that dethrones her will instantly be extremely over.

I wouldn't be 100% against this feud if it happens, but Vickie has better things to do than win a title that people think so low of so I'd unsure if I'd really want to see it happen. Layla isn't doing much as Divas Champion too anyway. The only way I'd truly support the feud though would be if it was used to build up a face in the process to defeat her. If we get stuck with Vickie as Divas Champion forever I'd be even MORE likely to fast forward those matches. The moment I hear EXCUSE ME, I hit fast forward. Her matches are rather awful too, Wrestlemania 26 comes to mind. How about she manages a heel diva who becomes champion instead, adding her to the stable with Swagger and Ziggler? That'd make more sense and Layla losing to a heel diva would be better for Layla herself than losing to Vickie.
I love it. Make Vickie Guerrero the Diva's champion. I love looking at Layla but she's boring as dirt. Who are the other heel divas? Eve? Is Beth Phoenix still heel? I don't care. Put the strap on Vickie. Entertainment will ensue. Vickie not wrestling gets more reaction than any diva right now. Imagine what Vickie wrestling will do.
At first I would say EXCUSE ME!? but then they said vickie is above the belt, but then i remembered the billion dollar princess wearing the belt for a good 6 months back in 00.... so why not.... if anything it will bring more exposure to the belt and the division, all I read about divas on this forums is how no one even remembers layla is champion and how AJ should take the title cause she´s over.... lets not forget how over vickie is, now im not saying give her the title for a year, im saying like when she beat trish stratus, get her ass kicked and then sara del rey or someone comes in and costs layla... then one month later kelly kelly comes back and wins the title in quick fashion.... it would be quick, harmless and it would actually make people watch what happens....
Well, why not? After all, RAW, SmackDown and a few select PPV have featured no divas match considering that most of the divas aren't getting over with the WWE Universe.

Vickie Guerrero however is an exception to the rule. She is one of the WWE's top heels and having her feud with Layla for the Divas Championship at the Night of Champions PPV will no doubt boost tv time for the divas.

Your thoughts?

No, No, No and HELL NO! There's a reason most of the divas aren't getting over. Stupid shit like putting them in feuds with non-wrestlers. What good does a feud with Vickie do her? If she wins nobody's surprised since Vickie is a manager not a wrestler and if she loses then the champ just lost to a non-wrestler and looks weak for it. It'd be like having Sheamus feud with Michael Cole.
Please no. Anything with Vickie being a full time wrestler I am against. Vickie is a manager and she is damn good at it. I much rather her keep her current role which she excels in then put her in a feud for that god awful looking title. Like previous posters have said, she is above it.

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