Good Golly It's Ollie
Magical Girl
Unless the divas get real they will always be concidered "Intermission" 90% of the time the matches are like clock work. KK for example has 3 moves, back-flip into turnbuckle, spinny herricanna thing(spelling i know) she always does & last a Stone style take down followed by face punches.
Every match they seem to be just going the the motions of the same match time & time again.
Uh ... I think you mean the Lou Thesz Press. But yeah while KK's moveset is extremely limited, I'm damned if she didn't do a good job of selling BB's offence at OTL. She's very good at that to be fair.
I think the difference here is not so much in the delivery of the division itself, but the fact that people do want to SEE Kharma, as in want to actually see her destroy people. That alone changes the psychology of the way people view the women's matches from "Oh, a Diva match." to "Oh, a Diva match. Maybe Kharma will kill some bitches dead!" Already you have a more invested audience.
The problem now, is getting them to care about Diva feuds that Kharma's not involved in. Which really means using Natalya, Beth or Kelly, being the only ones who are really over apart from Kharma.