A Finisher that doesnt fit the wrestler

This may be unpopular but I've never really like the Twist Of Fate. I don't know if it's just too slow looking? It's never sold me as a finisher. I think it hurts that Jeff uses it as a set-up, but Matt uses it as a finisher.

i wish Jeff hardy would stop doing the Twist of Fate, its Matts finisher
since jeff uses the twist of fate as a prelude to the swanton i think matt hardy needs a new finisher like a guillotine choke or something coz i dont think the twist of fate comes across as a heel type move, jeff always gets a pop out of it but dolph ziggler thinks its a neck breaker haha

punk should go back to the anaconda vice because itl work better on a few bigger guys than the gts will, the gts works on people such as miz morrison n mysterio but say kane or batista he may need some sort of high flying move or ddt of some kind
I GTS looks like ti coudl actually hurt someone, but that dosen't matetr because it also looks shit. CM Punk's also probably not big enough to pull it off, he should go back to using the Anaconda Vice.
I agree with the people that have been saying CM Punk's GTS. He just doesn't look big enough to do the move justice, that and the fact that most of his other moves try to fit the Muay Thai theme. I'm actually on the fence about Edge's spear. True, he's too small to really make it look devastating, but at the same time, it really fits his "Ultimate Opportunist" gimmick. He waits in the corner for the right time, and then goes for it. I think it might be a little bit better if he had a move that he could set up similarly to the spear, but would fit his size more, but all that is just my two cents.
Ken Kennedy's "mic check" move is just awful. First of all its a terrible move and he does not execute it well....not to say that the ken-ton bomb was the right move for him either. A mid sized guy like Kennedy needs a move with more impact and one that doesn't make him look so uncoordinated

And John Cena should never attempt a submission move again. Why should one of the worst technical wrestlers in the company's history have a finisher that he can't even properly apply? There is a clear moment of hesitation everytime he applies it. Not to mention that the move is just one big illegal choke anyway...
Like how some say Jeff should have a different finisher, so should Kane..Big Show is the best man for the chokeslam as a finisher..Im sure Kane could do more than that cause he's got a lot of potential for his size!
I have to agree with the Go To Sleep hate. It just looks... awkward. It doesn't fit Pink's style at all. I loved the Anaconda Vise, which I thought was original and looked cool. The GTS is just such a lacking maneuver.

Also agree with Edge's Spear. There is absolutely no "impact" when he does it. When Goldberg or Rhino hit the thing, the opponent was folded in half. Edge kinda bounces off the guy.

I absolute hate the 619 and its 104 little variations. It has no impact at all, looks ridiculous in it's setup, and the opponent has to completely oversell it for it to be taken as a credible finisher.

I'm not a huge fan of the FU. It looks weak. It would look a lot better if Cena threw the guy the other way, like Sean O'Haire did with the Widowmaker.

The Unprettier... I like Christian. I think he can go places. But not with that stinker of a finisher. It's way too complicated, and is hard to fit into a "sudden" finish.

I disagree completely in regards to the World's Strongest Slam. To me, that move is perfect for Mark Henry. When he does it well, with the big windup, it looks absolutely devastating.

I'm on the fence in regards to the Samoan Spike. I agree that on average, it's kinda weak. However, a few weeks back Umaga did it in combination with lifting the giu off the ground, and it looked great.

Also on the fence about the Big Show's knock out punch. I like the idea of it, but it fails in application. Show has to work on making it look like a legitimate knock out punch, and the bookers have to put him over as having the ability to end a match with a single punch.
Am I the only person who thinks Kozlov should never win or should never have won a match using a glorified headbutt ??

I know the WWE creative heads hate having submission moves finish a match, but Kozlov is a big dude, why not use the Torture Rack. He used it in a match a few weeks back and it looked great.
edge's spear. a spear from a big guy like lashley, goldberg, and batustia fits them but edge is to small nd the spear looks like it has no impact
I dont have a problem with Edge's spear he's used it a long time and the set up is part of the move itself and fits his character i think. Allright now on to a finisher that doesnt fit its owner....The freakin knockout punch from the Big Show! I mean shouldnt he be throwig guys around instead of boxing them? If WWE would just work with Show and invest some serious creative effort into him, he would be awesome. He could be used in some really cool fueds. But as of now, honestly I dont see how he fits into a Cena/ Edge Wrestlemania match.
O yeah I forgot to add my suggestion for a new finishing move for Show.

How about a Powerslam?? If he used it to win some big matches i.e. beats Cena with it at mania, and continues to use it,It could become a famous move that people would associate with him in years to come.

I always thought edge's spear looked lame; the move was over-done way before he tried his hand at it, and Edge is just not big enough to make it convincing. He should go back to the Implant DDT

FU and STFU both suck, but as long as Cena doesn't try to come up with another finisher, I'm okay leaving it at that. The protoplex looks alright, I guess.

I think it's funny people attacking Mark Henry's slam, it's just about the only half-decent looking thing he does in the ring. If Mark Henry attempted a powerbomb on somebody, I think he'd probably kill them.

The GTS looks bad because Punk's got little knobby knees and the guy only drops like a foot before the knee connects. Not a lot of impact, and when the impact is right, someone breaks their face.

I love Christian, but I never could figure out why he doesn't just use the diving inverted DDT as a finisher, it's simpler, could be pulled off instantly like the RKO, and looks a lot more devastating.

But to answer the question, finisher that doesn't fit the wrestler: gotta say either Edge's Spear, Big Show's KO punch, or Cena's STFU, so maybe that gives you an idea of which match at WM25 is probably gonna be the worst.

A 7 foot giant doing a punch as a finisher though? I don't know how you could beat that. Show should be Vader bombing people.
The GTS has to be the least fitting finisher for CM Punk. It just seems like a very exaggerated knee to the face. You can see everyone that sells it has to almost land on their feet, put their face down towards the knee then throw themselves back and it just looks very awkward.

The transition from the Annaconda Vice doesn't make that much sense either. I never saw anyone get out of the Annaconda Vice and everyone always tapped out sooner or later. So why go from a seemingly unbeatable move to an awkward looking mess of a move?
I agree that Edge's spear is crap. I mean, yeah it DOES hurt getting rammed in the sternum. But I think it looks a hell of a lot more devastating coming from guys like Rhino, Goldberg, Batista etc. Even though Rhino is smaller than most "big men" he still has more mass to him than Edge does. Edge should hit the drawing board because it actually infuriates me that he wins with that move.

The GTS, again, I agree with everyone that it is the wrong move for the body type that he is, then again he couldn't transfer his Pepsi Plunge from the Indies. A top rope Pedigree sort of makes HHH look bad.

And I forgot who said it, but the Batista Bomb is a great move for him. He has a bit of a snap to it when he brings the guy down and it works for him. If he was doing a hurrancarana then that is another story.
I hate to say it cause i love him but Jericho's Codebreaker just never works for me. He was better using the lionsault and Walls of Jericho to win matches. It just doesnt seem like a very "Jericho" move to me.

Also, CM Punk's GTS can look good on the smaller guys but yeah, as you've all said with the bigger guys it looks lame.

I like Edge's spear, just not as a finisher. Would be good as a set up rather than the actual finisher....

Big Show, lame KO Punch is shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. He just doesnt sell it well.
I think re introducing Jericho's lionsault would be good, however the main problem is that once he finishes one match with it, the fans would be confused as whether it was a mistake. Dont they usually kick out of that? It would take some serious work to get its credibility up. A finishing move is much like a wrestler in this sense.

The Miz's reality check is very weak, especially when it doesnt connect smoothly. I think his "Mizard of Oz" looks much more effective and can be used in more situations than the knee to neckbreaker he currently uses. If anything, I would have called Miz and Morrisons' tag team "Reality Check", as it fits the bill quite nicely to go with both's experience in the reality TV circuit.

A Big Show bomb, taking from the Vader bomb, would be great I think. I absolutely despise it when he sets it up and the opponent moves out of the way. You know itsa coming, so why should he know its coming. To make it worse he turns on his side and makes it look very weak. Same with Umaga coming from the top rope, to save himself from the hurt, he changed it to a very weak looking headbutt rather than his giant splash.
Back to the point at hand, a Big Show Bomb would realistically end a match and i would love to see it just once, as even the Showstopper Chokeslam has gotten old at best.
The 3 things I can't get over are that the move's name has hell in it and that has nothing to do with his gimmick, or anything as a matter of facto; Like Kane said: "I've been to Hell and I didn't see a clothesline anywhere".

The Clothesline From HELL reflects his previous gimmick of being an "Acolyte of Darkness" of The Undertaker

Also Edge's spear doesn't work as a finisher, it doesn't look like it has too much of an impact, I mean it would hurt, and bring me down, but I'll sure as hell kick out of it, and if you look back at say, Backlash 2004, even Kane wouldn't sell the move, he just sat right back up, anyway, I'm pretty sure this wasn't even his finisher, he would use it regularly to take someone down and use either The Downward Spiral, The Impaler/Implant DDT, or the Edge-O-Matic, somehow, those moves ended up as his regular moves, and his spear became his finisher

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